View Full Version : Why God used Adam's rib to create Eve

09-01-2012, 03:08 AM
This is an interesting article. It simply summarizes that the rib bone was used to create Eve because it contains one of the richest source of DNA, blood cells, stem cells which are necessary items in cloning. The rib bone is also the only bone in the body that can heal and regenerate itself which means that taking out a rib from Adam would not make him less one rib bone as that will soon be replaced by natural regeneration. It is also to make an almost complete replica of Adam(99%) except for certain organs which is why Eve was Adam's flesh of his own flesh and bone of his own bones.


Why God used Adam’s rib to create Eve.
By Jan Meador
May 1, 2010

Genesis 2:21-23 (KJV)
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

I had always wondered why God used Adam’s rib to make Eve, but I had never asked Him. I had heard preachers and others speculate and theorize why. Some quote theologian Matthew Henry in saying that God didn’t take a bone from man’s foot because he didn’t want her to be man’s servant, or from his head because God didn’t want her to be man’s master, but from his side so she would be his companion, or, the supposition that he took it from near Adam’s heart as in reference to affection. Well, this all sounds like a nice allegory, but it’s always been just that to me–a nice allegory. As I sat here pondering on this, I knew there was a Divine reason, a spiritual law involved, and possibly even a natural/physical law involved. So I asked God, and the Holy Spirit downloaded some information I’d never thought of or read or heard.

The first thing that came to mind was “why a bone?” I said, “Lord, you could have used any part of Adam’s body to create Eve—the liver, the brain, the heart. Why a bone?” He replied, “Bone marrow”. Immediately I knew that bone marrow manufactured blood cells and thought of the Scripture “the life is in the blood” (Lev. 17:10-14). Then He said, “Look it up”. I typed in a Google search for bone marrow and got a link to a medical site with a definition for bone marrow. Since I know just enough to pretend to be intelligent about the human body, I was surprised to find that bone marrow not only produces red and white blood cells and platelets, it houses stem cells. It is from these stem cells that the blood cells and platelets are created. These stem cells are referred to as “gatekeepers”. When I saw the term “stem cell”, I immediately thought of reproductive cloning.

This that God had already shown me just set me on fire wanting more. This revelation about the bone was awesome, but it made me realize even more that there was a definite reason why God used a specific bone. So I asked, “Lord, with all the bones in the body, why the rib?” Again He said, “Look it up.” So I did. I did a search in Google for “rib bone in man”, and got a hit on an article by a Christian doctor. I was blown away when I read that the rib is the only bone in the human body that not only has the ability to repair itself, but it can regenerate itself! My spirit leaped within me and my thoughts were spinning like a whirlwind.

Here are excerpts from Dr. Purdom’s article.

The Amazing Regenerating Rib

by Dr. Georgia Purdom, AiG–U.S.

February 4, 2009

Both men and women have 12 pairs of ribs.

…they (ribs) are one of the few bones that continue to make red marrow (and thus blood cells) in the adult.

Although all bones can repair themselves, ribs can regenerate themselves. Ribs are commonly removed during surgeries that require bone grafts in other parts of the body. The rib is removed from the periosteum (a tissue surrounding the bone) much like a banana would be removed from its peel while keeping most of the peel intact. The periosteum must remain, as it contains osteoblasts which build the new rib bone.

The rib bone is one of the few bones mentioned by name in Scripture. Genesis 2:20b–22 states, “But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.”

Some people have mistakenly thought that because God used a rib from Adam to make the woman that all men have one less rib than women. We know this is false because we can easily count the number of ribs in men and women and see they are the same. The number of ribs is determined by the code written in our DNA. God did not change Adam’s DNA; He simply removed one of his ribs to use for the creation of the woman.

God chose from Adam the one bone that could regenerate itself. So, even though he likely had one less rib bone for some period of time (possibly to some an indication of imperfection before the Fall), we still observe perfection and completeness in Adam physically before the Fall due to the regenerative capability of the ribs.

God designed each of us, and though He used the DNA and the stem cells and the blood and bone from Adam (a cloning scientists dream) God chose to fashion Eve uniquely. He didn’t CLONE a copy of Adam, but made something beautiful from Adam. It reminds me of how a child takes genes from both parents when conceived. In Gen 2:23, Adam said “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called Woman, BECAUSE she was TAKEN OUT OF MAN.” Eve was LITERALLY of Adam’s bone and flesh and blood. If she was “taken out of man”, then God had placed her within man when He created Adam. She was there all along–or shall we say, what was needed to create her was already within Adam.

This is so rich when you look at the relationship that God designed to be between a man and a woman. It gives new meaning to the term “helpmate” that God spoke of. It gives more understanding of why God didn’t just reach back down in the dirt and create woman from it as He did the animals and the man. It is also very rich when looking at Christ and His bride. When Jesus died on the cross, the centurion pierced his SIDE to be sure he was dead (although he already was). It was from Jesus’ SIDE (the location of the ribs) that water and blood came forth. It was at his dying that the church (His bride) was born. Is this not even more beautiful when you understand Eve being birthed/created from the side, the rib bone of Adam?

When we look at human reproduction, what is required to reproduce comes from the male. Even the sex of the offspring is determined by the male sperm. So it was in creating Eve. What was necessary to produce her was within man. It doesn’t say that God took something from Adam and added anything to it in order to create woman. It simply says that he took what was in Adam’s rib and made (built/fashioned) Eve.

God took from man what had the power to regenerate or recreate itself and made woman from this part of man–this part that God had already created. And because of this, there is something so much deeper and amazing than this that we are seeing, and I want to know and understand it. I know it will blow our minds. There is a REASON God didn’t reach back down in the dirt and form a woman as he did every beast of the field and the fowl of the air and man. (Gen 2:19). There is a reason God brought forth woman OUT OF MAN. There is a reason woman is bone of man’s bone and flesh of man’s flesh.

God Bless the creation of Man and Woman. :pray:

09-01-2012, 08:14 AM
This is an interesting article. It simply summarizes that the rib bone was used to create Eve because it contains one of the richest source of DNA, blood cells, stem cells which are necessary items in cloning. The rib bone is also the only bone in the body that can heal and regenerate itself which means that taking out a rib from Adam would not make him less one rib bone as that will soon be replaced by natural regeneration. It is also to make an almost complete replica of Adam(99%) except for certain organs which is why Eve was Adam's flesh of his own flesh and bone of his own bones.

I guess the biblegod must have "zapped" :sFi_flamethrower: all the y-chromosomes in the rib he took from Adam before he made Eve, because women have no y-chromosomes in their DNA. :lol: Besides that all egg cells start out as female and the y-chromosome is only used to turn gene functions on or off in order to create a male zygote, so the male not only comes from the female body, but starts off female...:winking0071:

09-01-2012, 08:42 AM
I guess the biblegod must have "zapped" :sFi_flamethrower: all the y-chromosomes in the rib he took from Adam before he made Eve, because women have no y-chromosomes in their DNA. :lol: Besides that all egg cells start out as female and the y-chromosome is only used to turn gene functions on or off in order to create a male zygote, so the male not only comes from the female body, but starts off female...:winking0071:

Your forgetting that the woman was not "created" as yet, and the passage tells us "how" she was fashioned from the man's rib.

Gen. 2:22, “And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he* (banah; lit. he built into) a woman, and brought her unto the man.”

He fashioned or built the rib to "become" a woman, (DNA, egg cell, etc.) so that man and woman can procreate-COOL!!:lol:

God bless---Twospirits

09-01-2012, 09:56 AM
I guess the biblegod must have "zapped" :sFi_flamethrower: all the y-chromosomes in the rib he took from Adam before he made Eve, because women have no y-chromosomes in their DNA. :lol: Besides that all egg cells start out as female and the y-chromosome is only used to turn gene functions on or off in order to create a male zygote, so the male not only comes from the female body, but starts off female...:winking0071:

I think you are right. It's simple to understand Rose, Eve was directly created from the rib of Adam, she should have XY chromosomes which means she will be a male. If Eve was a male and Adam was also a male, how are they to have offsprings? I believe this is why God changed the Y chromosome in Eve into another X chromosome. XX produces the female characteristics and XY produces the male characteristics. This is confirmed in Genesis 2 verse 22 "made he(XY) a woman(XX)"

22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

Since the Y chromosome is unique which male has and it is passed from father to son, the Y chromosome is used like a tracer to trace ancestry. That is also why the Bible uses father to son to trace the family tree and not father to daughter. This is explain quite well in this article:


God Bless.:pray:

09-01-2012, 11:54 AM
I think you are right. It's simple to understand Rose, Eve was directly created from the rib of Adam, she should have XY chromosomes which means she will be a male. If Eve was a male and Adam was also a male, how are they to have offsprings? I believe this is why God changed the Y chromosome in Eve into another X chromosome. XX produces the female characteristics and XY produces the male characteristics. This is confirmed in Genesis 2 verse 22 "made he(XY) a woman(XX)"

22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

That's right Cheow, god just added another leg to the Y chromosome to make it an X so he could create Eve...why didn't I think of that :doh: :hysterical:

I thought we went through this before when we talked about cloning. All it takes is a female egg cell that has been de-nucleated, and then take the DNA from the nucleus of a normal female cell and another life has been created from a single woman. I think your biblegod needs to take a course in biology. :p It would have been much simpler to create man from the woman instead of the way he did it...:winking0071:

Since the Y chromosome is unique which male has and it is passed from father to son, the Y chromosome is used like a tracer to trace ancestry. That is also why the Bible uses father to son to trace the family tree and not father to daughter. This is explain quite well in this article:


God Bless.:pray:

In the same manner they can trace the maternal line through the mitochondrial DNA in the egg cell of the female. Haven't you heard of mitochondrial Eve? :winking0071:

And for your information that is NOT why the Bible uses the lineage of the father. In biblical times they knew nothing about genetics, they still thought that the male carried the progeny in his loins in the form of a homunculus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus) :lmbo:The reason biblical lineage was traced through the male was because men thought that offspring was passed down from father to son and that the woman was just the fertile soil in which the seed grew. I'm surprised at you Cheow! I would have thought you knew these things...:prophet:

Take care,

09-01-2012, 12:05 PM
http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Rose http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?p=48899#post48899)
I guess the biblegod must have "zapped" :sFi_flamethrower: all the y-chromosomes in the rib he took from Adam before he made Eve, because women have no y-chromosomes in their DNA. :lol: Besides that all egg cells start out as female and the y-chromosome is only used to turn gene functions on or off in order to create a male zygote, so the male not only comes from the female body, but starts off female...:winking0071: Your forgetting that the woman was not "created" as yet, and the passage tells us "how" she was fashioned from the man's rib.

Gen. 2:22, “And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he* (banah; lit. he built into) a woman, and brought her unto the man.”

He fashioned or built the rib to "become" a woman, (DNA, egg cell, etc.) so that man and woman can procreate-COOL!!:lol:

God bless---Twospirits

No, I'm not forgetting, you just didn't read my post correctly. What I said was that god took the rib from Adam which contains X and Y chromosomes and "zapped" all the Y-chromosomes so he could make Eve. Females have no Y-chromosomes, so god would have to get rid of them before he could make the woman.

Even to this day in other countries, men will divorce, or marry another woman in order to obtain a son...and it is all for naught because females have NO Y-chromosomes in any of their cells...ZERO. So, no matter how many women a man marries, it will not get him a son. :bawl:

Take care,

09-01-2012, 12:09 PM
Howdy CWH,

Isn't this once again looking for a physical/material explanation of how Eve may have been formed of the male Adam. Much like futurists that seek out a physical end to conclude what scripture has declared?

That's alright with me though, as we all that have Faith in the Father and the Son are One.
I used to say that I was a preterist but it stops to abruptly.
Now I would say that I'm a preterist with a vision of continuation of that which has been made complete.

The Garden story is a spiritual/physical story of the first human to develop an awareness of self and introspective ability. A new consciousness that was capable of having a relationship with the creator. It begins in the spiritual and ends within the physical.
It occurs within a womb.
Paul says that the opposite occurs with the last Adam. It would begin in the physical and end in the spiritual.
It also within a womb.
Your looking at it as if God reached down and snatched a rib out of a singular entity called Adam .
Adam was a whole prior to the separation.
It did not say that Adam was a male and he would take one of his ribs and make Eve.
It says that Adam was both male and female, which I tend to look at as being masculine and feminine. If so why not just separate the two into Adam and Eve.
It does not say that in the beginning Adam was both a Male and a Rib.
What it does say is that Adam was created/bara'ed as "US" in our image and likeness.

Any major genetic change does occur within the female.

One thing to remember though is that GOD is a Spirit who created.
The God who creates and Bara's is an Elohim.

Gil :pop2:

09-01-2012, 01:18 PM
Rose wrote,

No, I'm not forgetting, you just didn't read my post correctly. What I said was that god took the rib from Adam which contains X and Y chromosomes and "zapped" all the Y-chromosomes so he could make Eve. Females have no Y-chromosomes, so god would have to get rid of them before he could make the woman.

Oops! Good catch Rose, I stand corrected.

Even to this day in other countries, men will divorce, or marry another woman in order to obtain a son...and it is all for naught because females have NO Y-chromosomes in any of their cells...ZERO. So, no matter how many women a man marries, it will not get him a son. :bawl:

Goes to show ya-men! Bias and ignorant! :doh: They need a good woman to straighten them out! :winking0071:

God bless---Twospirits

09-01-2012, 02:31 PM
Oops! Good catch Rose, I stand corrected.

Goes to show ya-men! Bias and ignorant! :doh: They need a good woman to straighten them out! :winking0071:

God bless---Twospirits



09-01-2012, 05:46 PM
That's right Cheow, god just added another leg to the Y chromosome to make it an X so he could create Eve...why didn't I think of that :doh: :hysterical:
So evolution somehow put another leg to the Y chromosome to make an X, so that female could be formed, why I didn't think of that?:lol:

I thought we went through this before when we talked about cloning. All it takes is a female egg cell that has been de-nucleated, and then take the DNA from the nucleus of a normal female cell and another life has been created from a single woman. I think your biblegod needs to take a course in biology. :p It would have been much simpler to create man from the woman instead of the way he did it...:winking0071:
The main reason is that Y chromosome don't readily mixed with the X chromosome as they don't pair. In female, the XX chromosome is paired; in males the Y chromosome is attached at the end of the X chromosome. The Y chromosome is unique. This is explain in the article that I pasted.

In the same manner they can trace the maternal line through the mitochondrial DNA in the egg cell of the female. Haven't you heard of mitochondrial Eve? :winking0071:
As explain in the article I pasted, the Y chromosome is more accurate in tracing ancestry as it is unique and is presented only in males. There are conflicting views of the theory of mitochondrial Eve.

And for your information that is NOT why the Bible uses the lineage of the father. In biblical times they knew nothing about genetics, they still thought that the male carried the progeny in his loins in the form of a homunculus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus) :lmbo:The reason biblical lineage was traced through the male was because men thought that offspring was passed down from father to son and that the woman was just the fertile soil in which the seed grew. I'm surprised at you Cheow! I would have thought you knew these things...:prophet:
Agree, theat the people then did not know about genetics but not with God who created humans and all things on earth. To create humans will need an excellent grasp of the science of genetics. I see God as a super intelligent being or energy. Will human be one day in the future be as intelligent as God? I have No doubt about it.

GOd Blessed all gender. :pray:

Richard Amiel McGough
09-01-2012, 05:58 PM
Oops! Good catch Rose, I stand corrected.

Hey there Henry,

It is good to admit a mistake. I had to do it recently myself when I misread a verse.

This makes for good conversation. :thumb:


05-04-2018, 07:53 AM
Looks like there is some discussion as to WHY God chose to start with the man vs the woman. Its simple. The male has BOTH X and Y chromosomes....the female ONLY XX. So if your going to do a transfer of information....which this SEEMS to be.....you must start with the male specimen otherwise your missing info on the transfer. The rib is the ONLY bone in the entire human body able to fully regenerate if surgically removed correctly. The ribs are one of the 5 major sites for harvesting bone marrow. Bone marrow TRANSPLANTATION has already been PROVEN to regrow entire organs. What God did here was obviously WAY above our pay grade....simple cloning is NOT what this was....thats copying. This was a manipulation of genetics.....that God CHOSE to do....its clearly a surgery mentioned in Gen 2. No denying that on either side. A video that sums this all up nicely and explores this further is "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve". I suggest you search for it.....

06-03-2018, 05:32 AM
Looks like there is some discussion as to WHY God chose to start with the man vs the woman. Its simple. The male has BOTH X and Y chromosomes....the female ONLY XX. So if your going to do a transfer of information....which this SEEMS to be.....you must start with the male specimen otherwise your missing info on the transfer. The rib is the ONLY bone in the entire human body able to fully regenerate if surgically removed correctly. The ribs are one of the 5 major sites for harvesting bone marrow. Bone marrow TRANSPLANTATION has already been PROVEN to regrow entire organs. What God did here was obviously WAY above our pay grade....simple cloning is NOT what this was....thats copying. This was a manipulation of genetics.....that God CHOSE to do....its clearly a surgery mentioned in Gen 2. No denying that on either side. A video that sums this all up nicely and explores this further is "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve". I suggest you search for it.....

Hi Brad,

I do agree with you that God used man's rib as man has X and Y chromosomes but on the other hand, God had no choice but to use Adam's rib as Adam was the only human around then. By adding an extra X chromosome and taking away the Y chromosome, female (XX) was created. Creation iwasn't that difficult isn't it? Clioning a human will take too much time but if we can use 3D printing, that will be almost instantaneous.

God Bless.:pray: