View Full Version : Stop Forcing Gender Equality

07-15-2014, 11:27 AM
I believe Rose will love this article very much. :D

An academic has made a controversial statement that schools should "give up" trying to get more girls into male-dominated subjects like physics as it will "deny human biology and nature".

Dr Gijsbert Stoet, who specialises in psychology at Glasgow University's Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change, made the comments at the recent British Education Studies Association conference in Glasgow, the Daily Mail reported.

In a speech, he said Britain "probably needed to give up on the idea that we will get many female engineers or male nurses".

He said that efforts to tackle gender inequalities will be wasted because pupils with an aptitude for subjects such as physics and engineering would choose them anyway.

Herald Scotland quoted him as saying: "We need to have a national debate on why we find it so important to have equal numbers. Do we really care that only 5 per cent of the programmers are women?"

Adding that he does not care who programmes his computers, Dr Stoet said a wealthy and democratic society can "afford to let people do what they want".

"What is better? To have 50 per cent of female engineers who do not really like their work but say, 'Yeah, well, I did it for the feminist cause.' Or do you want 3 per cent of female engineers who say, 'I really like my job?'," he said.

Dr Stoet's comments appear to fly in the face of government campaigns for more equal number of boys and girls to take certain subjects at various levels.

For instance, a pilot project named Opening Doors was launched last month to remove gender-related obstacles to girls studying disciplines such as engineering and manufacturing.

In fact, Britain's Education Minister, Elizabeth Truss, has alluded to how the country is blighted by "science deserts".

Figures show that there are currently no girls are studying physics at A-level in half of all state mixed schools.

Unsurprisingly, Dr Stoet's remarks have been heavily criticised. On Friday, the Institute of Physics attacked his position as "ridiculous" and said it denied the strong influences of society and upbringing on women's study choices, reported the Daily Mail.

- See more at: http://www.edvantage.com.sg/content/stop-forcing-gender-equality-says-uk-prof#sthash.eFZUPFKH.dpuf

God is wise. :p

God Bless.:pray:

09-25-2017, 08:31 AM
Having been in the 3rd world and had our kids taught in so called 3rd world schools, this article is bias and tainted and untrue.

The human brain is not gender specific.... girls can learn math and physics as easily as boys. The 3rd world s producing higher math and physics scores via their female population..... no difference.... The social pressure is financial not gender based and social-ly based. So girls study the sciences for a job and for immigration.....

Males and females are different in testosterone, muscle development, so power and might can limit them, but their brains are the same as males. NO difference.......

Gender separation is a ploy of the evil ones to divide and separate..... the Lord made the sexes EQUAL> FULL STOP

01-02-2019, 05:01 AM
Having been in the 3rd world and had our kids taught in so called 3rd world schools, this article is bias and tainted and untrue.

The human brain is not gender specific.... girls can learn math and physics as easily as boys. The 3rd world s producing higher math and physics scores via their female population..... no difference.... The social pressure is financial not gender based and social-ly based. So girls study the sciences for a job and for immigration.....

Males and females are different in testosterone, muscle development, so power and might can limit them, but their brains are the same as males. NO difference.......

Gender separation is a ploy of the evil ones to divide and separate..... the Lord made the sexes EQUAL> FULL STOP

Agree, brain wise we are the same and equal but we must understand that the physical difference in male and females are for different purposes akin to 2 slightly different machines working in harmony. If not, might as well create man and woman with the same sexual organs or no sexual organs at all.

God Bless and Happy New Year.