View Full Version : Door of Metaphor !

10-18-2013, 03:50 PM

You don't believe the Bible? Well, that's okay with me...
Go on and do the ostrich trick; You'll regret eternally.
Because you do not understand, you've chosen to ignore,
Maybe it's because you haven't studied on the Door.

It's not a door that's made of wood -- it doesn't swing on hinges,
Your fate depends on what you would, and it's a fate that cringes.
There isn't any other way, you can't go 'round the back...
So if you're reading something else, your trust is in a crack.

It's not a door that you can see, except in your mind's eye..
Think of getting into heaven, and the fact you're going to die.
Right now the Door is open and the Welcome mat is out,
So you can always leave again, if you still have a doubt.

This Door is automatic when the name of Christ is named,
Everyone who enters finds release from all their shame.
There'll come a day when it will close, and time will be no more,
If that Day comes and you're outside, don't blame it on The Door.

"..Let US go down and confound their language...", Gen11:7. Most take this to mean the beginning of different languages and geographic colloquialisms, but figures of speech (including metaphors) may play an important part too. Read about more than 200 "Figures of Speech used in the Bible" by E.W.Bullinger (Baker Book House).

03-28-2014, 08:04 AM
A lyric poem by Bob Smith, Ana Glyfada Greece, 7/87
Christ is the Rock, and he's the answer, 1Cor10:4
He's the shining light.. Jn8:12
Christ is the Rock, Christ is the answer, Gen28:18
He's the Bread of Life. Jn6:51

They say that honey comes from bee's, but the answer's on my tongue.. Ps81:16
"I get my HONEY FROM THE ROCK, so I'm sure I won't get stung! Rev10:10
The honey that opened Jonathan's eyes has also opened mine, and the 1Sam14:29
Word of God now tastes so sweet that I crave it all the time! Pr24:13

They say that water comes from rain, and that it's mainly in the plain, Hos6:3
but I get my WATER FROM THE ROCK, so I will never thirst again. Ex17:6
It's not the water in the well; No, this comes from Galilee.. Jn4:14
It's been poured out from God above, so naturally it's free! Ps22:14

They say that oil lubricates, and is pumped up from the ground, Dt32:13
but I get my OIL FROM THE ROCK...it's a gusher that I've found! Job29:6
That old oil covered up the flesh, and messed up Aaron's beard, but you Ps133:2
need the new oil for your lamp, when the bridegroom does appear. Matt25

They say that fire burns and kills--it's definitely HOT...but the Judg6:21
Word of God tastes extra good with the (new) FIRE FROM THE ROCK! Judg13:20
Don't let your sacrifice get cold; No, keep it piping hot.. Rom12:1
On the altar for burnt offerings, with fire from the Rock. Gen22:7

Now they ate lamb, but we eat bread; as spirit succeeds flesh,
The STONE that they rejected has become our righteousness.
Follow first the fire, if you want to see the cloud; It's the
Great Light that follows the darkness that eliminates the shroud!

Samson's HONEY is in stock, for those who want it from the Rock,
and for those who'll take a stand, there's still the WATER of Naaman.
The OIL of gladness yet abounds in churches where the Rock is found..
So grab your Bible, light a shock...the FIRE still comes from the Rock!

Christ is the Rock, and he's the answer, Ps18:31
He's the firstfruit from the dead.. Lev23:10
Christ is the Rock, Christ is the answer, 1Cor15:24 :Investigate:
He's the Lifter of my Head. Ps3:3

Jacob took a stone for his pillow! Maybe a rock for his head, like a diamond with many facets? Jesus is the Rock, 1Cor10:4, and the chief cornerstone, Eph2:20, and 1Cor11 calls Him the "head". We're the body, but He's the head.