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04-25-2014, 09:05 AM
If Rose Rules the World, Men watch Out! :lol:

Rose said in her book, "Gender Bias in the Bible":

Rose's Views
Once again, as I have pointed out there is a double standard prevalent throughout the entire Bible with issues pertaining to women.
1. Men could choose their wives/ women were sold to men for wives.
2. Men could have multiple wives and concubines/ women could have one husband.
3. Men could divorce their wives at will/ women were bound to their husbands for as long as their husbands lived.
4. Men could marry virgins they raped/ women were sold to their abusers.

In other words:
1. Women could choose their husbands/ men were sold to women for husbands.
2. Women could have multiple husbands and male concubines/ Men could have one wife.
3. Women could divorce their husbands at will/ men were bound to their wife for as long as their wife lived.
4. Women could marry male virgins they raped/ men were sold to their abusers.



Male concubines and prostitutes:


Men for sale:


Male sex slave:


Woman rapes man:

House husbandry:

Male Breast Feeding:

Women abuse man:


Woman divorces husband:

:hysterical: :lol:

God is very wise.:)

God Bless.

04-25-2014, 09:45 AM
If Rose Rules the World, Men watch Out! :lol:

Rose said in her book, "Gender Bias in the Bible":

In other words:
1. Women could choose their husbands/ men were sold to women for husbands.
2. Women could have multiple husbands and male concubines/ Men could have one wife.
3. Women could divorce their husbands at will/ men were bound to their wife for as long as their wife lived.
4. Women could marry male virgins they raped/ men were sold to their abusers.


You're ignorance knows no bounds.

Why would you ignorantly assume Rose would automatically do the opposite of the Bible? That is some silly logic. I don't want to speak for Rose, but I have read enough of her posts to know that she would want everyone treated fairly. That means male and female treated with EQUAL human rights. Neither gender being superior to the other. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. That means when both are treated equally their strength and weaknesses compliment each other.

No matter how hard your try, your immoral belief in the biblical injustices will never be justified.

04-25-2014, 10:42 AM

You're ignorance knows no bounds.

Why would you ignorantly assume Rose would automatically do the opposite of the Bible? That is some silly logic. I don't want to speak for Rose, but I have read enough of her posts to know that she would want everyone treated fairly. That means male and female treated with EQUAL human rights. Neither gender being superior to the other. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. That means when both are treated equally their strength and weaknesses compliment each other.

No matter how hard your try, your immoral belief in the biblical injustices will never be justified.

Hi L67,

Same if I put it to you, if you are God, will you show bias to one of the gender? No, why not? What do you gained? That's precisely what I want to showcase if we think opposites if God were to show favoritism to the females. Therefore, Rose book on the Gender Bias in the Bible is flawed.

God Bless. Let's pray :pray:

04-25-2014, 11:01 AM
Hi L67,

Same if I put it to you, if you are God, will you show bias to one of the gender? No, why not? What do you gained? That's precisely what I want to showcase if we think opposites if God were to show favoritism to the females. Therefore, Rose book on the Gender Bias in the Bible is flawed.

God Bless. Let's pray :pray:

A good god would not show gender bias. But that is not what we see in the Bible. We see male bias littered throughout the Bible. What is gained from male bias? How about the justification to slaughter people and only keep the virgins? How about the justification that men were allowed to sell women as property and have their way with them? The list goes on.

You haven't shown Rose's book to be flawed, only your way of thinking has been exposed as flawed. And your argument also sucks because we don't have any bias to females in the Bible. And if we did God would still be an unjust immoral being. A just God would see to it that EVERYONE is treated equally.

04-25-2014, 01:11 PM

You're ignorance knows no bounds.

Why would you ignorantly assume Rose would automatically do the opposite of the Bible? That is some silly logic. I don't want to speak for Rose, but I have read enough of her posts to know that she would want everyone treated fairly. That means male and female treated with EQUAL human rights. Neither gender being superior to the other. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. That means when both are treated equally their strength and weaknesses compliment each other.

No matter how hard your try, your immoral belief in the biblical injustices will never be justified.

Thank you L67 :signthankspin:

Over and over again in my posts I have stressed the idea of all humans being treated with equality and fairness, as you have appropriately noted. :yo: I wasn't even going to acknowledge Cheow's idiotic post with a response, but I'm glad you did. :) Why in the world would I want to treat men in the same biased manner that the Bible decrees for women?

We are all human, and thus should be treated with equal human rights! I don't think I can say that any clearer.

All the best,

04-25-2014, 01:15 PM
A good god would not show gender bias. But that is not what we see in the Bible. We see male bias littered throughout the Bible. What is gained from male bias? How about the justification to slaughter people and only keep the virgins? How about the justification that men were allowed to sell women as property and have their way with them? The list goes on.

You haven't shown Rose's book to be flawed, only your way of thinking has been exposed as flawed. And your argument also sucks because we don't have any bias to females in the Bible. And if we did God would still be an unjust immoral being. A just God would see to it that EVERYONE is treated equally.

Hi L67

Maybe you will be able to get the statement I bolded in red through Cheow's head! I certainly have not been able too.

A just God would see to it that EVERYONE is treated equally.

04-25-2014, 02:56 PM
You cannot put God's head on Rose's shoulders......

04-25-2014, 08:13 PM
Thank you L67 :signthankspin:

Over and over again in my posts I have stressed the idea of all humans being treated with equality and fairness, as you have appropriately noted. :yo: I wasn't even going to acknowledge Cheow's idiotic post with a response, but I'm glad you did. :) Why in the world would I want to treat men in the same biased manner that the Bible decrees for women?

We are all human, and thus should be treated with equal human rights! I don't think I can say that any clearer.

All the best,

Hello Rose,

You're welcome.

There really is no getting through to people like CWH. They simply think anything God commands is moral. And worse they don't even believe the Bible in its entirety because they deny what it actually says. Their belief in the Bible makes them irrational, delusional, and morally bankrupt. You can't reason with them. All you can do is keep up the good fight and expose their logical fallacies when you can.:thumb:

Take it easy.

04-26-2014, 09:58 AM
Hi L67,

I have said before that why would God want to be biased against another gender, What does He gained? What does a parent gained by being biased against their own daughters instead of their sons? I challenge you to answer this question.

From my years of interaction with Rose in this forum, she hardly write anything good about the male gender as portray in the Bible. I challenged Rose to write a book about the good things done by males in the Bible if she want to be credible to show herself as a fighter for the equality of the gender. She come across to me a bitter woman who is all out to discredit the male gender. Her idea of equal rights means is that what the males can do so can the females. If she want to prove me wrong, then she has to convince me and many of us here the good things of being a male compared to the good things of being a female. This is also to remove bias in her female views. Explain to us why God or in her case, Nature creates Male and Female. It is just too naive to say for procreation purpose only.

I also find Rose views too naive. See my comments in green:

1. Men could choose their wives/ women were sold to men for wives.
So can women by forcing a divorce and she would be free to marry other men with the divorce letter or word from the men without being deemed as commiting adultery/ men were also sold in ancient days as slaves or even sex partners to their homosexual masters or as male temple prostitutes in the worship of Baal or Molech.

2. Men could have multiple wives and concubines/ women could have one husband.
In some ancient and primitive cultures, polyandry was a norm. Women can marry and remarried many times. Who said woman cannot have many husbands? How much difference are polyandry and concubines compared with one night stands, co-habitations and adulteries? The only difference is the legalities or social acceptance of these practices.

3. Men could divorce their wives at will/ women were bound to their husbands for as long as their husbands lived.
So can women by simply forcing a divorce/ same with the husband who have to protect and support the wife; "in death or divorce do we part". If divorced; the men have to pay maintenance fees which is almost the same as supporting or bound to the ex-wives for life.

4. Men could marry virgins they raped/ women were sold to their abusers.
So can women raped (including constitutional rape) but they are very few in numbers. What is the difference between women seduction of men compared with rapes and adulteries? How about fornications and prostitutions? Are they the same as consensual rapes? That's why Jesus said to men not to look at women with lust in their eyes. Does that applies to women also? / Can men also be sold to their abusers as slaves?

I understand Rose ideals but are these achievable in current social situations? Unless human becomes good and not evil, I don't see such ideals largely achievable in this world:

1. Men and women can choose whoever they want to marry.
Fine with me but there is no guarantee that their marriage life will be happy and smooth; look at the rate of divorces and marital conflicts nowadays. Why? There is no guarantee that death and divorce will not do us apart. What's the of point of enduring the marriage if they are not happy? Ironically, there are also stories of arranged or forced marriages that end up happy and smooth.

2. One man One woman.
Is this achievable in our current modern context?.... with adulteries, one night stands, prostitutions, multiple divorce and marriage, marital conflicts etc. The common norm seems to be Many men, Many women; analogous to polygamy and polyandry. Unless human becomes good, the principle of One Man One Woman is not easy to sustain in our present modern context.

3. Men and women can divorce at will on equal terms.
Don't you think that will encourage more divorces? How to achieve the ideals of One Man One Woman then? It makes a mockery of marriage; might as well remains single. It was said that during a divorce, the children are affected psychologically and emotionally which may lead them to a life of crimes. It is known statistically that many criminals are from broken families.
God wants us to have a happy married family life for all and therefore discourages divorce, which is why Jesus said, "What God has united, let no man put asunder".

4, Women should not be married to their abusers.
Agree. In some present cultures, the marriage was done to the abuser so as not to dishonor the family name or that the woman does not want to be a single mother or does not want the child to be fatherless. Perhaps also in view that the chance of a future marriage with a prospective suitor will be slimmer if he knows the woman has a illegitimate child. But in ancient days, I believe the marriage of women to their abusers were also based on those reasons. This is also in honor of the family name and for the good of the chlld's sake. As such it was considered as consent on the part of the woman. Of course, as stated in the Bible, the parents could reject the marriage to the abusers if they wanted to and the abusers would be punished.

God Bless. :pray:

04-26-2014, 12:12 PM
Hi L67,

I have said before that why would God want to be biased against another gender, What does He gained? What does a parent gained by being biased against their own daughters instead of their sons? I challenge you to answer this question.

A true god would be just and fair ... not biased! Quite unlike men who have much to gain in the areas of power and control by being biased. This is the main reason that points to the Bible being penned by men who created a god in their own image and likeness. The Bible extols the virtues of power, control, obedience and worship, all things that men desire.

From my years of interaction with Rose in this forum, she hardly write anything good about the male gender as portray in the Bible. I challenged Rose to write a book about the good things done by males in the Bible if she want to be credible to show herself as a fighter for the equality of the gender. She come across to me a bitter woman who is all out to discredit the male gender. Her idea of equal rights means is that what the males can do so can the females. If she want to prove me wrong, then she has to convince me and many of us here the good things of being a male compared to the good things of being a female. This is also to remove bias in her female views. Explain to us why God or in her case, Nature creates Male and Female. It is just too naive to say for procreation purpose only.

God Bless. :pray:

My main focus, as I have explained over and over again is to expose the gender biased nature of the Bible, which reveals that its god is man-made. I am not fighting against the male gender, rather I am fighting for the equal human rights of women by exposing the male bias in the Bible. Men and women are equally human and thus should be afforded the same human rights, which are denied them in the Bible.

I have NEVER said my idea of equal rights means men and women can physically do the same things, there is even a huge disparity among things individual men can and cannot do! Quit spreading lies about what I say! Obviously men can't get pregnant and have babies, does that mean they don't have equality with women? Of course not! Equal human rights means that both men and women share humanness and thus should be afforded the same human rights of justice and fairness. Why is that so hard for you to understand? All humans want to be treated fairly, and that is definitely NOT happening in the Bible, at every turn of the page women are discriminated against and denied their human rights merely because of their gender. That is WRONG!!!!

Take care,

04-27-2014, 09:15 AM
A true god would be just and fair ... not biased! Quite unlike men who have much to gain in the areas of power and control by being biased. This is the main reason that points to the Bible being penned by men who created a god in their own image and likeness. The Bible extols the virtues of power, control, obedience and worship, all things that men desire.

God Bless. My main focus, as I have explained over and over again is to expose the gender biased nature of the Bible, which reveals that its god is man-made. I am not fighting against the male gender, rather I am fighting for the equal human rights of women by exposing the male bias in the Bible. Men and women are equally human and thus should be afforded the same human rights, which are denied them in the Bible.

No, if you want to be seen as non-biased then you have to write a book focusing on the great things that males did in the Bible including what is deemed as female bias in the Bible such as why must all the men be killed and the virgin females saved etc. In other words, you should also write to fight for equal rights of men by exposing the female bias in the Bible. If not where is the equality and fairness?... or have your eyes not been opened to such unfairness in which the God of the Bible treated males? Dare to do it?

I have NEVER said my idea of equal rights means men and women can physically do the same things, there is even a huge disparity among things individual men can and cannot do! Quit spreading lies about what I say! Obviously men can't get pregnant and have babies, does that mean they don't have equality with women? Of course not! Equal human rights means that both men and women share humanness and thus should be afforded the same human rights of justice and fairness. Why is that so hard for you to understand? All humans want to be treated fairly, and that is definitely NOT happening in the Bible, at every turn of the page women are discriminated against and denied their human rights merely because of their gender. That is WRONG!!!!

Good, then write on the differences between males and females and how God or in your case Nature or Evolution based on justice and fairness made use of those differences for the common goals. Dare to do it?

God Bless. :pray:

04-27-2014, 11:38 AM
No, if you want to be seen as non-biased then you have to write a book focusing on the great things that males did in the Bible including what is deemed as female bias in the Bible such as why must all the men be killed and the virgin females saved etc. In other words, you should also write to fight for equal rights of men by exposing the female bias in the Bible. If not where is the equality and fairness?... or have your eyes not been opened to such unfairness in which the God of the Bible treated males? Dare to do it?

Have you taken leave of your senses? What kind of crazy nonsense are you talking about? Why in the world would I feel the need to write a book about the great things men did in the Bible? The Bible was written by men who have done a good job in focusing on all their own great deeds! The reason all the males were killed and the virgins saved is because the lusty Hebrews soldiers wanted all the virgins for themselves ... the women had no say in the matter whatsoever! Sometimes Cheow, I think you don't use your brain at all.

If there is unfairness in the Bible towards men, it's because men have put it there, NOT women! The Bible was penned by the hands of primitive men who wanted power and control, and thought that they were superior to women, thus it is reflected in their writings. My job is not to correct the Bible, but rather to expose its male bias so as to show its man-made nature.

Good, then write on the differences between males and females and how God or in your case Nature or Evolution based on justice and fairness made use of those differences for the common goals. Dare to do it?

God Bless. :pray:

Nature and evolution are not based on justice and fairness, rather on survival of the fittest. Most male animals fight with each other for dominance, thus the strongest males won the fights and passed on their genes because they were chosen by the females to mate with. The human animal is a whole different story :p Men not only fight with each other for dominance, they fight with and abuse the females also, to control and dominate them.

Humans are self-aware animals and thus are not controlled by hormones alone, but by our intelligence and reasoning power. Men know that women are just as human as they are, therefore they should be afforded the same human rights. Men and women have different roles as far as reproduction goes, but that in no way means one gender should control the other, or deny them human rights!

04-28-2014, 10:18 AM
Have you taken leave of your senses? What kind of crazy nonsense are you talking about? Why in the world would I feel the need to write a book about the great things men did in the Bible? The Bible was written by men who have done a good job in focusing on all their own great deeds! The reason all the males were killed and the virgins saved is because the lusty Hebrews soldiers wanted all the virgins for themselves ... the women had no say in the matter whatsoever! Sometimes Cheow, I think you don't use your brain at all.

If there is unfairness in the Bible towards men, it's because men have put it there, NOT women! The Bible was penned by the hands of primitive men who wanted power and control, and thought that they were superior to women, thus it is reflected in their writings. My job is not to correct the Bible, but rather to expose its male bias so as to show its man-made nature.

Nature and evolution are not based on justice and fairness, rather on survival of the fittest. Most male animals fight with each other for dominance, thus the strongest males won the fights and passed on their genes because they were chosen by the females to mate with. The human animal is a whole different story :p Men not only fight with each other for dominance, they fight with and abuse the females also, to control and dominate them.

Humans are self-aware animals and thus are not controlled by hormones alone, but by our intelligence and reasoning power. Men know that women are just as human as they are, therefore they should be afforded the same human rights. Men and women have different roles as far as reproduction goes, but that in no way means one gender should control the other, or deny them human rights!

Rose is so naive; nobody wrote a book to curse himself; like slapping his own face. Why must men wrote a book and said that all the men were killed by God? There are so many passages in which implies that God hated men. Why didn't you include these in your book "Gender Bias in the Bible". Your book will forever be biased and flawed to the brim if those passages in which God hated men are not included.

Is your brain damaged by marijuana? You forgot you ever said that the theory of the survival of the fittest does not include humans. What will the world be like if everyone fight and kill to win? Are we in the era of the super race? Look at the Nazi concept of their Germanic Aryan super race, what happened?.... survival of the fittest? Male dominance is due to the fact that evil people wanted to bully over the weaker not just towards the opposite sex alone. Good people wanted to dominate so as to lead others to goodness and to protect those who are weak. Look at the animals, the male dominates so that they can protect their own tribes from danger, lead them for survival. Mind you that in the animal kingdom there are also female leaders of the pack such as the hyenas. Their roles are also to protect and lead the tribes for survival. Dominance demands respect among the tribes and such behavior is unfortunately deemed as aggression.

God Blessed.:pray:

04-28-2014, 02:26 PM
Rose is so naive; nobody wrote a book to curse himself; like slapping his own face. Why must men wrote a book and said that all the men were killed by God? There are so many passages in which implies that God hated men. Why didn't you include these in your book "Gender Bias in the Bible". Your book will forever be biased and flawed to the brim if those passages in which God hated men are not included.

The Bible isn't biased against men ... it was men who wrote the Bible and they aren't biased against themselves. :p Of course there are passages that say god hated certain men, but that is far different from being biased against your own gender!

I cannot believe how dense you are. Can you not see my whole point of showing the extreme gender bias in the Bible is to expose how male-biased it is, proving IT WAS WRITTEN BY MEN WHO MADE GOD IN THEIR OWN IMAGE AND LIKENESS.

Is your brain damaged by marijuana? You forgot you ever said that the theory of the survival of the fittest does not include humans. What will the world be like if everyone fight and kill to win? Are we in the era of the super race? Look at the Nazi concept of their Germanic Aryan super race, what happened?.... survival of the fittest? Male dominance is due to the fact that evil people wanted to bully over the weaker not just towards the opposite sex alone. Good people wanted to dominate so as to lead others to goodness and to protect those who are weak. Look at the animals, the male dominates so that they can protect their own tribes from danger, lead them for survival. Mind you that in the animal kingdom there are also female leaders of the pack such as the hyenas. Their roles are also to protect and lead the tribes for survival. Dominance demands respect among the tribes and such behavior is unfortunately deemed as aggression.

God Blessed.:pray:

I think you are the one with brain damage! Of course survival of the fittest includes humans! I have never said otherwise. In the early stages of human evolution it was the strongest of the species who survived and lived to reproduce. Survival of the fittest is not nearly so critical with modern man, who has the knowledge to help the weaker ones among us survive ... this wasn't the case with early man, those that were too weak did not survive.

Dominance among humans is usually seen as aggression, because many times it leads to abuse of the ones who are suppose to be protected. Those that want to dominate others are usually the aggressive type, who think they are superior to others and end up as abusers.

Take care,

04-28-2014, 03:58 PM
I forgot to include homosexuality and marijuana if Rose (there are millions of Rose in this world:winking0071:) rules the world:







What's your point Cheow, to show the world how much of a jerk you are?

04-28-2014, 07:55 PM
What's your point Cheow, to show the world how much of a jerk you are?
Am I talking about you Rose? or Am I talking about a fictitious Rose? or Am I referring to one of the millions of Rose in this world? I let the readers speculate.

God Bless.:pray:

Richard Amiel McGough
04-28-2014, 08:17 PM
I forgot to include homosexuality and marijuana if Rose (there are millions of Rose in this world:winking0071:) rules the world:






Well at least we know why Cheow can't come up with any good arguments. He's apparently wasting all his time surfing the net for gay porn! :p

Richard Amiel McGough
04-28-2014, 08:19 PM
Am I talking about you Rose? or Am I talking about a fictitious Rose? or Am I referring to one of the millions of Rose in this world? I let the readers speculate.

God Bless.:pray:
Funny thing about stupid people. They think everyone else is as stupid as they are. :doh:

04-28-2014, 09:12 PM
I've changed my ideas and decided to remove this post. Rest assured I still love and believe in God <3

04-28-2014, 10:14 PM
It is obvious here and through other posts that CWH is only trying to cause Rose to further grapple onto her beliefs. As I read through many of his posts, I couldn't help but think "is this guy trolling?" Whatever change of mind she could have had due to sensible posts throughout the forum has been utterly destroyed. It is my sincere hope that this was posted in the humor section for that reason.

This is partly to get back at her for spewing all the idiotic words about me.

I have deleted the picture if readers find it offensive. I hope RAM can do the same.

04-28-2014, 10:30 PM
This is partly to get back at her for spewing all the idiotic words about me.

I have deleted the picture if readers find it offensive. I hope RAM can do the same.

Please show me where I have posted "idiotic words about you". My intent has always been to show the male-bias of the Bible, not to attack you, like you have done to me.

04-30-2014, 07:01 AM
Please show me where I have posted "idiotic words about you". My intent has always been to show the male-bias of the Bible, not to attack you, like you have done to me.
Neither is my intend to attack you but your male bias views attacking God and indirectly the male gender. It seems to be getting from bad to worse. I have posted a previous thread from the internet on "If Women rule the world", Does that mean these people are attacking women? Furthermore, both were put in the Humor section in this forum. I thought you are so open-minded; it's none of anyone's business or mine if people indulged in homosexuality, pornography, or marijuana. Neither do we encourage. I have deleted the post and pictures, hope RAM could do the same.

I am no jerk, I posted this thread to force readers to see in a different "what if" perceptive, what if the "brutal" God as described by Rose were to show the same bias towards the female gender in the same degree as according to Rose views. My analysis is if wise God were to do the same "bias" towards the female gender, it will be worse off for the females... polyandry etc. Some of these views may sound ridiculous and silly but is relevant to understand why God did what he did and that there is no gender bias in the bible. I have decided to do this better by by putting these "silly" but relevant questions such as "Is Polyandry good for the woman?", "Should women raped?" etc. in a classroom discussion setting series in the General Discussion section.

God Bless.:pray:

04-30-2014, 09:01 AM
Neither is my intend to attack you but your male bias views attacking God and indirectly the male gender. It seems to be getting from bad to worse. I have posted a previous thread from the internet on "If Women rule the world", Does that mean these people are attacking women? Furthermore, both were put in the Humor section in this forum. I thought you are so open-minded; it's none of anyone's business or mine if people indulged in homosexuality, pornography, or marijuana. Neither do we encourage. I have deleted the post and pictures, hope RAM could do the same.

You have directly attacked me by starting a thread with my name in the title, and making assertions about things that you think I would do, which are false. My attacks have been solely directed at the male-biased content of the Bible, to show that it is written from the minds of primitive men. You on the other hand have continually brought in irrelevant gender issues that have nothing to do with my argument for the Bibles male bias. My indepth study of the Bibles gender bias is one of the things that led me to the conclusion that its male god was created in the minds of men who view males as superior.

I am no jerk, I posted this thread to force readers to see in a different "what if" perceptive, what if the "brutal" God as described by Rose were to show the same bias towards the female gender in the same degree as according to Rose views. My analysis is if wise God were to do the same "bias" towards the female gender, it will be worse off for the females... polyandry etc. Some of these views may sound ridiculous and silly but is relevant to understand why God did what he did and that there is no gender bias in the bible. I have decided to do this better by by putting these "silly" but relevant questions such as "Is Polyandry good for the woman?", "Should women raped?" etc. in a classroom discussion setting series in the General Discussion section.

God Bless.:pray:

Your silly and ridiculous questions like, "Should women raped?" and "Is Polyandry good for the woman?" do nothing to help us understand why the Bible is male-biased. There is NO GOOD REASON why women should be denied equal human rights with men. In the Bible, it is not just a matter of men ruling over women, it's a matter of men denying women basic equal human rights! That is wrong, and there is no justification on earth that can show otherwise! All people share humanness, and as such should be treated with equality ... the Biblegod denies women that equality, which is what I expose in my article.

If the god of the Bible were true, he would know that men and women are equally human, because it says he created them both in his image. As it is the god of the Bible denies women equal human rights with men because of their gender ... that is what it means to be biased. So, no matter how hard you try to justify the gender bias in the Bible ... the gender bias is still there. Bias is bias, even if you think the bias is justified, so you just make yourself look ignorant by saying it's not there.

I want to discuss the Bible and the bias it contains, not irrelevant, hypothetical questions that you make up.

Take care,

04-30-2014, 09:30 AM
You have directly attacked me by starting a thread with my name in the title, and making assertions about things that you think I would do, which are false. My attacks have been solely directed at the male-biased content of the Bible, to show that it is written from the minds of primitive men. You on the other hand have continually brought in irrelevant gender issues that have nothing to do with my argument for the Bibles male bias. My indepth study of the Bibles gender bias is one of the things that led me to the conclusion that its male god was created in the minds of men who view males as superior.

Your silly and ridiculous questions like, "Should women raped?" and "Is Polyandry good for the woman?" do nothing to help us understand why the Bible is male-biased. There is NO GOOD REASON why women should be denied equal human rights with men. In the Bible, it is not just a matter of men ruling over women, it's a matter of men denying women basic equal human rights! That is wrong, and there is no justification on earth that can show otherwise! All people share humanness, and as such should be treated with equality ... the Biblegod denies women that equality, which is what I expose in my article.

If the god of the Bible were true, he would know that men and women are equally human, because it says he created them both in his image. As it is the god of the Bible denies women equal human rights with men because of their gender ... that is what it means to be biased. So, no matter how hard you try to justify the gender bias in the Bible ... the gender bias is still there. Bias is bias, even if you think the bias is justified, so you just make yourself look ignorant by saying it's not there.

I want to discuss the Bible and the bias it contains, not irrelevant, hypothetical questions that you make up.

Take care,
You are not the only Rose in this world and I have not use your full name. It will not make any difference if I use R, Ros, Susan etc.

I am a critic of your book on "Gender Bias in the Bible?; if you don't accept criticism, then leave it. Your prejudice and misguided thoughts against the Bible God and the authors who wrote the Bible knows no bounds. It is an indirect attack on the male gender and the authors (including suspected female authors who wrote Ruth, Esther and some parts of the Bible) who wrote the Bible. Let's move on.

God Bless.:pray:

04-30-2014, 02:25 PM
You are not the only Rose in this world and I have not use your full name. It will not make any difference if I use R, Ros, Susan etc.

Come on Cheow, everyone knows I am the Rose you are speaking of.

I am a critic of your book on "Gender Bias in the Bible?; if you don't accept criticism, then leave it. Your prejudice and misguided thoughts against the Bible God and the authors who wrote the Bible knows no bounds. It is an indirect attack on the male gender and the authors (including suspected female authors who wrote Ruth, Esther and some parts of the Bible) who wrote the Bible. Let's move on.

God Bless.:pray:

I have no problem with your critiquing or criticizing my book ... I love to have feedback, but what does me ruling the world have to do with the Bibles male bias??? If you want to critique my book please stay on topic.

Quite lying and making false assertions! My book IS NOT an indirect attack on the male gender! Everything I quote comes directly from the Bible, and all my comments are directed at exposing the male bias it contains for the purpose of showing that it was made up in the minds of men.

All humans are gender biased in one way or another, depending on their gender ... men are biased and women are biased. God is not supposed to be gender biased. The Bible is gender biased, proving its god was man-made.