View Full Version : A Man's View on the Rape Culture

01-11-2013, 04:35 PM
The guy in this video is man enough to say what every father should be telling his son.


David M
01-12-2013, 09:20 AM
The guy in this video is man enough to say what every father should be telling his son.

Hello Rose

Excellent video. It is good that we have some voices speaking out and the earth's population has not got to the point where there is only one righteous person living as in the days of Noah and when of the earth's population is was said (Genesis 6:5 ) every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. We have not got to that stage yet, but it is getting close and to whatever date we apply the words of Jesus to when he said (Luke 17:26); And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. "The world" is enmity with God and is going the way of evil more and more. Evil is outweighing all that the good people are doing.

What is your solution to the problem Rose? Why has education got so bad and can it improve to the point of reversing the trend? Is it not wishful thinking that we might get back to the old days when things were not perfect but better. Unless there is a massive change in which people's attitude's change or unless there is a massive culling and the remainder get re-educated and their future offspring get taught these right ways from an early age, what other way is going to have the success you desire?

All the best


01-12-2013, 08:34 PM
Hello Rose

Excellent video. It is good that we have some voices speaking out and the earth's population has not got to the point where there is only one righteous person living as in the days of Noah and when of the earth's population is was said (Genesis 6:5 ) every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. We have not got to that stage yet, but it is getting close and to whatever date we apply the words of Jesus to when he said (Luke 17:26); And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. "The world" is enmity with God and is going the way of evil more and more. Evil is outweighing all that the good people are doing.

What is your solution to the problem Rose? Why has education got so bad and can it improve to the point of reversing the trend? Is it not wishful thinking that we might get back to the old days when things were not perfect but better. Unless there is a massive change in which people's attitude's change or unless there is a massive culling and the remainder get re-educated and their future offspring get taught these right ways from an early age, what other way is going to have the success you desire?

All the best


Hi David,

While there is no perfect solution, I think the place we need to start is with men teaching their sons and brothers and fathers that women are their equals. Men need to teach men that real men respect the human rights of all people, including women. Secular education is not the problem, it is religious education that teaches men that they are to rule over women and deny them rights to control their own bodies. This has been going on throughout history, and the Bible is filled with division of the genders which places the male as the authority over a woman's body, this does nothing help to teach men that women should share equal human rights with them. Women still have a long uphill battle ahead, but great advancements have been made and with the help of intelligent men I believe success will eventually prevail and we will see a true egalitarian society.

Take care,

David M
01-14-2013, 03:33 AM
Hi David,

While there is no perfect solution, I think the place we need to start is with men teaching their sons and brothers and fathers that women are their equals. Men need to teach men that real men respect the human rights of all people, including women. Secular education is not the problem, it is religious education that teaches men that they are to rule over women and deny them rights to control their own bodies. This has been going on throughout history, and the Bible is filled with division of the genders which places the male as the authority over a woman's body, this does nothing help to teach men that women should share equal human rights with them. Women still have a long uphill battle ahead, but great advancements have been made and with the help of intelligent men I believe success will eventually prevail and we will see a true egalitarian society.

Take care,
Hello Rose

Though I received some religious education at school, it did not teach me to kill and rape and not respect women. I think that not only does the education system fail in this respect today by having no form of religious education, it is also the lack of parental guidance. It is ignorant parents not teaching their children. If you ever thought of how the phrase; "the sins of the parents visited on the children" applies then lack of parental guidance is it. The children do as their parents do which in these times is evil.

The Bible does not teach men and women to be corrupt; in fact it is the very opposite. The Bible tells us of the history of Israel and tells us like it is (or was). The Bible tells us of the corruptness of man and that God expects righteousness. You cannot have it any better than that; what God wants, men and women should do. Are you righteous? If not; why not? Every one of us is to blame for our actions. We cannot blame God for the things we do, no-one can make you love or hate; it is your choice to have that state of mind. The Bible tells us that we should not have bad traits of character and instead we should have the mind of Christ and be like him and Paul writes in this fashion re putting off the "old man" and putting on the "new man".

Colossians 3
5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
6 For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:
7 In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.
8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;
10 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:
11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;
13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.
14 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

If we are not naturally as the "new man" is, then we have to work at it.

If you really know what God wants of men and women, it is for them to be righteous and that can only be good for society. Now it is men and women to blame for not being righteous and they are not righteous when any of the above characteristics of the "old man" are shown. God has nothing to be blamed for and before you blame God, it is man who is to blame first. The Bible not only tells us of the righteous way to live, it warns us of the consequences for not being righteous. God will ultimately punish the nations and those who are unfaithful and unrighteous will perish by way of being willingly ignorant; God will save only the righteous. It is to the righteous God will keep His promise of eternal life and to those who perish, they will get not only what they deserve, they will get what they expect;; eternal death.

All the best


01-14-2013, 02:36 PM
Hello Rose

Though I received some religious education at school, it did not teach me to kill and rape and not respect women. I think that not only does the education system fail in this respect today by having no form of religious education, it is also the lack of parental guidance. It is ignorant parents not teaching their children. If you ever thought of how the phrase; "the sins of the parents visited on the children" applies then lack of parental guidance is it. The children do as their parents do which in these times is evil.

Hi David,

If a religious education followed the teachings of the Bible it would most certainly teach men to kill, rape and not respect women.

The Bible does not teach men and women to be corrupt; in fact it is the very opposite. The Bible tells us of the history of Israel and tells us like it is (or was). The Bible tells us of the corruptness of man and that God expects righteousness. You cannot have it any better than that; what God wants, men and women should do. Are you righteous? If not; why not? Every one of us is to blame for our actions. We cannot blame God for the things we do, no-one can make you love or hate; it is your choice to have that state of mind. The Bible tells us that we should not have bad traits of character and instead we should have the mind of Christ and be like him and Paul writes in this fashion re putting off the "old man" and putting on the "new man".

Of course the Bible teaches men to have corrupted morals. There is nothing moral about women being denied equal human rights, and there is nothing moral about men being allowed to take captive women as slaves and rape them!

If you really know what God wants of men and women, it is for them to be righteous and that can only be good for society. Now it is men and women to blame for not being righteous and they are not righteous when any of the above characteristics of the "old man" are shown. God has nothing to be blamed for and before you blame God, it is man who is to blame first. The Bible not only tells us of the righteous way to live, it warns us of the consequences for not being righteous. God will ultimately punish the nations and those who are unfaithful and unrighteous will perish by way of being willingly ignorant; God will save only the righteous. It is to the righteous God will keep His promise of eternal life and to those who perish, they will get not only what they deserve, they will get what they expect;; eternal death.

All the best


The Bible is supposed to tell people what god wants from them, the Jewish law in the Old Testament has 613 rules that tell god's people what he expects from them and how to be righteous. Many of those laws are immoral and corrupt, like stoning to death homosexuals, or a woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night.

Take care,

01-14-2013, 05:17 PM
Hi David,

If a religious education followed the teachings of the Bible it would most certainly teach men to kill, rape and not respect women.

Of course the Bible teaches men to have corrupted morals. There is nothing moral about women being denied equal human rights, and there is nothing moral about men being allowed to take captive women as slaves and rape them!

The Bible is supposed to tell people what god wants from them, the Jewish law in the Old Testament has 613 rules that tell god's people what he expects from them and how to be righteous. Many of those laws are immoral and corrupt, like stoning to death homosexuals, or a woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night.

There are always exception to the rule; why didn't Jesus allow the stoning of the adulteress? Why did Jesus broke the Sabbath? Doesn't that make Jesus deserves the death sentence?

The Bible taught us what is right and what is wrong; the good done by righteous people and the evil done by evil people. It is book that helps us to discern good from evil. It is corrupt people who corrupted the morals that were taught in the Bible. Most of us won't go round raping or killing people or disrespecting women after reading the Bible because we know what is right and what is wrong as taught in the Bible based on our understanding of morality.

If the Jewish laws are corrupt how about secular laws?.... Death for rape, drug smuggling, murder, kidnapping, terrorism etc. Can we also say that secular laws are corrupt and immoral?

God Bless. Let's pray for understanding of the laws.:pray: