12-20-2007, 11:46 AM
All right guys, lets see if we can figure this one out.
As we all know, Apollyon and Abbadon both mean, destroyer or destruction. According to popular present day Christian legion, this is the angel of the Abyss who is responsible for causing the deaths of whom ever is commanded to die by God.
Some Christian theologians consider Apollyon to be the Anti-Christ. Others actually consider him to be a figure of Christ. One such reason for this is a painting found in Italy of Christ with the angel Apollyon [I'll try to find it and post it on here] and they believe that the angel of the Abyss follows the commands of Jesus on who is to be judged and killed. I, for obvious reasons, doubt this to be the case.
In Revelation, we read that the scorpions [Figures for Roman Soldiers] have as king, the angel of the Abyss whose name is Apollyon in Greek.
Now applying this to a historical figure is easy with the Seleucid family. Antiochus III, the one who destroyed the temple and converted the temple into a shrine for the god of Jupiter (Zeus), was [according to legion] the son of Zeus. I'm not sure yet, but some theologians on the web are trying to find a family connection between Vespasian and his son Titus, to be the descendants of Antiochus. Some say that Domitian, the youngest brother of Titus, claimed he was Apollo incarnated. Apollo is the short name for Apollyon.
Here's what I'm currently working on. I'm trying to determine if Titus, or even his father Vespasian, had any blood relation to the Seleucid family. If so, this would certainly point the figure (Apollyon) towards the Flavian family. Vespasian was Emperor during the destruction of Jerusalem, and his two sons Titus and Domitian were the ones who carried its destruction.
When I find any information, I'll post it. Any information you might have would be awesome.
Lets get to work.
As we all know, Apollyon and Abbadon both mean, destroyer or destruction. According to popular present day Christian legion, this is the angel of the Abyss who is responsible for causing the deaths of whom ever is commanded to die by God.
Some Christian theologians consider Apollyon to be the Anti-Christ. Others actually consider him to be a figure of Christ. One such reason for this is a painting found in Italy of Christ with the angel Apollyon [I'll try to find it and post it on here] and they believe that the angel of the Abyss follows the commands of Jesus on who is to be judged and killed. I, for obvious reasons, doubt this to be the case.
In Revelation, we read that the scorpions [Figures for Roman Soldiers] have as king, the angel of the Abyss whose name is Apollyon in Greek.
Now applying this to a historical figure is easy with the Seleucid family. Antiochus III, the one who destroyed the temple and converted the temple into a shrine for the god of Jupiter (Zeus), was [according to legion] the son of Zeus. I'm not sure yet, but some theologians on the web are trying to find a family connection between Vespasian and his son Titus, to be the descendants of Antiochus. Some say that Domitian, the youngest brother of Titus, claimed he was Apollo incarnated. Apollo is the short name for Apollyon.
Here's what I'm currently working on. I'm trying to determine if Titus, or even his father Vespasian, had any blood relation to the Seleucid family. If so, this would certainly point the figure (Apollyon) towards the Flavian family. Vespasian was Emperor during the destruction of Jerusalem, and his two sons Titus and Domitian were the ones who carried its destruction.
When I find any information, I'll post it. Any information you might have would be awesome.
Lets get to work.