View Full Version : UK Agents of Islam 'Path of Treason'

Lotus Feet
03-30-2012, 03:15 AM
Well Islam's agents are on the move again. Ken Livingstone a London candidate for the position of the mayor of London, plans to make 'London a beacon of Islam'. He describes the words of Mohammed as being 'an agenda for all humanity'. [1] The mosque in Finsbury Park where he gave his address is linked to a banned terrorist group that ran the mosque previously. The mosque itself was also reported to the charity commission for forging the signatures on key legal documents.

In addition Livingstone has poured British tax money into Islamic activities in London and it looks like it is in exchange for votes from Muslim voters.

If you look at what Ken Livingstone is saying, it should concern everyone in the West. It states in the words of Mohammed that a person of 'piety and good action' is superior over both black and white people. As we know orthodox Muslims consider themselves to be people of piety and good action, especially those that support Sharia law and finance that Western bankers have signed up to.

In addition, celebrity ex-MP, George Galloway, that supported Hamas and Hezbollah has been re-elected in a bi-election in West Bradford due to it being a population of Muslims. We support his anti-war message against other nations. However, it is clear that Jihad is going on in this land of Joseph, it is non-violent and it is sophisticated.

I once asked a Muslim if Islam plans to take over the world, he replied 'If your governments agree'. Well as you can see from the remarks of Ken Livingstone, there are plenty of politicians that are prepared to be agents for Islam. This also comes at a time when the Olympic village has been sold to Qatari and Qatari are buying up prime sites in the West. I tell you, Westerners will end up working for Arabs, if they do not align their will with the will of the LORD our God. In my experience, of knowing 4 Arab businessmen, some Muslims don't pay their taxes either.

Galloway claimed the path to his victory went back to "the path of treason by Tony Blair in 1994" that has taken Labour "so far away from its traditional supporters that people feel neglected and betrayed".[2]

You are absolutely correct Galloway, 'Treason' is the right word. Can you own it? Your words Galloway, is leading people down the "path of treason'. Just like you stood with Hamas and Hezbollah during the Lebanese -v- Israel war in 2006. The British people do feel 'neglected' and 'betrayed' by those that have stood with Islam, instead of their own people and nation. As an Iranian Muslim said 'The British people are being discriminated against'.

Isaiah 44 mentions the 'fools' and those that will be 'overthrown'. However, I rather like this quote.

'A nation can survive its fools… but it cannot survive treason from within. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear.'
-Cicero 42 B.C.

Does it remind you of Obama?

1. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/andrewgilligan/100144946/ken-livingstone-i-will-make-london-a-beacon-of-islam/

2. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/mar/30/george-galloway-bradford-west-byelection

David M
03-30-2012, 03:50 AM
Hello Lotus Feet

Thanks for pointing these things out. These are important milestones leading to the Kingdom of God and the reason for Christ to come again. It is more evidence that these people are merely pawns in executing God's plan. God knows how to hit the 'hot buttons' of these people and God knows how people will respond/react. It is only the faithful few who are seeing God's hand behind this. This is exactly how God operated when Pharaoh rejected Moses's plea to let his people go. God did not harden the heart of Pharaoh, but God knew exactly how Pharaoh would respond. This is not manipulation, people have free choice, but God knows human nature so well, He knows how people will react and what they will chose.

Please keep reporting news like this on this forum as I like to know of events taking place which I have missed. It is all part of the picture leading up to the return of Christ. At one time, when Muslims were not so dominant, the Catholic Church was seen to be the great apostacy and now my thinking, in light of events, is changing to thinking that the great apostacy might be that of Islam.

I am not against Muslims who practice the good teachings of Islam, in which they are to respect people who do not hold the same teaching. Muslims should not be against Christian individuals for what they believe. Muslims and Christians can unite and condemn the attrocities done in the name of both religions. Both institutions, as they become, have a lot to answer for. Individually, we all answer for ourselves. It does seem that the radicalized are doing great harm to the basic good teaching within their faith and have created an evil and wicked agenda.

I did think it would be the Catholic Church which would oppose Christ when he returns, but now, this might be Islam that opposes him. In the end, I expect both will oppose Christ. Not being thoroughly certain at the moment, keeps me on my toes in anticipation of events.

Thanks for the post.


Lotus Feet
03-30-2012, 04:38 AM
Hello Lotus Feet

Thanks for pointing these things out. These are important milestones leading to the Kingdom of God and the reason for Christ to come again. It is more evidence that these people are merely pawns in executing God's plan. God knows how to hit the 'hot buttons' of these people and God knows how people will respond/react. It is only the faithful few who are seeing God's hand behind this. This is exactly how God operated when Pharaoh rejected Moses's plea to let his people go. God did not harden the heart of Pharaoh, but God knew exactly how Pharaoh would respond. This is not manipulation, people have free choice, but God knows human nature so well, He knows how people will react and what they will chose.

Please keep reporting news like this on this forum as I like to know of events taking place which I have missed. It is all part of the picture leading up to the return of Christ. At one time, when Muslims were not so dominant, the Catholic Church was seen to be the great apostacy and now my thinking, in light of events, is changing to thinking that the great apostacy might be that of Islam.

I am not against Muslims who practice the good teachings of Islam, in which they are to respect people who do not hold the same teaching. Muslims should not be against Christian individuals for what they believe. Muslims and Christians can unite and condemn the attrocities done in the name of both religions. Both institutions, as they become, have a lot to answer for. Individually, we all answer for ourselves. It does seem that the radicalized are doing great harm to the basic good teaching within their faith and have created an evil and wicked agenda.

I did think it would be the Catholic Church which would oppose Christ when he returns, but now, this might be Islam that opposes him. In the end, I expect both will oppose Christ. Not being thoroughly certain at the moment, keeps me on my toes in anticipation of events.

Thanks for the post.


Well I haven't met a Catholic yet that did not love the Messenger of the Covenant that the LORD sent to help them. Even the retired head a Catholic Church in Jerusalem said he couldn't wait to listen to the gift I had given him, and to see the faces of the other priests when they saw it on his desk.

However, they were not told who I was at the time, they were not told who I am. Many came for divine guidance and some came to train as healers as well.

It appears David that you feel that the LORD our God supports the 'Sons of Darkness' and their actions? I have to agree to disagree with you. For there is no darkness in him. Just because the Dead Sea Scrolls predicted the war between the 'Sons of Darkness and the 'Sons of Light', does not mean that he is supporting both sides.

However, as Geza Vermes wrote the prophecies did predict divine intervention. Although the LORD our God, allows the Sons of Darkness and Sons of Light to battle it out until the Sons of Light choose to come to the aid of 'the one' that the LORD God sent to help the Sons of Light. Surprise, surprise its a woman. As Prophet Jeremiah predicted, the LORD will make a new thing and a 'woman will encompass a man'.

In the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation, the Leopard Obama is mentioned.

The 'slave that became a king', and his family are also mentioned in Proverbs 30. However, the LORD God sent his Virgin to stand against the Son of Lawlessness that supports Islam and the Nation of Islam just as Prophet Zephaniah predicted he would. The LORD God also sent his daughter ZION to the USA at the end of April 2008, (Micah 4) to warn Americans about Obama and what would happen if he was elected. Also that they were being set up for the fall. However, Americans did not have the ears to listen at that time. As we know, Isaiah 44 also mentions the chief officer that takes their money, that chapter also mentions the towers.

If you asked me whether the LORD our God stands with Israel or Saudi Arabia?

He stands with Israel and he made divine intervention to fulfill the biblical prophecies in perfect timing.

Thank you for sharing David.
