12-30-2012, 11:40 AM
If the Bible is true and its god the creator of everything, then humans should be able to use their “god given” abilities to discover the world around them that he made. When humans discover dinosaur bones, or any other ancient fossils, and perform radiometric dating to calculate its age, the results that they get should correspond with what is written in the Bible, but it doesn’t. As it stands, practically every scientific discovery in some way contradicts the corresponding biblical explanation. Why is that? The main reason is that primitive minds struggled to understand the world around them, and for all the unknowns (of which there were many) they inserted god, or a reason that fit with their limited knowledge, which then became recorded as facts in their holy books. Consequently we have a Bible that consists of:
Records of historical events.
Rules and laws given by its god.
Assertions that “god did it”, instead of explanations about natural phenomenon.
Practically every scientific discovery in some way contradicts the biblical account of creation, which sends creationists scrambling furiously to explain and justify the corresponding biblical claims. Should not god be found in all human discoveries, if indeed he created the universe? Every single new discovery should point to the hand of god, instead of away from it. Scientists do not set out to disprove god, rather they are driven by a desire to know how things work and understand the world around them. If it were not for the scientific discoveries in fields like medicine, humans would still be suffering from a variety of diseases and infections that have claimed millions of lives over the centuries. Well being of the body is always the optimal condition for life to flourish, which is what scientist seek to improve. On the other hand, biblical doctrines have done very little to improve the physical lives of humans and in many cases it has done the opposite, making human existence a very unpleasant, and uncomfortable experience.
In order for the mind to be able to flourish with new ideas, the body must be in a state of well being. Unfortunately, many religions teach that the suppression of bodily comfort and desires is the ultimate goal to be attained. The fleshly human body has no value placed on it, thus its health is not a priority. Christian history has an abysmal record when it comes to the health and well being of the body, its very foundation being built upon the suffering and torture of Jesus, to appease an angry god for the sins of men. A mind cannot properly flourish, when the body it is housed in is denied comfort and well being. One of the reasons many scientists are non-theists is because most religions and their doctrines, do not promote a beneficial environment in which creative minds can flourish, instead body and mind are in a constant state of conflict. There can never be a marriage between science and god, because harmony can only occur when the constraints of religion are absent. Anytime a god is indiscriminately posited as the reason for something’s existence, the doors become closed to human exploration; consequently enlightenment into understanding the world becomes narrowed, or nonexistent.
Records of historical events.
Rules and laws given by its god.
Assertions that “god did it”, instead of explanations about natural phenomenon.
Practically every scientific discovery in some way contradicts the biblical account of creation, which sends creationists scrambling furiously to explain and justify the corresponding biblical claims. Should not god be found in all human discoveries, if indeed he created the universe? Every single new discovery should point to the hand of god, instead of away from it. Scientists do not set out to disprove god, rather they are driven by a desire to know how things work and understand the world around them. If it were not for the scientific discoveries in fields like medicine, humans would still be suffering from a variety of diseases and infections that have claimed millions of lives over the centuries. Well being of the body is always the optimal condition for life to flourish, which is what scientist seek to improve. On the other hand, biblical doctrines have done very little to improve the physical lives of humans and in many cases it has done the opposite, making human existence a very unpleasant, and uncomfortable experience.
In order for the mind to be able to flourish with new ideas, the body must be in a state of well being. Unfortunately, many religions teach that the suppression of bodily comfort and desires is the ultimate goal to be attained. The fleshly human body has no value placed on it, thus its health is not a priority. Christian history has an abysmal record when it comes to the health and well being of the body, its very foundation being built upon the suffering and torture of Jesus, to appease an angry god for the sins of men. A mind cannot properly flourish, when the body it is housed in is denied comfort and well being. One of the reasons many scientists are non-theists is because most religions and their doctrines, do not promote a beneficial environment in which creative minds can flourish, instead body and mind are in a constant state of conflict. There can never be a marriage between science and god, because harmony can only occur when the constraints of religion are absent. Anytime a god is indiscriminately posited as the reason for something’s existence, the doors become closed to human exploration; consequently enlightenment into understanding the world becomes narrowed, or nonexistent.