View Full Version : 666 Most Comprehensive Calculations - They did not worship the name or number...
08-25-2012, 08:28 AM
I came here after reading the Bible Wheel article talking about how 666 is "holy" and "Gods secret place" I am looking for some perspectives on this, if there can be any reconciliation with the verses of Revelation forbiding the worship of the beast, HIS NAME, and HIS NUMBER. The most obvious would be that 6 is creation, and the essence of all paganism was the worship of creation as opposed to the Creator. The ancient Lemurians called God "The seven headed serpent" Indeed snake worship is common throughout the world. I can't help but think this ties in with where the Bible says God created the world in seven days. The early creation story Moses wrote in Genesis came from the much older Lemurian (17,000 - 800,000 BC)
Another troubling fact is that the good God of the old testament, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob was called "an angel of the Lord" Exodus 3:2-14, Ehyeh, or I am that I am. A study on the sacred names YHVH Jehovah means god of wickedness, and tetragrammaton, five sided star of witchcraft, cabala. These names are used in black magic rituals. After an exhaustive search I have concluded they are fake names added later by scribes, written in new hebrew in blanks left open in old hebrew scrolls. The Jews tell us the true name of God "is too sacred to speak" anyway. I'm leaning with the Lord of the old testament being Jesus since in Zechariah he talks about himself saying that his price will be 30 silver, and on the day of the Lord it is "THE KING" who will be worshipped. The Living God? Zechariah 14:17.
The Bible Wheel 666 Article:
666 The Most Comprehensive Calculations I Have Ever Seen 666
-Phaedron (Emerald Emissary)
Truth hidden in plain sight (Mark 10:29-30, Luke 20:27-38)
Behold I shew you a mystery: Be fruitful and multiply, make the tree and it's fruit good. His flesh was meat, his blood was wine. To understand good and evil is to practice sin. The punishments fit the crime...
Richard Amiel McGough
08-25-2012, 10:10 AM
I came here after reading the Bible Wheel article talking about how 666 is "holy" and "Gods secret place" I am looking for some perspectives on this, if there can be any reconciliation with the verses of Revelation forbiding the worship of the beast, HIS NAME, and HIS NUMBER. The most obvious would be that 6 is creation, and the essence of all paganism was the worship of creation as opposed to the Creator. The ancient Lemurians called God "The seven headed serpent" Indeed snake worship is common throughout the world. I can't help but think this ties in with where the Bible says God created the world in seven days. The early creation story Moses wrote in Genesis came from the much older Lemurian (17,000 - 800,000 BC)
Another troubling fact is that the good God of the old testament, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob was called "an angel of the Lord" Exodus 3:2-14, Ehyeh, or I am that I am. A study on the sacred names YHVH Jehovah means god of wickedness, and tetragrammaton, five sided star of witchcraft, cabala. These names are used in black magic rituals. After an exhaustive search I have concluded they are fake names added later by scribes, written in new hebrew in blanks left open in old hebrew scrolls. The Jews tell us the true name of God "is too sacred to speak" anyway. I'm leaning with the Lord of the old testament being Jesus since in Zechariah he talks about himself saying that his price will be 30 silver, and on the day of the Lord it is "THE KING" who will be worshipped. The Living God? Zechariah 14:17.
The Bible Wheel 666 Article:
666 The Most Comprehensive Calculations I Have Ever Seen 666
-Phaedron (Emerald Emissary)
Hey there Phaedron,
Welcome to our forum!
I'm not familiar with the book you linked, but it immediately strikes me as fiction since it says things like "The first great outrage to religion I have found historically recorded occurred in Atlantis 22,000 years ago." And the idea that "early creation story Moses wrote in Genesis came from the much older Lemurian (17,000 - 800,000 BC)" doesn't have any evidential support as far as I know. So I'm pretty skeptical of such claims. Is there any reason I should think they are factual?
As for the divine name YHVH. I understand that there is a minor link to the havvah which can mean "calamity" or "destruction" -
הוה havvah {hav-vaw'} from 01933; TWOT - 483a; n f AV - calamity 4, wickedness 3, perverse thing 1, mischief 1, noisome 1, iniquity 1, substance 1, naughtiness 1, naughty 1, mischievous 1; 16 1) desire 1a) desire (in bad sense) 2) chasm (fig. of destruction) 2a) engulfing ruin, destruction, calamity
But there is a much stronger link to the word hayah (to be) -
היה hayah {haw-yaw} a primitive root [compare 01933]; TWOT - 491; v AV - was, come to pass, came, has been, were happened, become, pertained, better for thee; 74 1) to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out 1a) (Qal) 1a1) ----- 1a1a) to happen, fall out, occur, take place, come about, come to pass 1a1b) to come about, come to pass 1a2) to come into being, become 1a2a) to arise, appear, come 1a2b) to become 1a2b1) to become 1a2b2) to become like 1a2b3) to be instituted, be established 1a3) to be 1a3a) to exist, be in existence 1a3b) to abide, remain, continue (with word of place or time) 1a3c) to stand, lie, be in, be at, be situated (with word of locality) 1a3d) to accompany, be with 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to occur, come to pass, be done, be brought about 1b2) to be done, be finished, be gone
This is confirmed by the verse where YHVH says his name is AHYH (Ehyeh = I will be) -
Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM [AHYH AShR AHYH]: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM [AHYH] hath sent me unto you. 15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD [YHVH] God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
And this meaning coheres with the idea that God is the root source of all being. The name YHVH can be understood as a combination of all three tenses of HVH (to be):
There was
There is
The will be (Hayah) (Havah) (Yahi)
I talk about this in my article on the Number 543 (, which is the value of "I AM THAT I AM" (or better, "I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE").
All the best,
David M
08-26-2012, 02:39 AM
Hello Richard
I just want to say thank for this and all the information you give on the Hebrew language and meaning of Hebrew words, I find this helpful and is something I will not argue with you. I will leave language arguments to the language scholars. It is refreshing to be able to appreciate your comments on the Hebrew language since we disagree on almost every point of Bible teaching.
All the best.
08-28-2012, 05:02 PM
My research has shown YHVH Hovah means wickedness and do wickedly. Jehovah is the english translation. Tetragrammaton and Jehovah are the core foundation of the builders, it means five sided witchcraft star. My God is not a five sided star or a periodic table of elements. That is worshipping creation instead of creator. This name of Baal was inserted into blank spots into the text and written in newer hebrew. Hardcore Research on this, and the holy name of Jesus, this is the work of an ordained pastor:
The Lemurian findings are from the lifetime Arhceology of James Churchward - lost continent of MU and others. Other science documentaries I have seen point to remains of an ancient nuclear war, ancient technology, humanity obviously goes much farther back. Humanity was made on the sixth day, then God rested on the seventh, then we go to Adam and Eve, in the Gods recreation after the war of the angels, or collapse of the previous world, of which Cains wife and a few others survived. There is plenty of evidence for the worldwide worship of snakes descending from a singular ancient culture.
But that is really a side topic. Here is one of the best articles I've read that talk about how pagans falsely attributed the qualities of Elohim, and how Israel was to lead them out of darkness:
What I like most about Gods true name: Ehyeh, it is unprofaned. It does not appear in black magic ritual texts (which I refrain from posting here)
But here is a builder text admitting Jehovah and YHVH as being the very core of their tradition. The "Builders" who rejected Jesus who became the capstone.
Richard Amiel McGough
08-28-2012, 05:53 PM
My research has shown YHVH Hovah means wickedness and do wickedly. Jehovah is the english translation. Tetragrammaton and Jehovah are the core foundation of the builders, it means five sided witchcraft star. My God is not a five sided star or a periodic table of elements. That is worshipping creation instead of creator. This name of Baal was inserted into blank spots into the text and written in newer hebrew. Hardcore Research on this, and the holy name of Jesus, this is the work of an ordained pastor:
Why would you ignore the evidence that suggests YHVH is from the root "to be"? That seems much more likely to me, and it is connected with the name Ehyeh. And it fits with his description in the NT as the one who is, was, and is to come (three forms of "to be" like hayah, havah, and yahi.
The first page you linked is filled with wild kabbalistic speculations. I don't see any serious scholarship there.
And the second link had the ravings of a mad man who insists that no one can even read the information without first rejecting the name YHVH! Here is what he demands:
You may read this page ONLY if you confess faith in the name of Jesus. IF YOU click OK you are denying YAHWEH as the name of the Father or Creator and confessing the name of Jesus is the ONLY SAVING NAME! Say right now "I deny YAHWEH and believe ONLY in the name of Jesus", if you said this, then Click OK to read the study. If you refuse to recant the false name Yahweh, click cancel to leave now!
What a loon. Why would anyone believe any crap from a wanker like that?
The Lemurian findings are from the lifetime Arhceology of James Churchward - lost continent of MU and others. Other science documentaries I have seen point to remains of an ancient nuclear war, ancient technology, humanity obviously goes much farther back. Humanity was made on the sixth day, then God rested on the seventh, then we go to Adam and Eve, in the Gods recreation after the war of the angels, or collapse of the previous world, of which Cains wife and a few others survived. There is plenty of evidence for the worldwide worship of snakes descending from a singular ancient culture.
There is no real evidence for "ancient nuclear war, ancient technology" and there is no reason to think that "humanity obviously goes much farther back." Those ideas all look like fantasy and unsupported speculations to me. The world is filled with crazy ideas. What convinced you these ones are true?
But that is really a side topic. Here is one of the best articles I've read that talk about how pagans falsely attributed the qualities of Elohim, and how Israel was to lead them out of darkness:
The format of that page is horrible. And the text is worse ...
What I like most about Gods true name: Ehyeh, it is unprofaned. It does not appear in black magic ritual texts (which I refrain from posting here)
But here is a builder text admitting Jehovah and YHVH as being the very core of their tradition. The "Builders" who rejected Jesus who became the capstone.
What are you talking about? The name Ehyeh is commonly used in "magick" like that promoted by Aleister Crowley. A quick Google will give you plenty of evidence.
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