View Full Version : The Outrageous Irony of Jeremiah Wright in Context

Richard Amiel McGough
03-29-2008, 03:01 PM
When I first heard folks attempting to defend Jeremiah Wright by saying that his incendiary comments were "taken out of context" I thought to myself "Yeah, right! The clips quoted whole paragraphs! There's no way they could be taken out of context."

But I was wrong.

I have watched the sermon with the infamous "chickens coming home to roost" quote that Wright gave immediately after 9/11 and my view of him has radically changed from what I got by watching the OUT OF CONTEXT soundbites endlessly repeated by the Main Stream Media. Here is how Wright began his sermon:

Every public service of worship I have heard about so far in the wake of the American tragedy has had in its prayers and in its preachments sympathy and compassion for those who were killed and for their families, and God’s guidance upon the selected presidents and our war-machine as they do what they got to do - pay backs. There’s a move in Psalm 137 from thoughts of paying tithes to thoughts of paying back. Move if you will from worship to war. A move, in other words from the worship of the God of creation to a war against whom God has created. And I want you to notice, very carefully, the next move. One of the reasons this psalm is rarely read in its entirety. Because it is a move that spotlights the insanity of the cycle of violence and the cycle of hatred.

Look at verse 9, look at verse 9, look at verse 9, “Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rocks." The people of faith by the rivers of Babylon. How shall we sing the Lord’s song if I forget thee, O Jerusalem ...

This is why I chose the words "outrageous irony" in the title of this thread. Jeremiah Wright based his sermon on a verse from the Bible that sounds outrageously unacceptable when read out of context or without a full Biblical understanding. Does the Bible really say "Happy shall he be that take your little ones" - INNOCENT BABIES!- and "dash them against the rocks"? Yes it does! What then could it possibly mean? Wright gives us that answer with clarity and deep biblical understanding:

The people of faith have moved from the hatred of armed enemies, these soldiers who captured the king, who slaughtered his son, they put his eyes out, the soldiers who sacked the city, burned the towns, burned the temples, burned the towers, and moved from the hatred of armed enemies to the hatred of unarmed innocence, the babies, the babies .

“Blessed are they who dash your baby’s brains against a rock.” And that, my beloveds, is a dangerous place to be. Yet, that is where the people of faith are in 551 BC and that is where the people of faith are, far too many people of faith are in 2001 AD. We have moved from the hatred of armed enemies to the hatred of unarmed innocence. We want revenge. We want paybacks and we don’t care who gets hurt in the process.
Here Wright is preaching against revenge, even as he shows how the Bible accurately records sinful man's desire for revenge after seeing the destruction of his people in 551 BC. In other words, Wright is here making the stories of the Bible come alive in relevance to the problems his people face today in the modern world, and he "redeems" a text that is in itself unacceptable, and uses it to lead his flock to the higher ground, beyond the "cycle of violence and the cycle of hatred." He was leading his flock away from the all too human reaction of hatred and revenge that was sure to arise in the wake of the 9/11 attack.

This view is just a little different than what the millions of people are being led to believe by the MSM.

Write then began to preach about his personal relationship with the Lord:

Now I-I-I asked the Lord, “What should our response be in light of such an unthinkable act?” But before I share with you what the Lord showed me, I want to give you one of my little faith footnotes. Visitors often get faith footnotes, so that our members don’t lose sight of the big picture. Let me give you a little faith foot note. Turn your neighbors say “faith footnote.”

Now here is more irony - the soundbites were taken out of context from this "faith footnote" which he gave so that people wouldn't "lost sight of the big picture"!

I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday. Did anybody else see him or hear him? He was on Fox news. This is a White man and he was upsetting the Fox news commentators to no end. He pointed out. You see him John? A White man he pointed out –an Ambassador! He pointed out that what Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Mohammad was in fact true. America’s Chickens are coming home to roost!

This is the source of the infamous quote highlight in the soundbite.

Wright then enters into his condemnation of a long list of real or imagined crimes found in our American history:

We took this country by terror away from the Sioux, the Apache, the Aroawak, the Comanche, the Arapaho, the Navajo. Terrorism! We took Africans from their country to build our way of ease and kept them enslaved and living in fear. Terrorism! We bombed Grenada and killed innocent babies, non military personnel. We bombed the black civilian community of Panama with stealth bombers and killed unarmed teenagers and toddlers, pregnant mothers and hard-working fathers. We bombed Gadhaffi’s home and killed his child. Blessed are they who bash your children’s head against a rock! We bombed Iraq. We killed unarmed civilians trying to make a living. We bombed a plant in Sudan to payback for the attack on our embassy. Killed hundreds of hard-working people; mothers and fathers who left home to go that day, not knowing that they would never get back home. We bombed Hiroshima! We bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye! Kids playing in the playground , mothers picking up children after school, civilians – not soldiers – people just trying to make it day by day. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and Black South Africans, and now we are indignant??? Because the stuff we have done overseas has now been brought back into our own front yard! America’s chickers are coming home to roost!

The red text is what I have seen most frequently played by the MSM. It reveals Wright's far-left leaning bias against the American government that I think is a very big error, though it is not entirely divorced from historical truth. But it also reveals the bias of the MSM who deliberately SNIPPED the quote at the exact spot where Wright changed his tone, bringing it back down to the conversational level to teach his flock the way of peace:

Violence begets violence. Hatred begets hatred and terrorism begets terrorism. A White Ambassador said that y’all not a Black Militant. Not a Reverend who preaches about racism. An Ambassador whose eyes are wide open, and who’s trying to get us to wake up and move away from this dangerous precipice upon which we are now poised. The ambassador said that the people we are wounded don’t have the military capability we have but they do have individuals who are willing to die and to take thousands with them and we need to come to grips with that. Let me stop my faith footnote right there and ask you to think about that over the next few weeks if God grants us that many days. Turn back to your neighbor say “footnote is over.”

Not only did they rip the soundbite out of the context of a "footnote" to the whole sermon, but they SNIPPED the soundbite at the point that revealed the pastoral heart of Reverend Wright! That's just not right! Indeed, that's not even "Wright" - for they really did take him out of context with what appears to be a willful attempt to deceive. He was not preaching hatred. On the contrary, he was preaching against hatred,

Wright then returned from his "faith footnote" to the question he had asked the Lord:

Now, now come on back to my question to the Lord. “What should our response be right now in light of such an unthinkable act?”

I asked the Lord that question Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I was stuck in Newark New Jersey. No flights were leaving LaGuardia, JFK, or Newark airport. On the day the FAA opened up the airports to bring into the cities of destination because those flights had been diverted, because of the hijacking, a scare in New York closed all three airports and I couldn’t even get here for Mr. Radford’s funeral. And I asked God, “What should our response be?”

I saw pictures of the incredible. People jumping from the 110th floor. People jumping from the roof cause the stairwells above the 9th floor were gone. No more. Black people jumping to a certain death. People holding hands jumping. People on fire jumping. And I asked the Lord, “What should our response be?”

I read what the people of faith felt in 551 BC. But this is a different time. This is a different enemy. This is a different world. This is a different terror. This is a different reality. “What should our response be?” And the Lord showed me three things. Let me share them with you quickly and I’m going to leave you alone to think about the faith footnote.

Number one. The Lord showed me that this is a time for self-examination. As I sat 900 miles away from my family and my community of faith, two months after my own father’s death, God showed me that this is a time for me to examine my relationship with God; my own relationship with God, my personal relationship with God. I submit to you that it is the same for you. Folks flocked to the church in New Jersey last week. You know that fox hole religion syndrome kicked in, that emergency cord religion; you know that old red box cord to pull in case of emergency, it showed up full force. Folk who ain’t thought about coming to church for years were in church last week. I heard that mid week prayer services all over this country, which are poorly attended 51 weeks of the year, were jammed packed all over the nation the week of the hijacking the 52nd week filled full. But the Lord said, “This ani’t the time for you to be examining other folks’ relationship, this is a time of self-examination”

The Lord said to me, “How is our relationship doing Jeremiah? How often do you talk to me personally? How often do you let Me talk to you privately? How much time do you spend trying to get right with Me, or do you spend all your time trying to get other folk right?”

This is a time for me to examine my own relationship with God. Is it real or is it fake? Is it forever or is it for show? Is it something you do for the sake of the public or is it something that you do for the sake of eternity? This is a time to examine my own and a time for you to examine your own relationship with God. Self-examination. . .

To really get a feel for the true meaning of Wright's sermon, you need to listen to how he delivered it. A video is available here:


Now I still think Rev. Wright has some "issues" with his paranoid idea that the US Government invented HIV to kill blacks, and he has "issues" with his unbalanced view of American history, as if we were the villains in every conflict. But that's a far cry from the "raving madman" that is portrayed in the OUT OF CONTEXT presentation of his sermons.

It is no less outrageous to judge the whole Bible in light of Psalm 137:9 than to judge the 30+ year career of Jeremiah Wright in terms of those soundbites.

I repent of many of the uninformed and igorant comments I made concerning him.

The MSM owes Jeremiah Wright a full hour segments airing his full sermons in context followed by a discussion group. Anything less is criminial mass misinformation.


03-29-2008, 03:37 PM
Richard, I commend you;
1.) you sought out a more comprehensive understanding,
2.) you adjusted your views based on a more detailed understanding of what was said.

I have not done the same.
I don't know that I will.
I don't even know if I care enough about the issues and/or people involved to take the effort.

But, I do know this...............those who are responsible to know the truth, are responsible to communicate it accurtately, without bias and pre-conceived notions concerning it. That is very hard to do. Mainly, because we are all subject to that which we have heard from others, whether right or wrong.

It is incumbent upon us all to seek out a clear understanding to what God is saying to us all, in His word.
He will hold responsible those who held themselves out to others as having understood the truth, and yet, did not understand what he was saying to them.

He will also hold responsible those who seek to receive the truth of the scripture as interpreted through others, while they are to seek a clear understanding on their own.


Richard Amiel McGough
03-29-2008, 04:10 PM
Richard, I commend you;
1.) you sought out a more comprehensive understanding,
2.) you adjusted your views based on a more detailed understanding of what was said.

Thanks bro! That's one thing I love about you - you're a "Truth First" kinda guy!

I have not done the same.
I don't know that I will.
I don't even know if I care enough about the issues and/or people involved to take the effort.

But, I do know this...............those who are responsible to know the truth, are responsible to communicate it accurtately, without bias and pre-conceived notions concerning it. That is very hard to do. Mainly, because we are all subject to that which we have heard from others, whether right or wrong.

It is incumbent upon us all to seek out a clear understanding to what God is saying to us all, in His word.
He will hold responsible those who held themselves out to others as having understood the truth, and yet, did not understand what he was saying to them.

He will also hold responsible those who seek to receive the truth of the scripture as interpreted through others, while they are to seek a clear understanding on their own.

Amen! Well stated. :thumb:

It is important to understand that my opinion of Wright has not shifted entirely. I still believe that he has a strongly wrongly biased negative view of American history, and that it is morally reprehensible for him to spread the rumor that the US Government created HIV to kill blacks. And there are many other problems I have with him such as his support of Farrakhan. But if I am going to judge a man, I pray God gives me the righteous judgment that Christ taught:
John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. In a modern paraphrased version, we might add "Judge not according to the appearance nor soundbites by an irresponsible mass media ... "


08-20-2010, 05:39 AM

Greetings in the name of the Lord!
This is probably my first time to post here.

I came upon this thread after googling for "jeremiah wright bible version" - curious of what Bible (version) President Obama erstwhile pastor or Pres. Obama uses.

This thread was started more than two years ago apparently.
We have seen more "context" since then.
What do you *now* think about your statement,
The MSM owes Jeremiah Wright a full hour segments airing his full sermons in context followed by a discussion group. Anything less is criminial mass misinformation.

What do you think about Pastor Wright's "God d... America!"?

And what about this question:
Is Obama a Christian?

Without being "judgmental" but simply speaking from your heart, do you think Pres. Obama is a Christian?
If so, what makes you think so?
(Has anyone here heard him confess with his mouth that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Saviour?)

More than ten years ago, I met online a person who claimed to be a Christian (a "Tillichian Christian," to be exact). One of his beliefs is that - I'm not making this up - the corpse of Jesus was eaten by dogs!

Hoping to hear from you soon.


Richard Amiel McGough
08-20-2010, 09:43 AM

Greetings in the name of the Lord!
This is probably my first time to post here.

I came upon this thread after googling for "jeremiah wright bible version" - curious of what Bible (version) President Obama erstwhile pastor or Pres. Obama uses.

This thread was started more than two years ago apparently.
We have seen more "context" since then.
What do you *now* think about your statement,
The MSM owes Jeremiah Wright a full hour segments airing his full sermons in context followed by a discussion group. Anything less is criminial mass misinformation.

What do you think about Pastor Wright's "God d... America!"?

And what about this question:
Is Obama a Christian?

Without being "judgmental" but simply speaking from your heart, do you think Pres. Obama is a Christian?
If so, what makes you think so?
(Has anyone here heard him confess with his mouth that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Saviour?)

More than ten years ago, I met online a person who claimed to be a Christian (a "Tillichian Christian," to be exact). One of his beliefs is that - I'm not making this up - the corpse of Jesus was eaten by dogs!

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Hey there RP2011,

Welcome to our forum!


Peace unto you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I remember well when I first read the skeptical scholars claim that the body of Christ was eaten by dogs. I felt this was a deliberate and disgusting blasphemy against Christ since the scholars knew that being eaten by dogs in the Bible is a sign that a person was particularly wicked (Jezebel, 2 Kings 9:36). It looked to me like a gratuitous insult.

But after reflecting more on this, I see that there is no need to impugn their character with "bad motives." On the contrary, it looks like they would be led to that conclusion by the facts as they understood them. The argument is that executed criminals were thrown in shallow graves and wild dogs would typically dig them up and eat them. They long ago concluded that the Biblical text is not reliable, so they have no reason to believe the stories about Christ's burial in a fancy tomb which would have been quite unusual for a victim of crucifixion. I don't agree with them, but I can see how they came to their conclusions.

Now as for the question "Is Obama a Christian?" - it is interesting you ask since just yesterday new polls came out showing that 18% of the population think he is a Muslim. Is this why you wrote? In any case, we all know that Obama claims to be a Christian, so your question now is reduced to "Is Obama a real Christian?". That question is impossible to answer. Neither you nor I can look into his heart. But you asked if Obama has ever done anything that would make me think he is a Christian, like publicly proclaiming his faith in Christ as "Lord and Savior." I'm pretty sure that he has referred to Christ using those terms, but I don't recall exactly when and it is ENTIRELY irrelevant because I would be a FOOL to believe any POLITICIAN who publicly claims to be a Christian. Fake Christians are the ones who loudly proclaim their faith in Christ as a tool to manipulate the sheep.

As for my thoughts on Wright's GD America, I would have review the facts since it has been a long time since I thought about that.

Excellent questions! Thanks for writing. I look forward to your contributions to our forum.

All the very best,
