View Full Version : Half the Population

05-25-2012, 09:00 PM
Like half the population I was born female, with the same desires to learn and grow to my full potential as my male counterparts. Why is it then that so many religious men believe that the intelligent mind that created the universe is a male god who chose to create the female of the species explicitly to be ruled over and subject to the capricious whims of men? Many Christians believe that the plan of god from the beginning was to set up a hierarchical order which places the man in complete control and ownership of the lives of half the population. Supposedly these men have nowhere near the intelligence of their god, yet this god chose to cater to their more aggressive and dominating nature by handing over to them the well being of the female gender, which is on par with a parent giving their young son complete rule and authority over his sister. Men, who don't give a second thought about fulfilling their own desires, somehow feel that women who have those same desires should be denied them according to "the man's discretion."

The vast majority of the 2 billion plus Christians on the planet today would say that slavery is wrong, even though it was condoned in the Old Testament; the same goes for stoning people for adultery which was commanded by God, yet somehow the subjugation of women still persists in the minds of fundamentalist men today as being part of the biblegod's order. Many Christian men, who would reject slavery and stoning outright, see no problem whatsoever with depriving women of equal human rights. It makes a rational person wonder if these men aren't just picking and choosing those things which they can get away with. The Old and New Testaments are fraught with human rights violations that are condemned by most modern Christians, yet there is no such condemnation of the secondary status that many women continue to be subjected to in the Church. It is time for Christians to open their eyes to the great disparity that is being taught, and call it what it is..."A human rights violation."


05-25-2012, 11:27 PM
Like half the population I was born female, with the same desires to learn and grow to my full potential as my male counterparts. Why is it then that so many religious men believe that the intelligent mind that created the universe is a male god who chose to create the female of the species explicitly to be ruled over and subject to the capricious whims of men? Many Christians believe that the plan of god from the beginning was to set up a hierarchical order which places the man in complete control and ownership of the lives of half the population. Supposedly these men have nowhere near the intelligence of their god, yet this god chose to cater to their more aggressive and dominating nature by handing over to them the well being of the female gender, which is on par with a parent giving their young son complete rule and authority over his sister. Men, who don't give a second thought about fulfilling their own desires, somehow feel that women who have those same desires should be denied them according to "the man's discretion."

The vast majority of the 2 billion plus Christians on the planet today would say that slavery is wrong, even though it was condoned in the Old Testament; the same goes for stoning people for adultery which was commanded by God, yet somehow the subjugation of women still persists in the minds of fundamentalist men today as being part of the biblegod's order. Many Christian men, who would reject slavery and stoning outright, see no problem whatsoever with depriving women of equal human rights. It makes a rational person wonder if these men aren't just picking and choosing those things which they can get away with. The Old and New Testaments are fraught with human rights violations that are condemned by most modern Christians, yet there is no such condemnation of the secondary status that many women continue to be subjected to in the Church. It is time for Christians to open their eyes to the great disparity that is being taught, and call it what it is..."A human rights violation."


Hi Rose,

The intelligent mind that created the universe is NOT male, no matter how many pastors, mullahs, priests etc claim that it is so.

Sexual differences in the spiritual dimension are not the same as in physical space. In our world, the female egg receives the extra chromosomes from the male cell. In the spiritual dimension, the same metaphor applies - the giver is MALE, and the receiver is FEMALE, so relative to creation, the CREATOR is MALE, and CREATION is FEMALE -- and that is as far as the metaphor was ever intended to go.

That metaphor drives all the parables about the Marriage supper, the Church being the bride etc -- no matter how much the sexists want to milk the metaphor for their own stupidity.

God uses male and female energies, God's energies, for creation - just as we do to create new life. The "lesson" in that starts on page 1 of the Bible with the Tree of Life,split into two sets of five sephiroth - ie the "sub=plot" beneath the text.

The same Male & Female imagery is built into the layout of Jerusalem, and Jesus' last day -- half of the city is MALE (where Jesus suffered at the hands of his own people), and half of the city is FEMALE - where Jesus suffered at the hands of gentiles - and where He was buried.

The MALES were thick, and hard-hearted - but the FEMALES who encountered Jesus up in the female half of the city were smart enough to grasp what had happened.

As far man being the "head of woman" - the metaphor is taken out of context, and is only partially known:

Yes, MAN is the HEAD

But Woman is the HEART
And the Devil is the Liver - you know the thing that makes us want the sugar and all the bad food we know in our heads isn't good for us.

The woman (the heart) is the one that counts - because the heart decides what come in, and what doesn't.

Similarly in Torah tradition, the Holy of Holies is female -- ie the most important part of the Temple is, was, and ever shall be . . . FEMALE

05-26-2012, 08:56 AM
Hi Rose,

The intelligent mind that created the universe is NOT male, no matter how many pastors, mullahs, priests etc claim that it is so.

Sexual differences in the spiritual dimension are not the same as in physical space. In our world, the female egg receives the extra chromosomes from the male cell. In the spiritual dimension, the same metaphor applies - the giver is MALE, and the receiver is FEMALE, so relative to creation, the CREATOR is MALE, and CREATION is FEMALE -- and that is as far as the metaphor was ever intended to go.

That metaphor drives all the parables about the Marriage supper, the Church being the bride etc -- no matter how much the sexists want to milk the metaphor for their own stupidity.

God uses male and female energies, God's energies, for creation - just as we do to create new life. The "lesson" in that starts on page 1 of the Bible with the Tree of Life,split into two sets of five sephiroth - ie the "sub=plot" beneath the text.

The same Male & Female imagery is built into the layout of Jerusalem, and Jesus' last day -- half of the city is MALE (where Jesus suffered at the hands of his own people), and half of the city is FEMALE - where Jesus suffered at the hands of gentiles - and where He was buried.

The MALES were thick, and hard-hearted - but the FEMALES who encountered Jesus up in the female half of the city were smart enough to grasp what had happened.

As far man being the "head of woman" - the metaphor is taken out of context, and is only partially known:

Yes, MAN is the HEAD

But Woman is the HEART
And the Devil is the Liver - you know the thing that makes us want the sugar and all the bad food we know in our heads isn't good for us.

The woman (the heart) is the one that counts - because the heart decides what come in, and what doesn't.

Similarly in Torah tradition, the Holy of Holies is female -- ie the most important part of the Temple is, was, and ever shall be . . . FEMALE

Interesting perspective, Peter -- I like it! Agrees with my own viewpoint of how the 1st Covenant (OT) was the male but figuratively like Rachel (Ewe) who brought forth the Lamb, and the New Covenant is the female--figuratively like fruitful Leah who had the 6 boys and 1 girl. The two covenants are a contrast also between Elijah and Elisha, Seeing and Hearing, Esau and Jacob; and each is about 2,000 yrs. or 2 days when a thousand yrs. are as one day. :thumb:

05-26-2012, 09:56 AM
Hi Rose,

The intelligent mind that created the universe is NOT male, no matter how many pastors, mullahs, priests etc claim that it is so.

Sexual differences in the spiritual dimension are not the same as in physical space. In our world, the female egg receives the extra chromosomes from the male cell. In the spiritual dimension, the same metaphor applies - the giver is MALE, and the receiver is FEMALE, so relative to creation, the CREATOR is MALE, and CREATION is FEMALE -- and that is as far as the metaphor was ever intended to go.

That metaphor drives all the parables about the Marriage supper, the Church being the bride etc -- no matter how much the sexists want to milk the metaphor for their own stupidity.

God uses male and female energies, God's energies, for creation - just as we do to create new life. The "lesson" in that starts on page 1 of the Bible with the Tree of Life,split into two sets of five sephiroth - ie the "sub=plot" beneath the text.

The same Male & Female imagery is built into the layout of Jerusalem, and Jesus' last day -- half of the city is MALE (where Jesus suffered at the hands of his own people), and half of the city is FEMALE - where Jesus suffered at the hands of gentiles - and where He was buried.

The MALES were thick, and hard-hearted - but the FEMALES who encountered Jesus up in the female half of the city were smart enough to grasp what had happened.

As far man being the "head of woman" - the metaphor is taken out of context, and is only partially known:

Yes, MAN is the HEAD
But Woman is the HEART
And the Devil is the Liver - you know the thing that makes us want the sugar and all the bad food we know in our heads isn't good for us.

The woman (the heart) is the one that counts - because the heart decides what come in, and what doesn't.

Similarly in Torah tradition, the Holy of Holies is female -- ie the most important part of the Temple is, was, and ever shall be . . . FEMALE

Good morning Peter :yo:

You are absolutely correct! If there is an intelligent mind behind creation it is NOT male, and that is preciously what is wrong with the Bible from its inception. The imbalance of the biblical narrative in favor of the male mindset is the thread that unravels its viability as a believable text, and one that can never be resolved.

The male mindset has taken the MALE CREATOR idea and used it to subjugate the female by making her of less value and inferior. Balance is essential for harmonious life and that is the main flaw with the god portrayed in the Bible, who directs the male to be in control of the female. Men by nature are more aggressive than their female counterparts, which is why a true intelligent mind would never create an imbalance such as is found in the Bible, which only leads to destructive behavior. The perfect balance one finds in nature is that of the Yin and Yang energies, with the male Yang having the feminine Anima at its center, and the female Yin having the male Animus at its center.

The Bible does give us many insights into the nature of humanity, but its downfall comes when people take the god portrayed within its pages as the intelligent mind behind creation. Most people alive today are far more intelligent than the biblegod, which should make Christians stop and think about the god they believe in.

Take care my friend,

Richard Amiel McGough
05-26-2012, 10:15 AM
Good morning Peter :yo:

You are absolutely correct! If there is an intelligent mind behind creation it is NOT male, and that is preciously what is wrong with the Bible from its inception. The imbalance of the biblical narrative in favor of the male mindset is the thread that unravels its viability as a believable text, and one that can never be resolved.

The male mindset has taken the MALE CREATOR idea and used it to subjugate the female by making her of less value and inferior. Balance is essential for harmonious life and that is the main flaw with the god portrayed in the Bible, who directs the male to be in control of the female. Men by nature are more aggressive than their female counterparts, which is why a true intelligent mind would never create an imbalance such as is found in the Bible, which only leads to destructive behavior. The perfect balance one finds in nature is that of the Yin and Yang energies, with the male Yang having the feminine Anima at its center, and the female Yin having the male Animus at its center.

The Bible does give us many insights into the nature of humanity, but its downfall comes when people take the god portrayed within its pages as the intelligent mind behind creation. Most people alive today are far more intelligent than the biblegod, which should make Christians stop and think about the god they believe in.

Take care my friend,
I think you hit the nail on the head. I understand why people have categorized the relation between Creator vs. Creation as Male/Yang vs. Female/Yin, but that only works if we being with the conception of a Male/Yang Creator who is separate from "his" creation. The alternate view of God as the "Ground of Being" fits better with the metaphor of the Creator as Female/Yin (Mother) from whom The All emerges, like leaves on a tree or the birth of a child. This view sees God as the giver of life in a very "organic" sense. The other view sees God as a "King" who rules over his subjects and this causes all sorts of philosophical problems like Freewill and the Problem of Evil.

The problem with the patriarchal world view of Christianity is that it institutionalizes an imbalance in Yin and Yang. It posits a fundamental imbalance in the very foundation of Reality, and such an imbalance will always generate conflict. This is why the Bible, and Christian history, is filled with violence from beginning to end.

05-26-2012, 10:30 AM
[QUOTE=Rose;44854]Good morning Peter :yo:

You are absolutely correct! If there is an intelligent mind behind creation it is NOT male, and that is preciously what is wrong with the Bible from its inception. The imbalance of the biblical narrative in favor of the male mindset is the thread that unravels its viability as a believable text, and one that can never be resolved.
Can you prove that God is male? What is wrong with the Bible is your wrong interpretations.

he male mindset has taken the MALE CREATOR idea and used it to subjugate the female by making her of less value and inferior. Balance is essential for harmonious life and that is the main flaw with the god portrayed in the Bible, who directs the male to be in control of the female. Men by nature are more aggressive than their female counterparts, which is why a true intelligent mind would never create an imbalance such as is found in the Bible, which only leads to destructive behavior. The perfect balance one finds in nature is that of the Yin and Yang energies, with the male Yang having the feminine Anima at its center, and the female Yin having the male Animus at its center.
You obviously have a female inferiority complex. What's wrong with male control over female if it is fair and no abuse of power? Same with female control over male. Problems will only occur if they abuse the control and power given to them. That is exactly what we see in some passages in the Bible when evil people abuse such powers for selfish purposes. History have shown us that female leaders such as Margaret Thatcher, Queen Elizabeth, Indira Ghandi etc. fare no better than male leaders. The balance in Yin and Yang suggests that opposites work together to maintain perfect harmony i.e. cold and hot, white and black, male and female, weak and strong etc. Therefore, males and females should work together each in their own roles to achieve perfect harmony. Disharmony occurs when that balance is broken due to abuse or inequality.

The Bible does give us many insights into the nature of humanity, but its downfall comes when people take the god portrayed within its pages as the intelligent mind behind creation. Most people alive today are far more intelligent than the biblegod, which should make Christians stop and think about the god they believe in.
No, downfall occurs when people did not follow God's wisdom as taught and applies them. God's wisdom if applied ultimately lead to destruction of evil and salvation of the righteous. Can creatures be more intelligent than its Creator? Can robots or computers be more intelligent than its makers?

May God Bless His Creations:pray:.

05-26-2012, 10:55 AM
Can you prove that God is male? What is wrong with the Bible is your wrong interpretations.
The only proof that's needed is the Bible. Look within its pages and you will see God the father, God the husband, and God the son...need I say more?

You obviously have a female inferiority complex. What's wrong with male control over female if it is fair and no abuse of power? Same with female control over male. Problems will only occur if they abuse the control and power given to them. That is exactly what we see in some passages in the Bible when evil people abuse such powers for selfish purposes. History have shown us that female leaders such as Margaret Thatcher, Queen Elizabeth, Indira Ghandi etc. fare no better than male leaders. The balance in Yin and Yang suggests that opposites work together to maintain perfect harmony i.e. cold and hot, white and black, male and female, weak and strong etc. Therefore, males and females should work together each in their own roles to achieve perfect harmony. Disharmony occurs when that balance is broken due to abuse or inequality.

I think it is you who has the complex. :p

You stated it exactly right when you said "Disharmony occurs when that balance is broken due to abuse or inequality." that is preciously what is wrong with the biblegod; the balance between male and female is broken causing continual conflict. In the natural order of things those with stronger abilities become leaders, whether they be male, or female. The flaw in the biblical order is that leadership is arbitrarily given to the male regardless of his qualifications. It can be compared to a position that is given to a man solely because of his gender, regardless of the fact that a woman was more qualified.

No, downfall occurs when people did not follow God's wisdom as taught and applies them. God's wisdom if applied ultimately lead to destruction of evil and salvation of the righteous. Can creatures be more intelligent than its Creator? Can robots or computers be more intelligent than its makers?

May God Bless His Creations:pray:.

Downfall occurs because the biblegod's wisdom is flawed, creating continual conflict between male and female, hence disharmony. Yes, creatures can most definitely be more intelligent than a god that is of their own making.

Have a good day,

05-26-2012, 11:49 AM
You have a point there, Rose.
The Law required that a widow MUST marry her husband's brother; apparently even if he was a jerk or a pinhead -- no 'out' was provided.

Not so the brother though -- all he had to do was have her remove his shoe and spit in his face and declare he wasn't going to raise up a son for his brother.

Deut 25:9 Then shall his brother's wife come unto him in the presence of the elders, and loose his shoe from off his foot, and spit in his face, and shall answer and say, So shall it be done unto that man that will not build up his brother's house".

Ruth4 seems to confirm this, though with alterations. :eek:

05-26-2012, 04:07 PM
Just a couple of graphics illustrating the male-female split in the structure of the Tree of Life in the Bible.

The first one shows the "birdies" and the animals from Abraham's covenant with God in Genesis 15.
The male "half" is the right and top of the graphic, and the female half is on the left and lower area of the graphic.


The second graphic is more stylised (ie the animal / bird images have been replaced with circles). showing the movement (early stages of it) of the spiritual emanations into their five opposite five, male and female configuration - what God uses to create - just as we do. The same FIVE and FIVE structure is built into the ten commandments - which were laid out on TWO tablets, Five commandments on each.

We are made the same way - five fingers on our right hand, and five fingers on our left hand.


The pdf below shoes a few more graphics on the same general theme, including one on the division of Jerusalem into male and female halves at the time of Jesus death. Jesus crossed the centre line three times that day:

From the High Priest's palace to Pilate and the Antonia Fortress
From Pliate to Herod
From Herod back to Pilate (and on to His death)

Those three crossings - as the earth moved through time and space. correspond to the three horizontal lines in the Tree, and to the three major participants in the Transfiguration - so I included the transfiguration graphic in the pdf


05-28-2012, 02:54 AM
Good morning Peter :yo:

The Bible does give us many insights into the nature of humanity . . . .

Take care my friend,

Hi Rose,

I thought the diagram below might be of interest.

My hunch is that some Chinese characters reflect the thinking of humanity at the time the characters were first developed, ie several thousand years ago. The character in the diagram is the Chinese character for good - the Mandarin pronunciation sounds like "HAO" (As in "Ni hao?" and "Ni hao ma?").

Interestingly, the Chinese character for GOOD is, or means, a female child, ie a new baby girl entering the world. [I wish that was how they still thought in China!)


05-29-2012, 02:03 AM
[QUOTE=Rose;44861]The only proof that's needed is the Bible. Look within its pages and you will see God the father, God the husband, and God the son...need I say more?
So God has a penis...Brilliant, Proof it!

I think it is you who has the complex. :p
Many female in the modern world don't see they are inferior to males and many males in the modern world don't see they are superior over females, so why continue to harp on it unless you are obsessive or have an female inferiority complex. Females are naturally endow with the birth canal and breasts which means that they are much more adaptable in raising children than men whereas men are endow with bigger and stronger muscles and thus are more adaptable to laborious work. God would thus have the mother look after the children so that there would be mother and child bondage. Modern working mothers would have to leave their children at home alone while the parents go to work and that may be detrimental to the upbringing of children. The employment of maids (females) to look after the children while the parents go to work will make parental bondage less as the children will become more attached to the maids than to the parents. I am not sure how this will worked out psychologically and emotionally as the children matures.

You stated it exactly right when you said "Disharmony occurs when that balance is broken due to abuse or inequality." that is preciously what is wrong with the biblegod; the balance between male and female is broken causing continual conflict. In the natural order of things those with stronger abilities become leaders, whether they be male, or female. The flaw in the biblical order is that leadership is arbitrarily given to the male regardless of his qualifications. It can be compared to a position that is given to a man solely because of his gender, regardless of the fact that a woman was more qualified.
There is no proof that women are more qualified to be leaders; tell me which female world leaders excelled over male leaders? Queen Eliizabeth 1? Margaret Thatcher? Indira Ghandi? Golda Meir? Empress Wu? etc.
You understanding of Ying and Yang is flawed. What Ying and Yang says is that opposites always work in harmony and in togetherness as in nature, winter and summer, hot and cold, male and female etc. they are necessary in life despite their opposing properties. Disharmony and problems will occur if there is lack or more of the opposing forces.

Downfall occurs because the biblegod's wisdom is flawed, creating continual conflict between male and female, hence disharmony. Yes, creatures can most definitely be more intelligent than a god that is of their own making.

No, downfall occurs if there is abuse of power for selfish purposes between male and female.this has nothing to do with dominance or superiority. Good Kings and Queens will rule the country well if they are fair to their subjects and do not abuse their powers. Look at Nazi Germany, look at Iraq under Saddam, look at Libya under Gaddhafi.... they collapsed because they did not look after the country with fairness and they abused their powers. Syria is next.

May God Bless our leaders. :pray: