View Full Version : Giant skeletons and their intentional hiding.

12-26-2012, 11:08 AM
Here (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stone-Builders-Mound-Builders-and-the-Giants-of-Ancient-America/556606251021542#!/media/set/?set=a.556607921021375.148773.556606251021542&type=1) is a album of newspaper clippings which describe the skeletol remains of large humans.

Though not 'proof' of the biblical 'giants', one must ask what the reason would be to hide or destroy such evidence if not to further attempt to destroy evidence of biblical support while reinforcing evolutionary theory.

Please be objective in your responses.

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2012, 11:27 AM
Here (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stone-Builders-Mound-Builders-and-the-Giants-of-Ancient-America/556606251021542#!/media/set/?set=a.556607921021375.148773.556606251021542&type=1) is a album of newspaper clippings which describe the skeletol remains of large humans.

Though not 'proof' of the biblical 'giants', one must ask what the reason would be to hide or destroy such evidence if not to further attempt to destroy evidence of biblical support while reinforcing evolutionary theory.

Please be objective in your responses.

The page you linked just had a bunch of images of old newspaper articles. I didn't see anything that said anything about any coverups. I need a link to that information if you want me to evaluate it.

And what size "giants" are they talking about? All the articles I looked at spoke only of 7 foot tall humans, which though unusual, certainly are not "giants."

Folks have been putting forth hoaxes like that for many years. In more recent times, they spread them with emails of photoshopped pics and YouTube videos. I exposed a similar hoax in the thread called evidence for giants nephilim rephaim anunaki part 1 Gilgal photo (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?1831-evidence-for-giants-nephilim-rephaim-anunaki-part-1-Gilgal-photo&p=24618#post24618). Here's a link:

Exposing the crooks behind the myth! (http://yowcrooks.blogspot.com/2008/12/giant-skeleton-hoax.html)

Truth must reign supreme in the heart of believers. This is why skepticism is so very important. Skepticism is the antiseptic of the mind. Without it, the mind is quickly infected with ten thousand fallacious pests.

The idea that such obscure claims could present any threat to evolution is absurd. Evolution is like gravity. It's going on all the time all around us. The evidence is overwhelming. No anomaly could refute such evidence. At best, it would require a modification to the theory. You cannot overthrow established science with such claims. And appealing to such claims reveals a double standard. It looks like you are grasping at things with little or no evidence even as you reject things established on much evidence merely because the former confirms you preconceived ideas. That's a recipe for delusion. We need to use a just balance and weigh all the evidence equally.

12-26-2012, 01:46 PM
The page you linked just had a bunch of images of old newspaper articles. I didn't see anything that said anything about any coverups. I need a link to that information if you want me to evaluate it.

I agree that the images you presented are fabricated, some without dishonest intent, and then used dishoneslty. I also agree that planet x is misunderstood as a sumerian legend, but regards Marduk or Nimrod.

But there are 179 newspaper and other clippings, some containing smithsonian activities. Non are contrived in the manner which you presented of 30 or 40 foot tall skeletons. And yes, many are in the 7 to 8 foot range while others in the 12+ foot range. I also agree that this may not be '
proof' of biblical giants; but of taller genetics in some areas; while others are more than that.

Backtrack to the original facebook page for more info about skelotons removed from museums and other comments. Might have to listen to the radio cast on coast to coast Am.



Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2012, 03:37 PM
I agree that the images you presented are fabricated, some without dishonest intent, and then used dishoneslty. I also agree that planet x is misunderstood as a sumerian legend, but regards Marduk or Nimrod.

But there are 179 newspaper and other clippings, some containing smithsonian activities. Non are contrived in the manner which you presented of 30 or 40 foot tall skeletons. And yes, many are in the 7 to 8 foot range while others in the 12+ foot range. I also agree that this may not be '
proof' of biblical giants; but of taller genetics in some areas; while others are more than that.

Backtrack to the original facebook page for more info about skelotons removed from museums and other comments. Might have to listen to the radio cast on coast to coast Am.



I'm glad we have some agreement about the hoaxes.

Concerning your sources - the Coast to Coast show is dedicated to wacky ideas like conspiracy theories. It's a completely unreliable source. Do you have any reliable source to substantiate the idea that there has been a global scientific conspiracy to cover up evidence of giants?