View Full Version : Frequency ratios

01-11-2014, 05:37 AM
The frequencies can be debated because they are arbitrary, the ratios however are not!
A possible source of fundamental frequencies might be brain waves, or atomic/molecular vibration, or even the natural frequency of DNA molecules.

from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Are-Certain-Frequencies-Encoded-in-the-Bible-in-the-Book-of-Numbers?&id=1490087
Nicola Tesla, the unsung genius and father of most of our modern day conveniences, said, "If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." He also said, "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you would have the key to the universe." John Keely also wrote about the power of the vibrations of the thirds, sixths, and ninths.

According to the revelation received by Dr. Joseph Puleo, the numbers he discovered (396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852) are frequencies. This makes sense because everything is energy, and energy is a vibration, and a vibration has a frequency. Even the printing on this page is a frequency. In other words, there is nothing that is not a frequency.

With an understanding now of the significance of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, we can perform some simple calculations on these numbers and achieve surprising results. When using the Pythagorean method of single digit reduction, each of these numbers can be reduced to either a 3, 6, or 9. For example, 396=3+9+6=18=1+8=9; 417=4+1+7=12=1+2=3; 528=5+2+8=15=1+5=6, and so forth.

Another interesting calculation is determining the difference between each number. The difference yields either 21, 102, or 111. Again, using the Pythagorean method, these numbers all reduce to 3. An amazing calculation is done by multiplying these numbers by any number and then reducing it to a single digit. The result is, again, either 3, 6, or 9.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1490087


Here is a quick synopsis of how the frequencies were deciphered. In the Bible, in the book of Numbers, chapter 7, verse 12, we find a reference to the first day. Moving down 6 verses, to verse 18, we find a reference to the second day, continuing down six more verses, to verse 24, we find a reference to the third day, and so forth until the final reference in verse 78 which is speaking of the twelfth day. What these verses have in common is a reference to a similar idea.

To arrive at the first frequency the actual verse numbers are added using the Pythagorean method of reducing a number to a single digit. Thus, Verse 12 is 1+2=3, verse 18 is 1+8=9, verse 24 is 2+4=6, verse 30 is 3+0=3, verse 36 is 3+6=9, verse 42 is 4+2=6, etc. until verse 78. The pattern here is 396, 396, 396, etc. This is the first frequency.

The next frequency is found by looking at verse 13 which is speaking of an offering. Six verses down, which is verse 19, the same offering or idea is repeated, six verses down at verse 25 there is another repeat, etc. Thus, by using the Pythagorean method of reduction, again we find a pattern developed. This pattern is 417, 417, 417, etc. Now we have the second frequency. The remaining frequencies are arrived at in the same manner. When all is complete the frequencies are 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, and 852.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1490087

We would need a standard time interval for any frequency to be completely relevant, say the vibration of an atom or molecule at a particular temperature.

from: http://www.ccl.net/cca/documents/dyoung/topics-orig/vib.html

The simplest description of a vibration is a harmonic oscillator which describes springs exactly and pendulums with small amplitudes fairly well. A harmonic oscillator is defined by the potential energy being proportional to the square of the distance displaced from an equilibrium position. In a classical treatment of a vibrating object, the motion is fastest at the equilibrium position and comes to a complete stop for an instant at the turning points, where all of the energy is potential energy. The probability of finding the object is highest at the turning point and lowest at the equilibrium point.

A quantum mechanical description of a harmonic oscillator uses the same potential energy function, but gives radically different results. In a quantum description, there are no turning points. There is some probability of finding the object at any displacement, but that probability becomes very small (decreasing exponentially) at large distances. The energy is quantized, with a quantum number describing each possible energy state and only certain energies possible. Very small objects, such as atomic particles behave according to the quantum description with low quantum numbers. Macroscopic objects under a quantum description will have very large quantum numbers with energy spacings that are too close together to measure and a probability distribution that becomes identical to the classical result in the limit of infinite quantum numbers. The fact that classical mechanics is a special case of quantum mechanics for large masses is called the "correspondence principle".

The vibration of molecules is best described using a quantum mechanical approach. Molecules do not behave according to a harmonic oscillator description. Bond stretching is better described by a Morse potential and conformational changes have a sine wave type behavior. However, the harmonic oscillator description is used as an approximate treatment for low vibrational quantum numbers.

The quantum mechanics equation (called the Schrodinger equation) has never been solved exactly for any chemical system containing more than one electron. However, many ways are known to approximate the solution. Approximation methods known as ab initio methods use mathematical approximations only. Frequencies computed with ab initio methods and a quantum harmonic oscillator approximation tend to be 10% too high (due to the difference between a harmonic potential and the true potential) except for the very low frequencies (below about 200 wave numbers) which are often quite far from the experimental values. Many studies are done using ab initio methods and multiplying the resulting frequencies by about 0.9 to get a good estimate of the experimental results.

01-11-2014, 07:33 AM
A correlation will be found between specific natural frequencies and gene expression due to the process discovered in the science of epigenetics.
If you haven't looked into this, it would be well worth your time.

from: http://www.qigonginstitute.org/html/epigenetics.php
Epigenetics (literally, control beyond genetics) is a new field of biology that is exploring the effect of the environment on cellular behavior. The "environment" includes one's physical, social, and electromagnetic environment as well as beliefs, perceptions, lifestyle, habits, behaviors, and mind-body practices such as Qigong. Gene expression is the process by which proteins are manufactured from instructions stored in the DNA. Humans have about the same number of genes as rats, mice, and other mammals (~30000) and roughly 4500 more genes than plants, 10900 more genes than roundworms, and 16400 more genes than fruit flies. There simply aren't enough genes to account for the complexity of human biological processes and behavior. The complexity is made possible by several factors. One is regulatory proteins which direct the activity of the genes. A cell's nucleus contains regulatory proteins and DNA. Environmental signals affect the binding of the regulatory proteins to the DNA within the nucleus as well as the function of the cell through interaction with proteins in the cell cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, and the cell membrane. The environment turns genes on or off through three main processes: phosphorylation of proteins and methylation and histone modification of genes and DNA. In addition, research indicates that "junk DNA" plays an important role in gene expression and is another proposed pathway for environmental signals to affect gene expression.

According to some epigenetics researchers, the true "brain" of every cell is not the nucleus but the cell's membrane which interacts with and responds to environmental signals. A broader view sees the environmental signals affecting proteins both inside and outside the cell, as well as on the membrane. Epigenetics gives a mechanism for a bridge between the energetic basis and the biomolecular/chemical physiological basis of our existence. The "energetic basis" is our fundamental bioenergetic structure and being interacting directly with environmental signals which are different forms of energy, such as light, electromagnetism, sound, heat, vibration, emotions, thought, and the practice of Qigong. See also Bioenergetic Basis of Life.

from: http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v33/n3s/full/ng1089.html
Cells of a multicellular organism are genetically homogeneous but structurally and functionally heterogeneous owing to the differential expression of genes. Many of these differences in gene expression arise during development and are subsequently retained through mitosis. Stable alterations of this kind are said to be 'epigenetic', because they are heritable in the short term but do not involve mutations of the DNA itself. Research over the past few years has focused on two molecular mechanisms that mediate epigenetic phenomena: DNA methylation and histone modifications. Here, we review advances in the understanding of the mechanism and role of DNA methylation in biological processes. Epigenetic effects by means of DNA methylation have an important role in development but can also arise stochastically as animals age. Identification of proteins that mediate these effects has provided insight into this complex process and diseases that occur when it is perturbed. External influences on epigenetic processes are seen in the effects of diet on long-term diseases such as cancer. Thus, epigenetic mechanisms seem to allow an organism to respond to the environment through changes in gene expression. The extent to which environmental effects can provoke epigenetic responses represents an exciting area of future research.

from: http://www.bulletproofexec.com/how-your-environment-hacks-your-genes-for-you/
A new guide to epigenetics just got published that blows the doors off conventional thinking around upgrading yourself. There is no longer any doubt that you can use your environment to literally hack your genes. The research, published in the Journal of Behavioral Ecology, highlights dozens of studies showing epigenetics guides rapid adaptation.

from: http://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/16/1/6.long
What do Pc-G/trx and DNA methylation in mammals have in common? First, both systems are able to repress transcription in a heritable manner. Second, both appear to be reactive in that they lock in expression states that they played no part in setting up (e.g., DNA methylation in viral genome silencing and CpG-island methylation on the X chromosome). Third, both are activated primarily during a discrete window of time in early development. Thus, like Pc-G/trx, DNA methylation has the properties of a developmental memory.

What is memorized by DNA methylation? Arguably, its major role is to stably demarkate by its absence a set of embryonically active promoters, namely, CpG islands, so that they remain potentially active throughout development and adulthood. At the same time, regions devoid of promoter activity in the embryo become methylated and carry this repressive influence with them through development. The degree of repression may be weak or strong depending on the density of methylation (Boyes and Bird 1992; Hsieh 1994). Thus, CpG islands that are silenced by other mechanisms during embryogenesis would acquire dense methylation leading to irreversible silencing. When, however, the density of methylated CpGs is low, as it is in most of the genome, repression is likely to be weak and may be overcome by the presence of strong activators. Weak repression of tissue-specific genes (e.g., β-globin) that are embedded in regions of low-density methylation may contribute to their silence in inappropriate tissues.

from: http://www.soyatech.com/news_story.php?id=4452
Rice Genes Can Be Switched On by Sound Waves, South Korean Scientists Find

New Scientist: September 1, 2007 -- Can plants hear? They all respond to light, which affects how they optimise growth and survival, allowing them to stiffen in response to wind, and a "taste" for nutrients. But whether they respond to sound is a mystery.

Now Mi-Jeong Jeong of the National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology in Suwon, South Korea, and colleagues claim to have identified two genes in rice that respond to sound waves. They also say that the promoter of one of the sound-sensitive genes could be attached to other genes to make them respond to sound too.

The findings follow a host of similar, but unsubstantiated, claims that plants respond to sound. If the researchers are correct, they say their discovery could enable farmers to switch specific crop genes on and off, such as ones for flowering, by blasting sound into the fields. That might be cheaper and more environmentally friendly than proposed techniques, such as activating genes with chemicals.

Richard Amiel McGough
01-11-2014, 10:34 AM
The frequencies can be debated because they are arbitrary, the ratios however are not!
A possible source of fundamental frequencies might be brain waves, or atomic/molecular vibration, or even the natural frequency of DNA molecules.

from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Are-Certain-Frequencies-Encoded-in-the-Bible-in-the-Book-of-Numbers?&id=1490087
Nicola Tesla, the unsung genius and father of most of our modern day conveniences, said, "If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." He also said, "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you would have the key to the universe." John Keely also wrote about the power of the vibrations of the thirds, sixths, and ninths.

According to the revelation received by Dr. Joseph Puleo, the numbers he discovered (396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852) are frequencies. This makes sense because everything is energy, and energy is a vibration, and a vibration has a frequency. Even the printing on this page is a frequency. In other words, there is nothing that is not a frequency.

With an understanding now of the significance of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, we can perform some simple calculations on these numbers and achieve surprising results. When using the Pythagorean method of single digit reduction, each of these numbers can be reduced to either a 3, 6, or 9. For example, 396=3+9+6=18=1+8=9; 417=4+1+7=12=1+2=3; 528=5+2+8=15=1+5=6, and so forth.

That article is crap. Tesla was not "the father of most of our modern day conveniences", and I have no reason to believe he would utter such an absurd banality as that business about "the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9". And the amateur silliness about digital roots, etc., etc., etc. I see nothing of any significance in that article.

I looked up "Dr. Joseph Puleo" and found exactly what I expected pure nuttiness. For example, from this article:
The third note, frequency 528, relates to the note "MI" on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair damaged DNA the genetic blueprint upon which life is based.
Genetic biochemists use a frequency to repair damaged DNA? Yeah, right.

This is the kind of crap that drove me nuts when I was a Christian because it made it impossible to share my authentic discoveries about the Bible Wheel and Biblical Holographs in such a soup of mindless confusion, blind gullibility, absurd claims, and outright quackery.

Believers have but one standard of truth - Does it confirm what I want to believe? If yes, it is true. If no, it is false.

Another interesting calculation is determining the difference between each number. The difference yields either 21, 102, or 111. Again, using the Pythagorean method, these numbers all reduce to 3. An amazing calculation is done by multiplying these numbers by any number and then reducing it to a single digit. The result is, again, either 3, 6, or 9.

Any multiple of 3 will reduce to a 3, 6, or 9. That's elementary mathematical fact that can be proven. This is why it is so pathetic to see ignorant believers writing about things they don't understand but think are "amazing proof of the Bible".

Here is a quick synopsis of how the frequencies were deciphered. In the Bible, in the book of Numbers, chapter 7, verse 12, we find a reference to the first day. Moving down 6 verses, to verse 18, we find a reference to the second day, continuing down six more verses, to verse 24, we find a reference to the third day, and so forth until the final reference in verse 78 which is speaking of the twelfth day. What these verses have in common is a reference to a similar idea.

To arrive at the first frequency the actual verse numbers are added using the Pythagorean method of reducing a number to a single digit. Thus, Verse 12 is 1+2=3, verse 18 is 1+8=9, verse 24 is 2+4=6, verse 30 is 3+0=3, verse 36 is 3+6=9, verse 42 is 4+2=6, etc. until verse 78. The pattern here is 396, 396, 396, etc. This is the first frequency.

The next frequency is found by looking at verse 13 which is speaking of an offering. Six verses down, which is verse 19, the same offering or idea is repeated, six verses down at verse 25 there is another repeat, etc. Thus, by using the Pythagorean method of reduction, again we find a pattern developed. This pattern is 417, 417, 417, etc. Now we have the second frequency. The remaining frequencies are arrived at in the same manner. When all is complete the frequencies are 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, and 852.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1490087

The text of Numbers 7:12-83 is totally repetitive. There is one group of six verses for each of the 12 tribes. The numbers necessarily repeat given this simple fact. There is no reason to think that there is any meaning of any kind in the numbers that were derived by taking the digital roots of the verse numbers. It pure quackery.

01-11-2014, 11:17 AM
Edison was smart but it took him 2000 tries to invent an incandescent light bulb.
Tesla was a genius, he could picture entire electrical systems in his mind.
I have been trying to find out what he meant by 369, but so far nothing conclusive, just a reference to a patent number.
I agree that using the word "MOST" of our modern day conveniences ect... was a poor choice of words.

What I am interested in are these numbers (396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852)

What is all the hype about. If a second were a little shorter or longer then the pitch would be different.

The vibrations of the thirds, sixths, and ninths, have you ever tried putting in different fundamental frequencies and see if any thing interesting comes from it?
Is there anything in the Bible that relates to musical scales?

Do you see anything here or is it nothing?
528- the key
741- the broken bread

Are you finished with the bible wheel, or are you still looking for patterns and correlations?

Richard Amiel McGough
01-11-2014, 12:40 PM
Edison was smart but it took him 2000 tries to invent an incandescent light bulb.
Tesla was a genius, he could picture entire electrical systems in his mind.
I have been trying to find out what he meant by 369, but so far nothing conclusive, just a reference to a patent number.
I agree that using the word "MOST" of our modern day conveniences ect... was a poor choice of words.

What makes you think he said anything about "the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9"? I Googled it and found nothing except a few people who were repeating the rumor without providing any evidence.

What I am interested in are these numbers (396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852)

Why would you think there was any meaning in those numbers? They were derived using an arbitrary rule without any rational motivation as far as I can tell.

The vibrations of the thirds, sixths, and ninths, have you ever tried putting in different fundamental frequencies and see if any thing interesting comes from it?
Is there anything in the Bible that relates to musical scales?

Do you see anything here or is it nothing?
528- the key
741- the broken bread

I see random coincidences derived from verse numbers using an arbitrary rule.

Are you finished with the bible wheel, or are you still looking for patterns and correlations?
I am still fascinated by it and often notice new patterns that naturally fit with everything else. But I'm not actively looking for new patterns so much as trying to understand what any of it could mean. I am strongly convinced that the traditional Christian concepts are altogether wrong. But the evidence for "something" going on with the patterns of the Bible Wheel and Biblical Holographs remains strong. I can't refute nor explain the evidence, but neither can I believe the God of the Bible is true, so I remain mystified.

01-11-2014, 01:12 PM
I found another reference to the patent.

Tesla's four-tuned circuits two on the receiving side and two on the transmitting side, secured by U.S. patents #645,576 and #649,621) were the basis of the U.S. Supreme Court decision (Case #369 decided June 21,1943) to overturn Marconi's basic patent on the invention of radio.
from: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/tesla/lostjournals/lostjournals00.htm

Richard Amiel McGough
01-11-2014, 01:43 PM
I found another reference to the patent.

Tesla's four-tuned circuits two on the receiving side and two on the transmitting side, secured by U.S. patents #645,576 and #649,621) were the basis of the U.S. Supreme Court decision (Case #369 decided June 21,1943) to overturn Marconi's basic patent on the invention of radio.
from: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/tesla/lostjournals/lostjournals00.htm
I found the case here: http://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/320/1/case.html

After Googling about and finding it referenced here: http://www.mercurians.org/1998_Fall/misreading.htm

Wikipedia lists all the Supreme Court cases here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases_by_volu me

It is odd that the case number is 369, given the rumor that Tesla said those three numbers were the "key to the universe".

Why is the patent important? It just shows that the "time had come" for the invention of radio and he was one of the competitors. That's how new discoveries work. They are often simultaneously discovered by independent researchers because knowledge had advanced to the point where they become inevitable.

I think cults of personalities like Tesla, Einstein, etc. are folly.

01-11-2014, 02:02 PM
There may be more to this but I will have to look.
Tesla may also have chosen hotel rooms with the number 369 on the door and I remember reading somewhere that 369 had to do with energy creation. Edward Leedskalnin's name comes up in some of this stuff.

Richard Amiel McGough
01-11-2014, 02:28 PM
There may be more to this but I will have to look.
Tesla may also have chosen hotel rooms with the number 369 on the door and I remember reading somewhere that 369 had to do with energy creation. Edward Leedskalnin's name comes up in some of this stuff.
Ah yes, Edward Leedskalnin. Another magnet for the gullible fringe crowd.

Telsa was just a dude alive at the right time. So he helped invent the radio and AC power. That's cool. But other than that, he was just another dude. He didn't have the "secret to the universe" or the secret to perpetual motion machines or any such nonsense.