View Full Version : What Evolutionists don't bother to ask

07-07-2012, 07:09 PM
Let's hope our Evolutionist friends debunk this:


God Bless Creationism.

07-07-2012, 07:43 PM
Let's hope our Evolutionist friends debunk this:


God Bless Creationism.

Hi Cheow,

It would be helpful if you could find shorter videos to try and present your case for Creationism. The video you posted is over an hour and a half long, not to mention the guy is a very slow speaker.

David M
07-08-2012, 06:45 PM
Hi Cheow,

It would be helpful if you could find shorter videos to try and present your case for Creationism. The video you posted is over an hour and a half long, not to mention the guy is a very slow speaker.

Hello Rose
I agree with you that the video is long and the speaker is slow in his delivery. I do not have the time to listen to it and just listened to the first ten minutes.

I suggest you answer the questions/problems the video raises in the first ten minutes.

If you can give an explanation to resolve the problems presented to us in the first ten minutes, I reckon you are likely to be able to answer all the questions in the remaining 75 minutes. I will settle for just 10 minutes worth of problems to solve.

All the best,


07-08-2012, 08:44 PM
Hello Rose
I agree with you that the video is long and the speaker is slow in his delivery. I do not have the time to listen to it and just listened to the first ten minutes.

I suggest you answer the questions/problems the video raises in the first ten minutes.

If you can give an explanation to resolve the problems presented to us in the first ten minutes, I reckon you are likely to be able to answer all the questions in the remaining 75 minutes. I will settle for just 10 minutes worth of problems to solve.

All the best,


Hi David,

I took your advice and listened to the first 10 minutes of the video which pretty much consisted of his speaking on the complexities of a simple cell which I totally agree with. As I have said many times, how RNA, DNA and the first prokaryotic cell arose is still a mystery to me...it very well could have happened through some sort of intelligent design, I don't know. What science is discovering is that from the time of the first simple cell, 2 billion years passed before a more complex Eukaryotic cell evolved which then gave rise to animal life through a process of evolution.

My main focus is not on the origins of life, but rather if the Biblical account of creation is correct, and as far as I'm concerned that has been proven to be false beyond any doubt. If there is an intelligent mind behind the origin of life it most certainly is not the biblegod, he is far too primitive to have had a hand in creation.

Contrary to what you or Cheow may believe, the motive of scientists is not to disprove the Bible, or because they hate God...rather the scientist is on a mission of discovery. Their main interest is to gain knowledge and understanding of the world around us, and mankind has benefited greatly because of them. Most scientists will readily acknowledge when they don't know something and then set about to find out why. The origins of DNA are still a mystery, but with each new scientific discovery we get one step closer to finding the answers.

Take care,

David M
07-08-2012, 10:28 PM
Hi David,

I took your advice and listened to the first 10 minutes of the video which pretty much consisted of his speaking on the complexities of a simple cell which I totally agree with. As I have said many times, how RNA, DNA and the first prokaryotic cell arose is still a mystery to me...it very well could have happened through some sort of intelligent design, I don't know. What science is discovering is that from the time of the first simple cell, 2 billion years passed before a more complex Eukaryotic cell evolved which then gave rise to animal life through a process of evolution.
Hello Rose
I can reason in my mind that what you say is the order in which God created the simplest life forms and simply created ever more complex life forms over time and even with enough time to multiply and produce variation and adaptation to the environment in which they were created and might have changed over time.. The Creation story does no more than only give a basic order in which life was created. Many scientists also agree that the Creation story is correct in the sequence if not correct on the timescale. It is reasonable to assume whether in Creation or Evoultion that the simpler life forms came first and man was the pinnacle at the end. We see no evidence of evolution taking place in man for the last 6,000 years.

My main focus is not on the origins of life, but rather if the Biblical account of creation is correct, and as far as I'm concerned that has been proven to be false beyond any doubt. If there is an intelligent mind behind the origin of life it most certainly is not the biblegod, he is far too primitive to have had a hand in creation.
God is far from primitive. Maybe we should have some threads in which the wisdom of God is shown. When you look at the way God puts people in the right place at the right time, it shows God is intelligent and in control. Even the story of the birth of Moses to put a Hebrew in the palace of the Pharaoh and set Moses up to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt shows God hand at work. It is marvellous that God is working over decades and setting people in the right place and the right time. It was God who was behind Joseph getting accepted by Pharaoh and after another Pharaoh came who knew not Joseph and made slaves of the Hebrews, that God sets Moses up to deliver God's people.

We can often wonder why this and that happened and then we find out the reason and find out that it was God who was orchestrating events. Political leaders do not realize that they are doing what God knows they will do or lets them do, because is suits His purpose. God not only gave the prophets of Israel the inspiratation to write down the prophecies, it was God who brought the right men to be the prophets and to set those men in the right position. God's timing was perfect, even to the birth of His own Son. By denying the God of the Bible, and demoting Him to a biblegod, you dismiss the vast amount of proof that shows God to be the very opposite of what you claim God is. It is therefore a travesty that you trash the word of God. No tibal bronze-age man could have ever written such a book with such a plot as the Bible has. They say you have to have a very good memory if you want to get away with deceiving the police. The Bible could never have been written by one person, otherwise the deception would have been spotted. To have been writtn over centuries with such a consistent and coherent message shows the Bible to be a very special book that only God has a memory to pull this off. That is why the Bible has a coherent message and is consistent right from the vey beginning in Genesis through to Revelation. It is the consistency of the same message that is the divine author's signature. We see this starting with God's promises to Abraham, then through King David and then to His own Son; Jesus. Now we have the same promise of God to us that has come to us in the New Testament. God's word is being fufilled and the Jewish nation serve as a testimony and witness for God, of God fulfilling prophecy. All this, when taken into account, makes God a far different god that you have turned Him into.

Contrary to what you or Cheow may believe, the motive of scientists is not to disprove the Bible, or because they hate God...rather the scientist is on a mission of discovery. Their main interest is to gain knowledge and understanding of the world around us, and mankind has benefited greatly because of them. Most scientists will readily acknowledge when they don't know something and then set about to find out why. The origins of DNA are still a mystery, but with each new scientific discovery we get one step closer to finding the answers.

I am not saying at all that the motive of scientists is to disprove the Bible. You might have meant to say Evolutionists. I see that most Evolutionists would deny there is a God as Evolution does not require God. Note God does not mention the word evolution in His account of how the earth and life upon it came to be; only that He "made". I know science professors of Universities, who believe in Creation.
The problem we Creationists see you having Rose, is that you admit that intgelligent design could have created the first DNA molecule, but you will not give the God of the Bible the credit. Now you cannot give us any description of this intelligence. In fact, you have no proof whatsoever for anything you are telling us. You have a set of beliefs without any foundation other than what you have created in your head. We have nothing tangeable on which to have a meaningful discussion. At least with the Bible, we can haved a discussion and agree and disagree on what is written. All we can do now is disagree with you about the Bible, as every post you make using the Bible is to make out that the Bible is contradictory or that it is showing God as your tibal bronze-age warrior. Please give us something to work with on which you are basing your comments as to the life hereafter or why we are here and why we are even talking. Otherwise, everthing you say is assumption and opinion and has no real basis. Let us know what this intelligence is that created the first DNA cell and why and what the purpose was. God had a purpose from the very beginning, which was the creation of man and would involve God begetting Jesus born of a woman. Yet more reason for saying that Jesus did not pre-exist with God. So, if we accept that God had a reason for creating the first DNA molecule or the first simple cell, it was with the purpose of eventually creating the perfect man in the form of His Son, which came about when God engineered the gentics in the egg of Mary so she conceived. Jesus was the prototype of all those who will be like him when raised to life and given the same incorruptible body that Jesus has now. It is all vey clear how Jesus was a thought in the mind of God from the beginning, before He ever created the first living cell.

I do not expect you to change your mind, though in responding to your post, it enables me to get these thoughts across in the hope that others reading this might reason themselves from the Bible to see that this is what it is telling us. People mus be aware of false interpretations and I do not expect anyone to agree with me unless they have reasoned this out for themselves by comparing what is said with what is written in the Bible and being careful to take passages of the Bible in their proper context. This is so important that if I have said this before, it is worth repeating.

All the best,
