View Full Version : 88 Ciphers Of JESUSness ...

04-20-2014, 05:33 PM
The sum of the totient functions for the first 88 integers = 2368 (JESUS CHRIST = 2368) ...

26 + 62 = 88 and the EXACT midpoint between 79 and 97 = 88 ...

The difference between 26^2 and 62^2 = 3168 AND the difference between 79^2 and 97^2 = 3168 (3168 = The NT title of LORD JESUS CHRIST) ...

26/62 and 79/97 are the ONLY two reflected pairs of numbers whose squares differ by 3168 ...

26 = The value of YAHWEH and 79 = The number of PRIMES between 888 and 1480 (888 = JESUS and 1480 = CHRIST) ...

The sum of the first 22 PRIME GAPS = 79 ...

There are 22 Hebrew LETTERS and the 22nd PRIME = 79 ...

The sum of the FIRST Hebrew letter with the LAST Hebrew letter = The 79th PRIME ...

Again, 26 + 62 = 88 and the EXACT midpoint between 79 and 97 = 88 ...

There are 88 observable constellations within the 360 degree circle of the heavens ...

360 x 88 = 3168 x 10 (3168 = LORD JESUS CHRIST) ...

JESUS CHRIST is called the son of DAVID and the name of DAVID appears 88 times in the book of Psalms (The Hebrew value of DAVID + The Greek NT value of DAVID = The Greek NT value of "SON OF MAN") ...

The estimated number of neutrinos in the observable universe = 88 orders of magnitude (the neutrino is the smallest particle with mass) ...

3168 + 88 = The 37th multiple of 88 ...

The 37th multiple of 88 = 888 + 2368 (888 = JESUS and 2368 = JESUS CHRIST) ...

Vernon Jenkins noted that when we apply the principle of "Progressive Differencing" to the Genesis 1:1 word values, the result is 88 x 37 (2368 is part of the mathematical design in Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 and 2368 = JESUS CHRIST = The sum of the totient functions for the first 88 integers)!!! Furthermore, the alternating -/+ value of the products of the SEVEN word values of Genesis 1:1 and the SEVEN numbers on the SEVENTH row in Pascal's Triangle = -3256 (3256 = 88 x 37)!!! Observe ...

The SEVEN numbers on the SEVENTH row of Pascal's Triangle are 1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6 and 1 ...

The SEVEN word values of Genesis 1:1 are 913, 203, 86, 401, 395, 407 and 296 ...

(1 x 913) - (6 x 203) + (15 x 86) - (20 x 401) + (15 x 395) - (6 x 407) + (1 x 296) = -3256 ...

And the sum of the numbers on the SEVENTH row of Pascal's Triangle = 64 (8 x 8 = 64 and the 64th composite number = 88) ...

The sum of the digital roots of all the numbers on the first SEVEN rows of Pascal's Triangle = The Triangular order of Genesis 1:1 AND the sum of all the numbers on the first SEVEN rows of Pascal's Triangle = The number of possible word value combinations in Genesis 1:1 ...

Btw, if you think the alternating -/+ value isn't a legit method, then consider this ...

When the whole integer series is broken down into Primes/Prime Factors and then alternately added and subtracted, the ONLY congruence where the value of the +/- figure equals that number occurs at 37 (Genesis 1:1 is mathematically rooted in the number 37)!!!

Jesus Christ is GOD by a factor of infinity (raised to the 888th power)!!!

04-20-2014, 09:43 PM

26 x 62 = 1612

10 + 801+ 810 = 1621

10 + 801 + 810 + 1080 = 2701

360 / 222 = 1.621621621...

1080 / 666 = 1.621621621

4995 => 4 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 1620

144,000 / 666 = 216.2162162162..

..very curious about 972 and 792...these are also popping up in the form of the integers 972 and 792 as periodics in the decimals I find in the calendar calculations based on the repunit series.

04-20-2014, 09:52 PM
ermaghard...you guise....the debil is here....run....:eek:


04-21-2014, 01:43 PM
My brethren, do not fear the 666. For behold ...

88 + 666 = 754 (754 = The Hebrew value of JESUS CHRIST)!!!

Hence ...

The sum of the totient functions for the first 88 integers = The Greek NT value of JESUS CHRIST ...

The sum of 88 majestic mansions and 666 glorious gems = The Hebrew value of JESUS CHRIST ...

And 666 is of infinite significance (for it is mathematically encoded in Genesis 1:1 and is the numerical distance between the 37th order of every successive polygonal number to infinity).

I am BINI (The Mystic Meanie) :pray:

04-21-2014, 02:58 PM
I've always found it a little bizarre people have a problem with the number, personally speaking.

If it's so bad, and has such horrible relations, then why is the entire bible just not filled from cover to cover with warnings about the evil 666 ?

As far as I know, there are no negative connotations associated with the number in the entire book.


04-21-2014, 05:18 PM
88 + 666 = The Hebrew value of JESUS CHRIST and the 88th Prime = The mirror reflection of the Hebrew value of JESUS CHRIST!!!

The EXACT midpoint between 26 (YAHWEH) and 888 (JESUS) = The mirror reflection of the Hebrew value of JESUS CHRIST!!!

The sum of the totient functions for the first 88 integers = 2368 (2368 = The Greek NT value of JESUS CHRIST) ...

The product of 88 and its totient function (88 x 40) = The sum of 2368 and its totient function (2368 + 1152) ...

And notice that both the Hebrew value of Jesus Christ (754) AND the Greek NT value of Jesus Christ (2368) are sums of consecutive totient functions ...

754 = The sum of the totient functions for the first 49 integers and 2368 = The sum of the totient functions for the first 88 integers ...

49 + 88 = 137 (which is intimately related to the mathematical design of Genesis 1:1-5 and John 1:1-5).

BINI :pray:

04-22-2014, 08:10 AM
I've always found it a little bizarre people have a problem with the number, personally speaking.

If it's so bad, and has such horrible relations, then why is the entire bible just not filled from cover to cover with warnings about the evil 666 ?

As far as I know, there are no negative connotations associated with the number in the entire book.

:lol: Agree, Snakboy, but the Mark on Cain may be the contrast to the tripsix -- probably felt like a bullseye to Cain, doncha think? :huhsign:

04-22-2014, 11:53 AM
Agree, Snakboy, but the Mark on Cain may be the contrast to the tripsix -- probably felt like a bullseye to Cain, doncha think? :huhsign:

You know, honestly, I have not explored the story of Cain too deeply, so I couldn't really have an opinion about it. I do recall reading somewhere about a root word pertaining to " tree " that meant " to cover ", " to conceal ", " to hide ", etc, but aside from that, nada.

It did make me think of the curtain/veil that the priests had to lift/remove, to get to the Ark, but that's mainly because of what is written in Thessalonians, about the " the man of lawlessness entering the temple ", lol.

From what I have read about " marks " in the OT, they were said to be a mark of the people who believed in God ( ? )

After reading Rich's section about the Tav, I went to study a little about Paleo-hebrew, which really made me question the whole concept.

Aleph to Tav is something that is representative of completion and wholeness, going by what I have read here and elsewhere, but in Paleo-hebrew...aleph is an Ox's head, and Tav was a brand given to animals ( according to some sources )....so when I got to the NT writings about " mark of the beast ", it made little sense to me that it would be something physical and literal.

Honestly, I facepalm pretty much every time I read something online about it, especially the RFID stuff :D

When I look at what these things say, figuratively, to me, it seems that Christ would have been the Aleph receiving the Tav, as he was the " sin sacrifice ".

Wasn't he associated with being the " firstborn of the bullock ", or something similar ?

Idk....the whole story seems suspect to me, lol

04-22-2014, 02:44 PM
Mark on Cain identified him as a murderer, and Jesus said UR guilty of that w/o pulling the trigger. :eek:
(But Cain prior to the LAW era..) Agree the tav (like a cross) maybe the mark on Cain.

:pop2: Snakboy, the story gets more interesting the further you pursue, IMO, with all sorts of connects to the NT.

For example: Why did the Author wait until 1John3:12 to tell us about Cain being of the devil ? Instead, we only learn in Genesis that Cain a farmer and Abel a rancher, and their offerings different. The hidden info a way of allowing multiple interpretations along the way, and maybe holding our interest.. You think?

04-23-2014, 12:02 PM
Mark on Cain identified him as a murderer, and Jesus said UR guilty of that w/o pulling the trigger. :eek:
(But Cain prior to the LAW era..) Agree the tav (like a cross) maybe the mark on Cain.

:pop2: Snakboy, the story gets more interesting the further you pursue, IMO, with all sorts of connects to the NT.

For example: Why did the Author wait until 1John3:12 to tell us about Cain being of the devil ? Instead, we only learn in Genesis that Cain a farmer and Abel a rancher, and their offerings different. The hidden info a way of allowing multiple interpretations along the way, and maybe holding our interest.. You think?

Good question.

I probably won't have a clue until I dig into the story a little.

I remain convinced all these numbers and stories are derived from the calendar calculations, using rounded measurements

For example, the " Tav ", ( sign, mark, etc )

When we have an eclipse, the sun is obscured by the moon. If we divide the rounded diameters, we get the value for a " sign ", which in this case is the sign of jonah.


Where the book of Revelations says " he draws his power from the dragon " ( paraphrasing ), we'll find that by using the same rounded measurements, along with gematria values and extracted roots, that we get an approximation ( rounded ) of the Draconitic month, named for the mythical dragon who " ate " the sun or moon during an eclipse.


If we look at what " Molad " refers to, both the birth of a child, as well as various Lunar cycles and events, we'll find that the writings in the NT book of Rev seem to make reference of this as well.

Same numerical equivalencies apply between luni-solar calculations and the gematria values like : kingdom ( 540 ) dragon ( 540 ) fish ( 17 ) young goat ( 17 ) son ( 117 ) belly ( 117 ), pregnancy ( 271 ) Israel ( 541 )...etc, they are all numbers you'll find while calculating things like the sun to moon ratio during an eclipse, or rounded diameters, etc, and at the same time they are the products and sums you'll find associated with the Arks and temples, etc.

That stuff doesn't really blow me away, I can easily see that if the all numbers are derivable completely separate from the bible or the Hebrew/Greek languages, by using observational measurements combined with vast tables of things like roots, squares, cubes, etc, it would be easy to use that set of calculations, ( quite large and impressive I am finding out ) to apply as an underlying " structure ", for lack of better terms.

What blows me away, is that is that these relationships between numbers/sets/decimal periodics/roots are embedded in pi, and these are what provide the math for the Hebrew language, but at the same time they are derivable by observing the heavens.

Mind = blown

Even aside from any possible religious connotations all this may end up having, the numerical discoveries alone have some profound implications.

If our ancestors didn't know how to calculate Pi accurately, then the fact alone that the value of genesis 1:1 in pi, along with the reciprocal relationships between the names of the ark, in pi, with their gematria and position values happening to be centered on 666, would imply this is blatantly false.

Definitely some interesting stuff, and I don't buy the explanation of " coincidence ".

144 first occurs at position 1638 in pi ( 1 x 6 x 3 x 8 ) = 144




Ignore that attachment, I accidentally wrote " circumference " instead of diameter " in that and cannot seem to remove it from the post


04-23-2014, 07:42 PM
YAHWEH = 26 ...

John 1:1 is a digital anagram of the 26th Pyramidal number ...

The difference between John 1:1 and the 26th Pyramidal number = The 26th Triangle!!!

Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37 x 73 and Genesis 1:1 + John 1:1 = 6328 ...

The difference between Genesis 1:1 + (37 + 73) and 6328 = The 37th Pyramidal number!!!

Check this out ...

The difference between the Hebrew value of JESUS CHRIST (754) and the Greek NT value of JESUS CHRIST (2368) = 1614 ...

The 1614th Prime concatenates to the value 37^2 and 1614 + 37^2 = 157 x 19 (157 = The 37th Prime and the EXACT midpoint between 1 and 37 = 19)!!! ...

19 = The number of hexagonal counters in a hexagram of 37 counters ...

1/19 = An infinitely repeating cycle of 18 digits and the sum of those digits = A mirror reflection of 18 ...

19 - 18 = 1 and 19 + 18 = 37 ...

The 18th multiple of 37 = The numerical distance between the 37th order of EVERY successive polygonal number (to infinity) ...

18 + 81 = The 73rd composite (Genesis 1:1 = 37 x 73) and 1881 = 19 x The 73rd composite ...

81/18 = A digital reflection of the 37th composite ...

Genesis 1:1 breaks down grammatically AND geometrically to (666 + 666 + 666) + The 37th Triangle ...

(666 + 666 + 666) + The 37th Triangle = (18 x 37 + 18 x 37 + 18 x 37) + (19 x 37)!!! ...

The ORDINAL value of Adam = 18 and the ORDINAL value of Eve = 19 (18 + 19 = 37) ...

The combined ORDINAL value of Adam and Eve = 37 and the combined STANDARD value of Adam and Eve = 64 ...

37 x 64 = 2368 = JESUS CHRIST (the "2nd Adam")!!!

BINI (The Mystic Meanie) :pray:

04-25-2014, 06:11 PM
The sum of the totient functions for the first 49 integers = The Hebrew value of JESUS CHRIST and the sum of the totient functions for the first 88 integers = The Greek NT value of JESUS CHRIST ...

49 + 88 = 137 (which is intimately related to the mathematical design of Genesis 1:1-5 and John 1:1-5) ...

The COMPOSITE order of 49 = The PRIME order of 137 ...

The product of the composite order of 88 and 37 (64 x 37) = 2368 = JESUS CHRIST!!! ...

The Hebrew value of "The God of gods" = 137!!!

Jesus Christ is GOD by a terrifying factor of infinity (every atom in the universe is fully aware of this).


04-25-2014, 10:04 PM
After seeing some of the interesting reciprocals Richard identified involving 27 and 37, 127 and 137, I also noticed the following:

In the decimal product involving the Moon's diameter and the 222 value for " firstborn ", the whole number product is 9

2160 / 222 = 9.729729729...

There are usually ~ 9 months to a pregnancy

729 = 9 x 9 x 9 = 93 = 729

So the periodic here is equivalent to the product of the last triple repunit in the series, written as a cube.

Seeing the values that Richard calculated for 999, " Key ", etc, I decided to take a closer look at some of the gematria values for words pertaining things like " son ", " belly ", " pregnancy ", etc, mainly because the values for words like " dragon ", " kingdom ", " israel ", " fish ", " goat " are also appearing in my tables.


27 x 37 = 999

37 / 27 = 1.37037037037

27 / 37 = .729729729729...

729...same periodic and root as 2160 / 222 ( 93 and 27 )

Now, during an eclipse, like an annular eclipse, you might see somewhere between .05 and .10% of the Sun when it is fully obscured by the Moon. ( It changes quite a bit, each eclipse is different )

The bible states that Jesus is the " first and last Adam ". " Adam " was created in Genesis 1:27, yet we have this statement about the sign of jonah to keep in mind.

Curiously, when we take 127 and use this with .05 and 10% of the Moon's diameter ( ~ 108 and ~ 216 miles ), again, rounded measurements, we'll find that we can derive the same values that are used for words like " son " and " belly "

.05% moon's diameter = 108 miles ( 127 / 108 ) = 1.17592592593
.10% moon's diameter = 216 miles ( 254 / 216 ) = 1.17592592593

Truncated by rounding down gives 1.17

Which we find, ( without decimal ) to be the values for words like:

" belly " = 117
" Son " = 117

So while we have writings about things like the " sign of jonah ", which seem not to bear any relation to the NT exclamations like " horns like a lamb but spake like a dragon ", if we look at the gematria values, again, we'll find them to used for the calendar calculations.

" fish " = 17
" goat " = 17

This is also, I suspect, the reason for multiple values for certain words, in the case of " young goat ", values like 17 and 27.

During an eclipse is when you'd see the most prominent " horns ".

For the triple repunit series in pi, 222 is the only repunit which happens to have a position number, the last digit ( 222 ) in this case, which is identical to the Moon's approximate diameter, in kilometers.

Most of my work is based on older units of measurement, I just happened to notice that 222 was the only first occurrence of a triple repunit in pi which had a position number which could be considered an intersection with a measurement of the Moon.

And in respect to the repunit 222 in Pi , and the Moon, out of this group of palindromic numbers ( 37, 73 ) and ( 17, 71 ), there are several interesting sums


I left out various operations like 17 x 71 = 1207 and 37 + 73 = 106, but I think we've all already seen those discussed before.

So the values for words like " fish " and " young goat ", are 17, and if you plug that into a division, using again, the moon's approximate diameter, you get

2160 / 17 = 127.058823529, which can be truncated by rounding, to 127

If you look at this integer in pi, and also the roots of these numbers:

127 first occurs in Pi at the 297th place

{...26024914 127 3724587006...}

Sqrt of 297 = 17.2336879396, ..which can be rounded and truncated to 17

Sqrt of 127 = 11.2694276696, ..which can be truncated and rounded to 11

If you take 11, and again use this to divide the moon's approximate diameter, you'll get

2160 / 11 = 196.3636363636

If we look at the roots, for both the whole number and the periodic, we get

sqrt of 196 = 14
sqrt of 36 = 6

We'll find that the various products and sums we can derive with these integers, 297, 127, 11, 14, 17, like

17 / 11 = 1.5454545454...
14 / 11 = 1.2727272727...
14 x 11 = 154
297 / 11 = 27
127 / 11 = 11.5454545454...

..have oddly reciprocal relationships with each other

154 is an element in the simple set of combinations of the digits in the integer 541, which sums to 2220....yada yada

Another reason, methinks, that values like 54 are used for words like " rod ".

If you look at other palindromic numbers, like 27 and 72, we'll see that a product of

72 / 27 = 2.66666666666....

Is identical ( aside from decimal placement ) to the product of

144,000 / 540 = 266.66666666666

540 is the value for words like " kingdom ", " dragon ", etc.


:yo: don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things