View Full Version : Acrostic 22

09-23-2014, 11:48 AM
Putting two and two together is what we all like to do,
To some the answer's four, and to others twenty-two.
The acrostic number 22 is somewhat like a veil,
When letters of the alphabet are used to tell the tale.
Hidden things in Scripture compare to finding Gold!
Searching out the ton of ways that Heaven's Truth is told...

:huhsign: The subject "TRIPLE 22" follows after the 66 Books of the Bible and the 66 Generations from Adam to Jesus. May even give nudge to consider a 'double-22' ?
Gen41:32 "And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass".

So many good verses in the octostrophic Psalm 119 (22x8),
My own favorite: "Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them". Ps119:165 KJV

Compare to Lamentations chapter 3, and number of chapters in Isaiah.
Also, Jacob (means supplanter) is the 22nd generation from Adam, and David is #33.

Lev12 for a '33' followed by '66'(threescore six).. the pair also in Gen46:15, 26 :aim14: