View Full Version : 616 the number of Ihsous Christos
The Hebrew letter V has the numerical value 6th The letter called as a word VaV. V6a1V6 616th What gives us note this point? V6 Ihsous Christos comes into the world and then goes back to the A1 is Mchmd because V6 + a1 = 7 he is the sabbatt the siegel Mchmd then goes away again and the V6 is back and VaV is complete.
Mchmd is also the Paraklhtos by the Ihsous Christos evangelien in the talks.
Paraklhtos 810 + Mchmd 92 = 902!
Sabbath in Greek evanglium has the numerical value of 626, because it is in ALLAH and YHVH also indicates sollte.Wie Hebrew name "shm" 340 + YHVH26 = 366th The 3 Al Qran is because the 1 tanach is 2 Gospels 3 Al Qran.
810 Parklhtos + Mchmd92 +702 Hebrew sabbat = 1604
810 Paraklhtos + Gr. Sabbath 626 = 1436
You see the 16? this is the connection to VAV to 6 to Ihsous Christos.
Paraklhtos 810 + Al-Qran A1 + L30 + Q90 + R200 + A1 + N50 = 1192
The 92 by Mchmd is a hidden 26 YHVH. YHVH Sabbath has its hidden his name because 9 other of 6. The 5768 also until 2008 with the Hebrew calendar was seen by me. Why I think the 5768 total numerical value of the first chapter Matthew vers 1 is the answer.
Qran with greek value is 241. Paraklhtos 810+Biblos 314=1124.
Genesis 1:1 The verse begins with b2 and ends with tz90=92
390 shmim+291artz=681. I believe the symbol of Ihsous is 390 heaven and 291 Artz ist the symbol of Mchmd. 6 and 1 the connection.
681 shmim and arzt+616=1297. the summ of Gen:1:1 is 2701 !
2701 sum of Gen. 1:1 *3=8103 . 810 Paraklhtos is 3
73 chkmh*3=219
441 amth truth*3=1323. Truth is 132 Aslam is 3.
314 biblos greek*3=942
942-810 Paraklhtos=132 A slam.
alec cotton
09-12-2008, 01:11 PM
The Hebrew letter V has the numerical value 6th The letter called as a word VaV. V6a1V6 616th What gives us note this point? V6 Ihsous Christos comes into the world and then goes back to the A1 is Mchmd because V6 + a1 = 7 he is the sabbatt the siegel Mchmd then goes away again and the V6 is back and VaV is complete.
Mchmd is also the Paraklhtos by the Ihsous Christos evangelien in the talks.
Paraklhtos 810 + Mchmd 92 = 902!
Sabbath in Greek evanglium has the numerical value of 626, because it is in ALLAH and YHVH also indicates sollte.Wie Hebrew name "shm" 340 + YHVH26 = 366th The 3 Al Qran is because the 1 tanach is 2 Gospels 3 Al Qran.
810 Parklhtos + Mchmd92 +702 Hebrew sabbat = 1604
810 Paraklhtos + Gr. Sabbath 626 = 1436
You see the 16? this is the connection to VAV to 6 to Ihsous Christos.
Paraklhtos 810 + Al-Qran A1 + L30 + Q90 + R200 + A1 + N50 = 1192
The 92 by Mchmd is a hidden 26 YHVH. YHVH Sabbath has its hidden his name because 9 other of 6. The 5768 also until 2008 with the Hebrew calendar was seen by me. Why I think the 5768 total numerical value of the first chapter Matthew vers 1 is the answer.
Qran with greek value is 241. Paraklhtos 810+Biblos 314=1124.
Genesis 1:1 The verse begins with b2 and ends with tz90=92
390 shmim+291artz=681. I believe the symbol of Ihsous is 390 heaven and 291 Artz ist the symbol of Mchmd. 6 and 1 the connection.
681 shmim and arzt+616=1297. the summ of Gen:1:1 is 2701 !
2701 sum of Gen. 1:1 *3=8103 . 810 Paraklhtos is 3
73 chkmh*3=219
441 amth truth*3=1323. Truth is 132 Aslam is 3.
314 biblos greek*3=942
942-810 Paraklhtos=132 A slam.
Greetings amth
I cannot for the life of me follow your reasoning. When the creator set out his word ,he sealed it with numbers. It would be sacrilege to import words from another source,such as the illiad or Josephus or the q,ran. His law clearly states that it is forbidden to add to or take from. If the word Islam had occured in Greek then the spelling would be totally different to the one which you proposed. Try this for size. The God of Abrahm was never referred to as Allah, (singular) but always Elohim (plural) . Jehovah was not known to Abraham by that name. Jehovah said to Abraham my name is El Shadai ------------then Elohim (plural continued on his way. The next thing you know ;Jehovah appeared to Abraham in the form of three men. Each time that God spoke to Abraham, he spoke in the singular (Jehovah). Each time that Abraham addressed God ,he did so in the plural(Adonai). Now ,to make sure that you don't miss the point God introduced the singular word ;Adon. Now sarai stood brhind the tent door---------------she said "will I have pleasure being old, my lord( Adon ,singular) being old also?. Behold o Israel Jehovah our Elohim is one. If the Q,ran is the word of God then it must bear his signature or his seal. Because its original language is Arabic it can only have place values.. I will be greatly impressed if you can demonstrate the signature for me.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-12-2008, 10:40 PM
The Hebrew letter V has the numerical value 6th The letter called as a word VaV. V6a1V6 616th What gives us note this point? V6 Ihsous Christos comes into the world and then goes back to the A1 is Mchmd because V6 + a1 = 7 he is the sabbatt the siegel Mchmd then goes away again and the V6 is back and VaV is complete.
Mchmd is also the Paraklhtos by the Ihsous Christos evangelien in the talks.
Paraklhtos 810 + Mchmd 92 = 902!
Hey there amth,
The one thing that doesn't make any sense to me about your writings is that Mohammed seems to be diametrically opposed to Jesus Christ. Think about it. Did Mohammed teach us to "love our enemies" and "turn the other cheek"? Did Jesus ever kill a man with a sword, or order that their hands and feet be cut off? I would be very interested to know how you could make any association between Mohammed and Christ.
For Richard.
The human were build image God. But this word is not that God have Got a body. Body have got limit but The God have not a limit He is unlimited. The image mean for properties. The God is only One and all human are only one. Gives two richards how 100 % like you ? No you are one and The God is One.
The human were build image God men-wife because this is only notes than The God have got not a gender. The power symbolised men and the love the wife i believe that two are a balance scales. Yes i believed that Al Qran and the Bibel does not contradict. Because read tanach what Mose have doing with the nations. When you said this is not for evangelion than you split the bible than the bible were build with 66 books and you can dont split the bible. If you see the bible is one than you see that God does not change. The bible is a book with parables and visions symbols. If you do like understand bible you need the key and the key is Qran.
The God does not changed. When you said God changed than you are said other as what in Bibel is wirting. The God was One, The God is One The God will be One from eon to eon This ist the only 111 for The God. Ihsous come to correction the lie from sadduzäer that they say it gives not a resuraction but the great message from Ihsous was resuraction the evangelion. He connect the split line that the sadduzäer split and Mchmd connected the other line the lie that God have got a son and that He 3 in 1. The Mgn Dvd -The shield of David the 2 pyramid are one for the connected line Ihsous and the top show over because Ihsous come with message concern resuraction and the top that show under is Mchmd because message from him concern the earth. If The God allows me than i make a topic for The shield of David in near time.
This words are from a human that have limited know but The God have got unlimited Know and He knows all.
The God protect you.
For Alec
The word is not Elohim the word is Alahim. Alif-Lamed-He-Ye-Mem. In Al Qran will be writing Allah Alif-Lamed-Lamed-He. I believe Allah is the connection word from Al"The" ilah"God". The Name of God can be YHVH. I write YHVH ALLAH too. I am not a human that closed the eyes for proves. I have see over 6000 time the name YHVH in Tanach. That is not a coincidence and i dont believe to coincidence than The God have build this earth with Plan and i believe all is a point of the plan in this world.
The word "im" behind the word "Alah" can be for this. The kingdom write when they write a mail begin with "We".
The value of the word Allah is 66 and from YHVH is 26 two six. connection 66+26=92 mchmd and the 9 is a window of 6=92=62. Mchmd
66 can you see as the wheel if you like. 66 wheel+26 YHVH=92. What you do yo can not doing that the 92 were unimportant.
For God is important that we see Him as King as only One King that have not got other power together him. That have do other People in time of Noah and they have seen what they than have than they see the mortal.
Al Qran haves 114 Chapter and 6236 Verses.
The 6236 th prime is 62039
The 39 th prime is =167 =(1+1)6(7-1)=266
To word Arab-- A is first and Rab is the Master. Arab and Hebrew are brother. Orby for Arab and Obry for Hebrew. They have got only one father and his name is Abraham. Arab are coming from ismael the son of Abraham and Hebrew from Isaak the son of Abraham. You can not see in Tanach for Ismael the word nations you can only see The Ismaels. Because Ismael is the stone to build connection line that split is.
In Tanach you can see that Egypt will be in the way of God in the near of endtime. See they are in the way of God. Tanach speak right.
The God of abraham knowing all.
The God protect you.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-13-2008, 10:40 AM
For Richard.
The human were build image God. But this word is not that God have Got a body. Body have got limit but The God have not a limit He is unlimited. The image mean for properties. The God is only One and all human are only one. Gives two richards how 100 % like you ? No you are one and The God is One.
Hey there amth, :yo:
It is good to be chatting.
I agree completely that GOD is ONE. That is not an issue between us. The difference comes in when we read the Bible that says God the Father is Creator and God the Son is Creator, and that The Father is not the Son. This then leads to the Doctrine of the Trinity in which we understand that GOD is ONE and that each "Person" of the Trinity is Himself God.
The Doctrine of the Trinity is very ancient. It was articulated long before Mohammed came on the scene. And it just so happens that this is one of the most obvious areas that shows how the Q'ran is very confused and erroneous. I quote:
[5.116] And when Allah will say: O Jesus son of Mary! did you say to men, Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah he will say: Glory be to Thee, it did not befit me that I should say what I had no right to (say); if I [Jesus] had said it, Thou wouldst indeed have known it; Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I [Jesus] do not know what is in Thy mind, surely Thou art the great Knower of the unseen things.That one Surah has two huge errors. First, Christianity has never taught that Jesus presented Himself and His mother as "two gods besides Allah." So the Q'ran is "refuting" something that has absolutely nothing to do with any teaching of Christianity. It appears that Mohammed was completely confused about what Christians believe. Second, that Surah has Jesus saying that He does not "know" what is in the Mind of God, where as the Bible explicitly states in many many places that Jesus knew the Mind of God in all fulness because the fulness of the Godhead dwelt in Him bodily. These are some of the most fundamental teachings of Bible. If you do not know them, how can you think you are in a position to declare that they are wrong?
The human were build image God men-wife because this is only notes than The God have got not a gender. The power symbolised men and the love the wife i believe that two are a balance scales. Yes i believed that Al Qran and the Bibel does not contradict. Because read tanach what Mose have doing with the nations. When you said this is not for evangelion than you split the bible than the bible were build with 66 books and you can dont split the bible. If you see the bible is one than you see that God does not change. The bible is a book with parables and visions symbols. If you do like understand bible you need the key and the key is Qran.
Your ideas seem confused to me. You say that the Bible and the Q'ran do not contradict, when the truth is that they are diametrically opposed on many points. For example, the Bible plainly states that Jesus was the UNIQUE Son of God. The Q'ran contradicts that statement and denies that He was the Son of God. Also, the whole point of the New Testament is that Jesus died on the Cross to forgive us of our sins. The Q'ran says He did not die that way. And on it goes - the Q'ran and the Bible are completely inconsistent with each other. It's one or the other.
The God does not changed. When you said God changed than you are said other as what in Bibel is wirting. The God was One, The God is One The God will be One from eon to eon This ist the only 111 for The God.
I never said that God changed. God has always been ONE GOD in TRINITY. And that doctrine is beautifully expressed in the number you wrote:
A (ALEPH - the first letter) = 1
ALPh (ALEPH - the name of the first letter) = 111
Beautiful, is it not?
GOD is ONE in TRINITY. This doctrine is further expressed with greatest clarity in the Unity Holograph (
This diagram expresses the following identities:
ECHAD (ONE) = 13
YHWH (THE LORD) = 26 = 2 x 13
YHWH ECHAD (THE LORD IS ONE) = 39 = 3 x 13 (ONE)
SUM OF SHEMA = 1118 = 13 (ONE) x 86 (ELOHIM, GOD)
Note the sequence 111 in the sum of the Shema.
Ihsous come to correction the lie from sadduzäer that they say it gives not a resuraction but the great message from Ihsous was resuraction the evangelion. He connect the split line that the sadduzäer split and Mchmd connected the other line the lie that God have got a son and that He 3 in 1. The Mgn Dvd -The shield of David the 2 pyramid are one for the connected line Ihsous and the top show over because Ihsous come with message concern resuraction and the top that show under is Mchmd because message from him concern the earth. If The God allows me than i make a topic for The shield of David in near time.
This words are from a human that have limited know but The God have got unlimited Know and He knows all.
The God protect you.
I don't see any reason to believe that Mohammed "corrected" anything. The Doctrine that Christ is the Son of God saturates the New Testament. If it is wrong, then the ENTIRE NEW TESTAMENT must be rejected utterly, totally, and completely. But that would contradict the Korah which says that the New Testament came from Allah. Thus, we must reject the Q'ran as an extremely erroneous and false book.
Many blessings to you my friend. I am glad that we are having this conversation.
09-13-2008, 10:55 AM
The difference comes in when we read the Bible that says God the Father is Creator and God the Son is Creator, and that The Father is not the Son. This then leads to the Doctrine of the Trinity in which we understand that GOD is ONE and that each "Person" of the Trinity is Himself God.
There is another way to understand this apart from deducing that there must be a trinity. I can understand how coming from that understanding one would see it leading to the Trinity doctrine, but it doesn't necessarily have to point in that direction. Just also wanted to say that I appreciate how you share your convictions in a diplomatic and cordial way. Thank you.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-13-2008, 11:04 AM
There is another way to understand this apart from deducing that there must be a trinity. I can understand how coming from that understanding one would see it leading to the Trinity doctrine, but it doesn't necessarily have to point in that direction. Just also wanted to say that I appreciate how you share your convictions in a diplomatic and cordial way. Thank you.
Hi Ron,
And I'm very glad that you recipricate with such gentle and thoughtful responses.
I agree that there are "other ways" to cash out the tension between the Father, the Son, and the Unity of God. But I personally have not seen anything more convincing than the Doctrine of the Trinity. I'm certainly willing to discuss it with you further.
Yes The God is 111 but He was 1 He is 1 and He will be 1 from eon to eon. This is only 111 for God. If God were Son than he were limited than Ihsous have got a body and God is far from body than body have limit The God have not limit. For God is important that servants from Him said that He One is. We have got 3 time. The time are back-now-future and the God said I was 1 in back, I am now 1, I will be 1 in the future.
AHYH I was-ASHR I am-AHYH I will be. In This 3 words said The God that He ever 1 was that he 1 is and that He ever 1 will be for Ever for Eon to Eon.
AHYH great time 4 capital He was 1-ASHR 3 Capitals HE is 1 small time because now. Now is small time. AHYH He will be 1 is gerat time 4 Capital because Eon. Than said He you should say AHYH send me because AHYH i belive symbol for Eon.
1:19 Now49 this was50 John’s51 testimony52 when the Jewish leaders53 sent54 priests and Levites from Jerusalem55 to ask him, 'Who are you?'56 1:20 He confessed – he did not deny but confessed – 'I am not the Christ!'57 1:21 So they asked him, 'Then who are you?58 Are you Elijah?' He said, 'I am not!'59 'Are you the Prophet?'60 He answered, 'No!' 1:22 Then they said to him, 'Who are you? Tell us61 so that we can give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?'
1:23 John62 said, 'I am the voice of one shouting in the wilderness, ‘Make straight63 the way for the Lord,’64 as Isaiah the prophet said.' 1:24 (Now they had been sent from the Pharisees.65)66 1:25 So they asked John,67 'Why then are you baptizing if you are not the Christ,68 nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?'
1:26 John answered them,69 'I baptize with water. Among you stands one whom you do not recognize,70 1:27 who is coming after me. I am not worthy71 to untie the strap72 of his sandal!'
The Hebrew asked John who He is he said not Christus. Not Elia not The Prophet. That 3 should baptizing but he baptized too why ? He baptizin in there name. In the name of this 3. Mathew 28 vers 19 said this. In the name of this 3 should you baptizing.
Who have right to baptizing ? Christus 1 Elia 1 The Prophet 1.
Interesitng how John answered for the question from Hebrew.
1 Christus- He said no
2 Elia He said no
3 The Prophet He said no
Than said He
1:26 John answered them,69 'I baptize with water. Among you stands one whom you do not recognize,70
Who is among you stands one whom you do not reconize ? Who lives ? Ihsous Christus he speak for Ihsous Christus.
Than he said
1:27 who is coming after me.
I believe this is not Ihsous because ihsous is birth but he said he come after me. I believe this is Elia or The Prophet which i have not idea.
The Prophet H-Nbia=68
68 th prime is 337=3*37=111
337 th prime is 2269
All value from John 1 Vers 25 is 11326
All vaule from Mathew 28 Vers 19 is 12663
baptizest thou βαπτιζω G0907 baptizo 1200
prophet? προφητης G4396 prophetes 1266
1200 baptizing 63 Nbia+3=1266 The Prophets should baptizing the 3.
Show to All value from Vers 28 Vers 19 and value of Prophet. The 3 Prophet should baptizing. But John baptizing in there name. The Father The Son and The Holy Spirita are symboles of the 3 i believe.
All Value Mathew 28 Vers 19=12663=1266 Prophets 3
Yes in Al Qran you can read that for Maria but this verse is correct. The Verse is not for tritiny. Show in countrys more peoples pray Maria is that not correct ? They make forbbiden idols from Maria and pray. Not other do the forbidden idols prayer in time of noah. The human made forbidden idols from Ihsous and pray them like this God ? Before make the Greek or other nations forbidden idols with other names. What change this ? If from other name or of Ihsous or of Maria? No that hate The God than He would only that we pray Him as Spirite that have not a body. If human said Ihsous is God too than said human that have got The God have got a body and He is limited.
The forbidden idols maker in time of Noah they are die because they have doing what The God hate. They have doing not other as the human that make forbidden idols from Ihsous from Cross or from Maria. They maked body from stones or trees and submit to this idols and pray. But The God hate this. He would only that we submit to Him. Not a human not a angel not a animal and and and only Him. He would only that we submit to Him. The forbidden idols prayer at this time are not destroy from The God because The way from The God does not change how He does not change. Than first send The God prophet and the prophet speak in his name and if the human dont changed than He destroyed the human.
You need a son i need a son because we have got limited time in this world that our son lives our name further. But The God is immortal why need He a son why ?
86*13=1118 i can see this but you can see this to 86=The Words of His Holiness. The words can be Christus, Mchmd and Elia.
577+541=1118 Evangelion+Ishral
684 mchmd greek+577=1261
684 mchmd greek+888 ihsous+249 Elia=1821
Faktor from 1821
1; 3; 607
111 th prime is 607
684+2368+249=3301=3 from 3 one
3301 th prime is 30577=The 3 for Evangelium
H-artz 296
H-shmym 395
Vth 407
Adm'ord' 18
H-artz 296
H-shmym 395
Vth 407
Nbia 63
Brshith bra 1116-In begin created.
The God protect you.
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