View Full Version : The True Church of Jesus Christ (part one).

04-08-2013, 01:03 PM
The True Church of Jesus Christ (part one).

Founded on Easter Monday 2013.

1:1 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Do not care what unbelievers think. If the brilliant Pastor Jim Graham (Goldhill Baptist Church near London) can openly admit to speaking with God, so can I and so can you. Whenever you feel spiritually compelled to do something, ignore the mockers. I can guarantee it was guidance by the Holy Spirit. Everything is designed by God the Father (YHWH) and will lead to something you did not expect. Never react negatively, give it at least seven days debate with God before you decide. I will revise some of my previous online posts to teach you further.

1:2 After receiving two messages at a recent prayer meeting, I decided to write a letter and pass it on. Now I know how Job felt as I was uncomfortable (in the desert for a few days). I could see the scoffers during the week. I am not a very good swimmer and God the Father always throws me in at the deep end. God Yahweh says "Swim, Joseph..... Swim" and with divine help, I get to the other side. Here are the messages..... I thought I needed an actual church building (see 1:1 above) to build The True Church of Jesus Christ. No, I do not need a building for I Am The True Church. I will build my church..... There was also the added bonus of being guided to St. Paul's Church for Easter Sunday. This beautiful Church interior is in the shape of a large Cross.

1:3 The parable of the rabid dogs. God the Father loves us all but He has a serious problem. Hiding behind closed doors are some rabid dogs who will attack anyone who tries to touch their poisoned bone. God has tried to pat them on the head to explain that the bone is no good. God has told them that the poisoned bone will destroy them. God has warned them that if they don't let go, they will be totally wiped out. Very soon, nobody will even know that they (or their loved ones) ever existed on this Earth. God will no longer allow these rabid dogs to teach their young how to smile as they destroy.....

The rabid dogs are the pharisee masons and the poisoned bone is their false god satan. God is slow to anger and I know His hour is fast approaching. Who else could have told you about satan's reversal of Psalm 119? (YHWH's Word/Law). All good and bad people should read the book of Daniel chapter 12. This timely/potent message was preached and received in St Paul's church last night (31st March 2013). The day before, the same man of the cloth read Psalm 56 which I found very comforting and an answer to my plea. I suffer intense persecution and masonic theatre during Easter (all documented over the years).

1:4 Do not fear Satan and his Tempted (SAHT) or their occultic use of number-curses. All numbers belong to God YHWH (pronounced Yahweh by humans).

1:5 Some of you prefer the name Jehovah but that name is only 500 years old. Stop defending without researching. God gave you the internet, use the knowledge provided.

1:6 Are there any Christian Soldiers out there?. Satan fully intends to do what he says on the tin "Destroy Christianity". The Lion cannot lay with the Lamb until all is completed. Surely you don't expect reward without commitment?. Yes, there will be Angels. Put on your armour.

1:7 Worship is very important but Prayer Time within the Church is the ultimate connection to God the Father. You don't even have to say a prayer, just meditate, concentrate and listen. The Holy Spirit will guide and answer you. If you do not connect, then try again until you do. If you say a prayer, don't try to be perfect and impress others. Even if the words come out wrong, the others will know exactly what you meant to say. Only speak when you feel compelled to speak. Remember there are pretend Christians in every Church, don't worry about their chosen path.

1:8 If you wish to communicate then continue with handing me your written letters or requests. Do not ask me to debate openly or catch me cold as the pharisee masons do. I shall constantly pray for healing.

1:9 I have stated I do not know the Hour. I can only follow guidance as should you. I will work on part 2 for you. I will try to simplify my super-natural divine journey as we worship our God on the Throne. Stay on the narrow path. Please forward this online message (8th April 2013) to all Christians and truth-seekers world wide. Love and peace, you know who I am. Search online for "Lucifer and the number 33".

04-08-2013, 01:51 PM
OMGoodness, this is terrible! What will we ever do? Will Elisha be coming right behind Elijah, and was your biological father named Jacob? Do you have any sons and daughters, or only fictional characters? Please respond ASAP, else the pins and needles be overcoming, and we perish for lackaknowhow and poor pfishing. Can hardly wait for Part 2. Sayonara...