Lotus Feet
03-31-2012, 01:06 PM
In another video regarding the Islamic meat it features the meat scandal at Asda, now Asda is owned by Walmart USA. The farmers have also benefitted from the Islamic meat trade in recent years because Muslims eat a lot of meat. No surprise then that the LORD God brought a biblical plague upon animal farming in the UK. For you should not provoke the LORD our God. Amos 5 warned the farmers what would happen and that they would weep and mourn.*
What else does the bible say about the word 'provoke'. In the book of Deuteronomy it states 'Do not provoke them to war'. Deu 2:5 'Do not harrass'. Well the people of the nations have certainly been provoked by Islam. 'Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools'. Ecc 7:9.*
Prophet Jeremiah speaks about the people of Israel and Judah have provoked me by all the evil they have done-they, their kings, officials, priests, and prophets, the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem. Jeremiah 32:31-33. Is it any surprise that he is provoked when Obama gets involved in the business of sovereign nations? Obama and his Liberal supporters do not allow Israel to be a sovereign nation with Jerusalem has its own.*
Ezekiel chapter 8 appears to be to do with this timeline in Jerusalem. It mentions a 'person who has the appearance as bright as glowing metal'. It also mentions the hand of the Spirit that takes Ezekiel up by the lock of his hair. He is taken to Jerusalem to be shown what is happening.*
At the entrance of the north gate is an idol and an image that provokes jealousy, so what is the idol in the north gate and what does it relate to today? The North gate is the Damascus gate, it is the main gate into the old city and a market is held there and there are stalls inside and outside of it.*
It is also referred to as the 'Arab bazaar'. In the shops inside they are full of figures and idols. In the Aramaic translation the word is 'lust' not 'jealously'. An image of 'lust that provokes to lust'. This could be to do with materialism that is striving to destroy spirituality. However, the Aramaic text also mentions a statue to do with the image of 'lust that provokes lust'. This is the Muslim quarter of the old city. That gate is the only gate that is topped with*decorative statuettes.
Part of an inscription above the gate remains which reads;
"To the colony of Aelia Capitolina by order of the city dignitaries."
The Damascus Gate rests upon the Neapolis Gate's foundation and was the only one of the gates of Jerusalem to be recognized and used in such a manner by the Romans. Hadrian attempted to erase the memory of Jerusalem from the face of the earth. This included renaming the city Aelia Capitolina and banning Jews from entering the gates of Jerusalem.
Hadrian's new city, Aelia Capitolina, extended from the Damascus Gate to the Gate of the Chain, another of the lesser known gates of Jerusalem. Hadrian erected Roman statues on the Temple Mount, also erecting a Temple to Zeus. Found during a much later excavation was an inscription over the Double Gate to the Emperor Titus. The inscription was originally on the base of a statue to Antonius Pius. The statue was located on the Temple Mount in the days of Aelia Capitolina.
Over the course of the years stones were taken from monuments, statues and other structures and used in construction on various projects. This is how the inscription to Titus, originally part of a statue on the Temple Mount, ended up upside down as part of the Double Gate. The Damascus Gate, as stated earlier, was known as the Neapolis Gate during the Roman time period of Aelia Capitolina. [2]
When I approached that gate in 2007, I was pushed and poked by other women, it was made perfectly clear to me. that a person from the West was not welcome by the Muslims that claim it as their own.*
A Muslim doctor friend from Pakistan was also shocked to hear that I was not allowed to enter the mosque. Nobody is allowed to enter but Muslims.*
I can see how the image of that inscription and the gates history from Roman times could provoke 'lust' to take Jerusalem from the Jewish people. I can also see how Rome is willing to conspire with Islam, *because from experience I know that the Arab quarter sells a lot to promote Rome, and what it stands for. The Arab quarter is filled with idols.*
Chapter*8*then*tells*you*that*Ezekiel says he saw the elohim of Israel. The elohim of Israel then shows Ezekiel what is described as 'detestable things'.*
It speaks of the shrines to do with idols, how the land is filled with violence, and the mourning of the women. Apparently, 'Dumuzi is the older Sumerian name for Tammuz, and it means 'the good offspring'. Tammuz was associated with healthy animals and babies. [1] However, Hebrew Strongs number 08542 it means 'sprout of life'.*
Ezekiel tells us how he was taken up by his hair and was taken to the temple in Jerusalem. As we know modern day that is the Mosque. The chapter also describes what is going on, including the digging and the hole in the wall.*
No surprise then that the Damascus Gate is in the news. The report states that thousands of Palestinians gathered there yesterday to take part in a rally for Palestinian land day. You can see from the picture that there are not only Palestinians at this rally, the report states that Israeli forces attacked the peaceful protestors and some of the police were on horseback. So once again, instead of Israel allowing the good to support their cause, they bring shame upon themselves and their supporters. Israel you cannot continue to face peaceful protest with violence. Otherwise you put yourselves in the same space with other oppressive regimes.*
In 2007, I had a similar divine experience to Prophet Ezekiel, I was taken to Jerusalem in the time when the 2nd temple was being destroyed, and 100,000 people being slaughtered. It was like being in a film, I was actually there, I had been taken back in time to experience what happened. People and children were running everywhere and the priests could not be seen anywhere. There was nobody to help them as I was ushering children out of the way of the men on horseback. During the destruction of the people, the temple was also destroyed. Yet, my concern was for the children, and why there no help for my people. I looked everywhere and the priests were missing and nowhere to be seen.*
Then after my return from Israel in 2007, there was a press release published in the media, stating that an escape route out of the city of Jerusalem had been excavated. This is how the priests escaped the violence that befell it, and they knew in advance. However, they didn't anticipate that their precious temple would be destroyed. If and when any priest gives an order to harm the people, then the LORD God removes his presence from them, because violence vexes the Spirit of God.*
I was shown Jerusalem, Israel in the past and Prophet Ezekiel was shown what would happen in the future.*Everything that is described in Ezekiel chapter 8, describes Israel and Jerusalem has it stands now. So what is the solution for 'lust'?
In the book of numbers 'lust' is associated with 'prostitution' and as we know people do 'lust' after possessions, material things, and in the case of the Palestinians, a city called Jerusalem. The combination of the word 'lust' and 'prostitution' also relates to money. As such those that lust for Jerusalem in Israel, do have a motive, and I am sorry to say, that the Ezekiel text indicates that it is financially driven.*
Isaiah 57 mentions how they burn with lust, they sacrifice children, symbols on their doors and doorposts. *Lust is to do with an earthly reality, and is far away from the divine, and all that is sacred.*
So what solution did our heavenly Father give to us for Israel? His counsel and instruction was that everyone must leave the old city, that Israel and everywhere Palestinians live should become a world heritage site. That Unesco should have an office in the old city, that the old city is to become as it was meant to be a place where the elderly, single parent mothers and their children could live in safety.*
The Dome of the Rock is to be run by a co-operative of healers, to be a healing and training centre for healing courses. A sacred and holy place where children from all over the middle east can come to heal in the peace of a colorful reality. All colors of the rainbow of hope, of a brighter future, embraced in the rainbow and the covenant for the children. When healing and the children are the focus, then the LORD God will listen to you, but while the nations continue to lust after that which does not belong to them, they will continually destroy themselves with their materialism. As it says in Proverbs 30 about Obama and his family, they never say enough. That means they are never satisfied due to a lack of healing the self of their 'lust' so that they may ascend beyond a purely earthly reality.*
In another video regarding the Islamic meat it features the meat scandal at Asda, now Asda is owned by Walmart USA. The farmers have also benefitted from the Islamic meat trade in recent years because Muslims eat a lot of meat. No surprise then that the LORD God brought a biblical plague upon animal farming in the UK. For you should not provoke the LORD our God. Amos 5 warned the farmers what would happen and that they would weep and mourn.*
What else does the bible say about the word 'provoke'. In the book of Deuteronomy it states 'Do not provoke them to war'. Deu 2:5 'Do not harrass'. Well the people of the nations have certainly been provoked by Islam. 'Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools'. Ecc 7:9.*
Prophet Jeremiah speaks about the people of Israel and Judah have provoked me by all the evil they have done-they, their kings, officials, priests, and prophets, the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem. Jeremiah 32:31-33. Is it any surprise that he is provoked when Obama gets involved in the business of sovereign nations? Obama and his Liberal supporters do not allow Israel to be a sovereign nation with Jerusalem has its own.*
Ezekiel chapter 8 appears to be to do with this timeline in Jerusalem. It mentions a 'person who has the appearance as bright as glowing metal'. It also mentions the hand of the Spirit that takes Ezekiel up by the lock of his hair. He is taken to Jerusalem to be shown what is happening.*
At the entrance of the north gate is an idol and an image that provokes jealousy, so what is the idol in the north gate and what does it relate to today? The North gate is the Damascus gate, it is the main gate into the old city and a market is held there and there are stalls inside and outside of it.*
It is also referred to as the 'Arab bazaar'. In the shops inside they are full of figures and idols. In the Aramaic translation the word is 'lust' not 'jealously'. An image of 'lust that provokes to lust'. This could be to do with materialism that is striving to destroy spirituality. However, the Aramaic text also mentions a statue to do with the image of 'lust that provokes lust'. This is the Muslim quarter of the old city. That gate is the only gate that is topped with*decorative statuettes.
Part of an inscription above the gate remains which reads;
"To the colony of Aelia Capitolina by order of the city dignitaries."
The Damascus Gate rests upon the Neapolis Gate's foundation and was the only one of the gates of Jerusalem to be recognized and used in such a manner by the Romans. Hadrian attempted to erase the memory of Jerusalem from the face of the earth. This included renaming the city Aelia Capitolina and banning Jews from entering the gates of Jerusalem.
Hadrian's new city, Aelia Capitolina, extended from the Damascus Gate to the Gate of the Chain, another of the lesser known gates of Jerusalem. Hadrian erected Roman statues on the Temple Mount, also erecting a Temple to Zeus. Found during a much later excavation was an inscription over the Double Gate to the Emperor Titus. The inscription was originally on the base of a statue to Antonius Pius. The statue was located on the Temple Mount in the days of Aelia Capitolina.
Over the course of the years stones were taken from monuments, statues and other structures and used in construction on various projects. This is how the inscription to Titus, originally part of a statue on the Temple Mount, ended up upside down as part of the Double Gate. The Damascus Gate, as stated earlier, was known as the Neapolis Gate during the Roman time period of Aelia Capitolina. [2]
When I approached that gate in 2007, I was pushed and poked by other women, it was made perfectly clear to me. that a person from the West was not welcome by the Muslims that claim it as their own.*
A Muslim doctor friend from Pakistan was also shocked to hear that I was not allowed to enter the mosque. Nobody is allowed to enter but Muslims.*
I can see how the image of that inscription and the gates history from Roman times could provoke 'lust' to take Jerusalem from the Jewish people. I can also see how Rome is willing to conspire with Islam, *because from experience I know that the Arab quarter sells a lot to promote Rome, and what it stands for. The Arab quarter is filled with idols.*
Chapter*8*then*tells*you*that*Ezekiel says he saw the elohim of Israel. The elohim of Israel then shows Ezekiel what is described as 'detestable things'.*
It speaks of the shrines to do with idols, how the land is filled with violence, and the mourning of the women. Apparently, 'Dumuzi is the older Sumerian name for Tammuz, and it means 'the good offspring'. Tammuz was associated with healthy animals and babies. [1] However, Hebrew Strongs number 08542 it means 'sprout of life'.*
Ezekiel tells us how he was taken up by his hair and was taken to the temple in Jerusalem. As we know modern day that is the Mosque. The chapter also describes what is going on, including the digging and the hole in the wall.*
No surprise then that the Damascus Gate is in the news. The report states that thousands of Palestinians gathered there yesterday to take part in a rally for Palestinian land day. You can see from the picture that there are not only Palestinians at this rally, the report states that Israeli forces attacked the peaceful protestors and some of the police were on horseback. So once again, instead of Israel allowing the good to support their cause, they bring shame upon themselves and their supporters. Israel you cannot continue to face peaceful protest with violence. Otherwise you put yourselves in the same space with other oppressive regimes.*
In 2007, I had a similar divine experience to Prophet Ezekiel, I was taken to Jerusalem in the time when the 2nd temple was being destroyed, and 100,000 people being slaughtered. It was like being in a film, I was actually there, I had been taken back in time to experience what happened. People and children were running everywhere and the priests could not be seen anywhere. There was nobody to help them as I was ushering children out of the way of the men on horseback. During the destruction of the people, the temple was also destroyed. Yet, my concern was for the children, and why there no help for my people. I looked everywhere and the priests were missing and nowhere to be seen.*
Then after my return from Israel in 2007, there was a press release published in the media, stating that an escape route out of the city of Jerusalem had been excavated. This is how the priests escaped the violence that befell it, and they knew in advance. However, they didn't anticipate that their precious temple would be destroyed. If and when any priest gives an order to harm the people, then the LORD God removes his presence from them, because violence vexes the Spirit of God.*
I was shown Jerusalem, Israel in the past and Prophet Ezekiel was shown what would happen in the future.*Everything that is described in Ezekiel chapter 8, describes Israel and Jerusalem has it stands now. So what is the solution for 'lust'?
In the book of numbers 'lust' is associated with 'prostitution' and as we know people do 'lust' after possessions, material things, and in the case of the Palestinians, a city called Jerusalem. The combination of the word 'lust' and 'prostitution' also relates to money. As such those that lust for Jerusalem in Israel, do have a motive, and I am sorry to say, that the Ezekiel text indicates that it is financially driven.*
Isaiah 57 mentions how they burn with lust, they sacrifice children, symbols on their doors and doorposts. *Lust is to do with an earthly reality, and is far away from the divine, and all that is sacred.*
So what solution did our heavenly Father give to us for Israel? His counsel and instruction was that everyone must leave the old city, that Israel and everywhere Palestinians live should become a world heritage site. That Unesco should have an office in the old city, that the old city is to become as it was meant to be a place where the elderly, single parent mothers and their children could live in safety.*
The Dome of the Rock is to be run by a co-operative of healers, to be a healing and training centre for healing courses. A sacred and holy place where children from all over the middle east can come to heal in the peace of a colorful reality. All colors of the rainbow of hope, of a brighter future, embraced in the rainbow and the covenant for the children. When healing and the children are the focus, then the LORD God will listen to you, but while the nations continue to lust after that which does not belong to them, they will continually destroy themselves with their materialism. As it says in Proverbs 30 about Obama and his family, they never say enough. That means they are never satisfied due to a lack of healing the self of their 'lust' so that they may ascend beyond a purely earthly reality.*