View Full Version : New WTC building 'One World Trade Center' stands tall at 541 meters

05-10-2013, 11:20 PM

New York: Workers installed the final sections of the silver spire atop the One World Trade Center (WTC) Friday, which brings the iconic New York City structure to a height of 1,776 feet (541 meters).

Sign of victory?

541 = Yisrael


(541 is a "(David)star number" like also 37 and 73)


Friday is the day on which Jesus was crucified.

05-11-2013, 01:01 AM
Before they were twin towers, like Jacob and Esau were twins.

Genesis 25:24,
And her days to give birth were completed, and behold, there were twins in her womb.

Twins, Hebrew תוֹמִם , "tomim",


[תוֹמִם is spelled] defectively [missing an “aleph” and“yud”], but concerning Tamar, it is written תְּאוֹמִים, with the plene spelling, [with an “aleph” and“yud”] because they (Perez and Zerah) were both righteous, but here, one was righteous and one was wicked. — [From Gen. Rabbah 63:8]

Jacob became Israel in his wrestling with an "ish" at the ford of the Jabbok.

And he (the "ish") said, "Let me go, for dawn is breaking," but he (Jacob) said, "I will not let you go unless you have blessed me."


unless you have blessed me: Acknowledge for me the blessings [with] which my father blessed me, which Esau is contesting.

Genesis 32:28-29,
So he said to him, "What is your name?" and he said, "Jacob." And he said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, because you have commanding power with [an angel of] God and with men, and you have prevailed."


no… Jacob: It shall no longer be said that the blessings came to you through trickery (עָקְבָה) and deceit, but with nobility and openness, and ultimately, the Holy One, blessed be He, will reveal Himself to you in Beth-el and change your name, and there He will bless you, and I will be there.“ He then acknowledged them (the blessings) as being his (Jacob’s). This is [the meaning of] what is written (Hos. 12:5): ”He strove with an angel and prevailed over him; he wept and supplicated him,“ [meaning that] the angel wept and supplicated him. With what did he supplicate him? ”In Beth-el he will find Him, and there He will speak with us“ (ibid). Wait for me until He speaks with us there. Jacob, however, did not consent, [to release the angel] and, against his (the angel’s) will, he (the angel) acknowledged them (the blessings) as being his (Jacob’s). This is [the meaning of] ”And he blessed him there," that he entreated him to wait, but he did not wish [to do so]. — [from Zohar, vol. 3, 45a]

and with men: Esau and Laban.

and you have prevailed: over them. — [from Targum Jonathan]

Esau did sell his birthright on the day that Abraham died , Genesis 25:30, Rashi:

Jacob cooked lentils to feed the mourner (Isaac)

Abraham with the letter "hey" that was added to "shishi" (in Genesis 1:31) in his name.. .

To Esau this was just humbug.

05-12-2013, 03:44 AM
541 = 172 + 359

172 = Ya'akov

359 = Satan

05-12-2013, 04:35 AM
541 = 172 + 359

172 = Ya'akov

359 = Satan

This Satan being the same as the one who immediately took away the word that was sown by the sower (Mark 4:15), I bet :winking0071:

05-12-2013, 05:00 AM
This Satan being the same as the one who immediately took away the word that was sown by the sower (Mark 4:15), I bet :winking0071:

And I bet also the same as the one who tempted Jesus during the forty days after he was baptized.

05-12-2013, 09:16 PM
Would he alo be the same as the snake in paradise?

The snake that was lifted up by Moses on a stake? (Numbers 24:4-9).

Stake = Hebrew "nes", which can also mean miracle.

"nes gadol hayah sham" = great miracle happened in New York City.

"nes", gematria 110, like the sum of 73 and 37, the two Davidstarnumbers hidden in Genesis 1:1.

07-07-2013, 03:09 PM
sounds interesting, cause some jewish architects prefer to be in touch with suggestive gematria dates, like they did in berlin with these smart memorial, which try to say that we jewish feeling people will never forget what that german had done to all these children of my forefather jakob. but jewish architectic gematria had to work with babylonion demensions, if it's aware, what we all sometimes don't know...
so they had to describe the kabbalistic demensions with "ell", like the thora did, when she describes the temple of salomo.
it's really easy for many english people, cause one ell is exact 12 inches, like one animal of the zodiac. so that an jew can also calculate with inches also as a symbol of the twelve tribes bounded in a inch. and twelve ells means also six people like it's the old demension to calculate an circle with an: hex'agoN (this is near greece also an empathic&magic chaldaic spelling by the way;) but you have to know how to spell it with your inner voice, so it's better for everyone to shut up, if you don't know the signs and the meaning of the word in old magic speech of chaldaic bab_yl_on, like everyone is warm hearted invited to learn from an elib like me. (no money accepted! you had to like a good servant of humans and sometimes very studiously...) you have to learn who the signs are in relationship in the life tree which each other to decrypt magic chaldaic spellings. (CIA cryptology agencies are very welcome, too! makes your space investigations sometimes much easier^^)

have fun&g-d bless america
Wolfram Oxbox