View Full Version : What is a Christian!

02-09-2014, 11:03 AM

02-09-2014, 04:49 PM

Well... I will give my two cents here on the topic. I find it hard to believe any talking head that claims to kmow their Bible and yet thinks that attending church and keeping Sunday as a holy day is somehow Christian could possibly be a follower of Jesus the Christ who claimed to be the "LORD of the Sabbath day." Mark 2:28 Anyone with half a brain knows that no Jew in the days of Jesus would confuse Saturday with Sunday as being the "Sabbath". So the notion that this talking head knows how to "rightly divide" anything, much less the word of GOD is laughable. I do not know what your point is for starting this thread but let's understand that the truth as it is in Jesus is the issue of faith in the Word! Nothing else really matters. Either Jesus is IHVH or He is NOTHING! Period.



Richard Amiel McGough
02-09-2014, 06:47 PM
Well... I will give my two cents here on the topic. I find it hard to believe any talking head that claims to kmow their Bible and yet thinks that attending church and keeping Sunday as a holy day is somehow Christian could possibly be a follower of Jesus the Christ who claimed to be the "LORD of the Sabbath day." Mark 2:28 Anyone with half a brain knows that no Jew in the days of Jesus would confuse Saturday with Sunday as being the "Sabbath". So the notion that this talking head knows how to "rightly divide" anything, much less the word of GOD is laughable. I do not know what your point is for starting this thread but let's understand that the truth as it is in Jesus is the issue of faith in the Word! Nothing else really matters. Either Jesus is IHVH or He is NOTHING! Period.


Perfect! One Christian posts the answer to "What it means to be a Christian" and another Christian immediately rejects that answer as pure poppycock! :lol:

Now the thing that is so interesting in this case is the idea that all Christians, including all the leaders and all the clergy and all the theologians, were all too stupid and/or stubborn to understand the "simple truth" of the NT teaching concerning the "Sabbath." They are all rejected as "laughable" dimwits without "half a brain" and yet they are the ones who produced the Bible that everyone hijacked even as they rejected those who produced it! What could be more ironic than that?

The idea that "Jesus is IHVH" is not logically coherent because that would entail the contradiction that Jesus simultaneously is and is not his own father. It needs to be expressed with more nuance. Your assertion sounds like the heresy of Oneness Pentecostalism which says that Jesus is the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and that the Father is Jesus, and Jesus is Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is Jesus. It is curious form of anti-Trinitarianism that affirms the deity of Jesus while denying the distinction between the Father and the Son.

02-09-2014, 11:58 PM
Perfect! One Christian posts the answer to "What it means to be a Christian" and another Christian immediately rejects that answer as pure poppycock! :lol:

Now the thing that is so interesting in this case is the idea that all Christians, including all the leaders and all the clergy and all the theologians, were all too stupid and/or stubborn to understand the "simple truth" of the NT teaching concerning the "Sabbath." They are all rejected as "laughable" dimwits without "half a brain" and yet they are the ones who produced the Bible that everyone hijacked even as they rejected those who produced it! What could be more ironic than that?

The idea that "Jesus is IHVH" is not logically coherent because that would entail the contradiction that Jesus simultaneously is and is not his own father. It needs to be expressed with more nuance. Your assertion sounds like the heresy of Oneness Pentecostalism which says that Jesus is the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and that the Father is Jesus, and Jesus is Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is Jesus. It is curious form of anti-Trinitarianism that affirms the deity of Jesus while denying the distinction between the Father and the Son.

Hi Richard:

They are all rejected as "laughable" dimwits without "half a brain" and yet they are the ones who produced the Bible that everyone hijacked

Thanks for the comment. However, the Bible was not written by the nutbars as you suggest. (They might have translated it and arranged the format but the imbedded truth is all that really counts.) The problem with that assumption is that it causes all subsequent analysis to equal a zero sum game. I know you would like it to be that way... But the evidence is not there for such a conclusion. I agree with you, as you know, on many things but on this we must divert somewhat. What is interesting is that YOU do not actually believe in the FATHER the SON or the HOLY SPIRIT and yet you argue for a Trinity which is fabricated by the Roman Catholic sect! Too funny!:lol:

The idea that All Scripture is "inspired" by the Spirit of GOD is a theme which runs throughout the Bible. Eventhough Jews and Christians do not agree on the GOD concept per se, it is still held that the words of the Book are not derived from a human mind. However, the idea that GOD exists in three distinct persons at the same time being ONE GOD is a difficult idea theologically to establish. It is a tradition of the RC camp. It is possible to have GOD become ANYTHING that GOD wants to become - so we must establish our constructs about GOD from the writings which claim to be inspired by the SPIRIT of GOD. Period.

The reason you say what you do is that you do not Believe in any GOD at all....So you try and confuse the issue by acting like GOD cannot be in two places at once - as Father and Son and Spirit all at the same time! The Jews refer to that as emmanations of the ten sephiroth. GOD the FATHER IS in FACT the SON. Jesus claimed as much when He said, "If you have seen me you have seen the father!" John 14:9

It is not theology which will produce eternal life and immortality in the end... It is understanding the Word of Life and accepting in faith the truth found in the Word and being transformed by Spirit which will give us eternal freedom and life everlasting. Something you categorically reject!.



02-10-2014, 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by Richard Amiel McGough

Perfect! One Christian posts the answer to "What it means to be a Christian" and another Christian immediately rejects that answer as pure poppycock!

The reason for that is that YOU ASSUME that there are TWO Christians in the room! The talking heads deviate away from the basic Gospel facts as spoken by Jesus the Christ as to cause any half wit (like yours truely) to see that they are NOT CHRISTIANS at all...

02-11-2014, 01:51 AM
Hi Richard:

You said:

Now the thing that is so interesting in this case is the idea that all Christians, including all the leaders and all the clergy and all the theologians, were all too stupid and/or stubborn to understand the "simple truth" of the NT teaching concerning the "Sabbath." They are all rejected as "laughable" dimwits without "half a brain" and yet they are the ones who produced the Bible

Now you are a smart person.... So why do you use words like all theologians, all clergy... You know that is NOT true! There are many of the clergy that view the "Sabbath/Sunday" issue very differently. Start with most Messianic Jews and Rabbis in general they do not see the "simple truth" as anything but the way it was held for many centuries before the Catholic church pushed an agenda which the Eastern Christian Church did not accept for many years. It is "laughable" that you pretend to defend a position which in reality you do not even believe in! Then you try and throw the Bible under the bus by saying that the "idiots" that changed the Christian theology to something other than Christian ALSO wrote the Bible we have today! That is just not fair! And you of all people should know that!

