View Full Version : Prov. 8:24?

03-31-2013, 08:05 PM
The Bible Wheel page on the number 86 lists kabad (honour) as one of the words adding up to 86, and cites Prov. 8:24 as one of it's occurrences.


But when I look up Prov. 8:24, the word "honour doesn't seem to appear in the verse.

And when I click on H3513, it taks me to a page that says the Gematria value of kabad is 26.

This page is even more confusing.


Is the word kabad in prov. 8:24, and does it add up to 86?

Please reply.


Richard Amiel McGough
03-31-2013, 09:08 PM
The Bible Wheel page on the number 86 lists kabad (honour) as one of the words adding up to 86, and cites Prov. 8:24 as one of it's occurrences.


But when I look up Prov. 8:24, the word "honour doesn't seem to appear in the verse.

And when I click on H3513, it taks me to a page that says the Gematria value of kabad is 26.

This page is even more confusing.


Is the word kabad in prov. 8:24, and does it add up to 86?

Please reply.

You need to understand the difference between the dictionary forms and the inflected forms of the words. Strong's Hebrew dictionary gives the root word as follows:
כבד kabad {kaw-bad'} a primitive root; TWOT - 943; v AV - honour 34, glorify 14, honourable 14, heavy 13, harden 7, glorious 5, sore 3, made heavy 3, chargeable 2, great 2, many 2, heavier 2, promote 2, misc 10; 116 1) to be heavy, be weighty, be grievous, be hard, be rich, be honourable, be glorious, be burdensome, be honoured 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to be heavy 1a2) to be heavy, be insensible, be dull 1a3) to be honoured 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to be made heavy, be honoured, enjoy honour, be made abundant 1b2) to get oneself glory or honour, gain glory 1c) (Piel) 1c1) to make heavy, make dull, make insensible 1c2) to make honourable, honour, glorify 1d) (Pual) to be made honourable, be honoured 1e) (Hiphil) 1e1) to make heavy 1e2) to make heavy, make dull, make unresponsive 1e3) to cause to be honoured 1f) (Hithpael) 1f1) to make oneself heavy, make oneself dense, make oneself numerous 1f2) to honour oneself
This root has many different overtones depending on context. I highlighted the one used in Proverbs 8:24 in the KJV:
Proverbs 8:24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding (kavad) with water.
The root sums to 26 in gematria. But when used as a verb in a sentence, it is changed to account for person, mood, etc. In the case of Proverbs 8:24 it is prefixed with a nun and suffixed with a yod to form the niphal participle masculine plural construct.

It is very difficult to do any serious work gematria if you don't understand Greek and Hebrew.

03-31-2013, 09:33 PM
Thank you.