View Full Version : Disguised!

09-12-2013, 05:39 AM
:sBo_reflection2: Jesus came to earth disguised as a human being--looking like mankind--just as Jacob put on the goatskins and clothing to look like hairy Esau.
Jesus won back for us the blessings that had originally been lost by Adam; just as Jacob obtained the blessing that was initially intended for Esau.

An allegory is essentially two stories: the one which says the truth plainly, and the one which presents the same truth in disguised fashion. It doesn't really matter which story comes first-- but if you only know about one (1) of them, you'll never be aware of the allegory. In the disguised form it may be difficult to distinguish from a parable, which usually mixes a strong element of hyperbole (exaggeration) to tell a moral story. Teachers use analogy to introduce new subjects, comparing one thing to the other, and allegory is used extensively in scripture by the greatest teacher ever known. :specool: