View Full Version : Bump in the Road
03-15-2014, 05:53 AM
Past the 400th anniversary of KJV Bible, we are still debating it here in this "far country".. :pop2:
Before Jesus died on the Cross, the cross was the 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet (tav), and He spoke of the metaphoric cross in Matthew 10:38, rather than the one carried by Simon the Cyrenian in Mark 15:21. The Edict of Tolerance in Versaille just a bump in the road, you think?
David M
03-24-2014, 04:16 AM
Past the 400th anniversary of KJV Bible, we are still debating it here in this "far country".. :pop2:
Before Jesus died on the Cross, the cross was the 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet (tav), and He spoke of the metaphoric cross in Matthew 10:38, rather than the one carried by Simon the Cyrenian in Mark 15:21. The Edict of Tolerance in Versaille just a bump in the road, you think?
Hello Dux
How appropriate. I am in the process of listening to a 3-part study of Sampson. I have just listened to the first part. Towards the end, the speaker says, "rather than invent the wheel, I have used the writings of someone else". I am unable to copy and paste this from the video, so I shall have to type it from the screen. Here it is. This is one person's lament that summarizes the present situation in the world and brings up the subject of tolerance.
A brother's lament
We are currently in the Golden Age of Sin. Right is wrong and wrong is right. The only real sin today is talking about sin. We have the perfect storm of humanism, evolution and moral relativity in society around us. This has eroded our standards and brought about a moral and doctrinal laxity in our assemblies. In an honest effort to become more loving and kind, we are now threatened by a dynamic of extreme tolerance. In that climate, the tolerant stand idle as people simply do as they please, but swiftly condemn anyone who judges doctrine and behaviour according to Biblical standards.
I concur with the speaker. I could not have said it any better.
All the best
03-24-2014, 06:06 AM
David; Here's my 'Samson' poem, to go along with your study. The allegorical POV see's Samson as "Son of Samuel" (theme of JohnSon, DavidSon, etc.) because Samuel is type of Holy Ghost.
SAMSON Judg 14:14
A mighty Judge of Israel; Samson was his name,
His strength inspired Hercules to try to do the same.
He wouldn't drink strong drink, and he wouldn't cut his hair,
With bare hands he slew the lion, and then left him lying there.
A mighty Judge of Israel: Samson was his name..
Used the jawbone of a donkey to put the Philistine's to shame.
Women were his weakness, they persisted in their plot,
To learn his riddle and his secret: which eventually they got!
"From the eater came forth meat; from the strong came sweetness",
Plowing with his heifer brought all the guest's completeness.
And when the Feast was over and the bride was kissed at last,
They got a change of garments just before the die was cast.
The honey from the lion was the Riddle to his love..
The secret of his strength was that it came from "up above".
Then blinded by Delilah and forced to turn the wheel,
Samson's hair kept growing as he grinded out the meal.
Came the day the Philistines brought Samson for their fun..
They chained him tween two pillars so that he couldn't run.
He flexed his mighty muscles; it got quiet as a mouse..
His prayer to God was answered by bringing down the house!
They say he killed more in his death than when he was alive,
And through the Cross of Calvary, many millions have revived.
Samson ate the honey, but he killed the lion first,
And now we see the story was a tale for those who thirst.
All the best.. /s/ dux :plane:
David M
03-25-2014, 03:36 AM
Hello Dux
David; Here's my 'Samson' poem, to go along with your study. The allegorical POV see's Samson as "Son of Samuel" (theme of JohnSon, DavidSon, etc.) because Samuel is type of Holy Ghost.
Thank you for the poem. Your poems and poems in general have a way of encapsulating the essence of truth in few words. The Bible can be thought in terms of one great poem in which the words are few, yet extremely powerful in their message, which is the Truth.
I have just finished listening to the second in the series of three six talks about Samson. Actually, this is the second time of playing the video. Even in doing this, there is a lesson to be learnt. I played the second talk as I was going to bed last night. I knew I was sleepy and had not followed it all the way through. Therefore, I had to know what I had missed and so played the video again this morning. WOW! I could hardly believe how much I had missed by nodding off. Spiritual blindness, which has come up in another thread, is like being asleep and missing the message. I woke up this morning and with fresh eyes and an alert mind, I have appreciated all the fine points that have been brought out in the talk.
The second talk of this series is entitled; "A Nazarite unto God from the womb". By the end of the talk, I came to think the title could have been; "The Woman". If Rose is reading this, I will post the link to the video at the bottom. I know we are all accountable individually, and it makes no difference whether we are a man or a woman. In God's sight, we are equally valuable, if we have the mind of Christ, or as I am now pondering on; the mind of the woman, which represents the Divine mind.
Women have been shown in the Bible to occupy very important positions. Women are outnumbered by men in terms of pure numbers, but that does not lessen the value of women. Women are invaluable and God has made that recognition in His word. The speaker in the video regards women as "smart" thinkers; I would not disagree. Adam was more in the wrong than Eve. Adam did what he did knowingly, whereas Eve is shown to be the thinker, whose mind was able to be deceived. However, Eve was a thinker and has come to symbolize the Divine mind. Like Mary, the mother of Jesus, she pondered these things in her heart. That is what we should all do, in order to see the richness and value of God's word.
Once again, I accept any Bible talk that is based on good Bible exposition. We do not have to agree, but then we have to give good reason why we disagree and that has to be based on equally good Bible exposition. So for Rose and anyone else that wants to rail against God for his apparent bias against women, I suggest they listen to the talk and see the evidence presented and see the value God places on "the woman".
I thought this was only a three-part series, I now find another three parts have been posted. I have another 3 parts to download and listen to.
(For Rose) Part 2 -
All the best
09-28-2014, 08:33 AM
Silence, You wrote: "Chuck Missler said that David's genealogy is encoded in Genesis 38, I believe it is at a 40 or 48 letter skip" -- can you clarify, plz? Does it agree w Ruth4:18? Sincerely, dux
09-28-2014, 02:05 PM
Nevermind Silence, the names Boaz, Ruth, Obed, Jesse, David: All in Gen38!
:sEm_blush8: I got it thru BlueLetterBible. ELS49
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