View Full Version : 'A Rood Awakening'
David M
02-12-2013, 04:03 AM
Having posted a link to a Michael Rood video about the evidence for the Red Sea crossing and received the following reply from Timmy, I am starting this thread in which we can discuss the merits of Michael Rood's understanding of scripture. I have been quiet for a while as I listened to hours upon hours and could not fault much of what he was saying. Michael does not get involved with discussing the nature of Jesus, Satan, Angels, which is good and instead concentrates on the message from God and how Yahweh's feasts which Israel were instructed to keep throughout all generations, represent shadow pictures of things to come in which Jesus (Yahshua) has already fufilled the spring feasts and is yet to fulfill the fall feasts. This is not a subject I have considered to the depth that Michael Rood has and I have gained more insight from what he teaches.
There are some points of interpretation of prophecy to be fulfilled which I would not immediately agree with Michael Rood (I understand why considering his military background) and yet I have had no definite interpretation to substitute for the better. Michael Rood was a self-confessed paid minister in the church promulgating the same lies that I have been referring to in my time on this forum. Michael Rood has seen the error of his ways and has renounced mainstream Christendom and has now sought out the truth and has made up for the time he was in error and blind to the truth of the scriptures. If you know of anyone else who has a better understanding of the ancient scriptures and the prophets and teaches it in a better way, please post your links in this thread.
Now I shall reply to Timmy to kick off this thread
Hi David,
JESUS WAS AN ANARCHIST. When we actually follow in his footsteps, it should not be surprising when opposition comes through whatever status quo avenue it may appear. That said, it's surprising to see you post a Rood Awakening on this thread...oh well, maybe other may take a look at the Exodus thread by this...mistake or not.
I have been through much of the material provided through Michael Rood's ministry, and it has been found that he provides alot of information not generally realised by the average church attendee. He also has questionable ideas: agreed. This too is not different from anyone else.
No one person or group has a corner on The Truth, and where divergence enters the picture, more often than not, comes from the "i wanna be right" in each of us, though we often tend to appear short sighted to others observing us. Because of this and more, i am thoroughly convinced on judgement day, we will all find out we all were wrong.
I did not refer anyone to the video you provide here or any others by Mr. Rood or associates because you had already mentioned him in another of your own posts, and left it up to you to use that source when you saw fit.
You can either leave it here, and link it to the other thread from there or delete and transfer it when it should have been. ( i myself would used the first option, and to give you a jump on it, here is the link to use :
Go in peace, just don't go to pieces.
For the sake of nostalgia:
Hello Timmy
I am not surprised you would kick against the teaching of Michael Rood, because his teaching is what I know the Bible says (all translation and transcription errors accepted). I admire you for reading the book 'The Real Jesus' although you stick to your own conclusion and that is why I know that any other teaching is hard for you to accept.
I agree with you that to the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day, that Jesus was an anarchist. Often he criticized the Pharisees and called them "hypocrites" and denounced them for teaching the man-made commandments of men instead of concentrating on the true commandments of God. Man-made rules, laws, regulations have been placed on man by man which far outweigh the instructions of God. We are simply commanded to follow His instructions and as we know, Jesus summed up the ten commandments in two and now we live more by the spirit of those instructions than the "letter of the law".
I also agree that everyone of us does not possess the full truth and we all have something wrong, but that does not say that some people say have 95% of the truth compared to the vast majority that might have 5% of the truth. Only by discussing these things and opening our mind to all interpretations including those of Michael Rood will we get closer to knowing what is the truth of scripture. Evolution and science is a distraction from understanding scripture, so we should leave distractions like those aside just as we can leave aside our different understanding of the nature of God, Jesus, Angels etc.
God (Yahweh) said (Lev. 22:31) ... keep my commandments, and do them: I am the LORD.
; This is what God wants everyone (Jews and Gentiles) to do. If we all kept to the instructions of God, then the world's problems would be solved.
God's people through whom God's Son was born and was the prophet like unto Moses about that prophet God said we must listen to him, the nation of Israel were to be God's chosen people acting as kings and priests and ensamples to the whole world. Alas, Israel turned out to be as bad as the nations around them and because of the pagan god worship that they went after, God brought His punishment on them and they were kicked out of the land and we read of all that happened to Israel. That is not the end of the story as we know.
So now we have this thread opened in which we can discuss the teaching of Michael Rood, let me first ask; what is wrong about teaching that we are to keep the instructions of God? The keeping of the feasts were additional instructions given to God's people Israel to remember all that God had done for them by delivering them from bondage in Egypt and all that God was going to do for them. Now we are in the times of the Gentiles when all who hear the Gospel and accept it, have the opportunity to be grafted in to the household of faith represented by spiritual (not carnal) Israel. Michael Rood is an American ( I do not know if he has Jewish parentage) and he has chosen to and live in Israel and pratice what what the original Jews (the Hebrews) believed and were taught to observe. Michael Rood belongs to the growing number of Messianic Jews and just as the Jew have always believed in a Messiah, so the day will come, when those who are of Israel and are blind to Jesus, will have their spiritual eyes opened. I trust in the same way, all of us on this forum might have our eyes opened to God's truth.
All the best,
02-12-2013, 02:51 PM
Hallo David:icon_hello:
Hello Timmy
I am not surprised you would kick against the teaching of Michael Rood, because his teaching is what I know the Bible says (all translation and transcription errors accepted). I admire you for reading the book 'The Real Jesus' although you stick to your own conclusion and that is why I know that any other teaching is hard for you to accept.i am not truly kicking against Michael Rood's teaching as you might assume. The guy is more on target than most.
...and whatever do you mean? I really do not consider much of his teaching as anything else but further explorations into misconstrued ideas based on information that has established it's own limited scope. I find little meat to chew from what he says, NTL, most folks have to have proof which makes his efforts serve good purpose. Why would anyone who is sceptical drink from or feast in God's Word when they have turned away from this???
Here there is sincere curiosity in knowing where various belief systems lead others lives. Your own posts here confirms what was ascertained through studying the books you gave links for...but all the facts are not in just yet. You see, i have read the other book on the devil as well. Both books are closer to what is Oriental (Middle Eastern) mindset, though they do not sits at odds with Western traditional modes of understanding, be it belief systems or its Græco/Roman particular modes of reasoning, logic, perceptions, and anthropomorphic misnomers piled in with its whole line of rationale.
Anyway, you and i are far closer than you might imagine.
I agree with you that to the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day, that Jesus was an anarchist. Often he criticized the Pharisees and called them "hypocrites" and denounced them for teaching the man-made commandments of men instead of concentrating on the true commandments of God. Man-made rules, laws, regulations have been placed on man by man which far outweigh the instructions of God. We are simply commanded to follow His instructions and as we know, Jesus summed up the ten commandments in two and now we live more by the spirit of those instructions than the "letter of the law".It is thought here that is was not until Marcion came along and perverted the real representation of who Jesus really is, that people actually bought into the foolish notion that this LORD over all armies pranced or somberly walked around with long hair, nose just a bit higher than everyone else, or holding his hands like he just had a manicure. Godward meekness is not humility to men, love is not always nice, and Jesus often told the very ones who were following him around to go take a hike..."scram!" Of these, were only a small number of scribes and pharisees, by comparison. You see, there were far more following who were just ordinary people. Of these, he said in many different ways, "beat it!" On the other hand, with the Scribes and Pharisees, he spoke directly to and with them, entertaining their curiosity yet never bowing to what they added to scriptural observamces.
Jesus has always been against the established systems not beginning and ending in God.
As he was he shall ever be (Heb. 13.8).
I also agree that everyone of us does not possess the full truth and we all have something wrong, but that does not say that some people say have 95% of the truth compared to the vast majority that might have 5% of the truth. Only by discussing these things and opening our mind to all interpretations including those of Michael Rood will we get closer to knowing what is the truth of scripture. Evolution and science is a distraction from understanding scripture, so we should leave distractions like those aside just as we can leave aside our different understanding of the nature of God, Jesus, Angels etc.You are so very right.
For me it has become a matter of primarily questioning and doubting what i think is true, which leaves room for far more open-minded inquiry without personal bias tuning others out. If we keep our own dissonant mental chatter going, we not only find ourselves alienated from a huge portion of humanity, but we alienate ourselves from ourself. It leads to a whole lot of compartmentalized living.
Many tune everybody else out, allowing what seems to be wrong superceed what truth can be gleaned..Argument before another even gets done speaking or just turning the back all together or maybe sticking one finger in each ear all the while repeatedly saying,."nah nah nah boo boo, i can't hear you" kind of stuff becomes a source for our own ignorance. It also shows just how childish some people can make themselves appear.
We can condemn ourselves to repeating the mistakes of our forebearers, or we can drop all the self-imposed restrictive boundaries and barriers forever and ever keeping us confined. So what of somebody may not see things the way we think they might ought to be.
Some will comunicate back and forth, and the others, rather than argumentative interaction, it is better just to walk away. Dad many times told me to quit arguing with whoever. When we would walk away, i always heard him repeat a little ditty, "A man convinced against his Will, is of the same opinion still..." then often looking at me, he'de finish with, "...and that means both of you."
Most things are not worth arguing about at all unless both opposing parties are actually listening to one another. If another begins to give you a piece of their mind, odds are most of it has been given away already.
It's too late
when we die,
to admit
we don't see
eye to eye.
God (Yahweh) said (Lev. 22:31) ... keep my commandments, and do them: I am the LORD.
; This is what God wants everyone (Jews and Gentiles) to do. If we all kept to the instructions of God, then the world's problems would be solved.So, you really think an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is the ultimate solution for we humans even though we make mistakes and many times do not even recognise we do wrong until another, that is if another points it out?
IF IF IF...SO what do the following verses mean to you?
There is certainly
No righteous man on the earth,
Who does good
And never sins."
...or "whoever lives by the law must obey every part,"
...or "whoever breaks one law has broken them all???"
IF...wishes were horses then dreamers would ride...
IF...ifs and ands were pots and pans, there would be no need for tinkers hands.
IF...we did really keep the Law as expected, the whole world would be toothless, and there would only be one person left with one eye.
God's people through whom God's Son was born and was the prophet like unto Moses about that prophet God said we must listen to him, the nation of Israel were to be God's chosen people acting as kings and priests and ensamples to the whole world. Alas, Israel turned out to be as bad as the nations around them and because of the pagan god worship that they went after, God brought His punishment on them and they were kicked out of the land and we read of all that happened to Israel. That is not the end of the story as we know.Yeah...and Matthew 5-7 is in Jesus' own words. That is as exacting as this whole obedience to the law issue gets.
It is not about rule keeping being first and foremost. There are many other things beside the rules that Father Will show us when we are faithful in the big things. By "big things" i mean what most everyone considers as insignificant little things, and so tend to ignore or just miss it altogether. One can be so very right on all points of Biblical doctrine and still miss it. Look what Paul says of the Ephesians, then compare that with what Jesus says about them in Revelation.
(Also consider how Yeshua used the tiny mustard seed to epitomize the kingdom of Eloheinu's heaven in many parables recorded.)
Jesus (spoke these things,) looked up to heaven and said,
The hour has come.
Glorify your Son
that The Son may glorify You:
for you gave Him authority over all flesh
so He may give eternal life
to all You have given Him.
This is eternal life
that they may know You
the only true God
and the one You have sent forth--Jesus Christ.
I have glorified you on the earth
completing the work you provided me to do.
Now, Father, glorify me
in your presence
with the glory I had with You
before the world existed...”
...let me first ask; what is wrong about teaching that we are to keep the instructions of God? The keeping of the feasts were additional instructions given to God's people Israel to remember all that God had done for them by delivering them from bondage in Egypt and all that God was going to do for them. Now we are in the times of the Gentiles when all who hear the Gospel and accept it, have the opportunity to be grafted in to the household of faith represented by spiritual (not carnal) Israel. Michael Rood is an American ( I do not know if he has Jewish parentage) and he has chosen to and live in Israel and pratice what what the original Jews (the Hebrews) believed and were taught to observe. Michael Rood belongs to the growing number of Messianic Jews and just as the Jew have always believed in a Messiah, so the day will come, when those who are of Israel and are blind to Jesus, will have their spiritual eyes opened. I trust in the same way, all of us on this forum might have our eyes opened to God's truth.
All the best,
DavidThere is nothing wrong with keeping God's Torah...IF& that's a big if this were possible. Paul makes it very clear that whether or not anyone is of Israel or not, all are continually sinning and never meet up to God's perfect standard. The Law is righteous, holy, and good. We are not. (Read Romans, chapters 1-7 to see for yourself.),
The time of the nations (aka gentiles) began with the Babylonian Captivity and shall end when the Mount of Olives splits in two.
As the scriptures state, every eye shall see Him when He returns with 10,000s of 10,000s of His saints and angels.
My own Rabbi was declared anathema for upholding Jesus as our crucified and risen Master, Messiah, Prophet, Priest, and coming King.
Yeshua is not exclusive to Hebrews, as any who have rested trusting confidence in Yisrael's Elohim, the same are rewarded according to whatever they believe is true of Him. God has no respect for whatever we may think we might do to appease His favor.
Torah is not the basis of relationship with Him. These instructions are Abba's guide to living the life he wants for us in our own best interest. By remaining in these instructions, blessings come more readily and easily, as they are designed for all people to best function within the parameters of natural law.
Everything in the Bible is there as a revelation of Jesus Christ, and through Him alone are we able to relate to God on His terms. There is no other way.
It's all about walking and talking with God and not trying to do whatever we think will make God obligated to favor us.
Talk with God in all good ways possible for all people.
Shalom Aleichim Dawid!
ps. Jesus was and is an anarchist.
David M
03-15-2013, 05:03 AM
Anyway, you and i are far closer than you might imagine.
Hello Timmy, leaving those distractions I mentioned aside, it is good that we are closer to agreeing what is the truth of God's word.
So, you really think an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is the ultimate solution for we humans even though we make mistakes and many times do not even recognise we do wrong until another, that is if another points it out?
To clarify this point and answer your question, I used the word "instruction" instead of commandments or reference to the law. If we all kept the ten commandments/instrictions, there should be no other laws necessary. By following God's instructions, which would mean we have a right relationship with God, we should naturally do nothing whereby we would be judged and punished.
It is when do something wrong we can expect to receive punishment or correction. Who is to be judge and pronounce sentence? It might be that we have two legal systems running in parallel. One is according to God's laws and the other according to man's laws. The one system is for those who are God's people and try to live to the best of their ability to please Him and who have come out of this (Babylonian world) and the other system is for those who remain part of the Babylonian world and have been rejected by God. God can leave those he has rejected to judge and sentence their own kind. God's people are not exempt if they break a man's law and will be judged and sentenced by man. As one of God's people, we cannot expect to escape God's penalty, but we can expect Him to be judge justly and show mercify.
As God's people, and as we are taught by Jesus, we are not to judge. As I am not to judge, I cannot say what the sentence should be. It was in the laws given to God's people at Sinai whereby the sentence should fit the crime and so "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" on the face of it, is an appropiately measured penalty that fits the crime. That to my mind is much fairer than the penalties served out by man's judicial system. Whether it be "Christians" (in the loose sense that it is applied to many) who are responsible for doing away with the death penalty, or whether that is due to plain humanitarianism, the situation has not been made better by locking murderers away and not sentencing them to death. Too many times, we hear of murderers, who have been released from prison (some with mental problems which have not been cured) and they kill again.
All I can do is watch wait for Jesus to return and set up God's kingdom and for the time to come when all these problems are a thing of the past and not to be heard of again in God's kingdom. Until then, we have to suffer the injustices of man's rule. I can leave God's judgments to come upon this world as He has said He will do in the that Great Day to come when God will shake the earth and everyting on this earth. Vengeance we are told belongs to God and so God in his infinite capacity to judge and award the penalty to match the crime will come upon the unrighteous of this world. Hence we continue to pray for God's kingdom to come and for God's will to be done on this earth and so bring peace and righteousness and for God's Glory to fill the whole earth.
All the best
03-16-2013, 11:40 AM
Hello Timmy, leaving those distractions I mentioned aside, it is good that we are closer to agreeing what is the truth of God's word.In all honesty, we all have quirky ideas and when we try to interpret scripture without revelation from the scriptures, we all go awry.
It has been recognized many times how mixing what we or other people think with what the Bible is saying, though you or I or any other man may think we've got it right, the proof is in the pudding. If it cannot be applied to daily living, it is (JUST LIKE RICHARD SAYS) delusional to think that any feeling is evidence that G_d is doing something.
I do not believe the scripture because of what someone else said that someone else said that someone else said that someone else said. I never have. I am extremely skeptical of anything that has not been walked out physically, just like it says,"continue in what you have learned and firmly have known the sacred Scriptures, which are able to give you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
Feelings, ideas, or whatever we may think about the Bible are not salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. For all the statistics heard about how many claimant to this faithfulness of Jesus Christ alone, it is wondered how few there really are who have a practical daily experience of this one and only salvation.
Many times when questioning others what their faith is all about, not able to observe any basis from their daily experiences, I question them when they confront me (as though I have got it all wrong). Many of these are good with where certain verses are found, or have memorized much scripture, or have their dogmas and/or theologies down pat, so this is what they proclaim.
Then it is asked, "well, has God ever healed you, or provided you with "sholom" (in the Hebrew meanings of the word), or delivered you out from circumstances of impending doom, and so on--(all these being found in the redemptive titles of Yaweh)?
Invariably, nearly all will say something like, "I am talking about the spiritual, and those physical things are not as great." (When these say "spiritual" they are usually talking about some mystical delusion that they have arranged the concepts from the Bible to fit those delusions. It's been learned to be understood they are actually saying, "I am talking about non-physical things (like salvation from ? <--sin, bad feelings, etc.) to which I counter, "So sin is not physical, hunh? This must mean that my physical life is perfect in God's eyes, or he just doesn't care about that, right? What good is your 'salvation'?"
Most balk and walk away.
Some still persist, many say stuff like, "Well, Jesus was marvel at by religious leaders for forgiving sin, and he said it's harder to forgive sin...and He also said we will do 'greater works' and that is what he meant."
(Hearing things as above, there is always this one idea that instantly comes to the forefront, sometimes spoken, sometimes not. It's this: since sin, sickness/disease, hatred, death and their polar opposites are physically expressed, if a person does actually take God at his Word as they claim, why is there no physical evidence to prove it? Indeed it is harder to forgive sin than for the Christ to heal, so why are these not experiencing restoration in daily affairs, be it their bodies, minds, relationships, or any other situations?)
God is not a man who lies,
or a son of man who changes His mind.
Does He speak and not act,
or promise and not fulfill?
There is no favoritism with God.
Numbers 23.19 & Romans 2.11
These conversations usually veer in unpredictable directions from there on out...yet, there is something fix in my mind as true and experienced, according to what scripture says:
1. God does not change (Hebrews 13.6-10)
2. Because of this, whatever salvation<--(deliverance/preservation/wholeness) out of whatever happenstances, like as recounted in God's testimony within the Bible's pages, are also available today through Jesus Christ.
3. Eternal life is a relationship with Abba in and through Yeshua, not a one time decision, different feelings, or anything else aside from this. (John 17.2-3)
To clarify this point and answer your question, I used the word "instruction" instead of commandments or reference to the law. If we all kept the ten commandments/instrictions, there should be no other laws necessary. By following God's instructions, which would mean we have a right relationship with God, we should naturally do nothing whereby we would be judged and punished.Does a person say they are sorry because they get caught or is there an actual change in them?
Right relationship...right!
It is when do something wrong we can expect to receive punishment or correction. Who is to be judge and pronounce sentence? It might be that we have two legal systems running in parallel. One is according to God's laws and the other according to man's laws. The one system is for those who are God's people and try to live to the best of their ability to please Him and who have come out of this (Babylonian world) and the other system is for those who remain part of the Babylonian world and have been rejected by God. God can leave those he has rejected to judge and sentence their own kind. God's people are not exempt if they break a man's law and will be judged and sentenced by man. As one of God's people, we cannot expect to escape God's penalty, but we can expect Him to be judge justly and show mercy.
God is merciful to the merciful, and if we cannot forgive others we will not be forgiven.
"Give thanks to the LORD,
for He is good;
His faithful love
endures forever.
As God's people, and as we are taught by Jesus, we are not to judge. As I am not to judge, I cannot say what the sentence should be. It was in the laws given to God's people at Sinai whereby the sentence should fit the crime and so "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" on the face of it, is an appropiately measured penalty that fits the crime. That to my mind is much fairer than the penalties served out by man's judicial system. Whether it be "Christians" (in the loose sense that it is applied to many) who are responsible for doing away with the death penalty, or whether that is due to plain humanitarianism, the situation has not been made better by locking murderers away and not sentencing them to death. Too many times, we hear of murderers, who have been released from prison (some with mental problems which have not been cured) and they kill again.The Bible says a nation runs wrong when punishment for wrongs done are not exacted immediately. The court systems have flipped that on it's head.
As well, is it really "God's people" who are so needful of His mercy?
All I can do is watch wait for Jesus to return and set up God's kingdom and for the time to come when all these problems are a thing of the past and not to be heard of again in God's kingdom. Until then, we have to suffer the injustices of man's rule. I can leave God's judgments to come upon this world as He has said He will do in the that Great Day to come when God will shake the earth and everyting on this earth. Vengeance we are told belongs to God and so God in his infinite capacity to judge and award the penalty to match the crime will come upon the unrighteous of this world. Hence we continue to pray for God's kingdom to come and for God's will to be done on this earth and so bring peace and righteousness and for God's Glory to fill the whole earth.
All the best
DavidHe already began the shaking when Yeshua was giving His Life Blood on the cross. From that first quake, the 1500+ pound veil to the Holiest Place was shred in two...and the shaking shall increase until "that day":
I will oppress Ariel,
and there will be mourning and crying,
and she will be to Me like an Ariel.
I will camp in a circle around you;
I will besiege you with earth ramps,
and I will set up my siege towers against you.
You will be brought down;
you will speak from the ground,
and your words will come from low in the dust.
Your voice will be like that of a spirit from the ground;
your speech will whisper from the dust.
Your many foes will be like fine dust,
and many of the ruthless, like blowing chaff.
Then suddenly, in an instant,
you will be visited by the LORD of Hosts
with thunder, earthquake, and loud noise,
storm, tempest, and a flame of consuming fire.
All the many nations
going out to battle against Ariel —
all the attackers, the siege works against her,
and those who oppress her —
will then be like a dream, a vision in the night.
It will be like a hungry one who dreams he is eating,
then wakes and is still hungry;
and like a thirsty one who dreams he is drinking,
then wakes and is still thirsty, longing for water.
So it will be for all the many nations
who go to battle against Mount Zion.
And who are the "unrighteous of this world," if you will say?
BTW, have you ever checked the stats on how many more earthquakes there are every year?
Watching and waiting does not get the work of worshipping done my friend...and I do not mean singing songs.
May El Elyon bless you and yours this Shabbat,
David M
03-17-2013, 01:53 AM
Hello Timmy
In all honesty, we all have quirky ideas and when we try to interpret scripture without revelation from the scriptures, we all go awry.
It has been recognized many times how mixing what we or other people think with what the Bible is saying, though you or I or any other man may think we've got it right, the proof is in the pudding. If it cannot be applied to daily living, it is (JUST LIKE RICHARD SAYS) delusional to think that any feeling is evidence that G_d is doing something.
I also agree with Richard (some times) with some of the things he says in general.
Most balk and walk away.
I had a visit from the JWs this week. I admire their zeal for doing their work, but their "flock" have been lead astray from the real truth. Alas, I try to get the individuals to open their eyes and question what they have been taught, but they have been indoctrinated not to reason for themselves. They are happy to be dictated to regards changes to their collective thinking. Who we ask decides upon the changes. God's message has not changed, yet the JWs, as one example, have changed their message over the years.
Does a person say they are sorry because they get caught or is there an actual change in them?
So right. It reminds me of the somewhat strange definition of " a professional"; one who will do right even when they know they will not be found out. That sounds like we have professional Christians and those who are not "professional" are the amateurs
As well, is it really "God's people" who are so needful of His mercy?
There are several verses to in order to illustrate God's mercy, but it is in the writings of Paul (in which hard things are spoken) but the following passage I consider puts things into perspective. It is these things Richard and Rose and those who baulk against God. have not got into perspective.
(Romans 9)
15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy.
17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?
20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
22 What if God, willing to show his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,
24 Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?
25 As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.
26 And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God.
He already began the shaking when Yeshua was giving His Life Blood on the cross. From that first quake, the 1500+ pound veil to the Holiest Place was shred in two...and the shaking shall increase until "that day":
And who are the "unrighteous of this world," if you will say?
BTW, have you ever checked the stats on how many more earthquakes there are every year?
In our own estimation, not one of us can claim to be wholly righteous. Again, I refer to Paul who writes (Romans 3);9 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; 10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: I wonder which verse Paul is quoting from? The most likely is found in the Psalms.
(Psalm 14:3) there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Watching and waiting does not get the work of worshipping done my friend...and I do not mean singing songs.
When I wrote; "All I can do is watch, wait for Jesus to return and set up God's kingdom.." It was meant in the context of watching God fulfill His purpose. I excluded to say that while we watch and wait, we must also be found "doing". Jesus said (Matthew 22:46);Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
There is much to be done in the Lord's service and whatever we do, we know it can never be enough.
May El Elyon bless you and yours this Shabbat,
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