View Full Version : Revelation of the Holy Spirit
06-18-2008, 07:42 PM
As a new member to the forum I wanted to let others who are interested in the topic of gematria know about an amazing revelation given to me by the Holy Spirit. This may sound highly suspect even to other Christians, but what I have experienced is so remarkable that I just have to let people know. I was initially very skeptical regarding gematria until my brother wrote a book giving numerous examples of the numerical value for words and phrases of Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah that totalled either 888 which is the numerical value in Greek for Jesus, 1480 for Christ, 2368 for Jesus Christ, or 3168 for Lord Jesus Christ. The book was self published, and just recently available through a subsidy publisher and so it has not gained wide exposure.
Without going into detail, events in my life brought me to a point of despair and I prayed for enlightenment regarding the proper interpretation of truth in the Bible. Four months ago I experienced a two week period in which I was given messages in numbers that guided me in a search of the Scriptures. Having only a basic knowledge of gematria gained from my brother's work, what was revealed to me in that two week period was the way in which to evaluate every verse in the Bible and find the truth in each verse, confirming Biblical inerrancy. The Bible is inerrant in the numerical value of the words, and not always in a literal sense as far as the Old Testament is concerned. Every important tenet of Christian faith, however, can be proven through gematria.
In just two weeks of revelations, and another two weeks of inspiration in regard to putting words together and confirming the truth of the Bible through the numerical value of both Hebrew and Greek words, I had over 150 pages of notes. I then began to put into writing what had been revealed to me and after three months of writing I have just completed a 300 page book describing what was revealed to me in that short period of time. I want others to know what I learned so that the truth will be made known to all, and to that end I intend to use a subsidy publisher so that the book can be available ASAP.
I found that every truth in the Bible can be proven by taking the total numerical value of a verse, subtracting multiples of 888 from the value and then using the remainder to look up both Hebrew and Greek words of that value on "The Bible Wheel" site. Multiple words can always be found to correspond to the subject of the verse, or more often in regard to OT verses, correspond to Jesus as the Messiah, which is the entire purpose of the Bible. The OT verses are primarilly symbolic prophetic messages concerning Christ. When Jesus said that he came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets it was in regard to the hidden prophecies in each verse of the Torah as well as the prophetic books.
Other ways to prove the inerrancy of the Bible through gematria include taking the remainder after subtracting a multiple of 888 from the value for the verse, and then words taken from the verse can be used to restate the concept of the verse, with those words totalling the same value as the remainder; or a phrase or sentence describing Jesus or proclaiming Biblical truth will total either 888, 1480, 2368, or 3168. This sounds confusing but it really is not. Furthermore, I found that one can use words in Hebrew, Greek, or a combination of the two to create statements of Biblical truth that are confirmed by their gematria value.
Just one example of what I was able to discover is the following:
Εγω ειμι ο οδος και ο αληθεια και ο ζωη = I am the way and the truth and the life = gematria value of 2368 = Ιησους Χριστος = Jesus Christ = 2368
I have approx. 400 gematria proofs for the truth of the Bible included in my book. The message which I received from the Holy Spirit is that the time has come for all secrets to be revealed as the final Sabbath approaches. My prayer for enlightenment was answered and I am convinced that God will use what has been revealed to me to convince unbelievers of the truth and to allow believers to more fully appreciate what Biblical inerrancy really means.
Greetings in His holy name.
It is not surprising that the Lord is expanding His truth and wisdom in preparation for what lies ahead through the use of uncharted means.
Please share more, as you are led.
06-19-2008, 07:29 PM
I decided to use the method of gematria that was revealed to me for the verses at the bottom of your post (Romans 8: 38,39). The total gematria value for the two verses is 22297. (I use the software from to obtain the Greek translation in order to determine the numerical value) The closest multiple of 888 to this amount is 25 x 888 = 22200. If this amount is subracted from the total we have 22297 - 22200 = 97.
Hebrew words with a value of 97 include: God, angel, Lord, strength or power, time, in the sight or presence of, join oneself to, smite, perish, and nothing. As you can see, several Hebrew words have the exact same meaning as the Greek words found in the verses: God, angel, Lord and power. Other words have very similar meanings: smite and perish equivalent to death; time - goes along with "things present or things to come;" in the sight or presence of, and join oneself to - consistent with the idea that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Finally, there is the word for "nothing."
Two Hebrew words with the values of 61 and 36 which totals 97 can be combined to confirm the truth of the verse. Those words mean "nothing" and "separate." Therefore, in Hebrew we have "nothing shall separate" with a gematria value of 97 which is the remainder after subtracting the closest multiple of 888 from the total for the two verses. I have found that this proof for the divine inspiration of Scripture can be done for any verse.
Richard Amiel McGough
06-19-2008, 07:46 PM
Hey there 76of86!
Welcome to our forum!
Just one example of what I was able to discover is the following:
Εγω ειμι ο οδος και ο αληθεια και ο ζωη = I am the way and the truth and the life = gematria value of 2368 = Ιησους Χριστος = Jesus Christ = 2368
You are correct that Jesus Christ in Greek sums to 2368, but that's not the value of "I am the way and the truth and the life." The correct value of that phrase is 2182. How did you arrive at the number 2368?
76of86 replied to joel:
I decided to use the method of gematria that was revealed to me for the verses at the bottom of your post (Romans 8: 38,39). The total gematria value for the two verses is 22297. (I use the software from to obtain the Greek translation in order to determine the numerical value) The closest multiple of 888 to this amount is 25 x 888 = 22200. If this amount is subracted from the total we have 22297 - 22200 = 97.
Hebrew words with a value of 97 include: God, angel, Lord, strength or power, time, in the sight or presence of, join oneself to, smite, perish, and nothing. As you can see, several Hebrew words have the exact same meaning as the Greek words found in the verses: God, angel, Lord and power. Other words have very similar meanings: smite and perish equivalent to death; time - goes along with "things present or things to come;" in the sight or presence of, and join oneself to - consistent with the idea that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Finally, there is the word for "nothing."
Two Hebrew words with the values of 61 and 36 which totals 97 can be combined to confirm the truth of the verse. Those words mean "nothing" and "separate." Therefore, in Hebrew we have "nothing shall separate" with a gematria value of 97 which is the remainder after subtracting the closest multiple of 888 from the total for the two verses. I have found that this proof for the divine inspiration of Scripture can be done for any verse
I don't fully grasp the method, but I sure appreciate the results.
Thanks for you continued input.
I especially made note of ........."join oneself to" this is a very meaningful expression to me.
In Romans 6, Paul begins to use the "joint" words that are special to this section of scripture.
I particularly appreciate; buried with Him (6:4), planted together (6:5), crucified with Him (6:6), live with Him (6:8).
See what you get on these verses, thanks, Joel
06-20-2008, 06:41 PM
The reason for the different value for: Εγω ειμι ο οδος και ο αληθεια και ο ζωη = I am the way and the truth and the life, is that you apparently used the gematria value of 6 for ς and I found that using the full value for s of 200 in all situations gives the proof of the scripture.
Εγω = 808, ειμι = 65, ο = 70, και = 31, οδος = 344, αληθιεα = 64, and ζωη = 815.
Therefore 808 + 65 + 70 + 344 + 31 + 70 + 64 + 31 + 70 + 815 = 2368
I have no great knowledge of gematria, and have no idea why this method works. It is not something that I thought of myself, but something that was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit. In the book that I have just completed, I have > 400 gematria proofs of Biblical truth, many of them using the value of 200 for an s at the end of Greek words.
06-20-2008, 07:15 PM
Since I am unable to enter Hebrew words when posting it is not possible for me to give gematria proofs in that language, but I would like to demonstrate some of my gematria findings in Greek.
Ονομα υπερ πας λοιπων ονομα = 231 + 585 + 281 + 1040 + 231 = 2368 = Name above all other names = Jesus Christ.
Εγω ειμι ο μονος οδος ιδηι σωτηρια = 808 + 65 + 70 + 430 + 344 + 32 + 1419 = 3168 = I am the only way to know salvation = Κυριος Ιησους Χριοτος = Lord Jesus Christ.
Σωτηρια εστι δι ξαρις εκ Θεος = 1419 + 515 + 14 + 911 + 25 + 284 = 3168 = Salvation is by grace of God = Lord Jesus Christ.
Ο Μεσσιας εστι ο ηγαπα Υιος Θεος = 70 + 656 + 515 + 70 + 93 + 680 + 284 = 2368 = The Messiah is the beloved son of God = Jesus Christ.
The method that I described in the earlier post in which I subtracted the closest multiple of 888 from the value of the verse is a bit hard to follow, but it is more clear in my book. The examples given in this post is the end result of the guidance given by the Holy Spirit in how to use the numerical value of words in both Hebrew and Greek. As I mentioned before, I have about 400 such confirmations of Biblical truth in both Hebrew, Greek, and a combination of the two in some instances. All of the proof for divine inspiration of the Bible were received by me in a matter of just a few weeks.
Richard Amiel McGough
06-20-2008, 08:10 PM
The reason for the different value for: Εγω ειμι ο οδος και ο αληθεια και ο ζωη = I am the way and the truth and the life, is that you apparently used the gematria value of 6 for ς and I found that using the full value for s of 200 in all situations gives the proof of the scripture.
Εγω = 808, ειμι = 65, ο = 70, και = 31, οδος = 344, αληθιεα = 64, and ζωη = 815.
Therefore 808 + 65 + 70 + 344 + 31 + 70 + 64 + 31 + 70 + 815 = 2368
I have no great knowledge of gematria, and have no idea why this method works. It is not something that I thought of myself, but something that was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit. In the book that I have just completed, I have > 400 gematria proofs of Biblical truth, many of them using the value of 200 for an s at the end of Greek words.
Thanks for the explanation.
I do not use 6 for sigma. The value I presented is exactly correct. The error is that you changed the Scripture by replacing the feminine article eta = 8 with the masculine article omicron=70. The result therefore is not valid.
06-21-2008, 07:43 AM
Thank you for your insight. I am illiterate in Hebrew and Greek and as a result I am unaware of grammatical rules. However, I have found that the numerical value for words in both languages can always be used to prove the truth of the Bible, even if the grammar is incorrect. When I determined the value for "I am the the way and the truth and the life" I did not know whether to use ο or η for "the" and even though I used a different form, the gematria reveals truth. With the information you have provided, I easily came up with similar proof by changing the words slightly:
Εγω ειμι επικληθεν η οδος η αληθεια και η ζωη = 808 + 65 + 217 + 8 + 344 + 8 + 64 + 31 + 8 + 815 = 2368 = I am called the way, the truth, and the life = Jesus Christ
Also, if one takes the initial sentence with the feminine form for "the," there are several words with a value of 186 which when added to 2182 results in a gematria value of 2368, and which reveal Biblilcal truth. Those words are: γεγονεν (become, come into existence), ηγεμονι (governer, ruler, prince, sovereign), ανηγαγον (bring), εκλογην (election, chosen, God's elect). Furthermore, I have found that combining Hebrew and Greek words to reach a certain gematria value also reveals truth. Observe the definition of Hebrew words with a value of 186 that could be added to the sentence to equal a total of 2368: everlasting, knowledge, voice, eye (fig. spring or fountain), king, counselor, prince.
Using these words that would then equal the value for Jesus Christ we have:
I am (the) prince, the way, and the truth, and the life.
I am come into existence, the way, and the truth, and the life.
I am the way, and the truth, and bring the life.
I am God's elect, the way, and the truth, and the life.
I am the way, and the truth, and the everlasting life.
I am the way, knowledge and the truth, and the life.
I am the way, and the voice of truth, and the life.
I am the way, and the truth, and the fountain of life.
I am King/Counselor/Prince, the way, the truth, and the life.
It was revealed to me that it is not necessary to use the exact words of Scripture, but merely the words of appropriate numerical value to prove all truth. In that way any possible change in the original translations of the inspired word of God remains inerrant. God, in His amazing power and wisdom, directed the development of two separate languages of two different cultures which can be used alone or in combination to prove the divine nature of the Scripture.
God, in His amazing power and wisdom, directed the development of two separate languages of two different cultures which can be used alone or in combination to prove the divine nature of the Scripture.
That may help explain what He means by the fact that in judgment God will bring forth the Jew and the Greek in the order, Jew first, Greek, second.
The Jew had the oracles of God in Hebrew. The Greeks had the New Testament in Greek.
The order in which they received truth, the Jew first, then followed by the Greek is the order in which the judgment will be conducted.
I am illiterate in Hebrew and Greek and as a result I am unaware of grammatical rules.
That surely gives you an advantage over those who were schooled, in the flesh, and learned man's rules and laws of intrepretation and who refuse to see when shown a spiritual truth that does not match their system. Good for you.......let no one despise your lack of academic training.......such schooling that they attended, in the world, is full of dead men's bones.
06-21-2008, 07:19 PM
At this point I thought it might be helpful to give some background as to how I came to believe that I was given a revelation of the Holy Spirit in regard to the interpretation of Scripture through gematria. It started with the loss of my 26 y/o son due to suicide caused by depression in Sept. 2006. He had not acknowledged Jesus as his savior, and I was devastated at his death for fear that his eternal soul was lost.
In answer to my desperate prayer for assurance of his salvation, I was given a miraculous answer to prayer. On the day after his death I found a portion of a journal which he had written confirming that he had accepted Christ, but because of the effects of his depression he could not bring himself to tell others. The pages of the journal were found in a Bible in which he had left numerous bookmarks upon which specific verses were listed. The verses were like God speaking to me. One verse in particular assured me of my son's salvation. In the translation of the Bible he used it reads: Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven and he that vouches for me is on high. Job 16: 19
About six months after the loss of my son, I tried to use gematria of which I had only a superficial knowledge from my brother's book to see if I could find anything in Scripture concerning wisdom and understanding, as I tried to make sense of the tragedy. The only thing I found at that time was that the Greek words for "wisdom of God" has the same numerical value as "understanding." After a few weeks I abandoned my search.
I continued to believe that God had some purpose in the tragic loss of my son, and about one year later, as a result of other circumstances, I again prayed in desperation that I be given enlightenment regarding the truth of the Bible, and direction as to what God wanted me to do. It was at that time while reading in Ezekiel, I came across the prophecy of a shepherd who God would send to feed the people. I then took words from the prophecy in Ezekiel, and words from the verses in John concerning the Good Shepherd, and through adding or subtracting the value of words in Hebrew and Greek from these verses I came up with the values of 888 for Jesus or 1480 for Christ, confirming the shepherd to come as the Good Shepherd of the NT.
Following my first discoveries I began to be awaken several times in the early morning hours each night with the compulsion to look at the digital clock and use the numbers to assist me in further Biblical study. When I was awaken I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and a sense of peace that is indescribable. Initially the numbers were integral to giving me a message that I was being called to proclaim a message of truth. After the first few days the numbers led me to new gematria discoveries of truth. This all occurred over a two week period.
For an additional two weeks my thoughts were directed toward putting words together that had gematria values which confirm every truth of Christian doctrine. Since I am illiterate in Hebrew and Greek, I am certain that some of my "discoveries" may be flawed due to the erroneous use of the masculine instead of feminine forms of some words as indicated on a previous post. However, it is always possible to find words of an appropriate value which when used still confirm truth.
Out of 400 gematria proofs, even if there are some flaws, there are still sufficient numbers to prove the inerrancy of the Bible. Much of what I found is that in many instances the numerical value of the words is each verse can be used to find words of the same value to make a verse with a different meaning that is completly consistent with the rest of the Bible. Even if I had a greater knowledge of gematria and had spent years in research I could never have come up with the things that were revealed to me. Over the past three months since receiving the revelation I have written what the Holy Spirit has guided me to write and when the book is published I hope that others will use what was given to me, flawed as it may be due to my ignorance, as a basis for further Biblical study. One message that I received through the numbers that I was drawn to is that the Seventh Sabbath, the final Sabbath is approaching when Christ will return, and secrets are to be revealed and enlightenment will come in order to bring the lost into God's Kingdom.
Thank you for sharing such a personal event. Your loss must have been overwhelming at the time. But, the assurance provides hope.......and Paul says that we are "saved by hope" (Romans 8:24). Your son was saved by faith which is how we all begin our journey with Him. His depression convinced him that there was no hope in living. But now, through his loss, others can find hope.
I would be interested in your findings. Keep the faith, and hold on to the hope of helping others.
There will be scoffers, and mockers. They are in abundance.
Don't let anyone steal your dream. God gives to certain ones special gifts. Others may even hate them for it, just as Joseph's brothers tried to silence his dreams, but our God has goodness in mind..........He will finish His plan.
06-22-2008, 06:31 AM
Thank you for your words of encouragement. As it has now been awhile since feeling the intense inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I can sometimes sense Satan trying to convince me that what was revealed to me is not reality. I know differently, and I am convinced that God does have a plan to use what I have learned so that greater truth will be revealed through others, or perhaps through further revelations to me at the right time.
I have come to the realization that God communicates through numbers which are merely concepts of the mind. The meaning of words having a particular numerical value relate the thoughts of God whether or not those words fit into proper grammar or sentence structure. All wisdom comes from God, and Jesus is called the "Wisdom of God." Αlso, Jesus is the Word of God, and word means "thought or mind." Some interesting findings that I discovered are the following:
Υιος Θεος = 680 + 284 = 964 = Son of God
σιφυα λογοι = 781 + 183 = 964 = Wisdom / Word
Σοφια Υιος Θεος = 781 + 680 + 284 = 1745 = Wisdom of the Son of God
There is only one word in either Hebrew or Greek with a value of 1745, and that is φρονουντες which means "think, to have understanding." I truly believe that I have been made witness to the Wisdom of God.
I may not have full understanding of how to use gematria but that will come to me or someone else to fulfill God's purpose.
01-01-2009, 08:12 PM
Since I last entered a post on this thread six months ago I have experienced further revelations from the Holy Spirit. Initially it was revealed to me that the numerical value of all words is of importance. I felt compelled to write a book detailing what was revealed to me which proved the truth of the Bible. In that book, since I am illiterate in Hebrew and Greek, I used any spelling of a word and sometimes combined words from both languages to arrive at values which confirmed Biblical truth. This could seem to be a manipulation of words and gematria values to prove a preconceived idea.
Upon completion of the book, I was overcome with the inspiration of the Spirit to evaluate prophecies of the end times, the Day of the Lord, and amazingly I was given a revelation of the appointed time of the end. In a period of 3-4 weeks, the Spirit directed me to identify several hundred numerical correlations of words which confirmed Biblical truth and even the ordained year of the end. The proof has been shown using only the numerical value of root word spellings which avoids the appearance of manipulation.
After writing a second book concerning this new revelation, I began to doubt what had been revealed, and the Holy Spirit then guided me to find an additional 500 examples of gematria proof for the same thing. I have just completed a third book regarding this evidence. All of this sounds as if it is coming from someone suffering from delusions, but I assure you I am of sound mind. However, I am having trouble coming to grips with why I should be the one to have received such a revelation. The reason, I believe, is that for several months prior to the revelation, as a result of circumstances in my life, I had prayed for enlightenment regarding Scripture. Altogether, in the three books which I have written in ten months, I have been directed by the Spirit to find greater 1000 gematria proofs for the basic tenets of the Christian faith, and for the time of the end.
Since I am unable to enter the Hebrew fonts properly on this post and the file is too large to attach, I will list some the the findings in regard to proof of Biblical inerrancy regarding what is written of Jesus with the English translation and indicating the values of root words in either Hebrew or Greek. The findings can be substanatiated by looking up the words and their values.
The Son of the Lord God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob = (Hebrew word values) 52 + 26 + 86 + 86 + 248 + 208 + 182 = 888 = Value of Jesus in Greek.
The child shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, mighty God = (Hebrew word values with the word for God used in Isaiah 9:6 which has a value of 31) = 44 + 20 + 301 + 111 + 170 + 211 + 31 = 888 = Jesus.
The light of Heaven and earth = (Hebrew) 207 + 390 + 291 = 888 = Jesus.
It is written, God and Savior = (Hebrew) 422 + 86 + 380 = 888 = Jesus.
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the only Lord God = (Hebrew) 61 + 224 + 441 + 18 + 32 + 26 + 86 = 888 = Jesus.
I am the Lord = (Hebrew) 61 + 26 = 87 α + ω = (Greek) 1 + 800 = 801 I am the Lord / α + ω = 87 + 801 = 888 = Jesus
I am Wonderful, Counselor, mighty God, Prince of Peace = (Hebrew) 81 + 111 + 170 + 211 + 31 + 500 + 376 = 1480 = Christ in Greek.
Son / Lord = (Greek) 680 + 800 + 1480 = Christ
It is written, the Son of God = (Greek) 1404 + 680 + 284 = 2368 = Jesus Christ in Greek
Name above all other names = (Greek) 231 + 585 + 281 + 1040 + 231 = 2368 = Jesus Christ
The Word is Christ = (Greek) 373 + 515 + 1480 = 2368 = Jesus Christ
Savior unto men = (Greek) 1408 + 450 + 1310 = 3168 = Lord Jesus Christ in Greek
It is written, Jesus is the Lamb = (Greek) 1404 + 888 + 515 + 361 = 3168 = Lord Jesus Christ.
I am the everlasting Lord God = (Greek) 808 + 65 + 70 + 1141 + 800 + 284 = 3168 = Lord Jesus Christ
The truth of Holy Scripture = (Hebrew) 441 + 404 + 422 = 1267 Gospel = (Greek) = 1267
These are only a very few of the gematria examples which prove the inerrancy of the Bible, and prove that God directed the development of both the Hebrew and Greek languages so that the numerical value of words can be used to reveal all truth. It has been impressed upon my mind that I have been given the revelation to warn mankind that the end is near (not in my lifetime but in the lifetime of some who are alive today). Since I am someone of no authority when it comes to Biblical interpretation or theology, I can only hope that God will somehow use what I have written to raise awarenes in others so that the truth will be made known.
alec cotton
02-02-2009, 01:08 PM
To Richard I say, I have just checked your reply with the R.S.V interlinear and Tischendorf and your conclusion is correct. What I would like to mention is the fact that the number 6 is conspicuous by its absence. I have often wondered why the numbers always do and always have gone 1,2,3,4,5,7. To 76of86 I say ,Do not be discouraged. even the best horse must slip someday. Richard is red hot on the keyboard but I have seen typing errors made by him .Now if he can make typing errors then we can be excused for not getting the numbers right every time. Seek and you will find.
03-05-2009, 02:55 AM
Have any of you guys read any of Del Washburns books on Theomatics?
alec cotton
03-06-2009, 11:47 AM
Have any of you guys read any of Del Washburns books on Theomatics?
Sorry Barley . I have just come across your post or I would have replied earlier. Yes I have read del Washburn with interest and found nothing to complain about. There is just one thing which leaves me a bit uneasy and that is the way they use the tolerance of one or two. They call it clustering . Others have called it neighbourhood. If I was cynical I would call it manipulation, But I'm not. God bless you my brother.
05-08-2010, 06:37 PM
It has been nearly 1 1/2 years since I last submitted a post on this thread. My earlier posts mentioned the two books I had written. The first one is of no value because of the many errors and subjective "findings." Subsequent to that book, I was guided by the Spirit to use only the root word spelling according to Strong's Concordance for each word, as I am illiterate in Hebrew and Greek. I realize that this unusual method is deemed invalid as the exact spelling for each word as found in accepted original translations of the Bible are not used to determine gematria values.
The second book still had some instances where I did not use the proper root word. Since that time I have experienced four additional brief periods of inspiration lasting 4-6 weeks each time which guided me to certain passages of Scripture for which I did a gematria evaluation using root word spellings. Because I have been told that no matter how many instances of gematria correlations are found in this manner, it will not be accepted, I have had repeated doubts as to the reality of what I have perceived as a revelation.
Each time I begin to doubt, and pray for guidance and direction, I am led to specific passages of Scripture which, when evaluated by the method I have used, confirms what has been revealed to me. I cannot explain how or why I have been compelled to do what I have done, but I have been led to > 2,000 gematria correlations regarding confirmation of what is claimed in Scripture concerning Jesus, truth regarding the creation of man, and a revelation pertaining to end time prophecy. As a result, I have written three more books detailing what has come to me through the numerical value of words.
I am submitting this post to request that anyone who may be interested review some of what I have included in my books which can be found on my website: The reason for this request is not that anyone should purchase the books, but so that I might have some feedback concerning what I believe is a revelation of truth from the Holy Spirit. I cannot understand how someone unworthy as I am could be the recipient of such a revelation, but I also cannot deny the supernatural inspiration which has guided me to such a magnitude of gematria findings. So that anyone so inclined may be able to substantiate what I have recorded, in my last book and on the website I have indicated the Strong's number for each word used.
I would appreciate any comments whether positive or negative concerning what can be found on the website.
Mad Mick
05-10-2010, 04:48 PM
I checked out your site, in particular the prophecy year 2086AD.
First off I'll reiterate what I tell most people, which is if your ready to be treated like the prophets then continue, for more heartache and suffering WILL continue.
Deciphering prophecy means you have to live like a prophet. Believe me this is not easy. I've read your previous posts and I'm saddened by the loss of your son, maybe you are ready for the next stage of suffering. Just remember how Elijah rebuked Elisha warning of the consequences.
I'm about to write a post on prophecy which is not for the light hearted, but an unbiased view on the dangers of such a venture. Three ministers close to me between '03 and '05 lost their sons who also had found salvation in Christ Jesus before they died. Prior to this moment each minister was pleading God for a greater understanding and deeper connection with the Lord. They received what they asked for.
I have a young family and not a day goes by without me feeling empathy for my brothers especially when I'm pleading God for the same things they do. One of my spiritual gifts involves prophecy, I constantly dream of tribulation. I do not look forward to it, yet I'm led to believe it will come much sooner. Read my message to ScreamingEagle when you click on to my avatar, titled 17.
I do not doubt that the year of the Lord cannot be revealed for Jesus said we'll know by the signs and the season. Yet I do understand Demonic confusion and the deep occult pull gematria has with divination and call for Extreme Caution!
I recommend regular fasting once per month (Total abstinence of food, sex, work, drink including water) for as long as you feel healthy, get a doctor to monitor you. Then up it a bit each month. The longest I went was 21 days yet I was drinking water and 2 to 4 cups of tea per day. My thyroid levels were down due to lack of Iodine from no sea salt intake but 4 days after I broke the fast my blood test showed normal. You shouldn't be loosing any more than 1/2 a Kilo per day. During the fast, no TV apart from news updates and your christian based preferred teaching. Play praise music constantly in the background as often as possible. Pray and meditate on God 2 hours minimum per day. Study scripture 2 hours minimum per day and always expect to be attacked spiritually generally through your wife or someone close to you.
Over the past 8 months I've fasted approx. 60 days this way which is about 25% of that period. Why? Because I'm serious about my calling and I know that serious prayer must be accompanied with serious fasting(!) and none of that smoking crap or any other vice that can lead you astray.
You WILL get results and FAST!
What I always look for is confirmation through other people, dreams and signs. I can understand your method seems to be revealing something, but trained professionals in gematria will show too many loop holes in your forecasts and methodology. This doesn't mean that there isn't any truth behind what your doing it just means you have to try to debunk your own work using other texts like an encyclopedia and such secular writings like "War and Peace." You'll find plenty of sceptics out there who will do this just for the passion free of charge.
This is the tedious part that nobody likes to do, yet it is imperative for your own personal success. You have to be willing to realize that you can be wrong, die to self and stay humble. If you do this God will guide you but even then not without trial, "For what Son does God not discipline!" Heb.12:5-6. This verse chokes me almost every time I read it. I've leant on it through just about every dark period in my life.
One final thing, signs are everywhere. In coffee cups, in clouds, in the sand, cards, faces, aura's, newspapers, TV, everywhere. When God reveals, you will get the message, the key is patience.
Just because we look in the bible doesn't mean it's not Divination!
Therefore it's not what we're seeking but how we go about doing it!
Keep up the good work Tyrone (if thats your name and you don't oppose me calling you that), for the glory of God the father, in the name of his son Christ Jesus, amen!
PS. Where does "76 of 86" come from?
05-10-2010, 06:37 PM
Thank you for your post. To start, 76 of 86 is what I desire to be:
A servant (H5650) of God (H430)
עבד אלהִים
86 + 76
I have taken seriously your words of wisdom. From the beginning of my journey being led by the Spirit to use gematria I have been in constant prayer that I might use the method to which I was guided to seek only such truth as the Lord wanted me to find. My initial intention was only to find proof for the divine inspiration of Scripture such that those who have rejected the Christian faith might be convinced of the truth. Also, although I"m sure many on this forum will disagree, as someone who has advanced education in science, I view the Genesis record differently, as indicated on my website. My faith in God as my Creator, and Jesus as my Savior has not wavered throughout my life, and I have been burdened for many years with the concern regarding the unnecessary conflict between faith and science, which is a common reason for unbelievers to reject the faith. After losing my youngest son, this became more of a concern for me, because that is at least part of the reason my older son has turned away from his Christian roots.
All of the gematria findings on the website and in my books came to me in ways I cannot explain. Although I had hoped to find some way to bridge the faith vs. science chasm, when I attempted to do so on my own, I came up with very little. The gematria findings on my website and even more in the books I have written regarding creation came to me in a only about two weeks, at a time I was not deliberately seeking such evidence. In regard to the end time prophecy, this is something I would never have considered doing on my own, and was initially quite uneasy in pursuing it. It was only after much prayer that I was repeatedly guided to specific verses or concepts which led me to the gematria findings.
Upon completion of my fourth book, I was confronted by someone who I hold in high regard for their Christian walk, and I was told that some of what I had written was blasphemous. I immediately closed down my website, and sent a certified letter to the subsidy publisher of my books to discontinue their sale. For nearly three months I was in prayer that I be given guidance as to what to do. I then learned that despite the certified letter I had sent, apparently the publisher did not receive it. Then I was suddenly led by the Spirit to evaluate a passage of Scripture in the Book of Jude regarding the prophecy of Enoch. In a matter of a few days I had come up with >100 gematria confirmations of what had come to me previously regarding end time prophecy. Then in only a few weeks I was led to other verses of end time prophecy and came up with several hundred more gematria correlations.
As I know that I am unworthy of receiving such a gift of prophecy, I have had repeated periods of doubt, and fear that I might be doing more harm than good if what I have written is all in error. Also, what purpose does it serve to prophesy the time of the end in the future when most people alive today will not be here? Many times over the past two years since this journey began I have been awaken in the night with inspiration as to what I should do. It is as though the Spirit is speaking to me. This occurred most recently after I had written the fifth book and was reluctant to publish it. In the middle of the night I was again awaken, and the message came to my mind: "publish the book and I will do the rest."
I am aware that people will view me as a deluded fool, or a blasphemer. Even though I sometimes wish that what I claim as a revelation had not come to me, I am willing to accept that reality, because I am convinced that something unexplained and supernatural has occurred. Whether or not I am correct in what I have written, God knows that it is only my desire to serve Him. I ask for your prayers that I might know His will.
Mad Mick
05-10-2010, 09:01 PM
It's better to try and fail than to not do anything at all. I believe what your doing is done in all honesty, so for that I pray should correction be needed, may it be by the Lords gentle hand rather than the harsh end of the goad.
I asked God for 3 messages for you as I prayed I opened the bible to 3 scriptures:
Prov. 24:23-24 Partiality in Judgment
2Sam. 7:13-14 Coming Kingdom
Matt. 25:10 Bridegroom, Virgins, Oil and Banquet
I asked for a vision but it was faint all I saw was a Large 19 century white double story mansion amongst willows in the Everglades like a swampy region deep south US. I felt their was a voodoo presence from the local native residents represented by a snake image.
I prayed for clarity and clear vision on your behalf as well as victory from Demonic attack in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
PS. I don't even know what part of the world you're from but if anything rings a bell let me know. Confirmation builds ones faith and strengthens ones abilities. Or on the other hand "No success without failure." I'd rather know either way, it helps me to distinguish between vision and imagination.
05-11-2010, 05:11 PM
The vison you had of the mansion in the deep south does not seem to have an association with me as I live in Michigan. However, the verses which you listed all ring familiar. The inspiration coming to me from the Spirit is related to a time of judgment, but also the time for the establishment of God's everlasting kingdom.
The final verse which you listed, Matthew 25: 10, is part of a parable which speaks of the truth that only those who are prepared for the bridegroom's return will enter into wedding celebration. The message from the Spirit to me is that the time of the end is being revealed so that all may be ready.
76 of 86
10-21-2014, 06:48 PM
As a new member to the forum I wanted to let others who are interested in the topic of gematria know about an amazing revelation given to me by the Holy Spirit. This may sound highly suspect even to other Christians, but what I have experienced is so remarkable that I just have to let people know. I was initially very skeptical regarding gematria until my brother wrote a book giving numerous examples of the numerical value for words and phrases of Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah that totalled either 888 which is the numerical value in Greek for Jesus, 1480 for Christ, 2368 for Jesus Christ, or 3168 for Lord Jesus Christ. The book was self published, and just recently available through a subsidy publisher and so it has not gained wide exposure.
Without going into detail, events in my life brought me to a point of despair and I prayed for enlightenment regarding the proper interpretation of truth in the Bible. Four months ago I experienced a two week period in which I was given messages in numbers that guided me in a search of the Scriptures. Having only a basic knowledge of gematria gained from my brother's work, what was revealed to me in that two week period was the way in which to evaluate every verse in the Bible and find the truth in each verse, confirming Biblical inerrancy. The Bible is inerrant in the numerical value of the words, and not always in a literal sense as far as the Old Testament is concerned. Every important tenet of Christian faith, however, can be proven through gematria.
In just two weeks of revelations, and another two weeks of inspiration in regard to putting words together and confirming the truth of the Bible through the numerical value of both Hebrew and Greek words, I had over 150 pages of notes. I then began to put into writing what had been revealed to me and after three months of writing I have just completed a 300 page book describing what was revealed to me in that short period of time. I want others to know what I learned so that the truth will be made known to all, and to that end I intend to use a subsidy publisher so that the book can be available ASAP.
I found that every truth in the Bible can be proven by taking the total numerical value of a verse, subtracting multiples of 888 from the value and then using the remainder to look up both Hebrew and Greek words of that value on "The Bible Wheel" site. Multiple words can always be found to correspond to the subject of the verse, or more often in regard to OT verses, correspond to Jesus as the Messiah, which is the entire purpose of the Bible. The OT verses are primarilly symbolic prophetic messages concerning Christ. When Jesus said that he came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets it was in regard to the hidden prophecies in each verse of the Torah as well as the prophetic books.
Other ways to prove the inerrancy of the Bible through gematria include taking the remainder after subtracting a multiple of 888 from the value for the verse, and then words taken from the verse can be used to restate the concept of the verse, with those words totalling the same value as the remainder; or a phrase or sentence describing Jesus or proclaiming Biblical truth will total either 888, 1480, 2368, or 3168. This sounds confusing but it really is not. Furthermore, I found that one can use words in Hebrew, Greek, or a combination of the two to create statements of Biblical truth that are confirmed by their gematria value.
Just one example of what I was able to discover is the following:
Εγω ειμι ο οδος και ο αληθεια και ο ζωη = I am the way and the truth and the life = gematria value of 2368 = Ιησους Χριστος = Jesus Christ = 2368
I have approx. 400 gematria proofs for the truth of the Bible included in my book. The message which I received from the Holy Spirit is that the time has come for all secrets to be revealed as the final Sabbath approaches. My prayer for enlightenment was answered and I am convinced that God will use what has been revealed to me to convince unbelievers of the truth and to allow believers to more fully appreciate what Biblical inerrancy really means.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-21-2014, 07:02 PM
Woohoo! A lunatic stopped and said "666 in gematria = Number of a man barack obama"!
It's a perfect storm of insanity: gematria + conspiracy theories + paranoia + religion
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