View Full Version : Two+Temples..

10-02-2014, 07:16 AM
Absolutely nothing is written in scripture concerning a Temple of Herod or any structure called Herod's Temple! Zounds! The fallacy has served as a red herring (not to be confused with 'red heifer') to deter us from realizing the accuracy of the Word.

:cool:It was King Cyrus of Persia who was directed to rebuild Solomon's Temple after its destruction at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar. 2Chr36:22 and Ezra 1:1 both testify to this truth.

These are the two physical temples to God: the Old of Solomon's and the New of Cyrus', in addition to ourselves as personal "temples of the holy ghost", 2Cor6:16. Solomon was Jewish, and Cyrus a Gentile, so they are a type of the Two (2) Covenants: for the Jew first, and then the Gentile. Gal 4:24, Rom2:9,10.

"The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of Hosts: and in this place will I give peace". Haggai 2:9. Jesus personally cleansed this latter house (Cyrus' Temple) by driving out the money changers. All of us are 'building a house' (on Rock or sand..) whether we think so or not -- wouldn't you like to have it cleaned out by Jesus?


09-21-2019, 04:26 AM
These are the two physical temples to God: the Old of Solomon's and the New of Cyrus', in addition to ourselves as personal "temples of the holy ghost", 2Cor6:16. Solomon was Jewish, and Cyrus a Gentile, so they are a type of the Two (2) Covenants: for the Jew first, and then the Gentile. Gal 4:24, Rom2:9,10.

"The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of Hosts: and in this place will I give peace". Haggai 2:9. Jesus personally cleansed this latter house (Cyrus' Temple) by driving out the money changers. All of us are 'building a house' (on Rock or sand..) whether we think so or not -- wouldn't you like to have it cleaned out by Jesus?


Most people tend to ignore Ezekiel's prophecy of the coming Temple that will be sanctified, and sin sacrifices restored for a while.
Later the enemy's seed will desecrate it. You cannot desecrate something that is not sacred, and something is not sacred unless
accepted by God, and... only that which God commanded will be accepted by Him.

In a series of discussions with a Jewish friend of mine, included in the second edition of her book The Gate of Heaven, we wrote:

NORE: Sorry if at times the line of thought is interrupted but it's quite a long chapter. I will just share a couple of excerpts.
I hope this is of blessing


We need to understand that the walk of Israel from slavery into the promised land (Numbers 33:5), from Rameses (slavery)
to Succoth, Tabernacle (Freedom) in the Old Testament, is the walk of the church in the New Testament.
Everything in the "Old Testament" is the blueprint of the New Testament.

As the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:46:
But it is not the spiritual that is first but the natural, and then the spiritual.

First Moses built a tabernacle, a house for the Ark, a house for God in a portable tent, to journey with them through the wilderness.
The Ark, the place where God met and spoke to men from between the two Cherubim, between the two witnesses.

Exodus 25:22:
There I will meet with you. I will speak with you FROM ABOVE THE ARK, from between the TWO CHERUBIM which are ON the ARK
of the Testimony?

Moses built the Tabernacle after the pattern that was given to him by God.
Hebrews 8:5: ?For when Moses was about to erect the Tent, God warned him, ?See to it that you make everything ACCORDING TO
THE PATTERN you were shown on the mountain.?

The presence of God here with us on earth. The ark contained 3 items:
-A golden pot with manna: As evidence of His provision for His people.
-Aaron?s rod that budded: God?s choice of the priesthood.
-The tablets of the covenant: The stone tablets with the ten commandments, God?s Law.

The ark was made of wood, overlaid with gold inside and outside: represents our Messiah Yeshua.
The wood stands for Yeshua the man. The gold both inside and outside for Yeshua, God.
The Stone Tablets - for in Him dwells the law of God perfectly.
Aaron?s Rod - for He is The Priest forever.
The Manna - for He is the ?Bread of Life?.

He is God?s ?Mercy Seat?, He is the Atonement. The two Cherubim on the mercy seat are the two witnesses of God?s covenant.
The Ark of the Covenant is also named The Ark of Testimony. The testimony of the covenant between God and man!
Hebrews 8:5:
They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things?.

Eventually, the Ark was moved to the city of David and about 100 years later Solomon built a House for God, the First Temple.
Solomon?s Temple was also built after the pattern that was given by God.

1 Chronicles 28:19:
All this, said David, YHVH made me understand in writing by His Hand upon me, even all the works of this PATTERN.

Solomon built the House for God after the pattern that God gave his father David. And God dwelt in His house!
1 Kings 9:3:
And YHVH said to him (Solomon), ?I have heard your prayer and your plea, which you have made before me. I (God) have CONSECRATED
THIS HOUSE that you have built, by PLACING MY NAME THERE FOREVER; my eyes and heart will be there ALL THE DAYS.

1 Kings 8:10-11:
And when the priests came out of the Holy Place, a cloud filled the House of YHVH, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of
the cloud, for the glory of YHVH filled the house of YHVH.

The Ark was placed in the Holy of Holies in the Temple. Yeshua, God, took His place in His Temple in His Holy of Holies. The House of God, the
first Temple stood in God's appointed place for about 470 years on Mount Moriah, on the Mountain of YHVH, but because of the abominations
committed in His Temple, God left His House. As a result, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and the First Temple.

Could man destroy The House of God while God was in His House? NO! This would not be possible! It was only after the Glory of God,
from above the Ark, had left the Temple, that it could be destroyed.

Just as the First Temple was destroyed after the Glory of God left, the Second Temple was destroyed after Yeshua left.
It seems as if, just as the second Temple was destroyed after Yeshua left the Temple and went up to the Father, in the same way, the Ark
must have left the First Temple and gone up to the Father; only then could the First Temple be destroyed.

Exodus 25 tells us that God?s Presence is above the Ark, between the two Cherubim which are on the Ark of the Testimony.
Exodus 25:22:
And there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you FROM ABOVE THE MERCY SEAT, FROM BETWEEN THE TWO CHERUBIM, WHICH ARE

And Exodus 25:19 tells us that the two Cherubim were made of ONE PIECE with the Mercy Seat:
Make one cherub at one end, and the other cherub at the other end; you shall MAKE THE CHERUBIM
at the two ends of it of ONE PIECE WITH THE MERCY SEAT.

Ezekiel saw the glory of God leave the House. Since then the Ark has never been found.
God said that He is above the Cherubim which are upon the Ark, so it must be that when God left, the Cherubim and the Ark left with Him,
for the Mercy Seat, is ONE PIECE with the Cherubim.

Ezekiel 10:18-19:
Then the glory of YHVH went out from the threshold of the house, and STOOD OVER THE CHERUBIM.
The cherubim lifted their wings and ROSE OFF THE EARTH...

This verse says that God, YHVH, went out from the Temple, and stood over the Cherubim, (?which are made in ONE PIECE with the Mercy Seat?)
and the Cherubim lifted their wings and rose off the earth. The Ark went up to God, and only then could the Temple be destroyed.

God?s Glory, God?s Presence, what does it mean? God?s presence means He is present, God Himself is in the room!
About 100 years later the second Temple was built and completed by Ezra, Zerubbabel and the returning exiles from Babylon.
About 500 years later Herod renovated and enlarged this same Temple, the Second Temple, also called Herod?s Temple. But there is no mention
of the Ark being in the Second Temple! The Ark seems to have vanished just before the destruction of Solomon?s Temple.

The Second Temple (i.e.Herod?s Temple) did not have the Ark, and we have no record that that Temple was built to a pattern given by God.

We need to be aware that in Hebrew there are two words for temple: one is מיקדש ? MIKDASH- holy temple, and one is בית יהוה - BAIT YHVH
- House of YHVH, but that difference is not always very clear in the translation.

God tells us in Revelation 4:1 ?I will show you what must take place?, and then He describes to us through John His magnificent Throne room:
Revelation 4:1-2: .?Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.?
At once I was in the Spirit, and behold, A THRONE stood in heaven, with One seated N THE THRONE.

Doesn't "THRONE ROOM" mean a location where God resides? The House of YHVH? If there?s no house where will the Throne Room be located then?
And in John 14:2 Yeshua tells us that He prepares a MANSION for us: In my Father's house are many MANSIONS, if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare A PLACE FOR YOU. And if we will be in a mansion, where will God be if not in His own Throne Room, in His own mansion, in His own holy place?

Just as Yeshua physically ate fish with His disciples in His new glorified body after His resurrection (Luke 24:42-43), in Luke 22:30 Yeshua talks of eating and
drinking at His table, in His kingdom: That you may eat and drink at MY TABLE in my kingdom and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. This shows
us that there must be a specific place, a House of God.

God is omnipresent. His Spirit is within us, yes and amen, but He is also outside of us.
John 14:17:
Even the Spirit of truth; ? for HE DWELLS WITH YOU, AND SHALL BE IN YOU...?

Perhaps after the millennium a Temple is no longer required, but until then it seems that God requires a Temple. Yeshua spoke of a Temple in Jerusalem
in the end times. Yeshua told His disciples that before the end comes, all that was prophesied by Daniel must come to pass. And in order for this to happen,
the Temple in Jerusalem must be built in its place.

First, sacrifices must return to it. After that, the Temple will be profaned by a false messiah, who will stop all sacrifices and then, claim himself to be "God".
Only afterward, according to the Bible, Yeshua will come, defeat the enemy, take back His rightful place and sit on the throne (Matthew 25:31?33),
on His appointed Mount.
Yeshua says Matthew 24:14-15:
?and then THE END WILL COME WHEN YOU SEE the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, STANDING IN THE HOLY PLACE.

Daniel 11:30-31: ?he will take furious action against the holy covenant, again, and pay attention to those who forsake
the holy covenant. A force from HIS SEEDS will arise, and will PROFANE THE SANCTUARY, the fortress, then they shall
TAKE AWAY THE DAILY SACRIFICES, and place there the abomination of desolation.


May this text be of blessing.