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06-10-2012, 05:47 AM

Drink Gold Dust?

"And it came to pass, as soon as he[Moses] came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount. And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it. Exodus 32:19,20

WOW! Is this weird, or not?The Old Testament doesn't explain it at all, and the Book of Exodus leaves out some of the story -- the part about throwing the powdered gold into the brook that descended out of the mountain is from Deut9:21. It would seem the Israeli's were required to scoop up and drink handfuls of water mixed with gold-dust from the brook. To what purpose, I wondered?
Then I chanced to come across a book in a Christian bookstore: "The Chemistry of the Blood", by Dr. M.R. DeHaan. It informed me that gold dust in a colloidal solution with water had the appearance of blood! Evidentally it's something known to artists who paint ceramics, etc. Now it's been quite a few years since I read that book, but I recollect the author going on to say how the Children of Israel had recently left Egypt where God had said when He saw the blood he would PASSOVER them (an atoning action). His conclusion was that Moses had them drink the so-called blood to atone for their idolatry. That makes sense, doesn't it?

At first, it did. But then I recalled a pre-Law commandment to Noah which said they were prohibited from eating with the blood, Gen9:4, and the contradiction bothered me. Surely Moses knew the Kosher practice kept them from partaking of blood--I asked myself why Moses didn't just have them wash with that so-called blood, instead of having them drink it. Wouldn't that have satisfied the atoning action?
Maybe you can imagine my excitement when revelation finally came! COMMUNION!

The "most precious blood of Jesus", 1Pet1:19, is what we drink in taking communion -- and He's the Word of God which in Psalm 19 is compared to much fine gold. The so-called blood which Moses had them drink wasn't biological blood, and neither is the communion cup which we partake of under the New Covenant. Figuratively speaking we're drinking His blood, but also the most fine gold, in our toasting of the New Covenant! It's still an atoning action!
So how long has it been since you've taken communion??

Other precepts of communion include Melchizedek, the Butler & Baker, and the Lying Gibeonites... :thumb:

06-11-2012, 04:52 PM
The gold came from melting down Aaron's Calf that jumped out of the fire... Ex32:24. At least that's what the High Priest told Moses, and he wouldn't lie about it, would he?:confused:

06-13-2012, 06:37 AM
It was Moses himself who had the 3rd Ark built, according to specifications..
It signified the presence of Almighty God to all of those heathen nations.
He had it overlaid with gold, and they kept it in the Holiest place,
They had a long, long walk to the water; and it was God who set the pace.
They hurried to keep up with the cloud, and at night they followed the fire,
They carried the boat on their shoulders, so they really must have perspired!

Well...They finally arrived at the Jordan River, carrying that Golden Boat,
They must have wondered if all that gold would make it too heavy to float.
Imagine their consternation!...just as the feet of the priests got wet..
The waters rolled back in a heap, and they had to carry it further yet!

"Getting our Feet Wet" is a popular figure of speech -- doncha love it ?:winking0071: