View Full Version : Gematria number 911

11-29-2012, 08:11 PM
Just discovered the site yesterday and first thing I noted was that the first verse of the Bible...Genesis 1:1....and the word "beginning" in Hebrew is 911. So, out of curiosity I wanted to see what the last verse of the Bible represented. Revelation 22:21....and the first word "Grace" in Greek is 911.

Multiple scriptures similar to this one - Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

And also, Amo 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Without going into a lot of description, I firmly believe Y'shua was born on September 11, 3 BC.

I also believe that Y'shua will return during a future Fall Feasts, perhaps Tishri 1, Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah. On the Hebrew calendar, 9/11 and Tishri 1 fell on the same date in 1999. The Word says no man knows the hour or day of Christ Return, and so it is also known that Tishri 1 is a day and hour no one knows. We know the season, only God reveals the New Moon at His Timing for this Feast Day, sometimes waiting as much as two days for it's appearance. Further thoughts on the matter, is that Israel became a Nation in 1948 and IF a generation is 70 years (BIG IF...I DON"T KNOW) that Tishri 1 2018 is presently showing (predicting) on the Hebrew calendar of reckoning that September 10th of 2018 will be the Feast of Trumpets/Tishri 1 or 1st day of the seventh month. Since this day varies from the calendar on many past occasions, it is likely that it may fall again on September 11th (that is at dark time on September 10th.)

Anyway, these are some things I noted and wondering if others have also. My belief regarding the 9/11/2001 Terror Event is that God's adversaries know the significance of the date. This year on 9/11/2012 we had the Benghazi Libya event and that future 9/11 anniversaries will not go as that one has, mainly ignored by main stream journalism. I have heard that when Jesus returns that battle that will take place may be with many who think Jesus is an "invader" to be fought. Perhaps another 9/11, as noted above that could occur as early as 2018 and this does seem unlikely to me at this time since many prophecies are yet unfulfilled.

Any comments or thoughts regarding 911?

11-30-2012, 03:44 AM
Just discovered the site yesterday and first thing I noted was that the first verse of the Bible...Genesis 1:1....and the word "beginning" in Hebrew is 911. So, out of curiosity I wanted to see what the last verse of the Bible represented. Revelation 22:21....and the first word "Grace" in Greek is 911.

Multiple scriptures similar to this one - Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

And also, Amo 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Without going into a lot of description, I firmly believe Y'shua was born on September 11, 3 BC.

I also believe that Y'shua will return during a future Fall Feasts, perhaps Tishri 1, Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah. On the Hebrew calendar, 9/11 and Tishri 1 fell on the same date in 1999. The Word says no man knows the hour or day of Christ Return, and so it is also known that Tishri 1 is a day and hour no one knows. We know the season, only God reveals the New Moon at His Timing for this Feast Day, sometimes waiting as much as two days for it's appearance. Further thoughts on the matter, is that Israel became a Nation in 1948 and IF a generation is 70 years (BIG IF...I DON"T KNOW) that Tishri 1 2018 is presently showing (predicting) on the Hebrew calendar of reckoning that September 10th of 2018 will be the Feast of Trumpets/Tishri 1 or 1st day of the seventh month. Since this day varies from the calendar on many past occasions, it is likely that it may fall again on September 11th (that is at dark time on September 10th.)

Anyway, these are some things I noted and wondering if others have also. My belief regarding the 9/11/2001 Terror Event is that God's adversaries know the significance of the date. This year on 9/11/2012 we had the Benghazi Libya event and that future 9/11 anniversaries will not go as that one has, mainly ignored by main stream journalism. I have heard that when Jesus returns that battle that will take place may be with many who think Jesus is an "invader" to be fought. Perhaps another 9/11, as noted above that could occur as early as 2018 and this does seem unlikely to me at this time since many prophecies are yet unfulfilled.

Any comments or thoughts regarding 911?

Greek χάρις translates Hebrew "chen", חֵן, gematria 58.

LXX Genesis 6:8,
νωε δὲ εὗρεν χάριν ἐναντίον κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ ,
but Noach found favor before the lord of God

וְנֹחַ מָצָא חֵן בְּעֵינֵי יְהוָה

But this is a play on word, even on the letter,
the name Noach, נֹחַ written with the same letters and having same gematria as "chen", חֵן, only that Noach is written with a bent "nun" and "chen" with an outstreched "nun", same outstretched "nun" that is to be found as last letter of Daniel 12:13, וְאַתָּה, לֵךְ לַקֵּץ וְתָנוּחַ וְתַעֲמֹד לְגֹרָלְךָ לְקֵץ הַיָּמִין, But go thou thy way till the end be; and thou shalt rest, and shalt stand up to thy lot, at the end of the days.', where you had expected a final (square) "mem", like in Genesis 4:3, וַיְהִי, מִקֵּץ יָמִים, "vay'hi mikeits yamim", and it was at the end of days

The closed square "mem" is called "mem s'tumah" like indicated in Daniel 12:9, וַיֹּאמֶר לֵךְ דָּנִיֵּאל כִּי-סְתֻמִים וַחֲתֻמִים הַדְּבָרִים עַד-עֵת קֵץ
'And he said: 'Go thy way, Daniel; for the words are shut up and sealed till the time of the end.,

I called it "the secret of Daniel", "sod Daniel" .

The outstretched "nun" is also last letter of the writng on the wall.
Thus as seen by Rembrandt:


I don't think Greek gematria has any value/ signification, unlike RAM.

And I also do think 9/11 has nothing to do with "reishit", it is mere coincidence, like if the devil plays with it.

12-21-2012, 03:19 AM
Janet's post was quite interesting to me.
So we have, in our letters,
First 6 letters of last Bible verse : H XARIS = 8 911
First 6 letters of first Bible verse : (B)-RASYT = (2) 911
The rabbis rearranged these letters into
A B-TSRY, meaning First (day) of Tishri, in order to show that Creation happened in Tishri (rather than another claim, Nissan).
It's amazing that another way of writing Rosh Hashana would be TSRY, A, and that last year Rosh Hashana fell on 9/11 was in (19)99 = 9.11.
Amazing too that RASYT, 'beginning', is Greek ARX-H, in which H is a grammatical suffix, as is IS in XAR-IS, 'grace'.
If we put aside the A of XARIS, as we did with RASYT, we have XRIS, first letters of XRISTOS, who is too the A(lpha) and the O(mega), the First (word?) and the Last (verse?).

I've been fascinated for long with Paul Auster's City of Glass (1985), in which a mad professor is obsessed by the episode of the Tower of Babel, precised to be reported in Genesis 11:1-9. I find it significant to see these numbers appear elsewhere in the novel.
The professor thinks America is the New World, founded in 1920 by the Fathers of the Mayflower, assimilated to the Ark of Noah, in Hebrew NH who found HN, 'grace', XARIS, to the eyes of YHWH. He thinks too New York is the new Babel, and as the episode of Babel is dated 340 years after the Flood, in 1960 the professor locks his son in a dark room.
This lasts 9 years, until an accident allows the son to be freed, but he has to be put in a psy clinic where he stays 11 years.
It's in 1960 too that the future World Trade Center was given its name.

Who are we to decide whether all these coincidences are signs or gibberish babble?

02-17-2013, 05:18 PM
אוב אוד ...

05-15-2013, 02:28 AM
Ob or Obi (אוב 9 ) is the older word for a "free" mason, have to bee translate with "black magic"
the normal translation means only "log of wood" the same meaning like oda (אוד 11 )
for an kabbalistic Master oda is also swinging in the sound as "white magic"
Ob or Obi are implemented in Pillar of Joakin, the Pillar of Satan, build with red stones
the pillar of Chokma and the dark magic of the nature
Oda is the pillar of "tough love" and the "white magic" of illuminated minds
this pillar is white cause of white marble

The log woods oda and obi are 911, but that's not enough to analyze these number kabbalistic correct.
there must bee an reason of those symbolized 911 as oda and obi
and these is one good reason: דבב ב אץ 911
"baptize or immerse (accounted for) by the tree"
דבב is an old word for the emanation and means native "funnel"
this english word seems to be more perfect than words could describe in other languages
the native meaning of דבב
later in the kabbalistic new meaning of christianity funneld by the new kabbalistic meanings of jewish priests life beginning in the time 300-250 before Jesus, the word beguns to transform for the immerse or batize
so today every baptismal font have eight corners like the sum דבב 8

many to speak about and many more infoz to understand that
but think of your own, cause some secrets have to be shielded

and sorry if you have probs with my english, it'S hard for me to find the right way writing in english words
my favourite speaks seems to be chaldaic or hebrev, even my own language is more an allien for me sometimes than chaldaic or hebrev, cause of the semeiotics (like Aristoteles had done his definition) of this old signs and their sound of nature- elements

hope you enjoy

Richard Amiel McGough
05-15-2013, 04:53 PM
Ob or Obi (אוב 9 ) is the older word for a "free" mason, have to bee translate with "black magic"
the normal translation means only "log of wood" the same meaning like oda (אוד 11 )
for an kabbalistic Master oda is also swinging in the sound as "white magic"
Ob or Obi are implemented in Pillar of Joakin, the Pillar of Satan, build with red stones
the pillar of Chokma and the dark magic of the nature
Oda is the pillar of "tough love" and the "white magic" of illuminated minds
this pillar is white cause of white marble

Where are you getting these ideas? Are you just making up stuff?

Klein's Exhaustive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language says that "ob" means "necromancer" or "ghost" and that it's etymology is uncertainty but probably related to the "skin bottle" (wine skin) because of the dull sounds made by the "ghost." Strong's concurs:

0178 'owb {obe}
Meaning: 1) water skin bottle 2) necromancer 1b) necromancer, one who evokes the dead 1c) ghost, spirit of a dead one 1d) practice of necromancy 3) one that has a familiar spirit

05-18-2013, 06:28 PM
i know these meanings well, but the da'ath of meaning of holy sings is visiting a castle in hell.
it's really not so easy to understand a language which is dead since 2.000 years, but germany has had rebbes and jewish philologic scientists and some books was walking from old german rebbe hands from israel to my hands.
adolf hitler tried to kill the da'ath of the sod of 73. now it's time for a change and time for a new deal for zion.
we was long buried in the darkness of silence. i was patient and saw people dying cause of shielding. i was screaming and tears runs like water falls in sleep in future times of earth... wait in the silent darkness for the wispering of fires you don't see. you have to dream in holy signs and their sounds to understand a little bit. tell me your dreams and i tell you what you like to know. thats my deal with every human being, like it was the deal of my forefather...
i don't need any gold which i can't transport to the places i know. i need your dreams like i need your soul.
my heart is a grave with feathers of love robed. my heart is a door to a forgotten floor.