View Full Version : Indulgences; moral or immoral? How much for a rape Pope Francis?

Greatest I am
10-30-2013, 08:32 AM
Indulgences; moral or immoral? How much for a rape Pope Francis?

Martin Luther at least had the good sense to know that the church could not honestly believe that they could bargain away consequences imposed by God, ---- or bribe God’s justice, ---- with indulgences.

He recognized how completely immoral and flagrant such lies from the church were and chose to break from that immorality and outright theft.

Strange that the Catholics of today just keep buying the lies without a peep and secular governments, ---- that are supposed to care for their constituents, ---- all ignore this crime against the gullible.

Seems that Catholic morals are no better than Protestant Christians when it comes to bargaining in God’s name, --- and bribing his justice. Not to mention secular law that has abandoned their most vulnerable charges.

Shame on the R. C. C. and all Christians for allowing such a flim-flam man to lead the Catholic and Christian world.

Shame on governments for ignoring this flagrant crime.

In the days of old, I could buy my way out of a crime. Rape for instance, for a given price.

How much would I need to pay the Pope to have him bribe God’s justice today?

Now I know that the Pope would never give a price but there definitely was a price back when.

I would suggest $ 5,000.00 per rape.

Do you think that too high or too low?

Are you getting the idea I am trying to give you yet?

God’s justice for sale folks. Buy your bribes ASAP before they run out.

Send all requests and funds to the Vatican, --- in care of Satan.

Indulgences; moral or immoral?


10-30-2013, 08:56 AM
Indulgences; moral or immoral? How much for a rape Pope Francis?

Indulgences; moral or immoral?


Anytime someone purposely lies and deceives another to rob them of their money it is an immoral act!

10-30-2013, 09:52 AM
:hangman: Hey Rose.. You bet your sweet LIFE and death in the power of the tongue, Prov18:21, and as illustrated by the Butler (Life) and the Baker (Death).:eek: Any chance you could be "blinded" to the truth of Scripture, or have your binoculars on backward? :pop2:

10-30-2013, 11:40 AM
:hangman: Hey Rose.. You bet your sweet LIFE and death in the power of the tongue, Prov18:21, and as illustrated by the Butler (Life) and the Baker (Death).:eek: Any chance you could be "blinded" to the truth of Scripture, or have your binoculars on backward? :pop2:

Hey Dux - I've never said that the Bible doesn't contain truth and wisdom! What I have said is that the Bible IS NOT the word of god! There are many sacred texts in the world that contain truth and wisdom, but the truth and wisdom they contain comes from the authors who wrote the books, not an imagined deity.

10-30-2013, 02:25 PM
Why would you say a thing like that Rose? Don't you know it is better to keep it to yourself and say nothing, than to speak up and remove all doubt -- might get you a reduced sentence somehow.. hah!

10-30-2013, 03:01 PM
Why would you say a thing like that Rose? Don't you know it is better to keep it to yourself and say nothing, than to speak up and remove all doubt -- might get you a reduced sentence somehow.. hah!

I have no worries of there being any sentence to be reduced. :lol:

More harm than good has come from believing the Bible to be the word of god. Because of people believing the Bible to be the word of god, women have been stoned to death for losing their virginity, because of people believing the Bible to be the word of god, adulterers have been stoned to death, because of people believing the Bible to be the word of god, daughters have been sold off as slaves by their fathers, because of people believing the Bible to be the word of god, women have been denied equal human rights by men, the list could go on and on ...

I find no "good" specific to the Bible, that cannot be found in other books written by people.

Greatest I am
10-30-2013, 03:57 PM
Anytime someone purposely lies and deceives another to rob them of their money it is an immoral act!

Exactly, yet no one penalizes the churches and mosques for doing exactly that.

What in hell is wrong with us?


Greatest I am
10-30-2013, 04:00 PM
Why would you say a thing like that Rose? Don't you know it is better to keep it to yourself and say nothing, than to speak up and remove all doubt -- might get you a reduced sentence somehow.. hah!

She spoke to the morality of the issue.

Why did you run from that angle?

Shame perhaps?
