View Full Version : After All the Math and Hebrew.Poetry

02-03-2008, 01:15 AM
You know I kept hearing my gramma Irene Sunshine today. She was angry with me. I didn't know why. All this stuff is great but you know what ? My Gramm Of the Assiniboine tribe was telling me something . I need to honor all my roots. I love this place and somehow it has helped me see that I should study my Indian heritage tongue in depth.Thank you everyone. I am Feeling more at peace with myself. My Indian name will be Inyan. It is Stone in Lakota. Everyone find a way to get some oil and anoint your heads each day. It helps I promise. You folks should relax and let the Spirit drive. Holy that is. Cinnamon is good. I will tell you my Ideas and you can help me with your rigorous knowledge of the word. I am more free from jusut the box. I kinda dance man if you know what I mean??? When I do things I let the Spirit of YHVH guide me. And angels are there to grease the wheels. I guess I am applying for the Poet of the Site. Peace Christan PS Let there Be Light JHS

05-03-2011, 09:54 AM
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Eph2:10. The word workmanship is the Greek word "poiema" - sounding like poem to me... I used to love to read 'Altsheler' (?) and his books about the Indians (noble savage..). Blessings!