Richard Amiel McGough
03-17-2013, 05:19 PM
Over in the thread ANOTHER Down to Earth Book for Every Joe and Jane ( where Dreg Hunter shared PURE TRUTH to free our minds from the Illumainati DREG CIA FBI Trilateral Commission Rothchild brainwashing that controls every image and every word in the mainstream media, I flippantly rejected his revelation of the :eek: END TIMES LUCIFERIAN CONSPIRACY :eek: that is so bloody obvious to anyone not brainwashed by the Roman Catholic Jewish Illuminati CIA coalition by saying that he was suffering from paranoid pareidolia. And in the next post (, I took Brother Timmy To Task for exposing my devotion to the Most Holy Dogmatic Religion (aka secular science) as the "end of any matter" and his comment that he "really" does not "see see what the big tadoo about science has made possible" by ranting at the poor innocent man with such pure childlike faith as follows:
Science gave you the computer you use to spread your anti-science views. I find that ironic. Science has given you the modern world. If you don't see what the big tadoo is, then I suspect you aren't really looking. The world of subjective opinion is great - I have nothing against it. Life would be intolerable if everything were reduced to science. But that's not what science is or claims to be. It cannot even explain the most fundamental fact of our existence - consciousness. But it is the most effective tool in the domain in which it operates. And it is more than provable. It gives us everything we know in the modern world. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, and silly movies about Planes, trains, and Automobiles.
On what I thought was a lark, I included the movie poster for Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Little did I know that I was being used by the LUCIFERIAN ILLUMINATI to propagate their propaganda!
I ended my post with this PS:
PS: I wonder how many secret Illuminati messages Dreg Hunter could find in that movie pic I grabbed by "random" ... or did I?
Dreg Hunter instantly revealed his supernatural mind powers by showing that he can detect the Illuminati secret messages in any image! Any image I tell you! It's trivial to him whereas the rest of us wander in darkness, controlled by those images. Dreg Hunter took up my challenge. Here is his irrefutable revelation of the tricks the Illuminati use to control everyone. Here is his intrepid interpretation of the pic I posted:
And here is the explanation he gave that goes with it:
I only spent about 10 minutes on it last night but it's actually one of the better
examples of chemtrail conditioning I've seen. There are many, many others.
Watch the short video at the ( called "the Chemtrails Questionaire"
to see a few good ones.
I'm absolutely certain there are many other satanic things in this poster. One needs
to do reversals, flips, rotations gematria, numerology and etc. but rest assured they
are there in plentiful amounts.
Many don't know this but the graphic artists hollywood uses are very, very good
at what they do and most of them are in the occult. Another thing most don't
know is these people commonly make $200 to $500 per hour. Modern propaganda,
is extremely sophisticated in the sublimity of it all.
So much so, I bet niether of you nor 1 in 25 people on average haven't even noticed
they're being covertly yet blatantly attacked with aerosols from planes in the sky.
It's not agent orange like nam, it's much more serious. Chemtrails are the largest
threat that humanity has seen over the course of recorded history. And like I said,
I'll bet you don't have the slightest clue it's even happening!!! That's a successful
propaganda and conditioning exercise.
btw; Bitmaps lose clarity in the program I use (canvas) but it's not worth taking
into adobe ps.
Happy Friday all
How could I have been so blind? How could I have doubted Dreg Hunter?
And now that he has opened my mind, I see how deep the Satanic Illuminati CIA FBI ALIEN INVASION PLOT really runs.
Look at the license plate! It's CODED!
D5N 378
The D5N is the Bulldozer that the ILLUMINATI are SENDING to plow people down into the dirt. It has a GROUND LEVEL CLEARANCE of exactly 378 mm!
And here's the total proof that this is the intended message. Read the D5N specifications here ( The D5N is Model Number 3126B!!! This is ENCODED in the LICENSE PLATE because 378 = 3 x 126!!!
D5N 378 (= 3 x 126) => D5N Model 3126B!!!!
It's all CODED I tell ya! The Illuminati are coming to BULLDOZE US ALL AWAY!!! The Planes, Trains, and Automobile movie poster was a trigger to activate the Illuminati cells that are going to do the dirty work.
And look at the LOGO!!!!! It's got a triangle - the evil triangle that marks all companies controlled by the LUCIFERIAN ILLUMINATI! And the A behind the PYRAMID makes the ALL SEEING SATANIC EYE IN THE PYRAMID just like the ILLUMINATI SECRET SIGN on the back of the dollar bill!
Evil evil everywhere!!!
And there is more! The Bulldozer completes the FALSE SATANIC QUATERNITY that mimics the four cherubim (Lion, Bull, Man, Eagle) around GOD's throne! The poster only had three. Now we see the "hidden" BULL-dozer that completes the three terrestrial cherubim and the one flying (eagle/jet).
The letters CAT contain many Illuminati secrets that I don't have time to explain right now.
DREG HUNTER WAS RIGHT! No one can deny the overwhelming incontrovertible proof I have provided.
To see how pervasive the Illuminati really are, take a look at this TED talk:
Science gave you the computer you use to spread your anti-science views. I find that ironic. Science has given you the modern world. If you don't see what the big tadoo is, then I suspect you aren't really looking. The world of subjective opinion is great - I have nothing against it. Life would be intolerable if everything were reduced to science. But that's not what science is or claims to be. It cannot even explain the most fundamental fact of our existence - consciousness. But it is the most effective tool in the domain in which it operates. And it is more than provable. It gives us everything we know in the modern world. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, and silly movies about Planes, trains, and Automobiles.
On what I thought was a lark, I included the movie poster for Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Little did I know that I was being used by the LUCIFERIAN ILLUMINATI to propagate their propaganda!
I ended my post with this PS:
PS: I wonder how many secret Illuminati messages Dreg Hunter could find in that movie pic I grabbed by "random" ... or did I?
Dreg Hunter instantly revealed his supernatural mind powers by showing that he can detect the Illuminati secret messages in any image! Any image I tell you! It's trivial to him whereas the rest of us wander in darkness, controlled by those images. Dreg Hunter took up my challenge. Here is his irrefutable revelation of the tricks the Illuminati use to control everyone. Here is his intrepid interpretation of the pic I posted:
And here is the explanation he gave that goes with it:
I only spent about 10 minutes on it last night but it's actually one of the better
examples of chemtrail conditioning I've seen. There are many, many others.
Watch the short video at the ( called "the Chemtrails Questionaire"
to see a few good ones.
I'm absolutely certain there are many other satanic things in this poster. One needs
to do reversals, flips, rotations gematria, numerology and etc. but rest assured they
are there in plentiful amounts.
Many don't know this but the graphic artists hollywood uses are very, very good
at what they do and most of them are in the occult. Another thing most don't
know is these people commonly make $200 to $500 per hour. Modern propaganda,
is extremely sophisticated in the sublimity of it all.
So much so, I bet niether of you nor 1 in 25 people on average haven't even noticed
they're being covertly yet blatantly attacked with aerosols from planes in the sky.
It's not agent orange like nam, it's much more serious. Chemtrails are the largest
threat that humanity has seen over the course of recorded history. And like I said,
I'll bet you don't have the slightest clue it's even happening!!! That's a successful
propaganda and conditioning exercise.
btw; Bitmaps lose clarity in the program I use (canvas) but it's not worth taking
into adobe ps.
Happy Friday all
How could I have been so blind? How could I have doubted Dreg Hunter?
And now that he has opened my mind, I see how deep the Satanic Illuminati CIA FBI ALIEN INVASION PLOT really runs.
Look at the license plate! It's CODED!
D5N 378
The D5N is the Bulldozer that the ILLUMINATI are SENDING to plow people down into the dirt. It has a GROUND LEVEL CLEARANCE of exactly 378 mm!
And here's the total proof that this is the intended message. Read the D5N specifications here ( The D5N is Model Number 3126B!!! This is ENCODED in the LICENSE PLATE because 378 = 3 x 126!!!
D5N 378 (= 3 x 126) => D5N Model 3126B!!!!
It's all CODED I tell ya! The Illuminati are coming to BULLDOZE US ALL AWAY!!! The Planes, Trains, and Automobile movie poster was a trigger to activate the Illuminati cells that are going to do the dirty work.
And look at the LOGO!!!!! It's got a triangle - the evil triangle that marks all companies controlled by the LUCIFERIAN ILLUMINATI! And the A behind the PYRAMID makes the ALL SEEING SATANIC EYE IN THE PYRAMID just like the ILLUMINATI SECRET SIGN on the back of the dollar bill!
Evil evil everywhere!!!
And there is more! The Bulldozer completes the FALSE SATANIC QUATERNITY that mimics the four cherubim (Lion, Bull, Man, Eagle) around GOD's throne! The poster only had three. Now we see the "hidden" BULL-dozer that completes the three terrestrial cherubim and the one flying (eagle/jet).
The letters CAT contain many Illuminati secrets that I don't have time to explain right now.
DREG HUNTER WAS RIGHT! No one can deny the overwhelming incontrovertible proof I have provided.
To see how pervasive the Illuminati really are, take a look at this TED talk: