View Full Version : Seeing / Hearing

08-16-2014, 11:16 AM
The first four sons of Leah were: REUBEN "Seeing", SIMEON "Hearing", LEVI "Joined", and JUDAH "Praise the Lord" -- Gen29 details. When our seeing and our hearing are joined together to understand the Scripture, then we'll Praise the Lord!

The OT characters really SAW the walls come down and the iron float, but now we're in the NT dispensation of "hearing and hearing".

Simeon was the hostage in Egypt awaiting the return of his brothers from Canaan, and now WE have similar expectation! (See the connection?) :huhsign:

08-17-2014, 12:04 AM
The first four sons of Leah were: REUBEN "Seeing", SIMEON "Hearing", LEVI "Joined", and JUDAH "Praise the Lord" -- Gen29 details. When our seeing and our hearing are joined together to understand the Scripture, then we'll Praise the Lord!

The OT characters really SAW the walls come down and the iron float, but now we're in the NT dispensation of "hearing and hearing".

Simeon was the hostage in Egypt awaiting the return of his brothers from Canaan, and now WE have similar expectation! (See the connection?) :huhsign:

Simeon was the one who intended to kill Joseph, Reuben was the one to prevent that by having him thrown into a pit with the intention to rescue him later, and Judah was the one to have him sold to Ishmaelite merchants who did sell him to the Midianites who sold him to Potiphar on the slavemarket in Egypt.