View Full Version : The Teachings of Dan B

dan b
03-18-2012, 05:33 PM
In this world the truth is not just the truth, but it also has a heavenly purpose. It is not mystical, it is logical. Those who don't understand grasp at patterns, symbols that match, and antidotes that inspire. Those who understand the purpose of human life soon just stand back and watch it happen just as it was written. By who was it written? By God. He has set us on an upward spiralling path to his house in heaven. It is a place beyond the 6 dimensions of this world.(6 directions)


The heavenly bodies which can be seen in the sky bring us light. The stars bring just a glimmer and a twinkle, the moon reflects a dull pale light and the Sun illuminates the world into full daylight. In the Bible the Sun, the moon and the stars are used to represent the three rules of governance in this world.

"Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the Sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night,...." Jer.31;36

Just as the heavenly bodies each shine differing degrees of light unto us, so too do the three laws and ordinances give us different degrees of understanding and protection.

1. The Stars represent the words of the Prophets which brought the Tribes of Israel advice and understanding.

2. The Moon represents the written Law which Moses taught to the Tribes of Israel to prepare them to enter into the Old Testament Covenant. It called for an enforcement of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." Ex.21;24

3. The Sun represents the New Christian Covenant that teaches us to add "Compassion and Mercy" to the Law of Justice. This was demonstrated to us when Jesus continued to heal on the Sabbath. Mt.12;10 Mk.3;2 Lk.6;7 Jn.7;23

The Sun, the Moon and the Stars were all created on the 4th day of Genesis. Gen.1;16 But each of them shines a different type of light and represents a different law. They each have their own type of people to whom they appeal. They each have their own flocks to guide. This is what I Cor.15;41 means when it says;

"There is one glory of the Sun, and another glory of the Moon, and another glory of the Stars."

"The Sun to rule by day: Moon and Stars to rule by night." Ps.136;8,9


It is possible to see the development and the progression of these three forms of government with the aid of history books and with the Bible. When Adam and Eve are described as leaving the garden of Eden it was into a harsh and natural world of the "survival of the fittest." That is why Gen.2;17 says;

"......cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;..."In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread." Gen.3;19

During this first 2000 year period that began with Mesopotamian Civilization human beings strengthened and sustained themselves in the natural world by using the methods of "survival of the fittest." They used the methods of capitalism and applied these to every aspect of life. It was dog eat dog and the strongest and the most clever soon got ahead of their brothers in every perspective of life. And whenever there arrived a very clever and most innovating man he was as a star adding light and a greater glimmer of understanding to the ones around him. This method of natural selection and of having the populous of humanity following the brightest men,(stars/prophets) made Mesopotamian and Egyptian Civilizations to develop into invigorated, innovative and prosperous societies.

But when the covenant of the Moon arrived it brought a light much brighter than that of the Stars. Under Moses's directions from God this covenant began the Law of Justice among men. When the 12 tribes of Israel crossed into the Promised Land they had the intention of establishing the first government of equal justice among men. They even added an equalizing Jubilee to keep the economy equal and just. Lev.25;50

This new covenant of the Moon was the Law of Justice understandable to all mature human beings. This method of government made each individual feel more worthwhile and justified in his right as a citizen compared to how life had been under nature. Now instead of creeping around in danger, he had security and could now go out to plow his field without taking his weapons. The law of justice was a light for the people in the Civilizations living under it. But they were still living in the "night-time." (for this reason the verses of Genesis say "the evening and the morning were the .....day."Gen.1;5 But this phrase stated describes the night-time!)

But when the night had ended and the day-time did arrive, the understanding of human beings was greatly illuminated in pure sunshine. When the day arrived the "moon" immediately turned invisable. Just as our moon in this physical world remains in the sky, but is unseen in the daytime, so too does the law of Justice remain, but invisibly for the people living under the light of the Sun. The light of the Sun is as the Christian Second covenant and it is a light from "within." Jer.31;31 Heb.8;10

The Law of Justice and also much much more is under this light which isfollowed from each individuals heart and mind. This law from within adds "Compassion and Mercy" to Justice. In this way it is the most superior law that humanity can know.

"For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in thier hearts;..." Heb.8;10

dan b
03-18-2012, 06:29 PM
3000AD - JUDGMENT DAY Rev.20;12

...........The 7th Millennium/Promised Rest for Christian Nations. Heb.4;1,9 Rev.21;24
...........A Kingdom ruled by Conscience

...........40 year time of temptation Rev.3;10(before entering this promised land)
.........................1000 yrs divided by 24 = 40 years/one hour 2Pet.3;8

............Law of Liberty - Ja.1;25
............Law of God after the inward man Rm.7;22
............A new covenant Jer.31;31............."Times of Gentiles"Lk.21;24
............Justified by Grace Tit.3;7


...........Davidic covenant 2Sam.23
...........Levitical covenant Num.25;12
...........Sinaitic covenant Ex;19;5,6
...........Moses's Covenant Deut.27;9..."Law is schoolteacher"


...........Jacob's covenant Gen.28;20
...........Abraham's covenant Gen.15;18
...........Noachian covenant Gen.9;9
...........Edenic covenant Gen.3;15
4000BC............................................ ........

All of these first covenants are an exchange made to the mutual advantage to both parties. They are interactions where blessings are given in an exchange for obligations of allegiance and loyalty. Even a dog exchanges allegiance with his master. In Gen. 28;20 Jacob vows that if he will be fed and clothed and cared for, then God would be his God.

All of these Covenants are concerned with Justice, Equality and Fairness between human beings. These covenants indicate how people should act among each other, and they describe the relationship between the people and the Priests and Kings. They are an advance upon the governance of "natural tendancies" whose motivations are spurred on only by selfish desire.

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts; and I will be to them a god, and they shall be to me a people;" Heb.8;10

In this world we can find three catagories of animal type consciousness in existence.

1.Wild Beasts
2.Domesticated Animals
3.Conscious Human Beings

These three catagories of animal type life on our planet are found to operate under three distinct types of Laws.

1.Nature's Law(survival of fittest)
2.Domestic Rules
3.Human Sentiment

Therefore each of these three laws are based upon;

1.Strength and Violence
2.Rules and Agreements
3.Conscience and Understanding

........................WILD BEASTS..............................

The survival of the fittest is the type of government of the wild beasts. They are wild because they are unpredictably aggressive against others. Whereas in contrast domesticated animals are more often predictably co-operative. Wild beasts, be they cold-blooded animals, warm-blooded animals, or even human beings, are following a type of natural self serving activity. They live thier lives as individuals. They are concerned only about their own personal needs, desires, hopes and aspirations. And they will natually do whatever is necessary to achieve them be it to trick, steal, or even sometimes to kill.

Wild Beasts have no type of agreed upon rules or law. This is because they are not in agreement with anyone other than themselves, their family or maybe their tribe. Whether we consider animal wild beasts or people with human being bestial type personalities, the similarity is that they attempt to dominate and survive at the expense of others. The ones that survive the constant challenges and conflicts of thier beastial world usually are the smarter, stronger, and the more cunning and clever. In this wasy the survival of the fittest type of situation does indeed nurture a continuously revitalized generation of animals and beastlike people.

These animals tear each other apart with their teeth and consume their flesh for nutition. some human beings destroy and steal the possessions or ambitions of other people only to fuel their own personal and selfish desires. Both of these animal and human beastial type personalities can believe that since their aggressively cunning and violent behaviour is what has allowed them to survive, that it is therefore right to continue it and to teach it to their children. Because this type of behaviour is what is necessary to exist and survive in this type of world. In order simply to "be", they must be "be easts."

"He appointeth the moon for seasons; the sun knoweth his going down. Thou makest darkness, and it is night: wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth. The young lions roar after thier prey, and seek their meat from God. The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together, and lay them down in their dens. Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening." Ps.104;19-23

dan b
03-18-2012, 07:44 PM
Domesticated animals seem to have a different consciousness than wild beasts. They consider themselves part of a cooperative with agreements and rules. There are often many different animals in a barnyard and each of them finds it's own place by fitting into a system where all of them survive and thrive. Under domestic conditions the welfare of each individual is to the benefit of all the others.

Although each individual domesticated animal or each human being participating in a civil society is very concerned about their own personal affairs they don't trampel others. Life in a domesticated or so called civil society is conducted upon agreements and rules.

When a rule or an agreement is broken by someone, then they are punished with the use of force and by violence. In this way the laws are up held by the fear of the punishment. For this reason criminality and beastial behaviour seldom occur in a society under the law. The people and animals living under this system can therefore live their domesticated lives with physical and economic security and be more emotionally carefree. As long as they live under these rules they do not need to know the exact reasons or functioning of them. By ignorantly obeying "just and proper laws" their lives can prosper. But they must always continue to "do" their "do mestic" do/ uties."

............................CONSCIOUS HUMAN BEINGS......................

Conscious human beings live in a realm of individual consciousness. Although they are often living in a cooperative civilization of one kind or another they think independently. And it is only during this type of consciousness that mankind can really understand himself.

Conscious human beings follow thier own conscience. They have a conscience because of their preoccupation with mental analysis of all of life's features and ongoing events. Because they have memorized enough suitable words and use a convenient and practical grammer system to think with, most human beings are intelligent. The word conscience is likewise composed of the prefex "con" which means "with," and the word "science" which is mental understanding. The word "conscience" is not used in the Bible until the New Testament where it appears exactly 31 times.(God created the world in 31 verses of Gen.1)

Following your conscience leads to increased consciousness. This is because a person's conscience is fully truthful and therefore always leads inevitably towards truth and reality. In this way it is beyond their control. Conscience always benefits the emotional and mental realities of a human being in a very positive way.

Conscious human beings see the need for the competing and striving of the wild beastial mentality. This is because they have come to understand the exhilarating vibrancy and the flavorfullness of living a natural life obeying only their natural instincts. But they also see the shortfalls and inadequacy of the beastial type of consciousness for human beings. This is because conscience leads to kindness and this is seldom ever found in nature.

Conscious human beings are also disatisfied with a society that is exclusively preoccupied with domesticated rules and regulations. A government and a society that is established entirely on an unflexable set of laws and rules gives no vent to individualism. And it is only this freedom to be individualistic that allows us to pay attention to our conscience. This is because conscience is a personal cognition.

Conscience is kind as can be seen when a person opens up his true feeling and ideas to other people. Reality then becomes bigger, and a bigger world is much more emotionally satisfying because understanding unites individuals into a similar reality. Conscience is also just. Some human beings try to escape it. Stealers, murderers and all types of connivers hope that their cleverness, strength or violence will lead them to happiness. But they are mistaken as their lives become more and more hidden, unethical and alienated. Mental understanding intrudes into their happiness and they start to realize that to produce as much as you consume is a necessary exchange for emotional contentment. In this same way a person can only gain affection in proportion to the amount that he gives away.

When they give up their self-control, as do domestic animals, then they lose their self-control. Then others or something else controls them. A free man doesn't buy land or pay taxes to anyone. Justice for a conscious human being in this present world years for equality!


1. Survival of the fittest(fighting, tricking, sneaking ect.)
2. Domesticated(the Law of Justice) Following along with the Cooperative
3. Conscience(son of man) Compassionate understanding from within

Survival of the fittest personalities are like constantly moving wild animals. They are always looking this way and that and nervousness is thier trait. Fighting and tricking others while trying to defend themselves is thier natural calling. In modern society these people are often in the marketplace. Their natural talents are here fully appreciated. Their natural tendancies of planning schemes and communicating in demanding and insistent ways are prevelent in the business and market atmospheres.

Domesticated personalities are types of people who feel secure and comforable among others in a cooperative atmosphere. Their personalities need to be led and accepted by those around them in approval as if they lacked thier own confidence. Like cows and horses and dogs, some people are herd animals and need a place that will accept them.

At last the "son of man" will arrive in all his full glory. Rev.14;14 Coming on a white cloud of heavenly understanding this type of personality alone will enter the kingdom of heaven that is within. His thoughts will become angels ministering to his understanding and when his realization fully breaks forth, as in Rev.14;14 then his consciousness will be in heaven. Luke 17;21 14;33 12;15,34 Where the carcass is, there the vultures will be tearing the corpses to pieces. Matt.24;28 But walking about on two legs among us rides the kingdom of heaven, even now, at this time. For Jesus said it quite clearly even with his first sentence. Mark 1;15 Luke 9;27 (The Kingdom of heaven is within you.)

As the sun progressed from the east and unto the west so also has civilization moved along after leaving Mesopotamia in 4000BC. And just as the human mental temperment is divisable into three types of personalities, so too is history and society divisable into three. Societies over the last 6000 years to the north and west of Jerusalem have been of the three religious cultures;(north and west is the dirction travelled by the Sun beginning in the springtime.March)


These three religious cultures had their highest aspirations and ambitions in the following attainments.

1.An Earthly Kingdom
2.Heaven on Earth
3.Heaven in Heaven

The Pagans or worshipers of physical reality and the forces of revolving nature can find nothing more desirable than a kingdom upon the earth. To someone who believes that the physical elemental and biological manifestations are the entire experience of humankind then this is his highest attainment. But without the Law danger remains unchecked and most peole didn't live very long.

This is why the history of the Hebrew tribes of Israel crossing of the Jordan River has never been forgotten. Because after they had crossed thr river Moses had instructed them about how to establish and live in a "kingdom of heaven on earth." There they would be under the law of an "eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth." Breaking the laws was strictly enforced with sever punishments. Everyone must act and behave the same in this organized domestic regime.

By establishing a law for almost every aspect of life, security was brought to the land. This type of security, and over such a large area had been unknown in the world until this time. Even in the ancient civilizations the strongest and most clever people had cheated and robbed their neighbors. But in the promised land of the Old Testament Covenant there was finally justice and economic security. This is because the Jubilee called for the return of all lands to their original holders every 50 years. Lev.25;13

But with Christianity the one who takes advantage of others or gains at thier expense is below Christ's law. Christ taught that to enter the kingdom of God it is "better to give than to recieve."Lk.25;13 And to win in life is to earn a good self image of yourself to yourself, and God will recognize this in heaven.

Therefore Christianity, which is the last of the three religious cultures is actually built upon the knowledge and experience of the formers. Only after disillusionment and lonliness with the Paganistic selfish ideal of an earthly kingdom in this beastial jungle did human consciousness progress and realize the advantage and desirablility of a cooperative society. And only after fully experiencing an existence in a kingdom governed by unflexible and therefore repressing laws and rules, and administered on an umpersonal and unmercyfull basis, was it possible for the new Christian concepts to be understood.

Understanding these things, and the fact that they are the foundations of the Holy Bible's principles, will help lead a person to reality.

The purpose of human life is the attainment of everlasting life.