View Full Version : 73rd square in Genesis 1:1 ...

11-05-2013, 03:31 PM
BINI SPEAKING TO GOD: O Master of Creation, I took the 7 word values of Genesis 1:1 and added them to their mirror reflections but I did not find you ...

GOD SPEAKING TO BINI: O young Bini, am I part of creation or am I separate and distinct from my creation?

BINI SPEAKING TO GOD: O Master of Creation, surely you are separate and distinct from your creation.

GOD SPEAKING TO BINI: Very well ... Now separate the value of Elohim and sum the remaining values in Genesis 1:1 with their mirror reflections ...

913 + 319 + 203 + 302 + 401 + 104 + 395 + 593 + 407 + 704 + 296 + 692 = 73^2

BINI SPEAKING TO GOD: O Master of Creation, I am satisfied ...

GOD SPEAKING TO BINI: Go now ... Continue your search ...

JESUS IS GOD (I am Gambini and I am NOT God).

David M
11-05-2013, 04:42 PM
JESUS IS GOD (I am Gambini and I am NOT God).

How do you reckon that? What numerical values are you deriving for Jesus and for God and where do you get the values from?

11-05-2013, 05:59 PM
"What numerical values are you deriving for Jesus and for God and where do you get the values from?"

I'm not sure what you mean ...

Hebrew and Greek have DUAL character systems (every letter is also a number). Hence, every word in the bible has a numerical value by simply adding the values of the letters in any given word in the Hebrew OT or Greek NT.

The 7 words of Genesis 1:1 add up to 2701 (the 73rd triangle) ...

2701 + its mirror reflection (1072) = 3773 ...

3773 combines the two prime factors of 2701 (37 and 73) ...

37 is the 12th prime and 12^2 = 144

73 is the 21st prime and 21^2 = 441

Do you see the three levels of reflections (37/73, 22/21 and 144/441)? We see a similar threefold cipher of reflections in the very verse in the NT that is intimately related to Genesis 1:1 through gematria, which is John 1:1 ...

John 1:1 = 39 x 93 ...

39 = 13 x 3 and 13^2 = 169

93 = 31 x 3 and 31^2 = 961

Now when we remove the THIRD word from the SEVEN words of Genesis 1:1 (I emphasize the three and seven because 37 is the central number of biblical numerics), we get the 73rd square by simply adding each word value with its mirror reflection. The third word that is removed happens to be ELOHIM (the Hebrew word for God). This represents God being SEPARATE and DISTINCT from his creation (and Genesis 1:1 introduces the creation account).

The fact that Genesis 1:1 = The 73rd square when we add its value with its mirror word values (minus Elohim) is pretty incredible when you consider that Genesis 1:1 = The 73rd Triangle (not to mention the 37th Hexagon).

Richard Amiel McGough
11-05-2013, 10:05 PM
"What numerical values are you deriving for Jesus and for God and where do you get the values from?"

I'm not sure what you mean ...

Hey there Gambini,

David wanted to know how the numbers are supposed to prove that Jesus is God. He's very interested in that point because he believes the Bible is the Word of God and that it most definitely does NOT teach that Jesus is God. That was the point of his question.


11-07-2013, 03:03 PM
Greetings sir ...

In that case, he is sadly mistaken. Observe ...

The divine Greek NT title of LOGOS (applied to the Nazarene) = 373.

The Hebrew value of "YAHWEH OUR GOD" (with each of the individual letters fully spelled out) = 373.

The 373rd word in the bible = The 31st appearance of ELOHIM (the value of the singular form of Elohim = 31).

And even if David wanted to set gematria aside, the open words of the bible CLEARLY teach that Jesus is God. It is literally impossible to produce an entire book that will not be misinterpreted by fallible men at some point. So it's not shocking that there are so many false doctrines (especially given the biblical teaching that there are hidden demonic entities trying to influence believers away from the truth) ...

Btw, the fact that ppl like him exist actually VALIDATES the bible in itself because it clearly warns that ppl would try to come with a different gospel. If there WEREN'T any false gospels running around, THAT would be an error on the part of the bible.

Richard Amiel McGough
11-08-2013, 12:41 AM
Greetings sir ...

In that case, he is sadly mistaken. Observe ...

The divine Greek NT title of LOGOS (applied to the Nazarene) = 373.

The Hebrew value of "YAHWEH OUR GOD" (with each of the individual letters fully spelled out) = 373.

The 373rd word in the bible = The 31st appearance of ELOHIM (the value of the singular form of Elohim = 31).

Hey there Sir Gambini, :yo:

The numbers you mentioned do not prove that Jesus is God. David accepts that the Logos is divine - the Divine Word or "message" concerning God's plan which centers on Christ. And if David liked gematria, I have no doubt that he would see this confirmed by the 373rd word being "YAWHEH OUR GOD". Jesus speaks the Word (373) of "Yahweh our God" just like he said in John 8:28.
John 8:28 Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.
Rather than suggesting that Jesus is God, David would see this as confirming that Jesus is NOT God because he can do nothing "of himself". Can you imagine God saying that?

And even if David wanted to set gematria aside, the open words of the bible CLEARLY teach that Jesus is God. It is literally impossible to produce an entire book that will not be misinterpreted by fallible men at some point. So it's not shocking that there are so many false doctrines (especially given the biblical teaching that there are hidden demonic entities trying to influence believers away from the truth) ...

Oh ye of little faith! Jesus said "For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37

But the funny thing is this - humans have written thousands of books that cause much less confusion and dispute than the Bible. For example, go pick up a book on basic mathematics, physics, or chemistry. Why are "fallible humans" able to do so much better than God? Any honest reading of the Bible proves that it was not written by any God of great intelligence. Sure, there are mysteries in the gematria of Genesis and John and a few other passages, but that can't fix all the scientific, logical, and moral problems that CLEARLY saturate the entire book.

The Bible is an extremely confused and self-contradictory text. It is so confused, the devoted believers think other devoted believers are ANTICHRIST (e.g. Catholic vs. Protestant). You can't blame this confusion on humans, unless, of course, you are willing to admit that they (rather than God) authored most of the Bible.

Btw, the fact that ppl like him exist actually VALIDATES the bible in itself because it clearly warns that ppl would try to come with a different gospel. If there WEREN'T any false gospels running around, THAT would be an error on the part of the bible.

That's a most ridiculous logical absurdity. I could write a book that says "I am God, but no one will believe I am God." When people tell me I'm not God, have they "validated" the fact that I am God?

And besides, David would say that YOU are the one with the "other gospel." And there's no way for either of you to actually prove who is right because all you have are words in a book that need to be interpreted and so it's just potsherds clashing with potsherds. You can't prove your theology any more than someone could prove a particular philosophy. They are the same kind of thing - the only difference is that theology is based on much crazier metaphysical assumptions and so is less certain than any philosophy (and there is no philosophy with any certainty, or if there is, it has not been widely recognized).