View Full Version : Moses Said..

04-09-2014, 10:25 AM
Moses Said: Psalm 90
Moses said "Threescore & Ten" would be the years of man...
He'd seen the Burning Bush, and heard directly from I AM.
He only wrote this single psalm, we might have passed it by,
But since he lived to sixscore, we stopped to wonder "Why?".

Moses said "Threescore & Ten"; We knew a score was twenty,
The fifty years he lived beyond, we realized was plenty..
Now 20 centuries are gone, and 10 are yet ahead..
Since Jesus died at Calvary and they counted him as dead.

Moses prayed we'd learn to count the number of our days,
And how a thousand years compares, in reckoning the ways.
The "Day" of Rest is almost here: Millennium No. 7,
Six Days for Man are near complete: Time to go to heaven!

Moses said we had a choice: he advised that we choose Life..
To serve the mighty God of Love, and reject the wicked strife.
He lived to see two Jubilees; to glimpse the promised land,
Back then it wasn't time to go; there was more to understand.

Moses said we ought to hear, a prophet much like him...
Sure enough, both babies came to deliver all from sin.
One floated down the river, the other as bread from above,
God wanting us to comprehend personification of love.

Moses prayed for the people, when serpents and fire consumed,
Jesus prayed in the garden, when the death of Calvary loomed.
These two were true! If I were you, I wouldn't wait another day..
Get right with God--Be Scripture shod, and then begin to pray!

:sos: Notice the pattern. Threescore, or three twenties, like in the 20 centuries since Christ ascended, preceded by the 20 centuries of Old Covenant for the Jew under the Law, and the 20 centuries of Genesis (pre-Law). We acknowledge the 10 centuries ahead (7th millennium) and see it as a "Day" of Rest for Christians.

Readers today may notice how that bush of Moses compares to the TWO Presidents, GW41 and 43. :woah:

04-10-2014, 08:49 AM
Probably just my imagination here..seems to be just another use of the same numbers, again

70 years
120 years

Didn't somebody post something about the length of time between covenants equaling 430 years ?

Is that correct ?

430 years x 4 = 1720 years

04-10-2014, 10:55 AM
Probably just my imagination here..seems to be just another use of the same numbers, again

70 years
120 years

Didn't somebody post something about the length of time between covenants equaling 430 years ?

Is that correct ?

430 years x 4 = 1720 years

172 is gematria of "akev" = the heel threatened by the snake - the snake taking away your freedom.

The first version of the ten commandments (Exodus 20) cotains 172 words. It lays under a curse: If you don't accept Torah, then I will utterly destroy you.

The second version (Deuteronomy 5) contains 17 words more, 17 being gematria of "tov" = good.

I.e. the secret of forgiveness of sin ( the third "tov" in the Torah being the 153rd word from the beginning - God saw sin that it was good)

(Moses came down from teh mountain with the second set of tablets on the tenth of Tihsri = Yom Kippur.)

04-10-2014, 03:09 PM
..right...and the palindromic numbers 71 and 17 multiplied give 1207

Very interesting...

The last numbers in 2701 and 2221 have position numbers in pi that multiply to products which add to 216 ( identical to the decimal product and periodic of 144,000/666 = 216.2162162162162 )

2701 168th position in pi ( 1 x 6 x 8 ) 48
2221 1738th position in pi ( 1 x 7 x 3 x 8 ) = 168

( 168 + 48 ) = 216

168*φ = 271.82971011

This is all just too fascinating..

1080 / 222 = 4.864864864..a periodic of 864....square root of 864 ( 29.3938769134 ) is roughly the same as a Synodic month ( 29.530588853 days (+/-)
2160 / 222 = 9.729729729..a periodic of 729....square root of 27, 729 being approximately twice the calendar year (272 / 2 = 364.5) vs ( 365.242 days )

While 144,000 / 666 = 216.2162162162162...and 216 x 666 = 143,856....143,856 + 144 = 144,000

999 is the only triple repunit in the series that divides 144,000 with a whole number and periodic of 144

144,000 / 999 = 144.1441441441441

And 999 is the only triple repunit that divides the periodic 729 to 1.37037037037...

2160 and 1080 are approximate measurements of the Moon, while the combined approximate radii can be used to construct a Golden Triangle (φ)

The φ ratio expressed on a circle with 360° gives us approximately 137.49° and 222.51°

Look where 137 is in pi and what it's position numbers multiply to, using the same operation that was applied on the last position numbers of 2701 and 2221


The square root of that position number ( 29.30870177950569 ) is also roughly equal to a Synodic month ( 29.530588853 days (+/-)

And on and on...lol

Every single one of these numbers, so far, I have found to belong to sets used to calculate eclipses, which seem to based on the Draconic and Synodic months.

Is it any coincidence that the Draconic months were associated with the eclipses that were symbolized as a dragon eating the Sun or Moon ?

One of the values of " dragon " = 540..." Israel " = 541

I'm 100% convinced these numbers are based on the intersections of various sets :eek:

04-11-2014, 12:18 AM
..right...and the palindromic numbers 71 and 17 multiplied give 1207

So 71 x 17 (1207) is a permutation of 73 x 37 (2701) like also 172(0) = 4 x 43(0)

43 is gematria of "gam" = also .

Genesis 3:6, Rashi:
and she gave also to her husband: lest she die and he live and marry someone else. — [from Pirkei d’Rabbi Eliezer , ch. 13]
also: to include the cattle and beasts - [from Gen. Rabbah 19:5].
(Only the Phoenix refused to eat, Pbhoenix, Hebrew "chol" = the everyday life, the ever enduring now)

43 is also gematria of "luz" -- the name of the place where Jacob dreamt of the ladder with its top in heaven and name of the bone that cannot decay, the luzbone http://www.chabad.org/kabbalah/article_cdo/aid/380694/jewish/Get-Up-Luz-Bones.htm

430 is gematria of "nefesh" = soul.

Mark 10:45,
For also the Son of man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister, and give his soul a ransom for many

04-11-2014, 03:47 AM
"akev", the heel, gematria 172, is said to be in the wine (172 being gematria of "anavim" = grapes, in Numbers 13:23, They came to the Valley of Eshkol and they cut a branch with a cluster of grapes. They carried it on a pole between two [people] and [they also took] some pomegranates and figs.)

Wine can intoxinate you,
But wine can also open up the holy, the sabbath being hallowed over a cup of wine.

Hebrew "shikkor" = drunk, flushed.

You can be drunk of anything, "drunk of success", etc. also of marijuhana.

Hebrew "shatah" = to drink

"shatui"" = drunk, intoxinated.

There is a saying: "when wine goes in secret comes out"

Since "yayin", wine, has the same gematria as "sod", secret , viz. 70.


There is also the saying: "you can't threaten a dove with wine" , but that's rather stupid, or maybe not?