View Full Version : Your own personal Jesus (right here near the Mormon Mecca)

05-03-2013, 01:54 PM
Meet Jim Johnson who not only knows he is a prophet; but God(?), She told Jim that he is indeed Her son returned to earth...with a mountain split in two to prove it.

Begin viewing at the 16:05 minute marker




Richard Amiel McGough
05-03-2013, 04:34 PM
Meet Jim Johnson who not only knows he is a prophet; but God(?), She told Jim that he is indeed Her son returned to earth...with a mountain split in two to prove it.

Begin viewing at the 16:05 minute marker



Thanks for supplying me with my daily dose of religious delusion Tommy! This one has a very high weirdness factor because of the contrast of the claims with the person making them. He appears to have an IQ of about 90 or so. The other guy - the big guy hosting the show - seems normal enough, and that adds to the mystery. Is this a spoof? Is it an example of Poe's Law? Very weird indeed.

05-05-2013, 10:57 PM
Welcommen R.A.M. It is appreciated you appreciated one of Timmy's daily delusional doses he appreciated.
...however was calling Timmy the name Tommy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6KSfCxO8jA)a Feudian Slip mein freund, or was it mere fractalisation of Poe's Law?

Some say Timmy is the epitome of Poe's Law, and will mercilessly meme-bombastoculate when the appropriate groundwork has been laid in any internet communications to satirically spoof readers whether via axiom, cynicism, sarcasm, humor, or by any other varied degree of gravity. (Yeah, those lil' emoticon smilies are left out often for the sake of people thinking Timmy is dead serious or not ...leaving it up to the reader to wonder, utilize projection of their own personæ, or delve deeper into the conversated subject matter and possibly turning whatever however upon itself...or mayhaps their self(Z).

You know what they say though:
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

The facts remain:
We know genome-inomics
We know our memetic sequences.

The host of that show, Shawn McCraney, is now a fellow compatriot and former High Priest of Utah's official C.O.L.D.S.(t.m.)--C.hurch O.f Jesus Christ of L.atter D.ay S.aints...
...and yes, in outward appearance it is Poe's Law of minor FX.

His intention in that episode was to ask what differentiates between the vision of Joseph'Smyth or James Johnson, and was exploring the validity of "faith" based on subjective experience (such as the 'burning in the bosom', dreams, visions, visitations, etc.) versus established facts and things that accord in tangible results therefrom.

Actually, it was wondered if this post should have been added to the "How Beliefs Resist Change" thread (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?3616-How-Beliefs-Resist-Change-Christianity-and-Cognitive-Science&highlight=Beliefs+resist+change) you started; yet "The Fringe" category seemed more apropo.

Jim Johnson is dead serious, and probably dwells on the edge of some sort of psycho-schizophrenia. Still, he has an initial church and said he is starting a satellite church nearer the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake. He has developed a websites promoting his church to proclaim his prophetic message of the girl God he married whom we are all supposedly supposed to worship:
Cae Cae is her name. (http://www.thechurchoflatterdaysaints.org/)
pronounced "K-K"

...and things seem to get curiouser and curiouser, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmqhgX0muCI)
