View Full Version : Iranian Students denounce Ahmadinejad

Richard Amiel McGough
12-09-2007, 04:46 PM
In all the worry and noise about Iran getting the Bomb, we should not forget to focus on and pray for the uprising of the spirit of freedom in the young people there. We also should remember that many Iranians love America:

Iranian students staged a new demonstration at Tehran University on Sunday, damaging the main gate to allow outsiders into the campus and denouncing President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, news agencies reported.

The protesters chanted slogans against the president and carried banners calling for the release of three fellow students who have been held since May in a high-profile case, the Fars news agency and state-run IRNA reported.

Read more here (http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=071209122906.ydxg6hkk&show_article=1).

12-10-2007, 01:20 PM
"we should not forget to pray for the uprising of the spirit of freedom in the young people..." (of Iran) Richard
Yes! By all means!:thumb: I recently heard a Canadian minister who has been secretly working behind the scenes, both in Iraq and Iran. He said the Gospel is spreading like wildfire in both countries....and said what you stated Richard, almost word for word.

02-04-2008, 01:49 PM
Iran launched another missile yesterday and unveiled a supposed space center. Add that to last weeks U shipment and the usual threat to Israel. I wonder just how much more of this is going to be tolerated? Debka file is one place to read about his. Peace. Christan

Brother Les
02-04-2008, 02:12 PM
Who is a higher threat to middleEast "peace"? Secular 'Israel', who claim to have Divine Right of 'a' Greater Israel, through 'a' God that they reject, (and they have 100s of nukes) Or Islamic Religious Zealots of Sheites and Sunis and Persain origion. They all 'live' for the threat of 'War'....They all want and expect a global holocost. 'To die for 'The State of Israel' of to Die For Allah'....

American Dispendationalist 'say' that the whole MiddleEast NEEDS to be aflame (and soon)and Arabs and Israel, alike, are to be cast to 'Satan'....The the elements of the whole wide world are 'prophecied' to melt away (nuclear holocost?).....'To some'....this is Gods and Allahs will to be done....many say...Why try to 'stop' it, when it is prophecied to 'happen', why not 'let' it happen?

Brother Les

02-04-2008, 03:49 PM
Hey when Bush went to the middle east recently it brought to mind the frogs coming out of the Beast and the False Prophet. Admitedly I laughed and then repented. There was nothing peaceful about his visit there. I understand what you are saying about Israel all too well. There is a clip available on the Israeli toolbar set up that has the raid on the reactor in 81 documentary. I cant find it but telling about what is going the happen again. And Iran has done nothing but encourage it to happen. Israel is definitley a bully to some extent however have you seen the PBS documentary on the Six day war. Taking ther erality of Anti Israel sentiment into account and the huge rise in anti Jew sentiment worldwide I would say realistically Nukes could very well come into play soon. That being said I dont think its the end of the millenium. Well I have to get back to building a model Noah's Ark. I want to put it on my truck rack and & drive around town. No words just sympols.Peace Brother Les. Christan

Brother Les
02-05-2008, 07:15 AM
I know all about the '67 'war'....How Israeli war planes attacked a US servailance ship 'The Liberty'. (US flag flying high in International waters) How Israel did not want the US military to know the exstent of the Egyptian 'front' destruction and blood letting. 'The Liberty', attacked for hours, (lets see?) 34 Americans dead and many more wounded....'The Liberty' calling for US forces to aid them. The call for aid was heard (this was a servalince ship) and US planes sent ....only to be recalled by high US military officals as not to embarress the 'Israeli' government for their 'mistake'....know full well the 'The Liberty' was going to be sunk and all hands lost...one big problem happened though...it did not sink...

I will stop with the comentary on how 'Israel' won a huge political and religious victory for 'god and country' in '67....The dispensationalist were running out of 'good' mileage on their...'Israel' was 'reborn' in 1948....and 'Jesus' will 'come' in one generation, after the buding of 'the fig tree'....so...Jesus 'must' 'come' in (drumroll...)1988....(have you read the book , 88 reasons why Christ will come in 1988?...best seller at the time) It was 'a' 'good' think that 'Israel' occupied (?) all of Jersualem in 1967...this gave American Dispensationalists 30 more years to 'adjust' their Biblical timetable to ....2007....as 'The Great coming of Jesus Christ'....Man o' man...the last time I looke, it was 2008 (?) It is hard to get 'good' Bible prophecy when reading it from the Newspaper anymore...

Yes, this whole post is full of sarcasum, while at the same time pointing out what bad biblical exigesus will do...

Brother Les

02-05-2008, 12:51 PM
Maybe I am mentally challenged because I dont use words like exegesus though I know what they are saying. And thank you for giving this topic some time. When I was at Hillel learning hebrew eventually I had to skip out due to pressure from some heavy enough hitters involved with the IDF. I hope I got that right:rolleyes:
I dont know the whole story about the Liberty and I should.
I take up impressions from what I see in documentaries and then look at what is happening and then watch for signs of what will. Recently when I was going to temple for the first time in a while I saw a new trader Joe's pack of tissues and picked it up. For the next few weeks there was a die off of people I love. I remember what I felt when I first saw the pack.
My dad was a low temp physical chemist. He instilled alot of sense about war and the bomb into me and was reading Oppenheimer's Autobiography before he passed. From me what I see and feel Amminadab is intent on bringing the Jihad to life. He is no Saddam like Nebuchadnezzar he is more like Hitler. This issue has really been the key one for me over the past two years. The politics of the country and the war in the middle east have driven me mentally away from anything but pursuit of the prize.
I cant see the world going on much longer as it is. That in the long run is what fuels the urgency to build an Ark. Faith requires that one put one foot in front of the other. I trust in the Lord adn dont lean on my own understanding.I just keep following my intuitive angles.
I hope you folks will contiue to share with me. I downloaded and printed out most of Vernon Jenkins work last night. I knew about this stuff along time ago but never really studied it in depth. It will take alittle time. Peace .Christan

Brother Les
02-05-2008, 02:49 PM
I take up impressions from what I see in documentaries and then look at what is happening and then watch for signs of what will.

As you know, brother, Documentaries are just another name for propoganda (sp) 'Those' giving 'The Show'....write 'The Show'.....both pro and con

Recently when I was going to temple for the first time in a while I saw a new trader Joe's pack of tissues and picked it up. For the next few weeks there was a die off of people I love. I remember what I felt when I first saw the pack.

Don't read into every 'event' as a 'sign' from God.....As Jesus said when the tower fell and killed eight......'Stuff happens (paraphrase)

I cant see the world going on much longer as it is. That in the long run is what fuels the urgency to build an Ark.

The Bible never speaks of THE WORLD Ending, Only 'A' World. The Bible never says that 'Time will End'....only 'The Time OF The End'....Which does not mean 'When'...But 'What'....What 'World'? ..... The 'World of Death, The World of Sorrow and all of 'That World' and 'That Time'.... is tied to The Temple Worship Culture. When That 'World' 'died' at The End of The Ages', 'a' New World came into Full Being. 'The World' (terra firma)was not 'Destroyed' in 'The Days of Noah', but only 'the world' of 'evil' in that 'day'...

When The New Heavens and The New Earth "WERE" come....'The Power of Sin and Death were destroyed.

Faith requires that one put one foot in front of the other. I trust in the Lord adn dont lean on my own understanding.I just keep following my intuitive angles.

The Bible says (Jeramiah, I think) (paraphrase) 'Hope' (Resurrection and Salvation Hope) deferred makes The Heart grow sick....

You should not have 'to have' 'Hope'...be 'in Hope'....If you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and King, you already 'have'...Salvation...and ARE Resurrected From The Dead....That which was used to 'roll' The Sins of The People forward, year after year....is gone forever. Christ took All Sin, upon Himself for All of those who 'Are Gods Sons after the Spirit....

I hope you folks will contiue to share with me. I downloaded and printed out most of Vernon Jenkins work last night. I knew about this stuff along time ago but never really studied it in depth. It will take alittle time. Peace .Christan

I am not really sure (myself) who Vernon Jenkins is? But, I pray that we will all use Scripture to interpt Scripture.

Brother Les

02-05-2008, 03:22 PM
The other bible code by Vernon Jenkins. I found it here. HEy Brother LEs I hear you. I am not doing anything stupid. I am taking old floor joists over 100 years old whcich means the tree was alot older. I am building an ark as a reactionary symbol of the end of the world empire as you say. The temple I go to is more of church and sunday school for kids with some affiliation with hebrews. Its a nice place. I will take come pics soon.

I know shizzle happens and I also know I have a habit of dreaming about things before they happen regularly ,even small things . Such as the Chantrelle mushrooms I dreamt of growing in my ark on the ground floor last night. To my suprise there was a bag of fungus on the cutting board from the market this morning . And Lydia on PBS was cooking with them as a main dish today. These small things tell me I am in tune at least to what is in my day. They are common every day ones most of the time. But they are clear as a mathematical expression .I dreamt of Arnold being in the pyramid of the dollar bill as the terminator with a red swastika on his arm.This was before his election. Ick what a hate monger:(

My ark (Ship) is going be called the USS GOSHEN . I will paint it emerald green ( Not Political Green). I sense the end of world systems and plagues coming. My projects are all constructive and will bear good fruit . It sure beats propagating hate. AND yeah I get a bit afraid at times.But now I come here to talk and I feel better. I really get the sense that feet are being washed on this board.What a great thing to see. The love that everyone shows is really inspiring.