View Full Version : Sign of Jonah Arrived 2010
Lotus Feet
04-01-2012, 09:49 AM
Richard and I disagree on the timeline, I say that it is the last days of the end times and he disagrees. So I will make a few posts with different subject headings on biblical prophecies that have been fulfilled and what the prophets said about the timeline and the criteria that they gave. In some cases it is important to cross reference, because experienced biblical scholars are aware that the book of Revelation is a compilation of prophecies from the Jewish prophets.
I will tell you now that I am more interested in biblical prophecy that relates to current events; I do not spend hours discussing other texts due to the sheer immensity of what is taking place on the planet at this point in time.
So this thread is for the sign of Jonah. You have the perfect right to agree or disagree. My role is to share the truth and the evidence so that people can KNOW truth for themselves.
The Sign of Jonah
38 Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, 'Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.'
39 He answered, 'A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! [/B[B]]But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41 The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here. 42 The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here.
43 'When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.'
1. Jesus tells the Pharisees that the sign of Jonah will be seen by a wicked and adulterous generation in Israel.
2. Son of Man that is a term of endearment for a prophet. 150 Biblical scholars at the Jesus Seminar agree with Geza Vermes that when Jesus was speaking about the Son of Man to come he was not speaking about himself.
3. Queen of the South will rise.
'Will rise' is future tense.
It also includes the name of the Queen of the South that matches the Torah.
4. The Judgement of Israel and the Pharisees.
5. He tells them that she is greater than Solomon and his wisdom.
Why is she greater than Solomon? Solomon married people from different nations to keep the peace. Solomon was prepared to adulterate his own soul and energy to keep the peace for Israel. In other words Solomon's love and body was for sale in exchange for peace, and Jesus knew that love is not for sale. 'People are not a commodity, without love they become so' from Sacred Words
Wisdom is also mentioned in Rev 13 and wisdom was called to do the count.
Modern day what religion says it is a religion of peace? Islam.
Now cross-reference that with Rev 12 and the wondrous woman from heaven has the moon under her feet. The crescent moon is also a symbol of Islam and sits on their flags and mosques.
The sign of Jonah turned up in Israel in 2010 and the scientists were baffled by it.
Following that there was the flotilla disaster and then 5 million trees burned down on Mount Carmel Jewish New Year. Carmel is also the mount of the Prophets and Our Lady. I was sent there in 2006 and 2007.
The direction of the South is also the direction of the prophets and that was another sign being given in the words of Jesus.
He mentioned the number THREE and 2010 was a three year.
In addition to the whale turning up. If you look at the last judgement fresco by Michelangelo, at the top of the painting is Jonah with the whale. Everything underneath it is being destroyed including the Church.
The predictions that Jesus made are amazingly accurate.
Richard Amiel McGough
04-01-2012, 10:53 AM
Richard and I disagree on the timeline, I say that it is the last days of the end times and he disagrees. So I will make a few posts with different subject headings on biblical prophecies that have been fulfilled and what the prophets said about the timeline and the criteria that they gave. In some cases it is important to cross reference, because experienced biblical scholars are aware that the book of Revelation is a compilation of prophecies from the Jewish prophets.
I will tell you now that I am more interested in biblical prophecy that relates to current events; I do not spend hours discussing other texts due to the sheer immensity of what is taking place on the planet at this point in time.
So this thread is for the sign of Jonah. You have the perfect right to agree or disagree. My role is to share the truth and the evidence so that people can KNOW truth for themselves.
Hey there Lotus Feet, :tea:
I think this is an excellent idea. You have presented your theory clearly, and that gives us something to work with.
I will respond to each of your points.
1. Jesus tells the Pharisees that the sign of Jonah will be seen by a wicked and adulterous generation in Israel.
That is mostly correct. And what was the meaning of the "sign of Jonah?" Nothing could be more obvious. Jesus explicitly states that it referred to his resurrection which happened in the first century. This is confimed by his statement that the sign would be given to "this generation" - that is, the first century generation to whom he spoke. You erred when you claimed that Jesus said the sign of Jonah would be seen by "a" wicked generation in Israel. He explicitly said "this" generation - meaning the generation to whom he spoke.
2. Son of Man that is a term of endearment for a prophet. 150 Biblical scholars at the Jesus Seminar agree with Geza Vermes that when Jesus was speaking about the Son of Man to come he was not speaking about himself.
It is true that the term "son of man" was used in reference to the prophet Ezekiel, but I see no reason to call it a "term of endearment." On the contrary, the term is used to emphasize the mortality of the prophet - that he was a human being.
I have no idea how you (or anyone) could possibly think that Jesus was not referring to himself with that term. Just before he was arrested he plainly referred to himself as the "son of man" -
Mark 14:41 And he cometh the third time, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: it is enough, the hour is come; behold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
There are many examples that establish this fact beyond all dispute. I think you must have misunderstood what the Jesus Seminar folks were saying. In any case, your assertion will remain unfounded until you give a citation of the source so I can check it.
3. Queen of the South will rise.
'Will rise' is future tense.
It also includes the name of the Queen of the South that matches the Torah.
Yes, the "will rise" is future - and future time it refers to is explicitly stated to be the time of "judgment." There is absolutely nothing that would suggest Jesus was predicting a woman like you showing up in the 21st century.
4. The Judgement of Israel and the Pharisees.
I don't understand why you wrote this sentence fragment.
5. He tells them that she is greater than Solomon and his wisdom.
He tells them no such thing. On the contrary, he says that he himself is greater than Solomon.
Why is she greater than Solomon? Solomon married people from different nations to keep the peace. Solomon was prepared to adulterate his own soul and energy to keep the peace for Israel. In other words Solomon's love and body was for sale in exchange for peace, and Jesus knew that love is not for sale. 'People are not a commodity, without love they become so' from Sacred Words
Those words are just you own invention. They have nothing to do with the "Sign of Jonah" and they are based on your false assumption that the text says the Queen of the South was greater than Solomon. You have simply misread the Bible on this point.
Wisdom is also mentioned in Rev 13 and wisdom was called to do the count.
Yes, and the number given sums to the value of Nero Caesar = 666. This confirms that the prophecy was talking about first century events.
Modern day what religion says it is a religion of peace? Islam.
Now cross-reference that with Rev 12 and the wondrous woman from heaven has the moon under her feet. The crescent moon is also a symbol of Islam and sits on their flags and mosques.
But the text says nothing of any "crescent moon" so you application to Islam has no foundation in the text. And besides, your method is totally erroneous because the symbol of the woman standing on the moon crowned with stars has a BIBLICAL meaning that was perfectly well known in the first century when Islam did not even exist.
The sign of Jonah turned up in Israel in 2010 and the scientists were baffled by it.
Now you are just making random associations. A grey whale displaced from its normal habitat has absolutely nothing to do with the Sign of Jonah. You are just making random associations. No rational person would have any reason to associate that event with the biblical sign of Jonah.
Following that there was the flotilla disaster and then 5 million trees burned down on Mount Carmel Jewish New Year. Carmel is also the mount of the Prophets and Our Lady. I was sent there in 2006 and 2007.
So what??? You are making more random associations. Your thinking process appears to be severely disordered. There is no logical connection between the events you are taking as "signs" and what you think they mean.
The direction of the South is also the direction of the prophets and that was another sign being given in the words of Jesus.
There mere mention of the word "south" provides no "sign" of anything.
He mentioned the number THREE and 2010 was a three year.
Every third year is a "three" year. Another random association.
In addition to the whale turning up. If you look at the last judgement fresco by Michelangelo, at the top of the painting is Jonah with the whale. Everything underneath it is being destroyed including the Church.
So what? You have given no reason for thinking that the "sign of Jonah arrived in 2010." You "logic" is totally disjointed, random, and utterly meaningless as far as I can tell.
The predictions that Jesus made are amazingly accurate.
Yes - Jesus said that his resurrection was the Sign of Jonah and that it would be given to the first century generation, and that's exactly what happened.
I really hope you will try to respond to my answers.
All the very best,
Lotus Feet
04-01-2012, 01:53 PM
First, the intention of this thread Richard, is to outline a prophecy of the last days of end times and provide the evidence that what Jesus said would happen, did in fact happen. It is about the 'Sign of Jonah' so please keep on track with the sign of Jonah.
1. Jesus predicted that the sign of Jonah would be given to the Jewish orthodox Priests.
2. The sign of Jonah is the whale and that it would arrive in Israel.
3. The whale did in fact arrive in Israel exactly as he predicted.
4. After the whale arrived, the judgement upon Israel orthodox began as he predicted that it would.
5. The generation being judged is the generation when the sign of Jonah arrived.
Now let us respond.
1. Jesus tells the Pharisees that the sign of Jonah will be seen by a wicked and adulterous generation in Israel.
That is mostly correct. And what was the meaning of the "sign of Jonah?" Nothing could be more obvious. Jesus explicitly states that it referred to his resurrection which happened in the first century.
Well there are different views on that. This is the view of Jesus Christ
29 Jesus replied, 'You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. 31 But about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you, 32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’[a]? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.' Matthew 22:29-32
This is confimed by his statement that the sign would be given to "this generation" - that is, the first century generation to whom he spoke. You erred when you claimed that Jesus said the sign of Jonah would be seen by "a" wicked generation in Israel. He explicitly said "this" generation - meaning the generation to whom he spoke.
He was talking about the generation of priests that would exist in Israel when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel.
If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.' Mark 8:38
As you can see he is talking about the future.
Time for a musical break.
So what holy angels is he speaking about in the book of Mark?
The blessed healers.
Did I feel ashamed?
Yes, I felt ashamed when Israel and Lebanon were murdering each other.
2. Son of Man that is a term of endearment for a prophet. 150 Biblical scholars at the Jesus Seminar agree with Geza Vermes that when Jesus was speaking about the Son of Man to come he was not speaking about himself.
It is true that the term "son of man" was used in reference to the prophet Ezekiel, but I see no reason to call it a "term of endearment." On the contrary, the term is used to emphasize the mortality of the prophet - that he was a human being.
I recommend you read a book called 'Jesus the Jew' by Geza Vermes he devoted a complete chapter to the 'Son of Man'.
Daniel was also referred to as 'Son of Man'.
The LORD God called me 'Ben Ami' in Hebrew and when I called a friend in Israel to ask her what it means she told me it means 'Son of my People'.
I have no idea how you (or anyone) could possibly think that Jesus was not referring to himself with that term. Just before he was arrested he plainly referred to himself as the "son of man" -
There are times when he refers to himself as Son of Man and there are are incidences where he is talking about a different reality. In the same way as he told you that he had to leave so that another comforter would come. By the way Muslims have told their people that Mo was the comforter that Jesus predicted would come. However, the LORD God has outwitted them all.
In the 'Gospel of Peace' he also speaks of the 'Son of Man' and again he is not speaking of himself.
Jesus said 'I tell you truly, the Book of Nature is a HOLY SCROLL, and if you would have the Sons of Men save themselves and find everlasting life, teach them how once again to read from the living pages of the Earthly Mother. For in everything that is life is the law written. It is written in the grass, in the trees, in the rivers, in the mountains, birds of the sky and fishes of the sea; and most of all in the Son of Man.
Only when he returns to the bosom of the Earthly Mother will he find everlasting life and the Stream of Life which leads to his Heavenly Father; only thus may the dark vision of the future not come to pass". The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 4, Teachings of the Elect. It is clear in this passage that again, Jesus was not talking about himself because he already was one with the Father.
There are many examples that establish this fact beyond all dispute. I think you must have misunderstood what the Jesus Seminar folks were saying.
No, the difference is that the real biblical scholars have examined many texts not just the bible.
In any case, your assertion will remain unfounded until you give a citation of the source so I can check it.
Go to the Jesus Seminar scholars yourself and see above addition citations.
There was also another citation
Abd-ru-shin author of "In the Light of Truth - The Grail Message" also claims that the Son of Man is the Spirit of Truth that Jesus promised to send in the end times to continue Christ's mission. They are the Paraclete. [6]
The Jesus Seminar
According to the biblical scholars at the Jesus Seminar, the phrase "son of man" (or "son of Adam") sometimes refers to a heavenly figure that is to come, but when Jesus uses this phrase he is not referring to himself.[7]
7. Funk, Robert W., Roy W. Hoover, and the Jesus Seminar. The Five Gospels. HarperSanFrancisco: 1993. p. 76-77.
3. Queen of the South will rise.
'Will rise' is future tense.
It also includes the name of the Queen of the South that matches the Torah.
Yes, the "will rise" is future - and future time it refers to is explicitly stated to be the time of "judgment." There is absolutely nothing that would suggest Jesus was predicting a woman like you showing up in the 21st century.
Jesus was fully fully aware about the Jewish prophecies about the woman. He even said my name in Aramaic when he healed the child featured in the scripture. She is featured throughout the biblical prophecies. However, as I have said to you before I could write a whole book about it. In the book of Revelation the one that was victorious and overcome, the one that that he put upon his throne and gave the hidden manna, is the same woman in Rev 12, she is wisdom in Rev 13.
Wisdom that was called to do the count.
4. The Judgement of Israel and the Pharisees.
I don't understand why you wrote this sentence fragment.
He was telling the Jewish priests that it did not matter what they did to him, another person was coming to judge them. That is why he told his followers another comforter would come to help them. It just happens in the text that started this post he calls the 'Queen of the South' the South is the direction of the prophets. As such, he was telling them that the Queen of the Prophets was coming to judge the orthodox when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel.
5. He tells them that she is greater than Solomon and his wisdom.
He tells them no such thing. On the contrary, he says that he himself is greater than Solomon.
We will have to agree to disagree.
Solomon has reincarnated in this lifetime and he knows that I know who he is.
Those words are just you own invention.
They have nothing to do with the "Sign of Jonah" and they are based on your false assumption that the text says the Queen of the South was greater than Solomon. You have simply misread the Bible on this point.
Yes, and the number given sums to the value of Nero Caesar = 666. This confirms that the prophecy was talking about first century events.
But the text says nothing of any "crescent moon"
Jesus spoke to his followers in parables, many messages are in the layers. I will share more in a different thread of what else he had to say about Islam to warn his followers.
Now you are just making random associations.
A grey whale displaced from its normal habitat has absolutely nothing to do with the Sign of Jonah.
LOL :lol:
You are just making random associations. No rational person would have any reason to associate that event with the biblical sign of Jonah.
Now check out the 'Last judgement' fresco in the Vatican and the fresco part of Jonah and the whale.
[COLOR=#0000ff]Following that there was the flotilla disaster and then 5 million trees burned down on Mount Carmel Jewish New Year. Carmel is also the mount of the Prophets and Our Lady. I was sent there in 2006 and 2007.
So what??? You are making more random associations. Your thinking process appears to be severely disordered. There is no logical connection between the events you are taking as "signs" and what you think they mean.
Prophet Isaiah predicted the fire in this timeline. I can make a full post on that if required.
Mount Carmel Fire - Isaiah 42
There mere mention of the word "south" provides no "sign" of anything.
Every word he spoke had meaning.
Every third year is a "three" year. Another random association.
2010 was a three year, not every year is a three year. The number three also has importance.
He also mentioned 'day' and 'night', that relates to the revelation given to King David in Psalm 92. First the Lute of Lovingkindness would come, then the Harp of Faithfulness. Jesus was the Lute of Lovingkindness.
He gave them 3+3 = 6 = Star of David.
We also had the star of david that appeared at the eclipse for the whole world to see.
Onwards and upwards Richard for the LORD God said 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'.
Lotus Feet
First, the intention of this thread Richard, is to outline a prophecy of the last days of end times and provide the evidence that what Jesus said would happen, did in fact happen. It is about the 'Sign of Jonah' so please keep on track with the sign of Jonah.
1. Jesus predicted that the sign of Jonah would be given to the Jewish orthodox Priests.
2. The sign of Jonah is the whale and that it would arrive in Israel.
3. The whale did in fact arrive in Israel exactly as he predicted.
4. After the whale arrived, the judgement upon Israel orthodox began as he predicted that it would.
5. The generation being judged is the generation when the sign of Jonah arrived.
You are kidding right? :confused:
It really seem simple why get so confused? Jesus used the story of Jonah and the great fish which derived from the myth of the dragon in the sea as mentioned by Isaiah as Leviathan. In given the nonbelievers a sign Jesus referred to Jonah and him being in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. Jesus planly stated what the sign was.....
For as Jonah was in three days and three nights in the fish's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matt. 12:40)
In this Jonah then becomes a type of Christ in that Jonah foreshadowed redemption. Lets understand the picture that the story of Jonah pertays to the reader. Jonah was running away from God and his word, thus Jonah was separated from God. In the story we see that Jonah was casted into the 'sea' becasue the waves was rolling the ship back and forth. In this image the sea is used in a metaphorical narrative to denote the indecision of Jonah as being tossed back and forth whether to follow God's word or not.
Sea also can denote 'deep' or 'darkness' which those can mean being separated from God. Now how would that be a sign of Jonah? Well both Jonah and Jesus was separated from God for three days and three nights. In the three days and three nights of Jesus being in the earth. He was being separated for the purpose of purification and consecration before he would be go before God as into the Holy of Holies. Lets remember the three days requirement before the people could come to the mount of Sinai. (Exodus 19:9-15)
So given these images of the 'sign' of Jonah it would NOT be a whale, but the three days and three nights in which Jesus laid in the tomb. Unless you also read from the text that the whale is that dragon serpent having seven heads and a tail? :eek:
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