View Full Version : English - the 3rd language of the Bible?

11-20-2007, 10:55 AM
Hi all!

After reading quite a lot of Richard's work and pondering especially over the Links and KeyLinks, I asked myself if English is the 3rd language of God.

Many KeyLinks can only be found in the KJV (a fact that in itself raises some questions) and most of today's deeper/coded biblical understandings are found by English speaking people.

I do especially compare findings to the German language and its Bibles since I was raised bilingual and live in the UK as well as in Austria.

Hebrew and Greek were the languages of God's choice to write the Bible and hide/code HIS gems in it. And it seems to me that English is the language to unseal/decode this book...

Any ideas? :confused:



Richard Amiel McGough
11-20-2007, 12:00 PM
Hi all!

After reading quite a lot of Richard's work and pondering especially over the Links and KeyLinks, I asked myself if English is the 3rd language of God.

Many KeyLinks can only be found in the KJV (a fact that in itself raises some questions) and most of today's deeper/coded biblical understandings are found by English speaking people.

I do especially compare findings to the German language and its Bibles since I was raised bilingual and live in the UK as well as in Austria.

Hebrew and Greek were the languages of God's choice to write the Bible and hide/code HIS gems in it. And it seems to me that English is the language to unseal/decode this book...

Any ideas? :confused:


Hi Michael,

Welcome to our forum! :welcome:

There are lots of folks that think English was designed by God with a "code" similar to Hebrew and Greek gematria. On this forum, the user known as "ccc" has presented his case with many examples. I personally don't find it convincing. I explained my reasons in the thread called GOD'S GEMATRIA, THE VICTORS, SONGS AND "HARPS".

But don't let that discourage you from sharing your ideas and insights! I don't know any group of people that agree about everything. And besides, it would be rather dull if they did.

As for the KJV - I do believe there is evidence that its development was guided by the "hidden hand of God" because He knew He was going to use to to evangelize the world and that it would become destined to become the dominant planetary textform of the Bible. So it was important to "get it right." But I'm not "KJV Only" by any stretch of the imagination because that idea is altogether fallacious and very misleading.

I look forward to your contributions.

God bless!


12-20-2007, 04:10 PM

Rota, You are indeed on to something of great importance. I think you may find it interesting to re-read the Tower of Babel story on this. At the time everyone was of one tongue. This one language was then mixed up and produced the languages we know today. Interestingly, and not widely known or taught anywhere is that English ended up with a high percentage of Hebrew roots as it's base. If you look at the world with this understanding the world suddenly makes far more sense. :)

12-25-2008, 08:00 PM
[QUOTE=rota;3555]Hi all!

After reading quite a lot of Richard's work and pondering especially over the Links and KeyLinks, I asked myself if English is the 3rd language of God.

Many KeyLinks can only be found in the KJV (a fact that in itself raises some questions) and most of today's deeper/coded biblical understandings are found by English speaking people.

I do especially compare findings to the German language and its Bibles since I was raised bilingual and live in the UK as well as in Austria.

Hebrew and Greek were the languages of God's choice to write the Bible and hide/code HIS gems in it. And it seems to me that English is the language to unseal/decode this book...

I largely agree with Michael's sentiments. But we must keep in mind that Edenic (Pre-Hebrew) is the language of the Lord, the angels, Adam and Eve, and our ancestors before The Tower of Babel kickstarted multi-national human history as we know it.

If crucial news had to go out in the 1st Century. It would have to be in the language of Greek. No language has a larger vocab than English, so it is wonderful for Bible translation. Anyone who considers Edenics another language is displaying their ignorance. Biblical Hebrew displays divine design, as our Edenics project has begun (only 30 years) to document.

I don't think I can attach or paste large docs. here, but email mozeson@yahoo.com for proof of Greek, German and English being scrambled forms of Biblical Hebrew.

In brief, ETYMOLOGY comes from Greek etmos, truth. This E-T-M is a scrambling of אמת EMeT, Hebrew truth.
Says who?! Why is the Hebrew any better?

Answer 1) Because the sub-root Met-Tahf means "death" (source of mortal).
The Aleph negative prefix (as the A in Asymmetrical) makes Hebrew truth mean "immortal" or "undying."

Answer 2) Aleph is the first letter of the Aleph-Bet. Tahf is the last. The middle letter of אמת EMeT, the Mem, is precisely the middle. Truth lies in the middle, between extremes.

Study on. Blessings, Isaac Mozeson