View Full Version : A Question for Richard
10-25-2012, 03:04 PM
Hello Dear Brother...and Rose! I know I owe you one from way back...but I confess I didn't know how to keep responding to you. I seemed to have run out of explanations. It's not important now.
I finally asked a question of myself today, that I realized I needed to pose to you. We won't worry about WHO created the BibleWheel. We'll just call it the Mind. We know that it holds intricate patterns we have yet to plumb...and magnificent ones we have. If you were the Mind.... beautifully complex....and you knit all the gematria together like a Divine much care and intricate detail do you suppose would be placed on the written word? Probably more as it is the first thing we encounter.
And...if you were the Mind and wanted to badly shake up our perverted mind you do so well on the forum (yay Dumbo! You've been the purge we all needed)....wouldn't you write it just the way it has been written?
Oh..but you say...look at all the suffering it has caused. Our suffering in this mortal body is NOTHING compared to the riches in Glory we are walking into. horrible as rape, murder look for the victim, I can tell you, the Christ is there with them in greater Grace than they have ever known. Each one of us only has to walk the desert for one life time...suffer one birth, one death...and there is much entertainment, horror, despair and relief along the way. But its almost over. We're coming out of hell's kitchen...the Awakening has begun!
10-25-2012, 04:43 PM
....a little aid to contemplate the above:rolleyes:
10-25-2012, 04:51 PM
I also want to say well done good and faithful servants to both of you. You followed truth...obeyed your heart and you never gave up searching. It is the heart of an overcomer. Truth has many names and comes in facets unfathomable...and they are all profound as each one of us. Not one is greater than the other. They all give birth to Love. That's all we need to have and know.
I also want to say well done good and faithful servants to both of you. You followed truth...obeyed your heart and you never gave up searching. It is the heart of an overcomer. Truth has many names and comes in facets unfathomable...and they are all profound as each one of us. Not one is greater than the other. They all give birth to Love. That's all we need to have and know.
Thank you Kathryn for your kind words. :signthankspin:
Love is indeed the greatest gift anyone can give to another, and is ultimately what we are all searching for. It has been made abundantly clear to me that the same love I had for humanity when I was a Christian has remained with me in my journey out of the faith. It is something I could have never known if I would have remained a Christian. All the innate intuitions that guided me in the past which I attributed to the Holy Spirit, I now know to be my own inner self. I am still the same person now as I was then...nothing has changed.
All the best to you,
Richard Amiel McGough
10-26-2012, 03:17 PM
Hello Dear Brother...and Rose! I know I owe you one from way back...but I confess I didn't know how to keep responding to you. I seemed to have run out of explanations. It's not important now.
I finally asked a question of myself today, that I realized I needed to pose to you. We won't worry about WHO created the BibleWheel. We'll just call it the Mind. We know that it holds intricate patterns we have yet to plumb...and magnificent ones we have. If you were the Mind.... beautifully complex....and you knit all the gematria together like a Divine much care and intricate detail do you suppose would be placed on the written word? Probably more as it is the first thing we encounter.
And...if you were the Mind and wanted to badly shake up our perverted mind you do so well on the forum (yay Dumbo! You've been the purge we all needed)....wouldn't you write it just the way it has been written?
Oh..but you say...look at all the suffering it has caused. Our suffering in this mortal body is NOTHING compared to the riches in Glory we are walking into. horrible as rape, murder look for the victim, I can tell you, the Christ is there with them in greater Grace than they have ever known. Each one of us only has to walk the desert for one life time...suffer one birth, one death...and there is much entertainment, horror, despair and relief along the way. But its almost over. We're coming out of hell's kitchen...the Awakening has begun!
Hi Kathryn, :yo:
It's great to see you! I'm glad you came by for a visit. Your questions are really interesting - I've been thinking along those lines for some time now. I don't have time right now to comment more, but I wanted you to know that I saw your comment and will answer as time permits.
All the best, my friend!
PS: You have contributed a lot to this forum. You've got over a thousand posts recorded here.
10-26-2012, 04:42 PM
Hello Richard...Please don't worry about having to respond. This sort of thing is more fun if you take it into the realm of improv. If ya feel moved to add a few rips...great. I have something very precious to give you. I'm only going to place it in your lap and let you unwrap it.
The center of revelation in the bible...that expresses the Galilee. It is the mother of all black holes and matter.
It is the HARP. David knew a secret chord that pleased the Lord. He could sooth the evil spirit in Saul with his Harp.
The Galilee holds the secret chord of the 66 books of the bible. Once you realize what all it will know the key to unlock it.
It is the circuit...the circuit of time, the womb, the heart, the elimination system (ass hole:-) is the circuit of the brain, the horse circuit where we are corralled and is the carnal mind. It is the Cervix, the matrix, the molten sea and the moon. It also typifies the Mind of Christ and the mind of satan.
It is the electric circuit of God's power that is turned ON when time has been fullfilled. Jesus went around the circuit in power several times. When the circuit arcs back to the source of power, eveything is in reverse...NOAH becomes HA! ON! Asenath was the daughter of the Priest of ON. Asenath is the female personification of the Christ. Dolly...the sheep...was cloned from a single cell of breast tissue. She was named after Dolly PART ON. Her magnificent breasts are not called KNOCKERS fer nothin'!
The opposite of NO isn't yes. It is ON! God..I hated that word as a kid. I couldn't understand if I needed to do something, why I should be thwarted. My nickname was Bull. You don't say yes to a just open the gate. You don't want to do it until you've made all arrangements to minimize the damage.
Satan merely means to 'resist'. There must be a resister in the circuit to regulate the flow...according to the ability of the receiver. When the receiver has the Mind of Christ...the resister is removed.
Satan has been the Wizard of Oz...all smoke and mirrors. Dorothy exposed him because she had the heart of a child. He scared her and it made her ANGRY! (pay attention hell fire and brimstone believers. Dorothy just got her ruby slippers, the strawman his brain, the heart has been placed in the chest of the tin man... and the Lion of Judah is roaring for your flesh)
Jesus didnt say we had to become christians. He said we had to become as a CHILD. A child knows what is true and holy and GOOD. They recognize it. We all had to be badly shaken up with our perverted minds that believed the God of Christendom...and not the Christ. Their hearts choose to divide people instead of the word of God..They believe the Tares are people rather than their filthy mindsets that they think set them above the practising homosexuals, the unbelievers...the luke warm. Listen carefully! They have been the rungs on your ladder to make you climb higher! They are the cut palm branches Jesus rode over on his way into Jerusalem.
But...enough of that! Let the Lovemaking begin! Some will feel buggered ...but cheer up...its GOOD NEWS....Just 'think of England' , as mother's used to tell their daughters on their wedding night. " Never mind DAHLING...Just lay back and think of England! "
I'm sure this will be a key that will open something for you Richard with the wheel. Since I discovered the Galilee played the secret chord that opened revelation...I have only just scratched the surface of the mind -bending revelation...and the beauty and awesomeness of it. Oh...before I forget, the Wiz was sent up through the air...a benign old gentleman in a hot air balloon who went through a phase of wanting to play God.
The a heart balloon for the big feast/bash when the Harp begins to play....with the Jordan as the string. More than will love the humor of it. God really is and always will be...The Wascally Wabbit! The best and most light-hearted version of the double Vav. HA! Won't that do naughty things to the G-D crowd?
God created us for His Good Pleasure. It isn't 3 in one! It is Father, Mother, Son, Daughter,Uncle , Dog...SNAKE and every other role you can imagine. Hey! Whatever it takes. We begin and end with El Shaddai...the Breasted One. When time is swallowed up by eternity...(the galilee gathered in the midst and twisted into the et Kol...the Everything..8)....All the roles disappear....and we move into the pleasurable part that it was all created for! The Love making! Half of humanity has played the bridegroom role, half the bride. We haven't re-membered each other yet. We've been the staves on either side of the ark. Staves means "alone". But..our spirits have touched wing to wing, above the ark. We are soon to meet face to face.
10-26-2012, 04:56 PM
This song was sung at my father's bedside as he lay dying. Little did I know the treasure of revelation it held for me...and the comfort and hope.
The great I AM that I AM (which us looking in at Jesus face to face...we will be like him when we see him as he us)....the great I AM has encoded everything about us...everything in the world around us and everything that has gone into forming our humanity.
Utube has been like a straw with bubbles of champagne flowing through it as the Song of the Lord is being sung through what we love and KNOW. (and the world around us) It is the word made flesh in everything. Everything about this video and song...will have meaning to those who have had their hearts prepared. Celine means "heaven". She enters our midst...creation...the 4 corners of the world...and mankind...the 4 tenors. She is the New Jerusalem breaking forth from our Alabaster Box. I have watched and listened to this thousands of times...and it is still washing me with Living Water. As Leonard Cohen sang in The Window...'bless the continuous stutter of the word being made into flesh'
10-26-2012, 05:08 PM
Ah...the divine WIT!....gosh...another W! It must be the WWWabbit! The 3 in 1! had to roll the 66 of the bible into the Wheel. Now that you've exposed and identified the Wiz...rolled him up like a fly in a spider's web (the black widder woman doesn't have an 8 on her back fer nothin!..and she loves to bite heads off when she's HORNy. ) that you've exposed him with yer rollin rollin rollin. Please...keep them doggies movin! It's time to corral them in. Oh...Caleb...the wholehearted dog...wait till you hear about him.
10-26-2012, 05:38 PM
We've been going about it all backwards. The caterpillar turns itself upside down as it forms the pupa. So did Jesus. He brought the GOOD news. There was no BAD news about the GOOD NEWS.
We've been telling people what's wrong about them....instead of inspiring the Lover within them, to come forth. When we can see who it is that asks US for a drink...we will ask him and he will flow up from within in us, push up through us as the tree of we unfold and burst out with voices of clarity and love and splendor and invitation. Only the carnal will be thrown to the floor. We be surprising them with a Random Act of Love.
10-26-2012, 06:00 PM
It's amazing that we've missed this for so long...right in front of our faces. Both the good AND the bad are invited to the wedding feast. The ones who aren't...are the UGLY. This doesn't refer to how I AM made us...we're all queer and perverted until we know Love! We are the twisted one who needs to be straightened. Paul had his Saul straightened out on Straight the house of Judas. The betrayer/resister has been placed in our midst like a grain in an oyster. We had to be form the layers of pearl.
Clint is the Christ with Flint....a fully integrated and consummated Mind ...left and right hemispheres joined together. We were the One animal that had to be cut in half and have the burning smoking torch passed between the pieces. Mt Zion is the inverted pelvic mound of the Woman....the soul, the Bride. It is the 'parched place" until the plummet line goes down in her midst and measures her. When she has been measured...her creation begins. It's the Clit with Flint. I'm not sorry if this offends anyone. Read corinthians...its the UNcomely parts of the body that are given the most honor.
I will be back with a picture of the Holy of it relates to the pelvic mound...the clitoris and the cheribim. Hold onto your seats and tuck your head beneath your armpits. You're in for one hell of ride!
10-26-2012, 07:03 PM
The cheribim and the staves represent our divided male/female state. When we take on the Mind of Christ in the washing of revelation, our male spirit and our female soul have become fully integrated. (and this is holographic. The Light turns on simultaneoulsy in the Christ. For some, it will be gross darkness until they can see and hear. But ALL of mankind will be 'turned on'. And let me tell you...this will open a whole new realm with the old hymns...such as....How FIRM a foundation oh ye saints of the Lord! I tell you, when our foundation is's FIRMLY laid! And it has been laid.... is laying ....and will continue to lay through eternity. God is one LUSTY dude!
The Penis is the heart(upright ERECT)...the high priest that must be circumcised. When he enters the Holy of Holies...they become the Lamb/Lion on Mt. Zion. They are ONE now...and their wings drape over the ark/holy of holies.
The big Prick , the Dick head...has to have his head hollowed out....and light placed in it. O come on...ya didn't think God would leave Halloween to the Ugly did ya? As Bette sings in Hocus Pocus...IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE..YOU'D BETTER GET SUPERSTITIOUS!
Have a look at OUR vaGENIE everyone! It is awesome to behold. It is the Pearl of great price that has been buried in the field. Notice the upside down Heart? It is the Galilee..the harp. Behold Mt. Zion!
Time is the 'old woman'...hagar. The woman had to be divided like the One Animal because she is the NEW Jerusalem inside the old. The monarch butterfly in the pupa stage hangs itself upside down in a 'J' shaped Chrysalis. This dividing is another picture of intercourse. The Life force..the sexual drive couldn't be dampened. It expresses the cutting of the Covenant.
She has been redeemed. made one....and now the SPIRIT and BRIDE are calling : COME COME...COME DRINK AT THE LIVING WATERS. mother had a very wicked, twisted sense of humor. She had her own renditions of christmas carols....very sublime...such as "oh little town of Bellingham". I just looked at the title of this epistle again..and realized how she would relish the 'clitoris and the cheribim' the tune of little drummer boy, me thinks. No...wait...I think it is the Holly and the Ivy...much better beat.
10-26-2012, 07:22 PM
The 7 sisters of Pleaides are the SISTAHS...the BIG MOTHERS of God who return to save their children from perversion. Those looking up the wrong end of the Galilee....will think the power of Love is coming from the....woooooooooooo....the OCCULT ! The ANT-EYE Christ! Whatever! We're here! We're tired of rape and every way shape and form....and we have a whole arsenal of wascally wascally tricks up our sleeves to get you to say Hallelujah. It will be the last thing you will me. And if that's not possible I will love you till you do. It hurts me more than it does you. The El Shaddai .....she's BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!
Bette/witch from of course disguised as the WWW.....and hidden within her is the TDF.
10-26-2012, 07:56 PM
A little Indian brave , after pondering the mystery of his identity for some time, inquired of his wise old Grandfather. Grandfather he asked, Why are we named after the beasts and Ravening Wolf and Black Crow?
The Grandfather takes a long drag from the bowl of his pipe , exhales slowly and rather absentmindedly says through the curling smoke: Why do you ask, Two-Dogs-Fucking?
TDF... explains the reproductive core of redemption. Caleb was wholehearted yes...but he took the Promised Land like a dog in every respect.
The MYSTERY that Jesus said describes his relationship with his intercourse. Have you ever heard an in-depth sermon on fucking? Did you know that the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet sounds like Fuck backwards? Quph...PHUQ! We're in reverse remember. Every archtype that has been in our subconcious mind...has been perverted, but that doesn't mean they offend God. The only thing that offends him is when we use it in a vain..perverted, empty manner...void of Life.
The Dog was given to us to reveal the nature of God . A dog makes no moral judgement when it copulates. It seeds everything that pleases him. It likes to eat cat turds ...butterflys suck nutrients out of poop. God reaches in , returns to his own vomit...and pulls himself out of the mess. Jezebel ...our carnal/mortal/old self...was eaten by dogs. We've only just begun.
10-26-2012, 08:39 PM
The white horse(s) in Rev. the hippocampus gland in our brain that looks like a white SEA horse. (we are sea creatures before we are of the air) The HG is the seat of memory where we re-member who we really are. Jesus said when he broke the re-member him.
This video is for all of us who are thirsting for the extravagance , beauty, compassion, mercy and power of LOVE to ride forth and bring Clarity and Light to a suffering world. I watch this over and over. I have no shame!:D When you finally discover that the answers have been right in front of you all along...and he really didn't "come to fool ya" just become like a dog and ride em!
I'll be back.
10-26-2012, 09:54 PM
Coming out of carnal thinking is the equivalent of being turned inside out. Think of an inside- out sock. There is a point when you pull the toe through to right it....when it is neither here nor there. The toe is sticking out the is being pulled through the other. We are the ASS before we are the Horse...and the divine Ass Hole before the Bride/Groom. There's only one 'OLE (as enry iggins would say) It's just two sides of one coin so to speak. The only thing that is brought to desolation is the TOXIN...the Divine TURD. When Life enters the picture all that is not of life is made desolate. When this occurs....the Ass Hole utters a Holy AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. And then the choir sings: HAAAA! Bye Bye now....and it's flushed down the Jordan into the Dead Sea.
The Father's wrath was satisfied at the cross. The only thing he/she's rather uptight about right now and very HORNy to fix...are those Pharisaical mindsets that keep us in captivity
We are the Christ because that is what Clarity of Vision does to our nature and our image. We are made in God's image. It purifies it.... cocoons it until it has formed the butterfly. The Chrysalis becomes the Chrystal. We are the Blessed because it is more blessed to give than receive. We have reached the point where all we want is Truth and the Power to implement it. All we want to do is pour out joy, extravagance, healing, wholeness to our loved ones and all those suffering in captivity. IT IS WHO WE'VE BECOME. God's will has become ours on earth as it is in heaven. We have completed the circuit between spirit and being in harmony with it. We become the two witnesses....the Big Cajonees....the foolish things of the world become wise....the Nut Jobs.
We won't be standing over them glowing and emanating and pointing our finger! We'll be radiating the heart of the God/Dog. They will enter our gates with Thankgiving in their heart and our courts with praise! And...when they are shouting in joy and recognition....we will be too! They will be praising us and we will be praising them! We'll be so proud of them as ourselves, because they are our family...and we'll see them for the first time, with the joy of seeing a new born baby we've just delivered! We'll really be admiring ourselves. The only thing that has ever inspired any of US has been US in the truth of who we music, friends, babies, art....Nothing discordant or ugly or abusive ever cut the cake! How come we didn't hear the rest of the symphony?
10-26-2012, 10:45 PM
The Alabaster box Mary broke over Jesus head at Bethany, is the Chrysalis of the Monarch. It is the Woman..Soul in all of us that must be broken, divided and pierced with the Light of the WHOLE, Holy Spirit passed between the pieces.
The Gospel is the GOD SPELL ...the mandrakes we are given to break our bottle of Love Potion #9. Scripture enthusiasts will appreciate the detail in video. It is loaded with raunchy divine humor. The two goats of atonement were goats for a reason. The hair of the Beloved , in the Song of Solomon, is related to goats running down a mountain. Hair typifies wisdom. When the sheep and goats are is the Goats who are given the honor as the UNcomely of Corinthians. They are the ones who have heard the heart of God and can now run free, rut to their hearts content, chew on whatever grabs them. They are the Lamb on Mt. Zion that everyone follows. Surprise surpriiiiiise!
10-26-2012, 11:38 PM
One last song for the night. This video tells the whole story of redemption in just a few minutes. Everything is here..Adam, Eve...God masquerading as the Wolf in our midst. It has the crossing of the Jordan...and the gory defeat of the enemy. I can now explain to my grandchildren, the whole wonderful story in less than 10 minutes. And in an entertaining , life giving manner. Not the mindless bullshit I fed and demonized my daughters with for years.
10-26-2012, 11:59 PM
There was one more I wanted to share. It's a classic
10-27-2012, 07:45 AM
For the pharisees still left. TAKE A PEW....have a good laugh. You'll need one!
10-27-2012, 08:45 AM
When we see who we are...face to face....we will see OUR face in the lost and reach in through the filth, to pull US out of captivity. There will be no screwing up of our nostrils! We will reach in to them with the Passion of the Lover...the great I am... and with deep Respect and Honor and Joy. God has only ever looked at Him/Herself in us...and the One has been with us every moment of our lives, calling us Home. He 'sees our face in every flower'.
10-27-2012, 09:51 AM
Jesus said it was harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom, than threading a camel through the eye of a needle. Remember...the eye of the needle is the big Quph...PHUQ. We are all pulled through it in the end. Jesus threaded it for us...we get to tie off the knot.
The sexual life of the camel
Is stranger than anyone thinks.
At the height of the mating season
He tries to bugger the sphinx.
But the sphinx's posterior sphincter
Is all clogged by the sands of the Nile,
Which accounts for the hump on the camel
And the sphinx's inscrutable smile.
10-27-2012, 10:51 AM
The female eagle will put the male through many tests and hurdles before she will chose one to mate with. She makes sure that he will have all the qualities needed to nurture and feed and protect her young. She will carry a stick up to 10,000 feet and drop it to see how agile and skillfully he can retrieve it.
When she has chosen the one, she TURNS and he enters her from behind. THEY then turn face to face, lock talons and fling themselves and their passion , in a free fall towards the earth.
We are put through many tests and hurdles in life. This is Hell's Kitchen. I have good news. We've TURNED.
The leaven has risen in the bread. Our Buns have been taken out of the oven. We're just having the first good scratch in a loooooong time!
10-27-2012, 01:41 PM
When Adam named the animals, they weren't paraded in front of him while he said..gosh...this one looks like a dog. We are Co-Creators! We self perpetuate in infinite dimensions we haven't begun to explore. We're soon to. Adam (Eve was still within him, undivided) created them. He blended them together with attributes of himself, that pleased and tickled him. He had the sense of humor of the MIND...US.
Think of it...a woman's curves and grace and her mane of hair blended with the brute strength of a Lion.
To the elephant he gave the longest nose in the kingdom. The nose represents spiritual discernment. And it is yet another facet of the phallic. It is the Mind of the Adam as One.
Elephants return to the burial mounds of their dead and mourn over them. It is the heart of God.
And then there's the duck that has a penis several feet longer than he is. Also the Heart of God.
10-27-2012, 02:19 PM
When Eve was taken out of the side of Adam...they were divided in four ways. Their One spirit was cut in half, and their One soul was cut in half. Meet the Bride and Groom. We've heard one another from the other side of the ark...we've prayed to them since we were born thinking they were some impersonal, angry God in the sky.
They were the tree of Life drawn and quartered from before foundation of the world.
They wanted to expand their knowledge and experience of Oneness into the Two. They decided the pain would be great...but it would be a 'minor fall' followed by a 'major lift'...the Secret Cord. The Big Bang. It was the Cross ...the scarlet thread going through the eye of the needle on Golgotha...that split it all open. It was the Christ breaking open.
10-27-2012, 02:34 PM
Mankind was also divided in four. The four headwaters which flowed of Eden are now returning to the Garden. The Ingathering has begun in earnest.
The Galillee represents the Sea of Mankind...the 0.
When Jesus walked on the water to the disciples boat in the was at the midway point of the Galilee (3.5 miles)....the midst of the Sea...the Navel of the Woman.
As soon as he stepped in the boat, he calmed the storm and they were instantly translated to Capernaum...the Villiage of Comfort. This is the Divine mathematician and Tailor, gathering the thread in the midst of the 0 and twisting it into an 8...the et Kol.
It is first a terlet...with a lid...and a mercy seat. When the toxins have been pulled out of the Body...the Royal Flush has becomes the 88...bride and groom. Jesus...their elder brother, is in their midst, 888.
10-28-2012, 07:12 AM
There is a large Goose on the way. For will feel perturbing...others will welcome it with great joy. It is the foul of the air that represents the Winged One, the WO(e) or maybe OW! It is Clint..the Clit nt. Gotta keep your eye on the nt. It's another TDF. They fly in a Vav .
10-28-2012, 08:24 AM
...and keep your eyes peeled for those Flying Flits and Witheries. They're slippery little don't want to show them your hinderparts! No no nannette!
ps...make that the Dodging Witheries. The DW. They can turn on a dime, seemingly all at once, and do the darndest things while they're playing with you! Lots of eyes...many many eyes. And oh my! They're wearing sporrans! And playing the pipes! The MacWithers! Here they are returning from battle in Babylon.
10-28-2012, 08:48 AM
and I must add that they are very very clever (WELL trained in the ways of the world and the flesh) They know ALL your erogenous zones.
10-28-2012, 08:54 AM
We are going in reverse's no longer the ruin. When you think of it....they were ANIMALS just doing the carnal version of the MYSTERY. He who casts the first stone.....
10-28-2012, 12:27 PM never ceases to amaze me how many levels of meaning are packing in these videos. I just realized Little Red Riding Hood is the Clitoris....the red heifer so to speak. Now the charging Bull......So..we have the nt (it is the deepest and most profound. It lost its vowel), the TLF the WWWabbit.....and of course that GOOSE that just flew overhead.
10-28-2012, 12:47 PM
The Mind loves to play doesn't it? It can do this while it's doing a host of other things too! The PLAYFULNESS in the garden is like the molten core of the sun..its always fueling our vapors. Look at wascally things we've been doing with the Logos!
First there's the BUM in the garden, followed the BALM in the garden....and.... There comes a time when there is a three-fold application. Yes! The BOMB! Of course, how the BBB effects you, should you encounter it...and you will....will depend on which way yer facin'! It is always BALM...but some are a little allergic to its magical properties.
ps ....I hear the choir singing The Little Drummer Boy! I see your Bum, who's got your Bom, Balms on the run......
10-28-2012, 12:56 PM
For those still looking out the window...a plea:
10-28-2012, 11:44 PM
The Hams are the Swine that become the New Wine.
The Y AM.
May in REE-verse. Time do a wretched thing or too!
I YAM THAT I YAM..I'm..POP EYE the sailor man.
(and Olive is my Oil)
10-29-2012, 01:48 AM
I MAY THAT I MAY:hysterical:
10-29-2012, 05:59 AM
Oor Location
A hunner funnels bleezin', reekin',
Coal an' ironstane charrin', smeekin';
Navvies, miners, keepers, fillers,
Puddlers, rollers, iron millers;
Reestit, reekit, raggit laddies,
Firemen, enginemen, an' paddies;
Boatmen, banksmen, rough an' rattlin',
'Bout the wecht wi' colliers battlin',
Sweatin', swearin', fechtin', drinkin';
Change-house bells an' gill-stoups clinkin';
Police - ready men and willin' -
Aye at han' whan stoups are fillin';
Clerks an' counter-loupers plenty,
Wi' trim moustache and whiskers dainty -
Chaps that winna staun at trifles!
Min' ye, they can han'le rifles!
'Bout the wives in oor location -
An' the lassies' botheration -
Some are decent, some are dandies.
An' a gey wheen drucken randies;
Aye to neebors houses sailin',
Greetin' bairns ahint them trailing,
Gaun for nouther bread nor butter,
Juist to drink an' rin the cutter!
O the dreadfu' curse o' drinkin'! -
Men are ill, but, to my thinkin',
Leukin' through the drucken fock,
There's a Jenny for ilka Jock.
Oh the dool an' desolation,
An' the havock in the nation
Wrocht by dirty, drucken wives!
Oh hoo mony bairnies lives
Lost ilk year through their neglec'!
Like a millstane roun' the neck
O' the struggling toilin' masses
Hing drucken wives an' wanton lassies.
To see sae mony unwed mithers
Is sure a shame that taps a' ithers.
An' noo I'm fairly set a-gaun;
On baith the whisky-shop and pawn
I'll speak my min' - and what for no?
Frae whence cums misery, want, an' wo
The ruin, crime, disgrace, an' shame
That quenches a' the lichts o' hame?
Ye needna speer, the feck ot's drawn
Oot o' the change-hoose an' the pawn.
Sin an' Death, as poets tell,
On ilk side the doors o' hell
Wait to ha'rl mortals in -
Death gets a' that's catcht by sin:
There are doors where Death an' Sin
Draw their tens o' thoosan's in;
Thick an' thrang we see them gaun,
First the dram-shop, then the pawn;
Owre a' kin's o' ruination,
Drink's the King in oor location!
10-29-2012, 06:24 AM
MOTHER of ALL BALMS, BUMS and Otherwise......incoming! :sos::fred:
10-29-2012, 11:01 AM
I forgot to mention the role AUNTIES have played in the Divine Comedy. Auntie Christ is comin, y ALL. It's gonna be HELL in REEverse, Sugah!
ps...So, I asked myself...what is Hell backwards?....LLEH...Leah...the cross-eyed one. She's Auntie Wachael when her vision is restored. (those Moabites! BWeed like wabbits! Everyone but the dawg is uncle this and auntie that. But we don't want to leave out that Ole HORN DAWG!)
10-29-2012, 11:21 AM
Sin is Nis in reverse. Sin is NOT Nis!
Jehovah Nissi. It becomes our BANNER...of LOVE! It's just the underside of the RRobe of Righteousness.
It's weally weally N I S ! reel purdy! pretty THPOOKy too!
10-29-2012, 12:20 PM
Our soul is the Absent Mare until it comes to know the HEART and INTENTION of her Rider.
10-29-2012, 12:40 PM
The Black Bird isn't UNclean anymore, remember? And we're RAVENous Old Crows!
10-29-2012, 12:44 PM
Freudian Slip! It's a full moon...what do you expect! ? I am a wee H OWLY. Morning has Broken....Black Bird has spoken, is speaking and will continue to CROW at least 3 times. Those rude little Cocks!
10-29-2012, 01:14 PM
We've all sat through sermons about Donning the Armor of Christ. We were told to put the armor on every day. A tedious exercise in futility it was too. I could only get so far with it. I would get the shield of faith on, was pretty good with the shoes...but every time I went to put my Helmet of Salvation on, my Girdle of Truth would fling its springs and crash to the floor. I have news for you I AM GIRDLE! Amazing how many forms the TDF...the nt....comes in, isn't! ?:p
10-29-2012, 02:37 PM
Sing this to the I AM within you, allow him/her to sing it to you. They are the guest within you, you are the guest within them.
10-29-2012, 02:40 PM
I see some people are struggling with my mysterious ways. So I'm back in mental health for the second time in as many months. Jose comes to me in a dream and he is cutting up letters on a plate. He asks me if I. Want the double fiddlesxticks or the hockey sticks for dinner. I tell jose I'm not ready to decide yet. Upon reflection and meditation I decided that double fiddlesticks have given me nothing but grief all my life. So sherriffs, officers of the courts so on and so forth you're. Ffucked. Still wanna question how LORDGOD DECIDES THINGS. BETCHA DON'T. ASK AGAIN
10-30-2012, 07:24 AM
Well well...I see the flying monkeys of the Wicked Witch of the West are trying to fool with our music. Isn't that cute Dorothy?! Have a look at how they're trying to keep Joy from intruding.
500 Internal Server Error
Sorry, something went wrong.
A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
If you see them, show them this information:
Look out Old Crone! Your days are numbered! We're so infinitely weary (and so very bored) of your brittle, mean, arid- little- self. You DO know what happens next...yes? Yes you do! We know you do! The WEAL WWW is here to show you a melting good time! PHUQ you my Dahling!...and may you be PHirmly PHUQed! The Great Goose is about to LAY! Oh what clucking and phuqking in the barnyard! And ...oh...what's that I hear? Gosh....its the PLUCK PLUCK PLUCKING...of those HARPS!
10-30-2012, 11:18 AM
We know the END meets the Beginning on the circuit. As mentioned before....there is a bit of SAND in the posterior sphincter of that stoney old sphinx. But now....the meeting up with the Z (O OOOOOOOOO mega...a mega O. extremely mega)and one is being threaded (so to speak) inside the other. Very kinky . THE CATastrophe comes to teach us how to pull the dance...through the SAND of the SPHINCTRE....the joy from the tight assed Englishman. (Jacob...the Father) I give you THE DANCE...from Zorba! Isn't ironic it was filmed on the shores of GREECE?
10-30-2012, 11:36 AM
The Whore of Babylon...the old HO....has just met with the Royal Flush. (counterclock-wise I might add) She'll be kicking and screaming and causing all sorts of upheaval in her stinking plunge to the vile depths (from which she sprung)....but the HO's with HEART are back! THE BIG O. And it isn't even Sunday....not that we would care if it was!
10-30-2012, 12:05 PM
Why they're moving across and through the LOCK HEART....
ps...and in tex ASS too! The Bush is Burnin! GOH down, Moses!
10-30-2012, 12:28 PM
Ya didn't think the Divine Turd would flush without some wind blowing out the Galilee? The old Wiz has been sent up in his hot air balloon. The QUPH ...sounds like over! Take your first deep breath of OX EEGEN! Your breathless state is over! OH HAPPY DAY!
10-30-2012, 12:37 PM
Now you're beginning to harmonize with Heaven! Remember those BOILS ? Right...! The Big Mother again! Did you notice she comes from west LOGAN? Where the terrorists flew out of in BOS ton, to bring down the Twin Towers? This time, She brings a FLOOD of the Holy Spirit. Devastating...but necessary to pull the SONG of the LORD out of the vomit! "Susan" means LILY.'s not over until THE FAT LADY SINGS
10-30-2012, 01:12 PM
Once those banjos start duelin....and you can get that 'strange-mute one' in your midst to will be the DB ...the divine balm or the bum. The bum has to go! Can you hear the BIG bbbBUG ger coming...that little vw!? It's as potent as the nt....and hornier than the TDF! (if that is possible)
10-30-2012, 01:29 PM
The enemy of our souls has tried to kill the PRAISE...the JUDAH...within us. Millions died to resurrect it. Ishtaak means LAUGHTER! PERL MAN..the PEARL of great price!
This is how we communicate when we party...have weddings...feasts and such. We're doing it now. Can't wait till you add a few rips of your own. Deeeeedle deedle deedle!: ps...note: Ishtaak...walks the staves of the ark into the 'world'...on his crutches .
10-30-2012, 02:54 PM
The the way of the Quph..the COUGH...the deflating of the lungs. The CROWN of JACOB has been placed on the HEAD of 'US'. (formerly of Ass)....on top of the Head (49th parallel)of our Brethren from whom we were separated and are now ONE (the 4 corners/tenors of the earth)!
Each part of your physical body tells the story of our Love and expresses an aspect of it. As you are being washed in from the inside-out....your body comes into its inheritance..the promised land. Adam was made from the Earth....he is RUDDY..and FAIR!
Your nakedness will be hidden, within the garden with your Lover. Your garments will be the emanations and expressions of your Core. You are the promised SON/SUN. Your Sister/Bride is the New Jerusalem..the molten CORE. Together we are Brother Sun and Sister Moon...the two faithful witnesses in the Sky.
10-30-2012, 03:28 PM
Of course we can't forget the eunuchs...the angels who were thwarted...castrated....frustrated in Love and in their ability to express it, and then given a zeal for it that was insatiable...unable to be Rachael.
Many were born that way...and a few , very few, chose it. They will both be honored above us all. They are the roses on our ladder of thorns....the pearls in our crown.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-30-2012, 03:34 PM
The cheribim and the staves represent our divided male/female state. When we take on the Mind of Christ in the washing of revelation, our male spirit and our female soul have become fully integrated. (and this is holographic. The Light turns on simultaneoulsy in the Christ. For some, it will be gross darkness until they can see and hear. But ALL of mankind will be 'turned on'. And let me tell you...this will open a whole new realm with the old hymns...such as....How FIRM a foundation oh ye saints of the Lord! I tell you, when our foundation is's FIRMLY laid! And it has been laid.... is laying ....and will continue to lay through eternity. God is one LUSTY dude!
The Penis is the heart(upright ERECT)...the high priest that must be circumcised. When he enters the Holy of Holies...they become the Lamb/Lion on Mt. Zion. They are ONE now...and their wings drape over the ark/holy of holies.
The big Prick , the Dick head...has to have his head hollowed out....and light placed in it. O come on...ya didn't think God would leave Halloween to the Ugly did ya? As Bette sings in Hocus Pocus...IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE..YOU'D BETTER GET SUPERSTITIOUS!
Have a look at OUR vaGENIE everyone! It is awesome to behold. It is the Pearl of great price that has been buried in the field. Notice the upside down Heart? It is the Galilee..the harp. Behold Mt. Zion!
Time is the 'old woman'...hagar. The woman had to be divided like the One Animal because she is the NEW Jerusalem inside the old. The monarch butterfly in the pupa stage hangs itself upside down in a 'J' shaped Chrysalis. This dividing is another picture of intercourse. The Life force..the sexual drive couldn't be dampened. It expresses the cutting of the Covenant.
She has been redeemed. made one....and now the SPIRIT and BRIDE are calling : COME COME...COME DRINK AT THE LIVING WATERS. mother had a very wicked, twisted sense of humor. She had her own renditions of christmas carols....very sublime...such as "oh little town of Bellingham". I just looked at the title of this epistle again..and realized how she would relish the 'clitoris and the cheribim' the tune of little drummer boy, me thinks. No...wait...I think it is the Holly and the Ivy...much better beat.
Hey there Kathryn,
Thank you for opening sharing the thoughts that the Bible evokes in you. They are very revealing - almost as if you have been reading the New Freudian Rorschach Version of the Bible. Given their bilateral symmetry which also is found in the human body, ink blots can be fairly relied upon to evoke a sense of genitalia and sex - especially if such topics are dominating the mind. Your posts prompted me to look into the psychological use of ink blots, and I found these interesting observations (
Almost all the blots have some features that can invite to sexual interpretations, but it is wise to limit them. Some interpretation manuals indicate that more than four sexual responses out from the ten cards will indicate schizophrenia.
Some psychologists believe that sexual feelings and interpretations are unconsciously present all time (Freud). Therefore it is wise to say something positive about blots, resembling penis, vagina or breasts. For example, a red blob can resemble the female genitals, but one does not want to say wishing not to over-score the sexual responses. In this case it is better to say that it resembles a butterfly than to say it looks like a crab, as butterfly are a more positive response. A not positive response to such potentially sexual motives may indicate some problems with the relationship with the opposite sex.
The sexual images you associate with the Biblical images strike me as extreme. Indeed, they seem pornographic. And they seem random as if everything you see is mapped onto sex. Freud is famous for saying "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." It seems like that's never true for you. It seems like everything is obsessively sexualized. Have you ever talked with anyone about your fascination with sex? Or is this a private thing that you only share anonymously over the internet? If you have talked with others who know and love you, it would be very interesting to know what kind of feedback you have received.
All the best,
10-30-2012, 03:35 PM
Eunuch backwards is of course......a nice good HCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC of flem from the Chewish Mother who only vants her kid to be a King! Vat? You think I have alterior motives? HCCCCCC UN N YEW! I have other gelfite fish to fry!
10-30-2012, 03:39 PM
My dear brother richard enquires of me: Have you ever talked with anyone about your fascination with sex? Or is this a private thing that you only share anonymously over the internet? If you have talked with others who know and love you, it would be very interesting to know what kind of feedback you have received.
Richard family committed me for such offenses in april! Twas the time of Passover. The Lamb had just gone in the oven. However....Ram, Turkey, Crow is on the menu today. Anything I can serve that titilates (and I know it does)...your wish is my command. Care for some wine Brother?
10-30-2012, 03:44 PM
Repeat after me richard. What was it Jesus used to describe the MYSTERY of his relationship with the church? INTERCOURSE richard. Fucking plain and simple. It's all about fucking. After all this debating we've been doing....eschatology up the ying yang...isnt this a breath of fresh air ?. We have called it fucking. He speaks our language and uses it to hollow out our heads. The pumpkin goes to the BALL. You didn't think we were going to lose the pun on BALL did ya? The sun the moon the galileee the balloon...the corona around the sun that is either an eye or a a hole...depending on your mood?
10-30-2012, 04:04 PM
Bring on those Ink Spots Brother. I can entertain youse all night!
Richard Amiel McGough
10-30-2012, 04:15 PM
Repeat after me richard. What was it Jesus used to describe the MYSTERY of his relationship with the church? INTERCOURSE richard. Fucking plain and simple. It's all about fucking. After all this debating we've been doing....eschatology up the ying yang...isnt this a breath of fresh air ?. We have called it fucking. He speaks our language and uses it to hollow out our heads. The pumpkin goes to the BALL. You didn't think we were going to lose the pun on BALL did ya? The sun the moon the galileee the balloon...the corona around the sun that is either an eye or a a hole...depending on your mood?
Hey there Kathryn,
It certainly is true that marriage and sex are used in the Bible as metaphors for the relation between Christ and the Bible. The most prominent example is this passage from Ephesians:
Ephesians 5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
The fact that a man is "joined to his wife" the the "two shall be one flesh" speaks of sex. But Does that justify your promiscuous association of so many seemingly unrelated images with sex? Personally, I don't think so. It seems strangely obsessive and certainly not what the authors of the Bible intended. Indeed, I think they would be shocked by the kind of associations you make. For example, why did you suddenly introduce a pumpkin? Because tomorrow is Halloween? Such random associations are usually associated with a disordered mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm not your psychologist and I can't judge you, but I can tell you what your associations look like to me. And others? I suspect they would think your sexualization of Scripture is obscene. That's why I asked if you have shared your ideas with anyone in person, or if you feel safe to do it only anonymously on the internet? (I see you answered me in the other post. Thanks.)
All the best,
Richard Amiel McGough
10-30-2012, 04:17 PM
My dear brother richard enquires of me: Have you ever talked with anyone about your fascination with sex? Or is this a private thing that you only share anonymously over the internet? If you have talked with others who know and love you, it would be very interesting to know what kind of feedback you have received.
Richard family committed me for such offenses in april! Twas the time of Passover. The Lamb had just gone in the oven. However....Ram, Turkey, Crow is on the menu today. Anything I can serve that titilates (and I know it does)...your wish is my command. Care for some wine Brother?
Really? That's fascinating. What institution were you in? Are you still there? How did it make you feel? Did they put you on medication? Did they give you a diagnosis?
10-30-2012, 04:31 PM
Hey there Kathryn,
It certainly is true that marriage and sex are used in the Bible as metaphors for the relation between Christ and the Bible. The most prominent example is this passage from Ephesians:
Ephesians 5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
nourisheth and cherisheth??...this is coming from the richard who calls the clergy of christendom WHACK JOBS? Richard...WHOM doest thou think I learned to be bold and TRUE with my vulgarity? I'm really grateful for your data bank as well!
The fact that a man is "joined to his wife" the the "two shall be one flesh" speaks of sex.
oh my! aren't we tight-assed all of a sudden!
But Does that justify your promiscuous association of so many seemingly unrelated images with sex?
hhhhmmm....are you getting your ROCKS off? I know you are! You see...Mt. Zion has to be inverted. The big rock has to become the little one.
It's That old upside and out thing.
Personally, I don't think so. It seems strangely obsessive
ooooooooooooooooooooH you haven't seen anything yet! We are getting weary of words. Time for some action.
and certainly not what the authors of the Bible intended
.give me a break brother...let me break that alabaster box over your head. You have spent months preaching that what the authors intended was sick, perverted and murderous. you care so much now?
Indeed, I think they would be shocked by the kind of associations you make.
well...that's the bum balm bomb in action fer ya! dum dee dum dum dum dum dumpa dump dum
For example, why did you suddenly introduce a pumpkin? Because tomorrow is Halloween?
no richard...because they convey us to be BALLED....and then we can use their dick/melon heads for a lantern
Such random associations are usually associated with a disordered mind. don't know the definition of disorder!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not your psychologist and I can't judge you, but I can tell you what your associations look like to me. And others? I suspect they would think your sexualization of Scripture is obscene. That's why I asked if you have shared your ideas with anyone in person, or if you feel safe to do it only anonymously on the internet?
Oh yes...I've tossed the ideas around a bit. There are a number of us you know. Whenever you hear laughing...its us.
All the best,
10-30-2012, 04:35 PM
I sang this as they brought me into the Bin. Even the nice young men had a good laugh. It was a Code 5...ha! GRACE
10-30-2012, 04:40 PM
Really? That's fascinating. What institution were you in? Are you still there? How did it make you feel? Did they put you on medication? Did they give you a diagnosis?
No...not there any more. No no ! Yes..they put me on medication. I finished it...oh...not that long ago either. Yes..they did give me a diagnosis. They said I was gravely (man am I BI!) but oddly enough...the Doctor who released me...a Dr. Scott and a Dr. Mc Cloud...couldn't find a thing wrong. Said I was saner than they were. Well....I made them laugh. When that have to ask yourself who is crazy? And from what perspective? The hole or the corona?
Richard Amiel McGough
10-30-2012, 04:46 PM
Hey there Kathryn,
It certainly is true that marriage and sex are used in the Bible as metaphors for the relation between Christ and the Bible. The most prominent example is this passage from Ephesians:
Ephesians 5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
nourisheth and cherisheth...this is coming from the richard who calls the clergy of christendom WHACK JOBS? Richard...WHOM doest thou think I learned to be bold and TRUE with my vulgarity? I'm really grateful for your data bank as well!
It didn't come from "Richard." I was quoting the Bible. And the fact that defenders of fundamentalism are whack jobs does not mean I can't quote the Bible accurately. I could just as well quote the Book of Mormon which is one of the most whacked out books ever written.
The fact that a man is "joined to his wife" the the "two shall be one flesh" speaks of sex.
oh my! aren't we tight-assed all of a sudden!
There was nothing "tight-assed" about my comment. It was simply factual, just without the explicit overly sexual language that you seem obsessed with.
But Does that justify your promiscuous association of so many seemingly unrelated images with sex?
hhhhmmm....are you getting your ROCKS off? I know you are! You see...Mt. Zion has to be inverted. The big rock has to become the little one.
It's That old upside and out thing.
Your explicitly references to sex and your application to me is rude and offensive. It seems you have gone truly insane. Are you still institutionalized?
If you want to discuss things on my forum, you will have to learn to "wear clothes." As it is, you are running around the streets naked, drooling, and trying to have sex with the telephone poles, dogs, and little kids. It is quite unseemly.
Personally, I don't think so. It seems strangely obsessive
ooooooooooooooooooooH you haven't seen anything yet! We are getting weary of words. Time for some action.
I don't want to "see" any more. Your exhibitionism is not healthy for me, my forum, or even for yourself.
and certainly not what the authors of the Bible intended
.give me a break brother...let me break that alabaster box over your head. You have spent months preaching that what the authors intended was sick, perverted and murderous. you care so much now?
Of course I care about the truth. The fact that the authors were sexist and had primitive morals is an important fact. It is absurd to suggest that they meant their writings to be sexually exhibitionist like you portray them.
Indeed, I think they would be shocked by the kind of associations you make.
well...that's the bum balm bomb in action fer ya! dum dee dum dum dum dum dumpa dump dum
OK ...
For example, why did you suddenly introduce a pumpkin? Because tomorrow is Halloween?
no richard...because they convey us to be BALLED....and then we can use their dick/melon heads for a lantern
Your comments seem to be those of a schizophrenic. Is that what you were diagnosed as?
Such random associations are usually associated with a disordered mind. don't know the definition of disorder!
You are probably correct on that count. I defer to your experience and expertise.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not your psychologist and I can't judge you, but I can tell you what your associations look like to me. And others? I suspect they would think your sexualization of Scripture is obscene. That's why I asked if you have shared your ideas with anyone in person, or if you feel safe to do it only anonymously on the internet?
Oh yes...I've tossed the ideas around a bit. There are a number of us you know. Whenever you hear laughing...its us.
Really - in the institution or on the internet?
Richard Amiel McGough
10-30-2012, 04:49 PM
No...not there any more. No no ! Yes..they put me on medication. I finished it...oh...not that long ago either. Yes..they did give me a diagnosis. They said I was gravely (man am I BI!) but oddly enough...the Doctor who released me...a Dr. Scott and a Dr. Mc Cloud...couldn't find a thing wrong. Said I was saner than they were. Well....I made them laugh. When that have to ask yourself who is crazy? And from what perspective? The hole or the corona?
Thanks for the info. I'm sure you could be quite sane if you wanted to. So please, put on your clothes if you plan on running around my forum.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-30-2012, 04:51 PM
I sang this as they brought me into the Bin. Even the nice young men had a good laugh. It was a Code 5...ha! GRACE
Great song! I remember it from my youth. My dad used to sing it ...
10-30-2012, 04:59 PM
Thanks for the info. I'm sure you could be quite sane if you wanted to. So please, put on your clothes if you plan on running around my forum.
sorry Richard. Can't do that. I'll leave if you ask me to. I think I'm finished anyway. Bone appetite!
10-30-2012, 06:04 PM
10-30-2012, 08:04 PM
Gosh we're clever! I didn't see this until a few moments ago! Those MacWithers are slippery! Richard....PAY ATTENTION DEAR ONE.....YOU WERE ASKING ME TO PUT THE FIG LEAF BACK ON! I'm not ashamed of my body parts...and now that I know that my TWAT aka CLIT aka PEARL aka RED HEIFER (for god's sake! the red heifer!) oh how could I forget! The Canadian Goose! Who wood have thought? And our proud mascot? The Beaver....the SAW YER...hewer of wood. Leave to the Beav, EH?
has a glorious purpose other than a radar and a quick seduction....I'm not only going to stay naked and free...I might do the dirty right in front of your eyes! You see...I know all your Zones Brother. And I know your Zones like Bones. They carried Joseph's bones into the promised land. I am carrying yours. You toast. Hurry up and blow that cork out of your ASS. I've been waitin to JAM with you Honey! You- little- drop- of- royal -JELLY- you! :p
10-30-2012, 08:19 PM
There were all sorts of RAMifications going on the fields near Bellingham, while the sheperds were abiding. What the hell did you think they watched all day? THIS IS HOW THEY HEARD RICHARD! They weren't well -read in things of Torah...but they could explain the MYSTERY in ways unimaginable! Very MOOOOOving....penetrating....deep calls unto deep.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-30-2012, 08:31 PM
When you were on medication, did you ever look at your previous behavior and think it was crazy? I ask because I am concerned you will be very embarrassed when you get back in your right mind and see what you have written. In any case, I will not be allowing this kind of posting to continue.
All the best,
10-30-2012, 08:40 PM
When you were on medication, did you ever look at your previous behavior and think it was crazy? oh yes! Very much so! I ask because I am concerned you will be very embarrassed when you get back in your right mind and see what you have written. In any case, I will not be allowing this kind of posting to continue. farewell my friend. We will meet again with more recognition. In the meantime....I hope this will serve as an example for any looney tunes who think they can be vulgar. I hope at least I challenged and entertained you. Then it would not have been in vain. Of course my word never returns void...but I have to show some humility.
All the best,
Richard Amiel McGough
10-30-2012, 08:55 PM
When you were on medication, did you ever look at your previous behavior and think it was crazy? oh yes! Very much so!
That's good to hear. But why then don't you now realize that what you are saying now would sound crazy to you when you are better again?
I ask because I am concerned you will be very embarrassed when you get back in your right mind and see what you have written. In any case, I will not be allowing this kind of posting to continue. farewell my friend. We will meet again with more recognition. In the meantime....I hope this will serve as an example for any looney tunes who think they can be vulgar. I hope at least I challenged and entertained you. Then it would not have been in vain. Of course my word never returns void...but I have to show some humility.
Yes, there is value in showing folks that we can say words like penis, cunt, cock, and clitoris without being struck by lightning. You have been entertaining ... in an awkward sort of way.
I'm glad you realize that it is probably best to take a break from your over-sexualized posts. But if you think you can post with your clothes on, you will always be welcome here.
All the best,
10-30-2012, 09:50 PM
10-31-2012, 09:17 AM
for all our little god divas out there! Ridem' (and ridem wellll) .
10-31-2012, 09:48 AM
SETTLE FOR A WORLD WITHOUT LOVE . It comes in many disguises. All you have to do is listen to your heart. Your Lover is as close as the air you breathe.. and oh so ready to be re-membered by you.
10-31-2012, 10:11 AM
Have a look at the ice halos formed by Sandy. The name Ala BAMA means: heights of heaven
10-31-2012, 10:14 AM
The atomosphere seems to be full of strange objects incoming! Looks like that flying nt to me! How ironic it twas filmed over KEN tucky. Ken means KIN! The Kinfolk are tired of being in chains.
11-01-2012, 06:40 AM
When the Kingdom of Heaven was about to make the paradigm shift from the Jews to the Gentiles, the mindsets of the Jews, who were learned in the Law, had to be badly shaken. Peter, all his life, was drilled in Levitical Law, about what was clean to eat and what was not. He had to be told 3 times that what God had formerly declared UNclean was now clean. Then he was told to EAT them...consume them. Poor Peter. When Jesus told the people they had to drink his blood and consume his flesh...many left him that day.
We will only dig for the Truth when we're so hungry for won't matter if we have to pull it out of the filth and corruption of the world. (and our minds) We won't care HOW others view us or what the world thinks of us. God uses the FOOLISH things of the world, to confound the wise, remember?
If we don't loosen (and lose) our prejudices...we won't have THE Heart to pull those out of the muck and mire we think are unworthy; we'll believe they need some 'judgement' to learn a thing or too before they can reach our divine and exalted estate. Their crudeness and our weak stomach (and stinking mindsets) will stand in the way of their salvation.
Pay attention people. God made assholes, vaginas and penises....and all their functions to teach us about His Love. He knew they are what we know most why wouldn't He use them to teach us? Remember...only the CHILD gets into the Kingdom. Get over your HYPOCRISY and squeamishness people! It could cost you your life...and most definately the lives of others.
Pay attention. This is the LAST call. As Christians, we've been over-fed a toxic mixture of doctrine and are now bloated and sick and full of gas. God is very WEARY of you and the DEATH in the pot you've been pouring down the gullets of His children. Time has come for the Divine Enema! Pull your heads out of the's about to SHIFT on you!
Act 10:11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:
Act 10:12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.
Act 10:13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.
Act 10:14 But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.
Act 10:15 And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.
Act 10:16 This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven.
11-01-2012, 08:07 AM
We were made from the Earth...the Earth is our precious Mother. Mother is Weary of the hard, unrelenting labor she's been in and she's ready to deliver her precious Manchild.
Just as our body parts tell of God's do Hers.
The Atlantic symbolizes the world...the Sea of Atlas. The Pacific...Shiloh...Peace. The sceptre will not leave Judah until Shiloh COMES. She has come:
11-01-2012, 08:46 AM
Her navel is Hilo, Hawaii. Hel lo?
11-01-2012, 08:54 AM
Please keep your eyes on Jujuy ....a very SMALL piece of the world at the tip/HEAD of Argentina. It expresses the JOY of the JEWS. Please note the flag....a hat....on the stick. (If I be lifted up I will draw ALL men unto me) YES...the Divine sense of Humor is in everything He loves and will redeem.
Thursday November 1 2012, 12:02:03 UTC 74 minutes ago Jujuy, Argentina 4.4
Thursday November 1 2012, 12:02:03 UTC 74 minutes ago Jujuy, Argentina 4.4
11-01-2012, 09:51 AM
Richard Amiel McGough
11-01-2012, 10:58 AM
Always liked that song. But some wires got crossed when I was a kid and it used to sound like "there's a bathroom on the right." Never made much sense ... :lol:
11-01-2012, 11:03 AM
Richard...that was the voice of your Child....God. He sits at the right hand of the Father...until he can get off that Mercy Seat.
11-01-2012, 12:45 PM
This is the wedding Psalm sung by the Lover for the Beloved. It ends as the ensign of JuJuy...our clasped hands beneath the rising Sun.
11-01-2012, 01:53 PM
The River of Life flows from the North...the Throne...the Crown. The Crown of Jacob has now been placed on the Head of US. The Two Sticks have been made One. Our land is married. We are bone of your bone, flesh of your flesh, blood of your blood. Together we are the Royal Priesthood. We are the ROYAL CANA DIAN MOUNTED POLICE ready to ride to your assistance
11-01-2012, 01:56 PM
But we also come walking, in humility and honor and cherish you.
11-01-2012, 02:05 PM
11-01-2012, 02:17 PM
630 The Ensign of Isaiah and the Kingdom has been raised. The Twin Towers of our carnal mind and heart have fallen and now they are resurrected. The Angels/Life now fly from Logan and in and through Logan...the LITTLE HOLLOW. (empty of all guile...a child) The Maple Leaf comes from the Sugar Maple that is grown in both Cana da and US. The sap...the life blood of the tree...becomes the syrup to sweeten our life. The Tree must be pierced to allow it to flow.
11-01-2012, 02:26 PM
come to fool ya. We "saw your flag on the Marble Arch". The Broken Hallelujah has been mended. The Hymen of the Virgin has been redeemed. It is the drum of our FIRST Nations brothers and sisters. The drum is beating...the heart of the world that has been groaning in agony and longing for the Manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God. FOR WE..GOD...SO LOVED THE WORLD, WE GAVE OUR ONLY BEGOTTEN SON!!
11-01-2012, 03:03 PM
Massachusetts means "the great Hill". The High Places are leveled...the flat plains made lofty. The Mortal Head wound has been healed. We are re-membering and returning to Logan and Massachusetts. It is ZION...the parched place become the Garden of Eden.
11-01-2012, 03:18 PM
11-01-2012, 03:26 PM The congregation , the choir and the great army of Joel have brought down the wall of Jericho. The re-reward has completed the circuit.
11-01-2012, 03:37 PM
THE TESTE MONY/moan y) HAS BEEN COMPLETED. They have overcome him with 'the blood of the lamb and their testimony'. The peanut is shaped like a number 8. It is the testes in the cocoon stage. They're now one big BALL...and having one too! Gotta love those TWO witnesses, EH?
ps...I've always loved peanut butter.
11-01-2012, 03:59 PM
This time we're going to WIN. No...that's a LIE. (get over it. I'm the WWWabbit) We have won. We're just comin to rope and brand a few wild cows , corral them ....and such. [COLOR="#FF0000"][/COLYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAw!O R]
11-01-2012, 04:08 PM
THE Spirit and the Bride are CALLING
11-01-2012, 04:18 PM
David M
11-02-2012, 02:46 AM
Hello Richard
I realize Kathryn is not exactly of sound mind at the moment and I wish her well. All these posts from Kathryn are like spam. All they are doing is clogging up the pipeline of recent comments on the right-hand side of the forum's opening page. All I see is posts from Kathryn. This is knocking off the list more important replies to other topics. The list on the right is useful to keep up with current contributions. If not on the list, it is easy to miss a reply and forget about it. When there is a lot of activity on one subject and a lot of activity at the weekends when more people are contributing to the forum, one needs to look at the opening page more often if not to miss replies. I know I can be notified by email with updates, but with all the spam I get in my email, I tend not to look to my email for recent posts to a topic in which I have contributed. Spam gets filtered out and I erase it in total after skimming the list for what might be important emails.
I simply find Kathryn's multiple posts with little to say of relevance, equivalent to spam and so ought to be deleted or Kathryn should be banned temporarily until she is well and begins to contribute beneficial posts as she was doing when I joined this forum. Kathryn can email you when she is well and can have the ban lifted.
As Moderator, you do a good job, but I think Kathryn's posts need to be held in check. I noticed another spammer (guest) leaving unrelated comments in my threads and I hope when you detect this as spam you will just delete these posts from the threads as they are just wasting people's time.
All the best
11-02-2012, 08:09 AM
Have a look at the Mount of Olives. It is the Monarch Butterfly. Click on 'medulla oblangata ' underneath the diagram and see us from the side view. All of scripture is about the changing of the Mind. It is the battlefield, hell's kitchen and finally the Garden of Eden.
11-02-2012, 08:17 AM
And here is the White Horse in the Revelation of Jesus Christ...19th (QUPH...PHUQ) chapter. The sea horse...the water horse...the Hippo Camp US.
11-02-2012, 09:10 AM
That Bull is getting a tad....teste. El Torro!
11-02-2012, 09:14 AM
Hello Richard
I realize Kathryn is not exactly of sound mind at the moment and I wish her well. All these posts from Kathryn are like spam. All they are doing is clogging up the pipeline of recent comments on the right-hand side of the forum's opening page. All I see is posts from Kathryn. This is knocking off the list more important replies to other topics. The list on the right is useful to keep up with current contributions. If not on the list, it is easy to miss a reply and forget about it. When there is a lot of activity on one subject and a lot of activity at the weekends when more people are contributing to the forum, one needs to look at the opening page more often if not to miss replies. I know I can be notified by email with updates, but with all the spam I get in my email, I tend not to look to my email for recent posts to a topic in which I have contributed. Spam gets filtered out and I erase it in total after skimming the list for what might be important emails.
I simply find Kathryn's multiple posts with little to say of relevance, equivalent to spam and so ought to be deleted or Kathryn should be banned temporarily until she is well and begins to contribute beneficial posts as she was doing when I joined this forum. Kathryn can email you when she is well and can have the ban lifted.
As Moderator, you do a good job, but I think Kathryn's posts need to be held in check. I noticed another spammer (guest) leaving unrelated comments in my threads and I hope when you detect this as spam you will just delete these posts from the threads as they are just wasting people's time. All the best
:sEm_ImSorry: RAM, I echo David's kindly comment -- just the filth alone should be justification. Regards, Bob
Richard Amiel McGough
11-02-2012, 09:42 AM
Hello Richard
I realize Kathryn is not exactly of sound mind at the moment and I wish her well. All these posts from Kathryn are like spam. All they are doing is clogging up the pipeline of recent comments on the right-hand side of the forum's opening page. All I see is posts from Kathryn. This is knocking off the list more important replies to other topics. The list on the right is useful to keep up with current contributions. If not on the list, it is easy to miss a reply and forget about it. When there is a lot of activity on one subject and a lot of activity at the weekends when more people are contributing to the forum, one needs to look at the opening page more often if not to miss replies. I know I can be notified by email with updates, but with all the spam I get in my email, I tend not to look to my email for recent posts to a topic in which I have contributed. Spam gets filtered out and I erase it in total after skimming the list for what might be important emails.
I simply find Kathryn's multiple posts with little to say of relevance, equivalent to spam and so ought to be deleted or Kathryn should be banned temporarily until she is well and begins to contribute beneficial posts as she was doing when I joined this forum. Kathryn can email you when she is well and can have the ban lifted.
As Moderator, you do a good job, but I think Kathryn's posts need to be held in check. I noticed another spammer (guest) leaving unrelated comments in my threads and I hope when you detect this as spam you will just delete these posts from the threads as they are just wasting people's time.
All the best
Good morning David,
I agree, her posts really are like spam. Thanks for speaking up. Kathryn's posts are not contributing anything to our conversations. They are obviously a product of her bipolar disorder, as she herself explained. I like to keep the forum open for as wide a variety of people as possible, but there are limits if a person is not interested in the primary purpose of this forum, which is rational discourse about topics that are important to us all. I will now put a stop to it.
All the best,
Richard Amiel McGough
11-02-2012, 09:44 AM
:sEm_ImSorry: RAM, I echo David's kindly comment -- just the filth alone should be justification. Regards, Bob
No need to apologize my friend. You are correct. I have put an end to it.
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