View Full Version : 'WALK' by Faith

05-11-2012, 06:13 AM
The "walk", according to scripture, is a kind of spiritual adhesive for all the books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

walk in INTEGRITY - Ps26:11 - walk UPRIGHTLY - Ps84:11 - walk in TRUTH - Ps86:11 - walk in LIGHT - Isa2:5 - walk in THE WAY - Isa30:21 - walk after the SPIRIT - Rom8:4 - walk HONESTLY - Rom13:13 - walk by FAITH - 2Cor5:7 - walk in the SPIRIT - Gal 5:25 - walk WORTHY - Eph4:1 - walk in LOVE - Eph5:2 - walk in WISDOM - Col 4:5 - walk in the LIGHT - 1Jn1:7 - walk in WHITE - Rev3:4

Enoch and Noah "walked with God"; ..Isaiah "walked naked and barefoot", and Jacob's WALK would surely have been changed after he wrestled the 'angel' (epiphany or precept, Hos12:4) and had his thighbone 'touched'. But, of course those were the times before the scripture was completed, and Isaiah wouldn't have known to put on the spiritual armor or shoes of the preparation of the gospel. Eph6:17.

If you've made bad decisions in the past and are suffering the consequences, the secularists will say "you made your bed and you'll have to lie in it". Bible scholars will say "the way of the transgressor is hard", but Jesus says: "Take up your bed and WALK", Jn5:8. You CAN become a new creature in Christ Jesus!

"For we walk by faith, not by sight", 2Cor5:7

The ultimate walk, of course, is when Jesus walked on water! Having your feet washed by Jesus, and Walking on the water of The Word is what we all need to do! :thumb:

David M
05-11-2012, 12:52 PM
The "walk", according to scripture, is a kind of spiritual adhesive for all the books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

walk in INTEGRITY - Ps26:11 - walk UPRIGHTLY - Ps84:11 - walk in TRUTH - Ps86:11 - walk in LIGHT - Isa2:5 - walk in THE WAY - Isa30:21 - walk after the SPIRIT - Rom8:4 - walk HONESTLY - Rom13:13 - walk by FAITH - 2Cor5:7 - walk in the SPIRIT - Gal 5:25 - walk WORTHY - Eph4:1 - walk in LOVE - Eph5:2 - walk in WISDOM - Col 4:5 - walk in the LIGHT - 1Jn1:7 - walk in WHITE - Rev3:4

Enoch and Noah "walked with God"; ..Isaiah "walked naked and barefoot", and Jacob's WALK would surely have been changed after he wrestled the 'angel' (epiphany or precept, Hos12:4) and had his thighbone 'touched'. But, of course those were the times before the scripture was completed, and Isaiah wouldn't have known to put on the spiritual armor or shoes of the preparation of the gospel. Eph6:17.

If you've made bad decisions in the past and are suffering the consequences, the secularists will say "you made your bed and you'll have to lie in it". Bible scholars will say "the way of the transgressor is hard", but Jesus says: "Take up your bed and WALK", Jn5:8. You CAN become a new creature in Christ Jesus!

"For we walk by faith, not by sight", 2Cor5:7

The ultimate walk, of course, is when Jesus walked on water! Having your feet washed by Jesus, and Walking on the water of The Word is what we all need to do! :thumb:

Hello Bob

thanks for the list, but you missed an important one;

Micah 6:8 and to walk humbly with thy God


05-11-2012, 02:20 PM
Hard to walk humbly when you're a joint-heir with the King. (*kidding).
Tks for the update, David, mybad, and wouldn't surprise me to find more.. I think of it as 'glue' between Gen. and Rev. :) :thumb: