View Full Version : Bread for 'The Body'

05-16-2012, 11:38 AM

1. In Genesis, it was Joseph who 'gathered corn as the sand of the sea', Gen41:49, to supply bread for those desperate due to the famine.

2. Then, the Manna came from heaven (means: what is it?), and they wondered what it was and what to do with it.

3. Now Jesus ‘the Living Bread’ has come, and now Paul writes that we are 'one bread', 1Cor10:17, so…. If we anticipate rising to meet Him in the air: 'Christ within you', Col 1:27, is the new (hidden) leaven, Matt13:33, that will make it happen!

05-17-2012, 04:26 AM
The word ‘cornbread’ is never used, and many of us know it as a flat bread sometimes called ‘johnny-cake’. The 'bread of affliction', Isa30:20, wouldn’t taste nearly as good. Bread and meat in the KJV usually connotes a figure of speech for food. :thumb: