View Full Version : Meditations on One, Three, and Seven
Richard Amiel McGough
06-14-2007, 07:27 PM
To some, it is a mystery that numbers could be more than mere utilitarian counters. They do not understand how they could have meaning, or that beings of the highest intelligence, yea even God Himself, could delight in their innate beauty.
In the traditional Christian understanding of Numbers, the Numbers One, Three, and Seven play especially significant roles. One is of course the Number of God, for God is One and should be First in the heart of every Creature. Three is not unlike One, because it points to God as the Holy Trinity, Three in One. Thus the Number Three is found throughout Christian art, most notably in the tri-radiant cruciform halo - the Sign of Deity - discussed here ( As for the Number Seven, Christians and Jews have always understood the it as the symbol of perfection and completion, and have seen this exemplified throughout the Bible from the Seven Days of Genesis to the Seven Seals of Revelation.
Thus God used these numbers in the design of His most excellent Word in the form of the Bible Wheel, which is prophesied in Zechariah 3:9 as the One Stone with Seven Eyes, engraved by God Himself.
And how did He engrave it? As a perfect circle of Three wheels within a wheel divided into Seven canonical divisions so as to form an image of the ancient tri-radiant cruciform halo - the Sign of Deity.
Three Cycles
Seven Canonical Divisions
Three sets of Paired Divisions form the Sign of Deity.
God patterned His Word on the numbers Three Seven Three
373 = Logos (Word, John 1:1)
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word (373), and the Word (373) was with God, and the Word (373) was God.
373 happens three times in John 1:1
A metathesis on this theme:
37 x 73 = Sum of Genesis 1:1
37 = Lev (Heart)
73 = Chokmah (Wisdom)
Psalm 104:24 O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom (73) hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.
God designed His Word from the exact details of the individual letters to the large-scale structure of the entire Canon on alphanumeric and geometric patterns that display the divine perfection of His infinite Wisdom.
Praise His Name now and forever!
To be continued .... (readers are invited to add their own insights to this thread) ....
06-16-2007, 04:51 AM
Concatenating the numbers 1, 3 and 7 gives 137. You've covered this in relation to the fine structure constant at your website. You've also highlighted its significance in the Divine Prologue, which, for those who haven't yet viewed it, is an absolutely outstanding discovery of God's use of gematria.
Vernon has a page at his website, titled 'The Lamp', wherein he proposes the numbers 37 and 91 as being the only integers that display three symmetrical forms.
Now, if we take the string 137, we may embed it with a point to signify the operation of multiplication, thereby producing both 37 and 91. Thus:
1.37 = 1 x 37 = 37.
13.7 = 13 x 7 = 91.
The triangular form of 91 - T13 - contains within itself the (third) hexagram form of 37.
Both 37 and 91 are formed from combinations of breastplate names:
Gad (7) + Judah (30) = 37.
7 + 30 + Dan (54) = 91, where 54 is the 37th composite number.
Along with 7 (Gad), 37 and 91 represent differences between cubes:
6^3 - 5^3 = 91.
4^3 - 3^3 = 37.
2^3 - 1^3 = 7.
Further, 137 is also formed from combinations of breastplate names:
7 + 30 + 54 + Levi (46) = 137, where 46 is the midpoint of 91.
These four tribal numbers are all related through a kind of octave structure. The best way for me to show this is through groupings of 8 elements:
[7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14] [15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22] [23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]
[31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38] [39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46]
The first group has 24 elements, beginning at 7 and continuing through to 30.
The second group has 16 elements, continuing through to 46.
The third group has 8 elements, continuing through to 54.
This idea is repeated with the differences between the three 2-digit numbers:
54 - 30 = 24.
46 - 30 = 16.
54 - 46 = 8.
Just a few curios in relation to 137. This number also features on the New Jerusalem cube in the form of a Union Jack. More on that magnificent numero-geometrical edifice some other time.
Finally, the 137th letter in Scripture is the letter 'heh' prefixed to the 37th word. This word is 'haOwr' = 'the light'. We might even venture to write this in incremental notation as:
(Letters completed) 137 : (Words completed) 036
137.036 is the value of the fine structure constant, which obviously relates to light.
06-17-2007, 11:08 PM
Hi Richard,
Here is my contribution - Of course numbers are important - and 3+7 or 37 or 73 - or as stated 373 = Logos of John 1:1. Since 1996 - when I discovered the importance of numbers in the bible, I have studied God's "Number games" -
On 5/5/1999 (for Hebrews 5:5) I hand delivered my updated testimony "The Spirit and the Bride" to Pastor Rod - Assembly of God Church - and he started questioning my walk with the LORD because I was attending Kenesseth Israel Congregation - an Orthodox Jewish Synagogue following the prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT because HE wanted me to be a "LAMP" for HIS People, the Jews (L.A.M.P. = LORD ANSWER MY PRAYERS)- then Pastor Rod said that "GOD IS NOT INTO NUMBERS", which struck me as funny since HE even has a book called "NUMBERS". But most importantly when I asked Pastor Rod who he thought will reign in JERUSALEM in the Millenium Kingdom, he shouted "I'll reign in Jerusalem"... I was taken back:
"Don't you believe the JEWS will reign in Jerusalem? How do you understand Zacheriah 8:22?" I asked. "Who are the 144'000 in the Book of Revelation"? Incidentially Revelation 14:4 : "These are they which were not defiled with woman; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb wherever HE goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto GOD and to the LAMB." Now who are the 144000? It's easy to remember... Revelation 14:4! The LORD is so awesome.
Incidentially, I wrote a letter to Pastor Rod about "GOD and Numbers" and the next thing I heard is that he took a very long sabbatical two weeks later. Praise be to God.
37: The first 3+7 in the book of Genesis is an eye opener (pun intended).
Genesis 3:7 : And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
What does the last book - Revelation - say in 3+7: - very interesting
Revelation 3:7: And to the angel of the Church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that has the key of David, he that opens and no man shuts and shuts and no man opens.
Which is the door that will be opened and which is the door that will be shut? (Also in Isaiah 22:22 other important #'s)
I have my idea, but I would like to hear yours first.
Revelation 7:3 : Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have SEALED the servants of our GOD in their foreheads. Wow!
Psalm 37 - Delight yourself also in the LORD and HE will give you the desires of your heart -(verse 4) - That's a guarantee : Give HIM all your heart and the desires in your heart are then HIS desires which means that one will get the desires of their heart because GOD is GOD and HE knows what HE is doing. He is not cruel, He is not playing games, He is GOD. "It is My will to fulfill your heart's desire, walk with Me and talk with Me, My path will inspire..." (words the LORD gave me on 5/19/1997)
Psalm 73 - Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart (verse 1) (clean = pure, chaste, on fire for the LORD)
How about this for a riddle:
3+7 shall come together on 7/3? = 37 = heart / 73 = wisdom
Incidentially the most important poem I ever wrote in 1997, titled ISAIAH 4:1
is based on the Numbers 3+7 and 9+1. I'll share at some other point.
Psalm 91: He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty...He is my refuge and fortress.... his truth shall be your shield... A thousand shall fall at your side and tenthousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.
This is a great PSALM to pray daily for protection.
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit = 3 - 3 in 1
Three and Seven - like the seven Days of Genesis = 10
Ten like the 10 Commandments
5 + 5 = 5 Commandments + 5 Commandments
Again, if we look beyond the numbers and connect them to Scripture, it becomes much easier to remember the WORD OF GOD, it's more fun and at the same time we can glean insights we would not have otherwise.
Quite simple, really.
06-21-2007, 06:38 AM
A few extra points in relation to post #2.
The 3 tribes whose names sum to 91 - Gad (7), Judah (30), and Dan (54) - each had a lion as a tribal totem. (See Genesis 49:9; Deuteronomy 33:20,22).
Levi, whose value of 46 increments the abovementioned tribes to a combined sum of 137, died at the age of 137 (Exodus 6:16).
07-16-2007, 06:17 AM
This is a belated response to a question posed by White in post #3.
Speculating on the content of Revelation 3:7, White asks: "Which is the door that will be opened, and which is the door that will be shut?"
Here is my response, which also takes into account Isaiah 22:22.
The door that is being opened relates to government, specifically the door opened by God to the Americans in their Declaration of Independence. The door that is being closed also relates to government, this time the British monarchy is having the door closed in its face as it is about to lose the 13 colonies by Divine decree.
Go back and read Isaiah 22:15-25. You will need to read Isaiah 39 in conjunction with these verses to understand their full import. What Isaiah is saying in these verses is that the monarchy will be removed - symbolised in the person of Hezekiah and in the key of David - and that another will receive the government. Eliakim is a symbol of this new form of government, and, in a second order of signification, also a symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Because the church of Philadelphia is symbolic of American Independence, the Lord Jesus is saying that it is his will that America become independent, which is the open door that no man can shut. And why did he do that? Because, in spite of having only a little strength, America kept God's word, and did not deny the Lord's name.
You've touched on one of Scripture's great prophecies here, White. I will save the details contained in this outstanding prophecy to the church of Philadelphia for a more appropriate thread. After all, this thread relates to the numbers 1, 3 and 7.:focus:
At present, I don't have anything significant to add to this thread. When I think of something on topic, I will come back to this thread and make a post.
07-23-2007, 09:13 AM
From a physics/mathmatical point of view:
THREE - the nature of God
Three is both prime and triangular. ...the only number to be both. A triangle is also the most stable shape possible. Both describe the very nature of God...he is triune and omnipotent.
From Wikipedia encyclopedia:Three is the second triangular number and it is the only prime triangular number. A triangle is the most durable shape possible, the only "perfect" figure which if all endpoints have hinges will never change its shape unless the sides themselves are bent.
Reflected in scripture by the "holy, holy, holy....he who is, was and is to come.........etc.
SEVEN - the works of God The number seven invariably has to do with the works of God. The very nature of how molecules of the physical creation combine reflects a similar structure called close packing. See:
This arrangement is the same as the logos star structure. The sevens of scripture reflect the same structure of the "6 around 1". The Sabbath lies at the center of the other six days. The center candle of the menorah, the ark is central to all the furniture of the tabernacle. Of the seven spirits listed in Isaiah 11:2, the Spirit of the Lord (which I think could be described as LOVE) is central to the other 6. Everything radiates from LOVE. At the center of History lies the CROSS of Christ at the end of the "4th" day (millenium). Many other basics of the elements around us reflect this same "seveness".
7 colors of the visible spectrum
7 tones of the musical scale, etc.
7 continents
7 seas
(this could be an endless list)
...but it is interesting to note that the character of these things are 3 fold. For instance color has hue, value, intensity. We hear sound, pitch volume. History may be played out in 7 millennia, but it exists in 3 dimentional space.
Creation (7) is an expression of God's character (3). The Holy Spirit, who is seen as the person of the Trinity that makes manifest, is SEVENFOLD...the SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD.
I think it is possible that this reflects the living and the written word. The living word (Christ) showing us the character of God, and the written word showing us the works of God, including his work of grace in the eternal covenant which is sworn to by an oath (seven).
Christ, the only begotten (37), showed us the character of God (3) and was filled with the Spirit of God (7).
THESE TWO, the testimony/witness of Jesus (living revelation of God's character) and the WORD, are found THREE times in Revelation:
Re 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God
Re 1:2 Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
Re 1:9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
07-27-2007, 12:42 PM
From a physics/mathmatical point of view:
THREE - the nature of God
SEVEN - the works of God
Many other basics of the elements around us reflect this same "seveness".
7 colors of the visible spectrum
7 tones of the musical scale, etc.
7 continents
7 seas
(this could be an endless list)
Hallo Everyone!
yinonyavo, to your list of sevens we could add the 7 characteristics which God wishes to instill in every christian, found in 2 Peter 1:
brotherly kindnessand the capstone (8 letters), love. With faith as the foundation, these traits are built up in the believer in 7 steps (work:)). The process starts in verse 5 with faith (5 letters) and ends in verse 7 with charity (7 letters). If we read verse 4, we might think that the purpose of the process is to make us partakers of the divine nature (12 = 4 x 3 letters):D.
In South Africa (I do not know how it is in other countries), we have the custom of recognising an individual as an adult when he or she reaches the age of 21 (1 x 3 x 7) during a formal ceremony. Then they receive a key from their parents, perhaps signifying the unlocking of the privileges of adulthood. As far as I can see it, 2 Peter 1 speaks of God bringing the church to perfection in preparation of the millenium (verse 11: kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ). This perfection Peter depicts as when a young man comes of age and is recognised by his father in the presence of others, when he, Peter, recollects the occasion when he, James and John were with Jesus on Mount Transfiguration (verse 17; Mat 17). Then they saw Jesus in a glorified body, God recognising Him by saying: "Hear ye Him!". I believe the saints are perfected and adopted (Rom 8:23) when they are resurrected with incorruptible bodies (1 Co 15:52; Eph 1:13-14) that are like His own glorious body (Php 3:21) at the end of the 7th church age. 2 Peter 1 has 21 verses (3 x 7)!
This perfection (7), as well as the unity (1) of the faith, is brought about a 5-fold ministry (Eph 4:11-12) that brings to the remembrance (occurs 3 times in chapter) of the church the teaching of the apostles and prophets. That this might speak of the 7th church age is indicated by the fact that Peter says that those who do not go through the growth have forgotten, lacketh and are blind. The words blind and lacketh reminds of the condition of Laodicea, the 7th church (Rev 3:17).
The coordinates of 2 Peter 1 on the Bible Wheel (Thanks, Richard!:yo:) is:
Chapter 1
Cycle 3
Spoke 17 (7th prime)In English, the value of perfect faith is 603 (3 x 201), which is a permutation of 630, which is the 35th (5 x 7) triangular number. In English, the value of Peter is 370. I hope my calculations are correct.
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