View Full Version : Why are Christians looking in texts instead of for the one?

Lotus Feet
02-04-2012, 07:08 PM
The book of Revelation tells you that the one that was victorious and overcome was put upon his throne. That same person was made a pillar in the temple of the LORD. It also tells you that they were told the name of the city of his God. In other words the name of the place that the LORD has chosen for the building of his new holy city of enlightenment.

So why are the Christians constantly quoting texts instead of looking for the one?

I tell you why, they are so attached to Jesus and their texts that they cannot see beyond their noses.

02-04-2012, 08:20 PM
The book of Revelation tells you that the one that was victorious and overcome was put upon his throne. That same person was made a pillar in the temple of the LORD. It also tells you that they were told the name of the city of his God. In other words the name of the place that the LORD has chosen for the building of his new holy city of enlightenment.

So why are the Christians constantly quoting texts instead of looking for the one?

I tell you why, they are so attached to Jesus and their texts that they cannot see beyond their noses.

Hi Lotus Feet,

As for me, I am "quoting texts" that support the Word revealed--I have come to Him, the One who gives Life--I am not "searching the scriptures in order to have life..." e.g.:

John 5:39-41: "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life."

The Book of Revelation does not say that there is only "ONE" overcomer. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears to me that you believe you are the sole "overcomer," and that the Bible prophesies of only "One" attaining that. I believe it says "to him who overcomes..." in other words, anyone who can pass the tests and go through the refining processes can be an overcomer. I believe there will be thousands and thousands of "overcomers" -- but it seems to me you think YOU are "The One" here??

I follow the ONLY "One" ...


Lotus Feet
02-04-2012, 09:01 PM
Hi Lotus Feet,

As for me, I am "quoting texts" that support the Word revealed--I have come to Him, the One who gives Life--I am not "searching the scriptures in order to have life..." e.g.:

John 5:39-41: "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life."

The Book of Revelation does not say that there is only "ONE" overcomer. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears to me that you believe you are the sole "overcomer," and that the Bible prophesies of only "One" attaining that. I believe it says "to him who overcomes..." in other words, anyone who can pass the tests and go through the refining processes can be an overcomer. I believe there will be thousands and thousands of "overcomers" -- but it seems to me you think YOU are "The One" here??

I follow the ONLY "One" ...


1. The text is clear that there is one person that he chooses to put upon his throne. The text also tells you that person is put in charge of theos creation.

2. Jesus told his followers that the advocate would come and if he did not go away then the next paraclete would not come.

3. Jesus knew that he was not the person that had been promised to Moses. Hence why he told them that another person would come. That is also confirmed in the Psalms.

4. The Jewish prophets predicted that a woman would come. Yet, the information about daughter ZION has never been understood by the Churches. The Christians look into every direction except to the obvious; because they're simply not ready to accept the inevitable.

5. Jesus told his followers that the Queen of the South would come in this timeline. In matthew 24 it also mentions 'the one' and Jesus states that there is 'only one' that is saved in this timeline. It also states that person must share their testimony with the nations. The good news.

6. Why is it good news? The LORD God kept his promise to humanity and my existence proves the existence of the LORD due to the sheer amount of biblical prophecies that have been fulfilled. Of course experience of the divine is also important.

7. My existence and who I am also defeats the claims of Islam and that is another reason why it is extremely important in this timeline.

You say you follow the only one, so who do you follow Jesus or his heavenly Father?

Jesus is my friend and it was Jesus that chose me. However, he is not the only divine Spirit. When people are truly detached from Jesus he can then lead them to meet many divine Spirits as they move through the different rooms in his Fathers mansion and the different heavens. Until such time as they are ready to see the face of the heavenly Father, the LORD.

Experience counts!

Lotus Feet
02-04-2012, 09:25 PM
Interesting that posted at 88 = elohiym. Ram has translated elohiym as God but elohiym does not mean God with a large G.
88 = Mercy, Saints, Wheel, Wise, Victory.

Bob May
02-05-2012, 08:40 AM
1. The text is clear that there is one person that he chooses to put upon his throne. The text also tells you that person is put in charge of theos creation.

2. Jesus told his followers that the advocate would come and if he did not go away then the next paraclete would not come.

3. Jesus knew that he was not the person that had been promised to Moses. Hence why he told them that another person would come. That is also confirmed in the Psalms.

4. The Jewish prophets predicted that a woman would come. Yet, the information about daughter ZION has never been understood by the Churches. The Christians look into every direction except to the obvious; because they're simply not ready to accept the inevitable.

5. Jesus told his followers that the Queen of the South would come in this timeline. In matthew 24 it also mentions 'the one' and Jesus states that there is 'only one' that is saved in this timeline. It also states that person must share their testimony with the nations. The good news.

6. Why is it good news? The LORD God kept his promise to humanity and my existence proves the existence of the LORD due to the sheer amount of biblical prophecies that have been fulfilled. Of course experience of the divine is also important.

7. My existence and who I am also defeats the claims of Islam and that is another reason why it is extremely important in this timeline.

You say you follow the only one, so who do you follow Jesus or his heavenly Father?

Jesus is my friend and it was Jesus that chose me. However, he is not the only divine Spirit. When people are truly detached from Jesus he can then lead them to meet many divine Spirits as they move through the different rooms in his Fathers mansion and the different heavens. Until such time as they are ready to see the face of the heavenly Father, the LORD.

Experience counts!

Hi Lotus,
I don't know your background but I would have to say you got off track somewhere. You are in way over your head.
I think you need to ask your friend Jesus to remove the spirit of crazy from you.
I went to your website and see you have 26 members/followers? That's interesting.

I know this probably won't sink in but I feel I have to say it. I had a lot of smart-ass comments come to mind that I could have said to you but I don't feel that would be appropriate here.
You are in trouble and God is the only one who can help you.
Try praying!!!
I just thought I would say something before your gone.

All the best,

Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 09:49 AM
Hi Bob,

Hi Lotus,
I don't know your background

Indeed you don't Bob. As the LORD said 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'.

but I would have to say you got off track somewhere.

Not I, Bob. However, the Christians have.

Look at this, people think they are worshipping Mary in Chicago, when in fact they are worshipping Fatima. The daughter of the prophet of Islam. The Vatican has compromised with Islam and the Christians are walking straight into it. Now I wonder if that is how they managed to take over the Hagia Sophia, that is how it began there. Interesting that they have found a stone at the Hagia Sophia there with 12 lambs that represent the Apostles.


You are in way over your head.

Yes, the orthodox Christians are Bob.

There are orthodox Christians in the USA that are providing biblical translations in Arabic and they have removed the Father and the Son.

As Jesus said in December 2008, 'The time is nigh'.

John R Watts SIL Judged.

I think you need to ask your friend Jesus to remove the spirit of crazy from you.

Jesus led me home to the LORD our God. His heavenly Father.

So can you heal it Bob?


Seek within, knock and the door shall open for you. 'Need' is to do with the 'inner child' and Jesus told you all that you have to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven. He was asking the people to heal their childhoods. Babies have 'needs' not adults. That is why the Christians were called 'babes in Christ' in the bible.

Many years ago Jesus said to me 'Let them drink from the bosom of your wisdom' from Sacred Words

I went to your website and see you have 26 members/followers? That's interesting.

Indeed 26 is the Hebrew gematria of the name of the LORD.

I do not have followers Bob, I do not have time for followers due to the sheer importance of what I am to do.

However, the fact that 26 registered to keep up to date with the latest information in this timeline is a good sign to you.

Most that receive our information around the world, do not have to register, because the most important info is emailed to them. I have a few databases of people that have witnessed the work for many years.

All for the glory of the LORD.

I know this probably won't sink in but I feel I have to say it.

The USA is sinking like the titantic just like we told them it would.

The time is nigh Bob.

The USA is crashing due to the iceberg and Jesus told you that 'love would grow cold' in this timeline due to what he called the 'wicked' those that do not honor all that is sacred and sent by the LORD to help you all in this timeline. To help you to get on track and turn your hearts to the children as the LORD commands you to. As the prophecies predict they shall put their daughters on their shoulders just like the RAB did with his daughter ZION.

Why is that?

The LORD asks you to put the children above your own heads.

I had a lot of smart-ass comments come to mind that I could have said to you but I don't feel that would be appropriate here.

I understand, I have received a lot of them from the land of ESAU that is the USA in the last five years. The Babylon that is mentioned in Micah 4, Rev 17 and Rev 18. With the president that is the 'slave that became a king' in the Psalms. The psalms tell you that Obama is the 'leech' and that he has two daughters. Prophet Isaiah also told you about the slaughter, the towers and the money being taken in this timeline.

He also told that I would come with the children. Isaiah 8. And that the uprising in EGYPT is testimony of the LORD for his Joseph.

You are in trouble and God is the only one who can help you.

No you are dear one.

Jesus told you that nothing will remain hidden in this timeline, all will be disclosed. The truth will set you all free.

Try praying!!!

The LORD and his Son are with me Bob. The scripture tells you that the Son prayed to the heavenly Father to send me. He also told you that I would be 48 years old when the LORD would summon me. Jesus was correct, he was spot on!

Do you know what the capstone represents Bob? Spiritual Independence. That is why there is a fresco of me in the Arch frame in the Vatican painted by Michelangelo. Check out the Jesse fresco and the one that came from the stump of Jesse. Jesse means wealth and it is to do with my ancestry.

I just thought I would say something before your gone.

All the best,

Why should I be gone Bob?

Open your heart and mind then the truth can enter in, and the LORD and his Son will indeed bless you.

Jesus never cared for orthodoxy and that is why he stood against it. Jesus knew that the orthodox laden the people down and stop them from entering the kingdom of heaven.

Love beyond measure Bob, this timeline is essential if you wish for fishes to remain on the planet.

The LORD asks you for mercy Bob for his blessed one.

As he said 'To HE that understands the promise, there is no secret'.


02-05-2012, 10:43 AM
Hello again, Lotus....

1. The text is clear that there is one person that he chooses to put upon his throne. The text also tells you that person is put in charge of theos creation.

It is a body of people, who are "one" in Him -- with that I can agree. It seems to me, from reading a little more of your comments to others and a bit of your website, that you have indeed received SOME measure of revelation into SOME things, but then you took that to mean it was personal to you only, and came up with all kinds of "evidence" as to why this is so, and are now proclaiming yourself to be "The One" ...

2. Jesus told his followers that the advocate would come and if he did not go away then the next paraclete would not come.

Yes, the Holy Spirit -- The SPIRIT OF TRUTH.

3. Jesus knew that he was not the person that had been promised to Moses. Hence why he told them that another person would come. That is also confirmed in the Psalms.

Again, I believe you are misapplying things to you personally.

4. The Jewish prophets predicted that a woman would come. Yet, the information about daughter ZION has never been understood by the Churches. The Christians look into every direction except to the obvious; because they're simply not ready to accept the inevitable.

Daughter ZION is still not understood by YOU!

5. Jesus told his followers that the Queen of the South would come in this timeline. In matthew 24 it also mentions 'the one' and Jesus states that there is 'only one' that is saved in this timeline. It also states that person must share their testimony with the nations. The good news.

6. Why is it good news? The LORD God kept his promise to humanity and my existence proves the existence of the LORD due to the sheer amount of biblical prophecies that have been fulfilled. Of course experience of the divine is also important.

7. My existence and who I am also defeats the claims of Islam and that is another reason why it is extremely important in this timeline.

See above... There have been many, many people (unfortunately) who get a "taste" of the Age to come and then think they are "the only one" ("I am Elijah..." etc.). There's a ditch on either side of the Path of Life...if the adversary can't keep you down on one side, he'll push you over the edge of the other... When you "identified" with the woman of Rev 12, it was to let you know you were to be a PART of that, NOT that you yourself were that woman!!!

You say you follow the only one, so who do you follow Jesus or his heavenly Father?

Jesus is my friend and it was Jesus that chose me. However, he is not the only divine Spirit. When people are truly detached from Jesus he can then lead them to meet many divine Spirits as they move through the different rooms in his Fathers mansion and the different heavens. Until such time as they are ready to see the face of the heavenly Father, the LORD.

Experience counts!

Jesus is also my friend, and also chose me, and also chose MANY others. He was the firstborn of MANY who are called to be huios Sons....

You are repeatedly telling us all to heal our inner child...I think that's the key for you, actually, and WHY you are so focused on that in everyone else. I think you need to heal whatever it is from your childhood that has allowed you to drift into this...


Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 11:00 AM
1. The text is clear that there is one person that he chooses to put upon his throne. The text also tells you that person is put in charge of theos creation.

Why are you quoting the text? Was not the point of your thread that we are not supposed to "look in texts" but rather "look for the one?"

2. Jesus told his followers that the advocate would come and if he did not go away then the next paraclete would not come.

Yes, and he was speaking of the Paraclete (Holy Spirit) that came at Pentecost nearly 2000 years ago. To think he was talking of you is rank delusion.

3. Jesus knew that he was not the person that had been promised to Moses. Hence why he told them that another person would come. That is also confirmed in the Psalms.

That's not true. Peter testified that Jesus was the person promised to Moses.

Acts 3:22 For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. 23 And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. 24 Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. 25 Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. 26 Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.

How is it that you choose to deny what is plainly written? Are you male? The text says "HIM ye shall hear."

How is it that you think to claim to have the "wisdom of Solomon" yet you can't see that your writings look delusional? This is really very simple. If you were who you claim to be, you would have sufficient wisdom to know that your claims are indistinguishable from the ravings of a self-absorbed, delusional, megalomaniac. This is itself all the proof anyone needs to know you are delusional. You don't have sufficient self-awareness to recognize how delusional you sound to others.

6. Why is it good news? The LORD God kept his promise to humanity and my existence proves the existence of the LORD due to the sheer amount of biblical prophecies that have been fulfilled. Of course experience of the divine is also important.

:hysterical: :dizzy: :doh:

Bottom line: If you were who you claim to be, you would have sufficient wisdom to know that your writings are indistinguishable from the ravings of a self-absorbed, delusional, megalomaniac. The fact that you are unaware of this is itself proof that you are delusional. Realization of the contradiction between reality and your beliefs is your only path to freedom. I hope you find it.

All the best,


Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 11:08 AM
The LORD is calling out those with the name 'BOB' in this timeline.

On the 31st of January 2012, the LORD gave me the word 'BOB'.

Byron Reactor Warning - USA

BOB and another nuclear event warning.

Now Bob May is the third BOB to be called out.

However, the word MAY is very significant.

It relates to the May Queen that is featured in the song 'Stairway to Heaven'.

The planetary energies moved in Master 22 energies on the 22nd of May 2004 as ordained by the LORD.

Also daughter ZION was sent to Israel in May 2006 and the LORD planted HER in Jezreel exactly as Prophet Hosea had predicted. The holy gathering of spiritual Israeli's was held on his holy hill in Northern Israel. 22 people attended the gathering at the true birth place of Jesus in the north. A place where they have found the ancient ramparts of an ancient city.

When the email was first sent to Israel to just a few email addresses that had been provided.

Jesus told me to wait, be patient, that they would come on Sunday. Indeed they did come on Sunday, a blessed one was inspired to engage with the invitation and was compelled to contact me and get the show on the road. It was because of her that they spiritual Israel's engaged. Anat also picked me up from the airport and I arrived late at night just like prophecies predicted that I would. Like a 'thief in the night'. The biblical prophecies predicted that I would be written in the records of Israel. Indeed I am, written in the records of Tel Aviv airport and the places where I stayed on the first mission to Israel to fulfill the will of the LORD for his divine purpose and divine plan to help his people.

In May 2006, I was invited to stay with a couple and their child for as long as I wish. I stayed for a week with them and I was in Israel for three weeks with the measuring line.

A comet was exploding during the three week stay there in May 2006.

The wonderful spiritual Israeli that I stayed with, knew who I was, and I told her at that time the LORD had sworn me to secrecy. I did not tell her who I was, she knew who I was. So we did not even share it with her husband or child at that time. Although they knew that she was happy that I had arrived.

In 2007, the LORD decided it was time to start revealing me to those that could be trusted. It went on from there further afield, the more that we began to explain the biblical prophecies and what had been fulfilled.

The LORD asks you all for mercy for his blessed one, that has experienced much in the last 58 years on the planet to fulfill the divine plan.

If you show mercy towards her, he will also be merciful to you.

For the LORD asked for mercy not sacrifice.

MAY is also to do with the blessing of the Sea of Galilee on the 22nd of May 2006. While we were in Israel. Seven were called to attend that day and a lovely Franciscan monk looked on and watched us in the water outside the tiny St Francis Church where the birds are allowed to fly within it.

It was a very special time and the energy of the land of Israel is very powerful indeed. To walk where the Son of God walked is mighty indeed.

My view is this, that the whole of Israel should be made into a world heritage site for the children of the world. To preserve its sanctity due to the sheer amount of history that it contains. Of course, the tomb of Joseph is also in the West Bank that was originally part of Israel.

Israelis say at the tomb of Joseph that it was Joseph that saved them from the famine and it will be Joseph that will redeem them.

The biblical prophecies also told you that a 'scroll of remembrance' would be given. It was given to me at the start of the gateway opening of the holy gathering, on the holy hill on the 13th of MAY 2006. Oh that scroll that was given by an Israeli, are the names Joseph and Sophia. The names of my ancestors from both sides of the family. Moses also asked for the blessing from the LORD to be given to a descendant of Joseph.

What I am sharing with you is very important, if you wish to avoid the famine that is mentioned in Rev 6 America. Especially as GMO killer mosquitos have been released in the USA, and they have also released a rabbies virus in Florida.

Listen well dear ones, the LORD does have your best interests in his heart.

Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 11:14 AM
I know this probably won't sink in but I feel I have to say it. I had a lot of smart-ass comments come to mind that I could have said to you but I don't feel that would be appropriate here.


As you know, this is a very open forum. I encourage you to speak the truth as plainly as possible, in the spirit of love, of course. Our new friend is lost in a world of delusion. I take her posts as a cry for someone to help her find her way out of the labyrinth of self-deception into which she has fallen. Being a "mirror" to help her see what her claims really sound like is probably the best thing we can do for her. I don't know how long she will be able to tolerate the intense glare of the truth, but I'm willing to help in any way I can.

I think you need to ask your friend Jesus to remove the spirit of crazy from you.


I just thought I would say something before your gone.

She's already "gone" - we're trying to help her find her way back to the real world.


Bob May
02-05-2012, 11:17 AM
Hi Lotus,

Hi Bob,
Why should I be gone Bob?

Oh. I don't know,.. maybe it's just a feeling or maybe it's a prophecy. You decide.
Just do me a favor, when it happens, think about what I and others here have told you.

The LORD asks you for mercy Bob for his blessed one.

You don't need my mercy. You have done nothing wrong to me.
What you need has been covered already in the last three posts.
Some self examination and healing from God.
Best of luck and God's blessings.


Bob May
02-05-2012, 11:20 AM

As you know, this is a very open forum. I encourage you to speak the truth as plainly as possible, in the spirit of love, of course. Our new friend is lost in a world of delusion. I take her posts as a cry for someone to help her find her way out of the labyrinth of self-deception into which she has fallen. Being a "mirror" to help her see what her claims really sound like is probably the best thing we can do for her. I don't know how long she will be able to tolerate the intense glare of the truth, but I'm willing to help in any way I can.


She's already "gone" - we're trying to help her find her way back to the real world.


I agree entirely Richard.


Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 11:25 AM
The LORD and his Son are with me Bob. The scripture tells you that the Son prayed to the heavenly Father to send me. He also told you that I would be 48 years old when the LORD would summon me. Jesus was correct, he was spot on!

Where did Jesus say that the "Queen of the South" would be revealed when she was 48 years old?

Why should I be gone Bob?

There's no reason you "should" be gone - it's just a good guess that you will choose to leave when you get tired of people presenting truth that contradicts your grandiose claims about yourself.

02-05-2012, 11:31 AM

As you know, this is a very open forum. I encourage you to speak the truth as plainly as possible, in the spirit of love, of course. Our new friend is lost in a world of delusion. I take her posts as a cry for someone to help her find her way out of the labyrinth of self-deception into which she has fallen. Being a "mirror" to help her see what her claims really sound like is probably the best thing we can do for her. I don't know how long she will be able to tolerate the intense glare of the truth, but I'm willing to help in any way I can.


She's already "gone" - we're trying to help her find her way back to the real world.



Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 11:32 AM
There have been many, many people (unfortunately) who get a "taste" of the Age to come and then think they are "the only one" ("I am Elijah..." etc.). There's a ditch on either side of the Path of Life...if the adversary can't keep you down on one side, he'll push you over the edge of the other... When you "identified" with the woman of Rev 12, it was to let you know you were to be a PART of that, NOT that you yourself were that woman!!!

Very well stated! That is the root of many delusions. People experience an expansion of consciousness but still cling to their ego, so the ego inflates when it should have been transcended. It can be a very rough ride ...

Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 12:07 PM
Hello again, Lotus....
It is a body of people, who are "one" in Him -- with that I can agree. It seems to me, from reading a little more of your comments to others and a bit of your website, that you have indeed received SOME measure of revelation into SOME things, but then you took that to mean it was personal to you only, and came up with all kinds of "evidence" as to why this is so, and are now proclaiming yourself to be "The One" ...

Hello deb,

The prophecy in Rev 3 is not about a 'body of people'. Nor is the prophecy in Matthew 24, or Rev 12 or Micah 4. Although many people like to think it is. Psalm 45 also tells you about the Queen that wore the golden gown and that gown was gifted by the one termed as a Princess. The Princess did not know that I had already been instructed to wear gold for the delivery of the everlasting covenant for the children to Jerusalem in September 2007 on the 9th.

When the Princess purchased that golden gown, she actually purchased it for herself. It was bought in Saudi and she was there with her husband on a business trip. The golden gown was made in India. She had brought a different gown for me in maroon back with her. However, she asked me to try on the golden gown and when I was wearing it, she said 'You must have it'. That is how the golden gown in the Psalms came to be, it was indeed gifted to daughter ZION.

That golden gown is also on my lap in the ELIAKIM fresco and Rev 12 tells you that I am dressed in the sun. There is only one that has fulfilled these biblical prophecies. There is only one that he chose to put upon his throne.

Yes, the Holy Spirit -- The SPIRIT OF TRUTH. Again, I believe you are misapplying things to you personally.

First you have to understand that Jesus was a paraclete and he also predicted another paraclete would come to help his followers. He told them that is why he had to go away and if he did not go away then the next paraclete would not come.

One of the meanings of paraclete is 'summoned' and summoned is different to 'calling'. Hence the saying 'Many are called but few are chosen'. The holy spirit is about being born again a Holy Spirit and Jesus also spoke a little about that to Nicodemus. However, he also told Nicodemus that if you do not accept what I say about earthly things then how will you understand heavenly things?

Daughter ZION is still not understood by YOU!

Yes daughter ZION is understood by me and it is for you understand.

Daughter ZION was sent to Babylon USA in 2008 and it was predicted in Micah 4. When Daughter ZION arrived in the USA, the Prince of Peace Church in Philadelphia burned to the ground. Once again she arrived at night time exactly as the prophecies predicted. Jesus warned his followers that the buildings would burn in the flames. Just like the Church did. The scripture also warned his followers not to build upon his foundations with building materials. The followers of Jesus did not heed his words. For if you did here would no Churches in the USA. We have a saying in England, that the USA have Churches on every corner and we have pubs. As we know Jesus was called a 'drunkard' because he mixed with those that drink.

See above... There have been many, many people (unfortunately) who get a "taste" of the Age to come and then think they are "the only one" ("I am Elijah..." etc.).

Yes, I am always calling them out, and for me it is easy to do; due to the sheer depth and breadth of the criteria involved.

There's a ditch on either side of the Path of Life.

Maybe for you, not for me.

Jesus trained me to walk in integrity and his way his UPRIGHT. That is what ascension of the being is all about. The ascent of the Tree of Life.

..if the adversary can't keep you down on one side, he'll push you over the edge of the other... When you "identified" with the woman of Rev 12, it was to let you know you were to be a PART of that, NOT that you yourself were that woman!!!

It was Jesus that confirmed to me that I am the woman in Rev 12 and daughter ZION in Micah 4.

The woman in Rev 12 is also ELIAKIM and that is why Michelangelo painted a fresco of her that sits in the Vatican.

You see the criteria for 'the one' is absolutely huge. However, I am happy to review the claims of anyone that feel that they are the woman from Rev 12.

Who has my trustful loyalty? Jesus does, the Lute of Lovingkindness.

The Psalms also told you that two people would come.

First the Lute of Lovingkindness would come at day time. That was Jesus Christ.

The second that had been promised first to Moses would come at night time. The Harp of Faithfulness.

The prophecy also tells you that it is the combination of the Lute and the Harp that makes a resounding impact on the Lyre.

As we know, there are also 24 elders mentioned in the book of Revelation that also have a harp.

Also the book tells you that it is only the 144,000 that can hear the new song. So I am not surprised that you cannot hear deb.

Jesus is also my friend, and also chose me, and also chose MANY others. He was the firstborn of MANY who are called to be huios Sons....

You are a Son of God then deb, would you like to share with the forum how being born a Son of God came to be? Or have you already done so on this forum.

Do you truly know what the 'fruit' pertains too?

Let's see shall we.

You are repeatedly telling us all to heal our inner child...I think that's the key for you, actually, and WHY you are so focused on that in everyone else. I think you need to heal whatever it is from your childhood that has allowed you to drift into this...


Deb, I am the teacher of righteousness. I was teaching people to heal their inner child a decade ago. I healed my own inner child decades ago.

So can you heal it?


That word shows the LORD exactly where you are deb. That is why in the bible the Christians are called 'Babes in Christ'.

Come now, time for the healing of the nations. So that they can ascend in the supreme love of the golden age.

Love beyond measure


02-05-2012, 12:10 PM

As you know, this is a very open forum. I encourage you to speak the truth as plainly as possible, in the spirit of love, of course. Our new friend is lost in a world of delusion. I take her posts as a cry for someone to help her find her way out of the labyrinth of self-deception into which she has fallen. Being a "mirror" to help her see what her claims really sound like is probably the best thing we can do for her. I don't know how long she will be able to tolerate the intense glare of the truth, but I'm willing to help in any way I can.


She's already "gone" - we're trying to help her find her way back to the real world.


This is a classic case of much mixture. By little mixture or much the enemy will deceive. This is not even subtle mixture of truth and lies. Very blatant.

Talking usually does not usually help that much as can be witnessed on this site and others over and over. A person always needs personal revelation in order to adjust their thinking. And they have to recognize they have a need otherwise they won't be open to adjust their thinking and there is nothing that anyone can do except pray for God to move in that person's life.


Bob May
02-05-2012, 12:24 PM
Hi Lotus,

What Richard and Deb have said is true.
Let me put it in a slightly different light, from a different angle.

What you are going through and describing is what I like to call "Finding Yourself in Scripture."
You are not unique in this. It first happened to me around 30 years ago.
It is supposed to happen to people who beging to "Hear" what the bible is saying. There are promises and prophecies that apply to us as Christians as we grow in awareness of Christ in us. That is all Christians.

That is ALL of us as fellow heirs with Christ. It is not that we actually become those people in Scripture or that the words of Scripture have changed in any way.
It is merely that the book seems more alive than it did before.

When I asked my teacher what had happened to me, was the book alive? Did the words change?
He brushed it off as no big thing. He said, "Some verses apply to one person more than to another..."

In other words, get my feet pranted firmly on the ground. What I was experiencing was not that big of a deal. Just a step along the road.

I hope these thoughts help put things in perspective a little bit,


02-05-2012, 12:25 PM
This is a classic case of much mixture. By little mixture or much the enemy will deceive. This is not even subtle mixture of truth and lies. Very blatant.

Talking usually does not usually help that much as can be witnessed on this site and others over and over. A person always needs personal revelation in order to adjust their thinking. And they have to recognize they have a need otherwise they won't be open to adjust their thinking and there is nothing that anyone can do except pray for God to move in that person's life.


Totally agree. :thumb:

02-05-2012, 12:29 PM
Hi Lotus,

What Richard and Deb have said is true.
Let me put it in a slightly different light, from a different angle.

What you are going through and describing is what I like to call "Finding Yourself in Scripture."
You are not unique in this. It first happened to me around 30 years ago.
It is supposed to happen to people who beging to "Hear" what the bible is saying. There are promises and prophecies that apply to us as Christians as we grow in awareness of Christ in us. That is all Christians.

That is ALL of us as fellow heirs with Christ. It is not that we actually become those people in Scripture or that the words of Scripture have changed in any way.
It is merely that the book seems more alive than it did before.

When I asked my teacher what had happened to me, was the book alive? Did the words change?
He brushed it off as no big thing. He said, "Some verses apply to one person more than to another..."

In other words, get my feet pranted firmly on the ground. What I was experiencing was not that big of a deal. Just a step along the road.

I hope these thoughts help put things in perspective a little bit,


Very well put, Bob. :thumb:

Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 12:40 PM

As you know, this is a very open forum. I encourage you to speak the truth as plainly as possible, in the spirit of love, of course. Our new friend is lost in a world of delusion. I take her posts as a cry for someone to help her find her way out of the labyrinth of self-deception into which she has fallen. Being a "mirror" to help her see what her claims really sound like is probably the best thing we can do for her. I don't know how long she will be able to tolerate the intense glare of the truth, but I'm willing to help in any way I can.

Can you heal it Ram?


Seek within. Knock and the door will open for you.

The word 'lost' is the opposite to shalom. The root of shalom is 'be whole'.

To be whole one has to assembled as the scripture informs you. When you have assembled all the pieces of your jigsaw puzzle then you then come to completion of truth as I did.

The prophecies told you that I would become contented in other words I would come to completion of truth. That happened prior to me being summoned. You see in 1990 I was still dumbo. However, that elephant of spiritual wisdom grew to a very large size. They became a heavy weight spiritually because is was the divine plan for her to do so for the LORD's glory.

The mirror is to do with your own consciousness Ram, and when that is completely clear, you surely will be in the spirit of love. You see the spirit of love does not 'accuse' a holy one sent by the LORD to help you all. That is why the 144,000 are the only ones that can hear the new song.

Those that stand against me are not ready to hear the new song that the 144,000 sing. Hence, why the LORD sent me to you in this timeline.

So you have a choice Ram, to be with the Angels of elohiym or be part of those that stood against us.

However, know this the Dead Sea Scrolls informed you that there would be divine intervention and it did manifest in your life. Both in 1990 and again now. So listen well dear one because millions of lives are at stake. This is no laughing matter to the LORD. He sees you Ram, right inside your heart and where you are coming from.

As Jesus told those that stood against him, if your father was my father then you would love me.

She's already "gone" - we're trying to help her find her way back to the real world.


I walk between the worlds RAM its called the dynamic sphere.

I am in this world but not from it.

Onwards and upwards

Now instead of attacking the Messenger of the Covenant, try being in the spirit of supreme love as you profess.

For as Jesus warned you all, the LORD will not forgive those that stand against the holy Spirit.

Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 01:01 PM
The mirror is to do with your own consciousness Ram, and when that is completely clear, you surely will be in the spirit of love. You see the spirit of love does not 'accuse' a holy one sent by the LORD to help you all. That is why the 144,000 are the only ones that can hear the new song.

I have not "accused" you of anything. I have described what I see to the best of my ability.

And if you were perfected in love, you wouldn't be focusing on supposed "accusations" - as it is written:

1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Now instead of attacking the Messenger of the Covenant, try being in the spirit of supreme love as you profess.

For as Jesus warned you all, the LORD will not forgive those that stand against the holy Spirit.
I'm not attacking the "Messenger of the Covenant" - I'm explaining why it is obvious that you are not the "Messenger of the Covenant." And with your every post, you confirm this fact because you don't have sufficient self-awareness to hear, let alone respond, to the information presented to you.

But let's try this again. Someone with the "wisdom of Solomon" would have been able to hear and respond intelligently to the comments presented to you in this thread. You have failed to do that. And worse, you have not shown any self-awareness at all. You appear to be so far gone that you can't even see why your words appear delusional. If you were who you say you are, you would recognize this problem and act accordingly. But you are not doing that. I've had dozens of people over the years contact me with claims about being some great person like Elijah, Christ, one of the Two Witnesses, etc., etc., etc. They write just like you do. They claim that their birthdays or their mom's name or their address all conspire to "prove" that they are the Great One predicted in Scripture. You sound exactly like all of them, rolled up into one! And you are utterly ignorant of this fact, which is all the proof anyone needs to conclude that you too are delusional.

How is it possible that you fail to understand this simple point? Don't you see the irony? You claim to have the "wisdom of Solomon" but you fail to understand the most elementary facts of reality! Why would you think that anyone would believe claims like yours made by an anonymous internet user? Don't you have a clue about anything?

All the best,


Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 01:07 PM
Where did Jesus say that the "Queen of the South" would be revealed when she was 48 years old?

In that particular scripture he does not use the word 'Queen of the South' terminology related to the age. Nor does he say that they would be revealed at the age of 48. What he stated was that he would pray to the Father to send he one, and at the age of 48 they would be summoned by the LORD to work with his followers. I will be sharing that text in a book when I provide all of the texts to support who I am. The text also states the age that my work will be completed for the LORD.

Nostradamus also predicted the same age for my work to finish. The prophecies of Nostradamus are like a glove on the prophecies of Jesus.

Now in a different text he also tells you that the Son of Man would come and it is clear from the 'Gospel of Peace' that is mentioned in the bible that Jesus was not speaking of himself. I was going to make a separate post on this. However, let us post it here for you to see.

This is from a paper that I wrote about the 'Paraclete is ELIAKIM'.

Jesus said "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels.' Mark 8:38-9:1

Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. Hebrews 2:10-12


Abd-ru-shin author of "In the Light of Truth - The Grail Message" also claims that the Son of Man is the Spirit of Truth that Jesus promised to send in the end times to continue Christ's mission. They are the Paraclete. [6]

The Jesus Seminar

According to the biblical scholars at the Jesus Seminar, the phrase "son of man" (or "son of Adam") sometimes refers to a heavenly figure that is to come, but when Jesus uses this phrase he is not referring to himself.[7]


The prophecy is mentioned in the video of the 'Son of Man'. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Matthew 24:30-32 This took place in November 2003 when the angels called the elect to gather all around the world for the Harmonic Concordance.

At that time the sign of the 'Son of Man' will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

The Star of David was formed by a planetary configuration and that is why the spiritual community, the Spiritual body of Christ were celebrating all around the world.


Unfortunately, many Christians in the USA and some Muslims are willing wars in the Middle East to bring on the end times prophet and Jesus Christ. Some Muslims believe that they will not come until there is a mushroom cloud of a nuclear war.

We have an opportunity to put their desire to bed! Eliakim has been working with humanity in various ways for many years under divine instruction. She lives beyond the veil, in the dynamic sphere she walks in two worlds at the same time.

Jesus said 'I tell you truly, the Book of Nature is a HOLY SCROLL, and if you would have the Sons of Men save themselves and find everlasting life, teach them how once again to read from the living pages of the Earthly Mother. For in everything that is life is the law written. It is written in the grass, in the trees, in the rivers, in the mountains, birds of the sky and fishes of the sea; and most of all in the Son of Man.

Only when he returns to the bosom of the Earthly Mother will he find everlasting life and the Stream of Life which leads to his Heavenly Father; only thus may the dark vision of the future not come to pass". The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 4, Teachings of the Elect. It is clear in this passage that again, Jesus was not talking about himself because he already was one with the Father.

There's no reason you "should" be gone - it's just a good guess that you will choose to leave when you get tired of people presenting truth that contradicts your grandiose claims about yourself.

I have seen nothing so far that contradicts anything that I have shared.

Jesus told his followers that when I came I would give glory to his teachings. This was also shared by Apostle John.

Only a person that is both a healer and a mystic truly understands his teachings; and a lot more will be shared with the Christians when they truly have the ears open to hear the new song.

Blessings in abundance

Lotus Feet

Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 01:33 PM
Where did Jesus say that the "Queen of the South" would be revealed when she was 48 years old?
In that particular scripture he does not use the word 'Queen of the South' terminology related to the age. Nor does he say that they would be revealed at the age of 48. What he stated was that he would pray to the Father to send he one, and at the age of 48 they would be summoned by the LORD to work with his followers. I will be sharing that text in a book when I provide all of the texts to support who I am. The text also states the age that my work will be completed for the LORD.

You said "The scripture tells you that the Son prayed to the heavenly Father to send me. He also told you that I would be 48 years old when the LORD would summon me." Now you tell me that you can't show me any Scripture where he said this even as you repeat your false claim that he said "at the age of 48 they would be summoned by the LORD." You can't be this stupid! How can you think you have the "wisdom of Solomon" when you can't even support your own words? :doh:

Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 01:45 PM
I have not "accused" you of anything. I have described what I see to the best of my ability.

Ram this is what you wrote:


And if you were perfected in love, you wouldn't be focusing on supposed "accusations" - as it is written:

Indeed you would not be accusing a holy one of the LORD, Ram.

Ever read Joel 2?

The holy ones go across the new frontiers together, they do not stand against each other. As such, it has been easy to know the truly holy ones because they love me. Just like those that truly loved Jesus, they did not stand against us because they were with us.

During the Rev 12 timeline that began in 2004, I was defending the Angels of love and light against the male leader and his angels that spoke as you do against me.

1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Do you honestly think that Paul was an instrument for the LORD like the Harp of Faithfulness?

Think again.

The Queen of the South was sent to judge this generation for their own good to raise them up. She has more wisdom than Solomon and Paul could not match it.

I'm not attacking the "Messenger of the Covenant" - I'm explaining why it is obvious that you are not the "Messenger of the Covenant."

See above Ram, the LORD sees you, so does the Messenger of his Covenant.

The LORD is giving me the smell of a dog for you Ram. Do you know its significance?

He is telling me that you are a dog.

Now there are good dogs that are filled with healing and unconditional love, there are others that are wolves that Jesus warned us about. ECP, e.g. Jezebel USA also had he name 'Wulf'.

So which do you choose to be?

You have failed to do that.

"Perception is an illusion that has no basis in reality" from Sacred Words

Can you heal it?


You see as soon as the Christians step into 'accusation', the LORD knows that he has won. His kingdom shall reign supreme in supreme integrity and love.

'utterly ignorant'

Can you heal it Ram? Seek within.


Can you heal it Richard? Can you truly become a Lion Heart?

Those that know who I am, know it in their hearts, because they are truly open hearted, as such the Spirit of Truth could enter it.

Come Richard, 'Challenge moves people beyond their current comprehension' from Sacred Words

The LORD is challenging Richard to make a shift in consciousness. The LORD will vindicate daughter ZION exactly as the prophecies predicted that he would.

Love beyond measure

Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 02:06 PM
Ram this is what you wrote:


That's not what I wrote. That's a list of some words I used in what I wrote. There is a big difference. I used those words in a context that you are ignoring. And that's just another sign that you are delusional. If you had any wisdom at all, let alone the "wisdom of Solomon," you would know that your posts are indistinguishable from something written by a delusional person, and you would address that issue rather than ignore it. It is your lack of self-awareness that indicates you are lost in a world of delusion.

The holy ones go across the new frontiers together, they do not stand against each other. As such, it has been easy to know the truly holy ones because they love me. Just like those that truly loved Jesus, they did not stand against us because they were with us.

Any deluded fool could say the same thing. Why don't you recognise and deal with this fact?

During the Rev 12 timeline that began in 2004, I was defending the Angels of love and light against the male leader and his angels that spoke as you do against me.

That is false. Rev 12 does not say anything about the year 2004.

Do you honestly think that Paul was an instrument for the LORD like the Harp of Faithfulness?

Think again.

The Queen of the South was sent to judge this generation for their own good to raise them up. She has more wisdom than Solomon and Paul could not match it.

If you have the "wisdom of Solomon" why do your writings look like delusional ravings? And why don't you deal with this fact that has been presented to you over and over again? If you had any wisdom at all, you would know that your writings make no sense and prove nothing.

The LORD is giving me the smell of a dog for you Ram. Do you know its significance?

He is telling me that you are a dog.

Now there are good dogs that are filled with healing and unconditional love, there are others that are wolves that Jesus warned us about. ECP, e.g. Jezebel USA also had he name 'Wulf'.

So which do you choose to be?

I love it! Your delusions are telling you I'm a dog. Woof!

Delusions are very self-protective. Try asking your God why you can't answer my questions or demonstrate any of that great "wisdom" you have.


You see as soon as the Christians step into 'accusation', the LORD knows that he has won. His kingdom shall reign supreme in supreme integrity and love.

The statement of fact is not an "accusation" no matter how unpleastant it is to the person who wished reality to be different.

It seems pretty obvious that you have failed to "to hear and respond intelligently to the comments presented to you in this thread."

Those that know who I am, know it in their hearts, because they are truly open hearted, as such the Spirit of Truth could enter it.

Ha! That's one of the most common things deluded people say. They don't have any proof of their claims, so they say that people just "know it in their hearts." Nice move. :thumb:

Come Richard, 'Challenge moves people beyond their current comphrension' from Sacred Words

The LORD is challenging Richard to make a shift in consciousness. The LORD will vindicate daughter ZION exactly as the prophecies predicted that he would.

Sure he will. Just like all the other deluded people that have come to me with their grandiose claims. Off the top of my head, I recall four who claimed to be Christ, a few who claimed to be one of the Two Witnesses (one of them said I was the second Witness), a couple who claimed to be Elijah, and now I have the "Queen of the South" with the "Wisdom of Solomon" who also is the Woman of Rev 12 all rolled up in one. Excuse me if I don't "shift my consciousness" to believe every claim made by every person on the internet.

Answer me one question - can you understand why your claims appear to be delusional?

All the best,


Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 02:11 PM
You said "The scripture tells you that the Son prayed to the heavenly Father to send me. He also told you that I would be 48 years old when the LORD would summon me." Now you tell me that you can't show me any Scripture where he said this even as you repeat your false claim that he said "at the age of 48 they would be summoned by the LORD." You can't be this stupid! How can you think you have the "wisdom of Solomon" when you can't even support your own words? :doh:

Wisdom knows when to provide the facts to support specific claims as ordained. As Jesus taught us not to give our pearls to those that do what you do Richard.

The 144,000 that sing the new song know about the text and where it is written. That is good enough in integrity.

I have shared many texts with you, yet you ask for the one that we have not shared with you. Would that truly satisfy you at this point? No, clearly it would not. As such the LORD is with-holding it from you.

So can you heal it Richard?


It looks like 'inner child' Richard. Seek within dear one.

Lotus Feet

02-05-2012, 02:23 PM
"Dogs don't know it's not bacon."


Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 02:24 PM
Wisdom knows when to provide the facts to support specific claims as ordained. As Jesus taught us not to give our pearls to those that do what you do Richard.

Yes, and wisdom knows that the time to present the facts is when the claim is made. But you didn't that. So wisdom then would say "Answer the question when the proof is requested" and you failed to do that too. If you weren't prepared to support your claims with evidence, wisdom says you should not have made the claims. You and wisdom don't don't seem to have much in common.

The 144,000 that sing the new song know about the text and where it is written. That is good enough in integrity.

Any deluded fool could make the same claim. Why don't you see this? Why can't you see that your writings are indistinguishable from those of any deluded megalomoniac? If you really had the "wisdom of Solomon" you would know that this is the task you must focus upon, since otherwise no one would have any way to discern between you and all the deluded people. Why do you continue to ignore this point?

I have shared many texts with you, yet you ask for the one that we have not shared with you. Would that truly satisfy you at this point? No, clearly it would not. As such the LORD is with-holding it from you.

Oh! I get it now. It's the "LORD" that is "witholding you" from simply answering the question. It looks like you've memorize the Handbook on How to Maintain My Delusion in the Face of All Evidence. :thumb:

Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 02:38 PM
That's not what I wrote. That's a list of some words I used in what I wrote.

The scripture told you that you would be judged by your words in this timeline Richard.


Can you heal it? I recommend 'soul retrieval' for you.


If you had any wisdom at all, let alone the "wisdom of Solomon,"

Wisdom greater than Solomon.

Why is that?

She is the instrument for the LORD.


Have you read the parable of the Virgins Richard? Interesting that your name is the same as Branson and the trains of Richard Branson are being 'derailed' in this timeline.

Just like the trains of the Vatican and Islam.

That is false. Rev 12 does not say anything about the year 2004.

So now you telling me that the words of Jesus Christ are 'false' truly you have a lot to heal Richard.

It was Jesus Christ that ordained that the 1260 days were finished in December 2008.

And it was the Queen of Heaven that was defending the angels of elohiym.

So who are you to tell me what Jesus Christ said and what I lived is 'false'.

Pray tell me who you think you are to stand against the LORD and his Messenger of the Covenant that was promised to Moses. The LORD kept his promise to humanity to send HER as ordained. Now it is up to you to honor that promise, and in so doing then the LORD will indeed honor you more than he has done so already.

delusional ravings?

Can you heal it Richard? Seek within.

I love it! Your delusions are telling you I'm a dog. Woof!

The LORD gave the smell, so are you now saying that the LORD is a 'delusion' like the rest of the atheists?

The statement of fact is not an "accusation" no matter how unpleastant it is to the person who wished reality to be different.

Now prove it is a fact.

As you know nothing about what has been implemented to date, you Richard, are not in a position to disprove anything that I have shared with you about the truth.

So can you heal


I do appreciate that the truth can feel like that in fact to those that still have some healing to do, the bible also predicted that would happen when the holy scroll arrives.

Would you like to see the picture of me wearing the golden gown mentioned in Psalm 45?

The picture of the day that the Messenger of the Covenant delivered it for the children? The picture is on my blog for the world to see. If you are willing to open your eyes.

Answer me one question - can you understand why your claims appear to be delusional?

All the best,



The word 'delusional' does not exist in my reality. It is not word that is commonly used in the UK, although it does appear to be a common word used by Americans.

That is understandable. Bearing in mind what they have experienced and Rev 17 and 18 explains it further.

Look Richard, I am here to help and to share. I did not stand against you, in fact, I have been promoting your website for years, even before I had my own blog.

Blessings in abundance

Lotus Feet

Bob May
02-05-2012, 03:02 PM
Hi Lotus, I will agree with one thing that you said. You are living in two worlds at once. Your body is here in hard cold matter but your mind is stuck in what has been variously termed the lower astral light, Maya/illusion, the Sorcerer's World and a whole lot of other terms. It sounds as if you have been in this situation for quite some time and that is a problem. Come back to Earth for a few moments, ..... just long enough to reason together with some people who have spent many years looking into things of the Spirit and Mind. Surely one with Wisdom beyond that of both Solomon and Paul would have no problem with Reason. Or are you are too far gone for that? Are you too far beyond us to communicate with us from our point of view? If so, is that a good way to communicate the love you were told to bring? The Father left us a New Testament to guide us on our way back to Him. You have just written off most of it by rejecting Paul. What do you give us to replace it? Like I said before. Come down here and talk to us for a while. If you don,t like it, you can always go back. Bob

Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 03:13 PM
"Dogs don't know it's not bacon."


Yes and we know what they do don't we. The bible speaks of it.

I like old english sheepdog. How about you?

Have you seen this lovely video 'Ode to God and my dog'.

A male Lover of dogs cried when I shared it with him, and he is a very strong Scott that lives in Canada


Blessings in abundance

Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 04:40 PM
Hi Lotus, I will agree with one thing that you said. You are living in two worlds at once. Your body is here in hard cold matter but your mind is stuck in what has been variously termed the lower astral light, Maya/illusion, the Sorcerer's World and a whole lot of other terms. It sounds as if you have been in this situation for quite some time and that is a problem. Come back to Earth for a few moments, ..... just long enough to reason together with some people who have spent many years looking into things of the Spirit and Mind. Surely one with Wisdom beyond that of both Solomon and Paul would have no problem with Reason. Or are you are too far gone for that? Are you too far beyond us to communicate with us from our point of view? If so, is that a good way to communicate the love you were told to bring? The Father left us a New Testament to guide us on our way back to Him. You have just written off most of it by rejecting Paul. What do you give us to replace it? Like I said before. Come down here and talk to us for a while. If you don,t like it, you can always go back. Bob

Hi Bob, why did you choose a picture that puts the moon above the sun?

1. The LORD gave her the song 'She flew across the room' it is from an album that was recorded in 1975. The album is called 'Dancing on a Cold Wind'. In 1975, Arafat and his men decimated the Christian population in Southern Lebanon that was the beginning of the last days of the end times. If you combine the prophecies of Daniel and Jesus.

We all know what Jesus predicted about the love of many that would grow cold in this timeline. Hence, why I dance upon the cold winds of others. I have the moon under my feet.

2. 'cold matter'. No, My body has the right temperature of heat.

3. Mind is in every cell of the body and every cell has a mind of its own.

4. 'stuck' that happens to people if they are in a single groove and cannot hear the next song. Hence, it is only the 144,000 that can hear the new song. So can you heal it? 'Stuck'.

5. Masters know that there is no such thing as the 'astral'. Did Jesus teach you about the astral? No.

6. 'Illusion' 'Perceptions are an illusion that have no basis in reality'. from Sacred Words. Those that are 'stuck' as you put it still have a lot to strip off, to get to their purest essence. Hence why the teacher of righteousness was teaching people to heal their 'perceptions' because it is the perceptions that co-creation the illusion.

In the scripture Jesus described it like looking through cloudy water. Plato also understood it well, when he gave his analogy of the cave. People have to be willing to come outside and see the sun.

Another analogy would be that 'people are looking through dark glasses'.

Another analogy of consciousness divinely given was that consciousness is like a Victorian camera, with many plates. If any of those plates are dusty then a clear image is not received. Hence, why healing the self is imperative and why it was so very important in the teachings of Jesus. In fact, he told the people that if they did not bring forth what they held within them, then what they did not bring forth would kill them.

The LORD can only truly work with clear instruments.

7. 'Sorcerer's World' I was ordained to stand against them in Rev 12. Rev 2 also tells you about Jezebel (USA) and her followers were involved in Rev 12. I stood against the 'magicians' and their 'decrees' that scripture speaks against in Rev 2. Jesus warned his followers not to 'babble like pagans'. That means not to 'recite' continuously like Islam and many religious people do.

8. An Israeli asked me to come back to earth, and it was after that the judgement began. The Queen of South timeline began when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel. The fact is, we cannot please all of the people, all of the time, and I have to stay faithful to the LORD God and his divine plan, because millions of lives are at stake.

9. I wrote an article about reason some years ago. So I am fully understanding reason. Perhaps you would like to ponder upon the reason why the LORD sent me to you in this timeline, and why he gave me the name BOB on the 31st of January. Come back to me with your reason when you know. Gnosis.

10. I do not 'reject' Paul. However, we are talking about two completely different realties here.

Paul did not understand the true Christ teachings and nor did St Jerome by his own admission in his own letters. He looked forward to the day when a person would come to explain the spiritual law that he did not understand. However, he understood it enough to share that the reason why the spiritual law was not shared with Christians was due to Egyptians that 'maimed and killed' themselves due to it.

However, as children still are 'maiming and killing' themselves. The Church that suppressed the truth did not do the true followers of Christ any favors. As such in this timeline, the shepherds that have no favor or union with the LORD are being cut off. As per the Zechariah prophecies.

11. The winners wrote history Bob, and that was the orthodox that had a Roman army to back them up. That is another reason why the Eastern Church broke away from Rome very early on in the proceedings.

I recommend a book by Sean Byrne, 'The Tragic History of Esoteric Christianity'. The Church's war against the Spirit of Sophia.'

However, there is a lot that is hidden in the biblical texts, because Jesus told his true followers not to share the pearls of wisdom. Although he knew that when I came that I would be shown the pearls to share when the time is right. The time is right, and we even have cutting edge science to back up the Christ teachings. Christ knew what healers have always known about the energetics of the cosmos and its physics.

Big hugs Bob, I honor you.

Love beyond measure

Lotus Feet

02-05-2012, 04:52 PM
Yes and we know what they do don't we. The bible speaks of it.

I like old english sheepdog. How about you?

Have you seen this lovely video 'Ode to God and my dog'.

A male Lover of dogs cried when I shared it with him, and he is a very strong Scott that lives in Canada


Blessings in abundance

Hey Lotus...Unlike Bob, I couldn't refrain from being a little smart-ass here. I forgot you are in UK -- maybe you haven't seen/heard the television commercial advertising some kind of dog snacks with this motto. The motto always stuck in my head as very funny and very profound, considering what the Bible does say about the "dogs": "Dogs don't know it's not bacon." In other words, "dogs can't tell that what they are eating (believing) is not the "real," not the "true." ....I only retorted with this because you were accusing Richard of being a dog.

It was not a nice thing to say, because the more I ponder this, the more I do feel for you and hope that God's mercy, Truth and grace will cover you--especially Truth. I hope you will heed Bob and Richard's words...

I like the video. I also agree with your earlier statement about churces vs. pubs on the street corners... :)

Love and grace to you,


Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 05:23 PM
Hey Lotus...Unlike Bob, I couldn't refrain from being a little smart-ass here. I forgot you are in UK -- maybe you haven't seen/heard the television commercial advertising some kind of dog snacks with this motto. The motto always stuck in my head as very funny and very profound, considering what the Bible does say about the "dogs": "Dogs don't know it's not bacon." In other words, "dogs can't tell that what they are eating (believing) is not the "real," not the "true." ....I only retorted with this because you were accusing Richard of being a dog. It was not a nice thing to say, because the more I ponder this, the more I do feel for you and hope that God's mercy, Truth and grace will cover you--especially Truth. I hope you will heed Bob and Richard's words...

I like the video. I also agree with your earlier statement about churces vs. pubs on the street corners... :)

Love and grace to you,


Correction Deb, I did not 'accuse' Richard of anything.

The LORD gave the smell of the dog and Richard was given the choice.

Dogs are wonderful healers and are man's best friend.

It was also amazing that NASA caught the image of a dog on camera after the 'storm of peace' that was predicted in the biblical prophecies. The healers and I with the will of the LORD managed to reduce that Cat 3 to a tropical storm. I was simply amazed when i saw the NASA image of the dog. The LORD never ceases to amaze me.

So can you heal the following Deb?

'Not nice'.

I am the LORD's Spirit of Grace and Mercy Deb that is being poured out upon the world.


Lotus Feet

Bob May
02-05-2012, 05:45 PM
Love beyond masure and evasion beyond beliief. Come on Lotus, "Condescend to those of low eatate.» Let's reason together. If you have such Wisdom, share some in a language we can understand. After all you have just informed us of your existence. We ca't be expected to change all of our views/Perspective of Reality on such short notice. Not just because you say you were given some secret knowledge and signs. After all, we don' even know you. If you are what you say you are you would have known that the moon is not «above» the sun at all. It is merely a matter of Perspective. I thought you knew about perspective. Also, you wouldn't have had to ask why I chose that particular picture. You would have known why. Your not even close if you think it had anything to do with the moon or it's positon in the woodcut. But now I have a sign which you have given me. It tells me that you are beliving a lie. A lot of them, in fact. Of course only I know why I chose that particular woodcut for my Avatar. So the sign Is only for me. ....And of course you know also whether or not you were just guessing. That is to say if you were lying. On the other hand, you may really believe you knew why I chose that Avatar. In which case, Richard is correct, you are delusional.So just between me and you, because no one else will know the answer, which is it?....I, of course, know the answer. And I also know that you are either lying or delusional. You would only know whether or not you are lying, if you are delusional. Let me guess how you will answer. You will evade the question again and give us more prophecies about yourself. I bet I'm a better guesser than you are. Bob

Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 06:40 PM
Love beyond masure and evasion beyond beliief. Come on Lotus, "Condescend to those of low eatate.» Let's reason together. If you have such Wisdom, share some in a language we can understand. After all you have just informed us of your existence. We ca't be expected to change all of our views/Perspective of Reality on such short notice. Not just because you say you were given some secret knowledge and signs. After all, we don' even know you. If you are what you say you are you would have known that the moon is not «above» the sun at all. It is merely a matter of Perspective. I thought you knew about perspective. Also, you wouldn't have had to ask why I chose that particular picture. You would have known why. Your not even close if you think it had anything to do with the moon or it's positon in the woodcut. But now I have a sign which you have given me. It tells me that you are beliving a lie. A lot of them, in fact. Of course only I know why I chose that particular woodcut for my Avatar. So the sign Is only for me. ....And of course you know also whether or not you were just guessing. That is to say if you were lying. On the other hand, you may really believe you knew why I chose that Avatar. In which case, Richard is correct, you are delusional.So just between me and you, because no one else will know the answer, which is it?....I, of course, know the answer. And I also know that you are either lying or delusional. You would only know whether or not you are lying, if you are delusional. Let me guess how you will answer. You will evade the question again and give us more prophecies about yourself. I bet I'm a better guesser than you are. Bob

Ah I can see why the LORD was willing that question of you Bob.

So can you heal it?

'Believing a lie"

Seek within Bob, knock and the door shall open.

I feel this is to do with the Church and the LORD is asking you to look at it within yourself. Why did you 'believe' it Bob? Based upon what evidence? I know the extensive evidence that I was given, it was beyond measure and experience counts. I simply had no choice in the matter but to surrender to divine will. Can you also surrender to divine will Bob?

Here see some of my energy caught on camera on the mission to Athens. There was a biblical plague of frogs in Greece after that.


Blessings in abundance

Lotus Feet

Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 06:43 PM
The scripture told you that you would be judged by your words in this timeline Richard.


Can you heal it? I recommend 'soul retrieval' for you.


If you are ignoring something that is very important for your well-being, then it is good for me to bring it to your attention.

If you have not noticed that your posts appear to be delusional, then it is good for me to bring it to your attention.

If you are lost in a delusional belief system and are trying to share it here on my forum, it is good for you and for all concerned to speak of your condition.

The cold Water of Reality can be very startling at times. But don't worry about anything, it is very good for you. You know how good a cold splash of water feels on your face, right?

You want me to repent from Truth and Reality? That doesn't sound like a good idea.

If you had any wisdom at all, let alone the "wisdom of Solomon,"
Wisdom greater than Solomon.

Why is that?

She is the instrument for the LORD.

Why then have you failed to give wise responses to the questions I have asked?

Pray tell me who you think you are to stand against the LORD and his Messenger of the Covenant that was promised to Moses. The LORD kept his promise to humanity to send HER as ordained. Now it is up to you to honor that promise, and in so doing then the LORD will indeed honor you more than he has done so already.

You are female. The person Moses said would come is male. I already told you this and you didn't

As you know nothing about what has been implemented to date, you Richard, are not in a position to disprove anything that I have shared with you about the truth.

I know that you have not given any information that actually supports your claims. And you seem to be unaware of this fact. So much for the "wisdom of Solomon" I guess.

The word 'delusional' does not exist in my reality. It is not word that is commonly used in the UK, although it does appear to be a common word used by Americans.

That is understandable. Bearing in mind what they have experienced and Rev 17 and 18 explains it further.

Look Richard, I am here to help and to share. I did not stand against you, in fact, I have been promoting your website for years, even before I had my own blog.

The UK author Richard Dawkins wrote a book called The God Delusion. It seems pretty common in the UK.

I never thought you were standing "against me" but I am standing against your delusion. Sorry. You came here and made claims that seem false. I am telling you why they seem false. You don't seem to understand why. That's very sad.

All the best,


02-05-2012, 07:20 PM
Ah I can see why the LORD was willing that question of you Bob.

So can you heal it?

'Believing a lie"

Seek within Bob, knock and the door shall open.

I feel this is to do with the Church and the LORD is asking you to look at it within yourself. Why did you 'believe' it Bob? Based upon what evidence? I know the extensive evidence that I was given, it was beyond measure and experience counts. I simply had no choice in the matter but to surrender to divine will. Can you also surrender to divine will Bob?

Here see some of my energy caught on camera on the mission to Athens. There was a biblical plague of frogs in Greece after that.

Blessings in abundance

Lotus Feet

Hey there Lotus,

I finally figured you out. We are not meant to take you seriously are we? You are being provocative on purpose and just "pulling our legs". You had me there for a few posts. I thought you were completely deluded because no one is going to say what you say and believe it (well, except for maybe Harold Camping, Benny Hinn, Robert Tilton or Todd Bentley). You're not one of them in disguise are you?

So, now I just laugh at your comedic posts while you play with everyone. You should take your act on the road.:clap2: A lot of religious institutions would throw money at you. They love men that act like they are God. Women, too.

Tell me another one. You're too funny!!


Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 07:26 PM
The cold Water of Reality can be very startling at times. But don't worry about anything, it is very good for you. You know how good a cold splash of water feels on your face, right? You want me to repent from Truth and Reality? That doesn't sound like a good idea.

I don't do 'want' healed that decades ago. However, you clearly do, Teshuvah means to return to the sacred. However, until you heal the 'want' you cannot move the energy into your heart of essentials.

Why then have you failed to give wise responses to the questions I have asked?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I have responded to many of your questions.

When you can see through the eyes of beauty, then you will see the beauty of the wisdom that I have shared.

You are female. The person Moses said would come is male. I already told you this and you didn't

Jeremiah told you that the LORD would make a new thing on the earth and a woman would encompass a man.

That is the second time that I have shared that with you.

Prophet Hosea also told you that the LORD would plant HER in Jezreel and the LORD would betroth his people to him in righteousness and faithfulness. The scripture is telling you that she is the teacher of righteousness that was predicted in the Dead Sea Scrolls. She is the Harp of Faithfulness that was predicted to come at night time in the Psalms. She is daughter ZION and the Dead Sea Scrolls told you that you must accept her corrections. Prophet Isaiah also knew that she would wear the coat of many colors and that only one in a thousand would be able to stand before Joseph in integrity.

I know that you have not given any information that actually supports your claims. And you seem to be unaware of this fact.

I have given lots of information that supports the claims if you have the eyes to see it Richard. I have also offered you to see the photographs of the Messenger of the Covenant delivering the everlasting covenant in Jerusalem on the temple mount. I also have photographs of the holy gathering as well that is also available in the public domain on our blog.

I was not alone when I delivered and embedded the covenant for the children. The LORD sent an Israeli musician to walk through Jerusalem with me that day in 2007. Here is the covenant for the children.


The UK author Richard Dawkins wrote a book called The God Delusion. It seems pretty common in the UK.

No, Dawkins spent to much time with Americans and its atheists IMHV. You never hear people in the UK use the word 'delusion'. Nor do they go around saying it to others either.

I never thought you were standing "against me" but I am standing against your delusion. Sorry. You came here and made claims that seem false. I am telling you why they seem false. You don't seem to understand why. That's very sad.

All the best,


Big smiles Richard.

Can you heal it? 'False'

You know when I was in the USA I was amazed that 50% of the women that I met had breast implants.

The royal breasts are REAL breasts.

As Jesus said 'Those that are not against us are with us.

Lotus Feet

Bob May
02-05-2012, 07:40 PM
Ah I can see why the LORD was willing that question of you Bob.

So can you heal it?

'Believing a lie"

Are you asking me for a healing?

I feel this is to do with the Church and the LORD is asking you to look at it within yourself. Why did you 'believe' it Bob? Based upon what evidence? I know the extensive evidence that I was given, it was beyond measure and experience counts. I simply had no choice in the matter but to surrender to divine will. Can you also surrender to divine will Bob?

Can you surrender to answering my question?
I know you are capable or you would not even be capable of posting, or attachig photos.
So come back from Never Never Land and let's pretend we are having a conversation in the same thread, on the same subject, on the same planet.
Come on, stretch a little. I know you can do it.

Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 07:48 PM
Are you asking me for a healing?

No :)

Can you surrender to answering my question?

The only reason that the LORD compelled the question is because he knew that it would trigger you and what you hold inside. It was his way of showing you what he would like you to look at within yourself Bob. Simple as that!


Bob May
02-05-2012, 08:14 PM
No :)

The only reason that the LORD compelled the question is because he knew that it would trigger you and what you hold inside. It was his way of showing you what he would like you to look at within yourself Bob. Simple as that!


So, you are saying I am a better guesser than you? Or that He asked a question through me that He didn't want answered? He seems to have also triggered your ability to communicate again. Imagine that. Now that you are able to string words together into coherent sentences again, So, you want to answ.....Never mind. I,m getting tired of asking. Bob

02-05-2012, 08:25 PM
So, you are saying I am a better guesser than you? Or that He asked a question through me that He didn't want answered? He seems to have also triggered your ability to communicate again. Imagine that. Now that you are able to string words together into coherent sentences again, So, you want to answ.....Never mind. I,m getting tired of asking. Bob

After awhile it becomes frustrating talking to someone who thinks they are God or His chief messenger. And the more you converse seriously with them, the more they take themselves seriously, which brings them into deeper delusion.


Lotus Feet
02-05-2012, 09:31 PM
So, you are saying I am a better guesser than you? Or that He asked a question through me that He didn't want answered? He seems to have also triggered your ability to communicate again. Imagine that. Now that you are able to string words together into coherent sentences again, So, you want to answ.....Never mind. I,m getting tired of asking. Bob

The LORD hit the target directly Bob, and you were the target for the LORD. I was just the instrument for his divine will to communicate with you in the way that he chose to do so.

Put it like this, the LORD holds his Queen in his arms, she holds the bow straight in integrity and then he fires the arrow of communication straight at you.

Now enough has been said for now. There is a lot for you all to ponder upon and digest.

It took me years to accept and integrate it, so I do not anticipate your acceptance anytime soon. Unless the LORD chooses for you to hear his voice and command. However, it is recorded here, and I am compelled by the LORD to share the testimony with the nations.

Yours truly

May my peace be with you.

Lotus Feet

02-05-2012, 10:02 PM
The LORD hit the target directly Bob, and you were the target for the LORD. I was just the instrument for his divine will to communicate with you in the way that he chose to do so.

Put it like this, the LORD holds his Queen in his arms, she holds the bow straight in integrity and then he fires the arrow of communication straight at you.

Now enough has been said for now. There is a lot for you all to ponder upon and digest.

It took me years to accept and integrate it, so I do not anticipate your acceptance anytime soon. Unless the LORD chooses for you to hear his voice and command. However, it is recorded here, and I am compelled by the LORD to share the testimony with the nations.

Yours truly

May my peace be with you.

Lotus Feet

Hey guys and gals,

I'm gonna check out for a couple of months while you and Lotus get things straightened out. May her "peace" not touch you.

Ta ta for now,

Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 10:04 PM
Hey guys and gals,

I'm gonna check out for a couple of months while you and Lotus get things straightened out. May her "peace" not touch you.

Ta ta for now,
A couple months? It shouldn't take that long to get things straightened out.

Richard Amiel McGough
02-05-2012, 10:21 PM
The UK author Richard Dawkins wrote a book called The God Delusion. It seems pretty common in the UK.
No, Dawkins spent to much time with Americans and its atheists IMHV. You never hear people in the UK use the word 'delusion'. Nor do they go around saying it to others either.

Wrong again. The word "delusion" is very frequent in the UK. I searched the mainstream British news source The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk) for the word "delusion" and found it was used in 5,761 articles (http://www.guardian.co.uk/search?q=delusion&show=recent&section=) in the last twelve years. The word "deluded" appears 3,411 times (http://www.guardian.co.uk/search?q=deluded&show=recent&section=). You simply do not know what you are talking about.

Your response is typical of a deluded personality. You are willing to make up falsehoods to "support" whatever you say, no matter how ridiculous.

But you don't care about truth or reality, do you Lotus Feet? You have ignored or evaded all the questions that were intended to help free you from your delusions.

Why can't you understand that your posts are indistinguishable from those of a delusional lunatic? If your posts can't be distinguished from those of a deluded lunatic, then it would be irrational for me to believe you. Anyone with an ounce of "wisdom" would understand this point and address it. But you haven't done that. You just keep writing the same lame crap and seem to be utterly oblivious to the fact that your posts look delusional.

So do you now understand why it would be irrational for me to believe you? And if it would be irrational, then we both know that God wouldn't want me to believe you.

All the best,


Bob May
02-05-2012, 10:42 PM
The LORD hit the target directly Bob, and you were the target for the LORD. I was just the instrument for his divine will to communicate with you in the way that he chose to do so.

Put it like this, the LORD holds his Queen in his arms, she holds the bow straight in integrity and then he fires the arrow of communication straight at you.

So my question that I asked you was really God asking you through me a question that you were not really going to answer anyway and in reality He was just letting you shoot me with a bow and arrow.
While holding you in His arms.
This is all beginning to make a strange kind of sense to me.

Are you able to keep up with your own train of thought here?

Now enough has been said for now. There is a lot for you all to ponder upon and digest.

I agree,..enough said for now. And there certainly is a lot.

It took me years to accept and integrate it,

I bet it did.

so I do not anticipate your acceptance anytime soon.

That's probably a safe bet.

Unless the LORD chooses for you to hear his voice and command. However, it is recorded here, and I am compelled by the LORD to share the testimony with the nations.

Yours truly

May my peace be with you.

Lotus Feet

Ok, I'm going to bed now. Later.

Bob May
02-05-2012, 10:46 PM
Hi Lotus,

It just occurred to me.
Why didn't God just shoot me? That would have been a much more direct approach.


Lotus Feet
02-06-2012, 03:32 AM
Ram Americans like you have been trying your way for the last five years, it was water off the back of the graceful swan. Us swans of grace fly divine. As Jesus said to his opponents 'If your Father was my Father, you would love me'.

You have been offered photographic evidence what else would satisfy you? As I've said all the facts would fill a book.

Lotus Feet
02-06-2012, 03:38 AM
Hi Lotus,

It just occurred to me.
Why didn't God just shoot me? That would have been a much more direct approach.


He did with an arrow of truth and the flame of Joseph to reach your heart.

Now watch it open.

Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 07:50 AM
Ram Americans like you have been trying your way for the last five years, it was water off the back of the graceful swan. Us swans of grace fly divine. As Jesus said to his opponents 'If your Father was my Father, you would love me'.

You have been offered photographic evidence what else would satisfy you? As I've said all the facts would fill a book.
So you think people should accept every claim by every nutcase with a picture of some shiny light?

You have no idea how deluded you sound. And you don't even care.

Bob May
02-06-2012, 09:09 AM
He did with an arrow of truth and the flame of Joseph to reach your heart.

Now watch it open.

This is great. You take what I've written about for the last two years on this forum and in the Dumbo Dream thread. You post the Dumbo Dream thread on your website and then expect me to be amazed that you know something about me. what do you think that is? Prophecy?

You mentioned that we all know elephants have the "right of way" where you come from. In America, it depends upon which elephant gets to the four way stop first. Of course, if four elephants arrive at the four-way stop at the same time, the elephant to your right gets to procede before you do.
Bottom line is, wherever you come from, that there is a reason for rules. In this earth plane two elephants cannot occupy the same space at the same time. This is the reason for the rules of "right of way."
So you don't crash your elephants together.

There are also other rules having to do with time. You cannot pretend to be a prophetess by giving a prophecy about something that has already happened and say it will will happen soon. That is pretending to be something you are not. In essence,... another lie.
After the fact prophecy does not impress me too much.

I agree with one thing you've said. God did send you to us. Whether or not you benefit from what we are learning here is pretty much irrelevant. It is a good learning experience for all concerned. I, for one am reminded of some things I had forgotten. Just how much of a trap our mind can be in your situation.
Let's take a look at the woodcut you were so interested in before.
Because you missed the entire point.


The man in the woodcut is a Mystic, which you claimed to be. He is approaching the veil that leads to an expanded awareness of Reality. Notice that he is on his hands and knees to signify that it is only with humility and loss of Ego that we can approach that veil safely, as Richard pointed out earlier in this thread.
Another way of saying it is that in order to pass that initiation we must lose all self importance.
That is because at that veil we become aware that this Reality that we are in is Self Reflective.
In other words, that storehouse of symbolism that we are becoming aware of will reflect back to us whatever we believe to be true.

What you have done, Lotus, is nothing more than millions of pimple faced teenagers have done when they have dropped a tab of acid. You have gone through a veil with your self importance still completely intact.

You have faced the first initiation and failed. The pimple faced teenagers have had the common sense to know that were not ready for such a thing. Most of them back off. Some to come back later after finding some guidance of one kind or other. Others never to mess with it again.
You, for some reason, have decided to stay in that strange state of mind.

Don Juan said that both the world of men and the world of sorcerers were illusion. The trick of a "Man of Knowledge" is to slip between the worlds.
Buddhists also speak about two planes of illusion.
The Gospel of Thomas speaks about this heaven and the one above it being dissolved. In other words they are temporary planes of existence.

As Deb pointed out to you, the prophecies are not for you alone. They are speaking of those who overcome.
Fellow heirs with Christ. You are not the woman of the South, if you were, you would seek the wisdom of Solomon. Instead you say you are wiser than he was. Jesus was the greater than Solomon, not the woman of the South.
The man in the woodcut is not the center of the universe as you seem to think of yourself.
He is humbly peeking through at the edge of the manifest universe knowing that this too is illusion.

This is your major problem. Your self importance is being reflected back to you and magnifying itself in the process.
Jesus was/is the One and One with the Father and the Paraclete was/is the Spirit.
The woman who came to seek wisdom of Solomon was humble as were both Solomon and Jesus.

None of them tried to pretend to be something they were not.

Humility is nothing more than an awareness of Reality.

All the best,

Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 09:38 AM
The word 'delusional' does not exist in my reality. It is not word that is commonly used in the UK, although it does appear to be a common word used by Americans.

Sweet! Now you prove you not only lack the "wisdom of Solomon" but also elementary knowledge of the Bible!

If there is any prophecy about you in the Bible, this is it:

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

So by your own words, this verse of the Bible does not exist in your reality!


Bob May
02-06-2012, 10:17 AM
Sweet! Now you prove you not only lack the "wisdom of Solomon" but also elementary knowledge of the Bible!

If there is any prophecy about you in the Bible, this is it:

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

So by your own words, this verse of the Bible does not exist in your reality!



I was just on my way to the computer and was going to type this same verse.
Great minds think alike!!

Oh, but you forgot she already said that she was greater than Paul so it may not count.

But backing up one verse,...2th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

As you pointed out before the lies keep the delusion going. Why love the Truth?? It would destroy the delusion. The lies are much handier!!!

Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 10:46 AM

I was just on my way to the computer and was going to type this same verse.
Great minds think alike!!

Oh, but you forgot she already said that she was greater than Paul so it may not count.

But backing up one verse,...2th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

As you pointed out before the lies keep the delusion going. Why love the Truth?? It would destroy the delusion. The lies are much handier!!!
That's exactly right Bob. The only way Lotus Feet can maintain her delusion is to descend into the abyss of lies. What a pathetic thing to see!

Unfortunately, there is little anyone can do for her as long as she rejects truth and reality. She holds the key to freedom in her own hand, but doesn't want to use it. That's why self-deception is the most dangerous thing a person could do to themselves. They cut themselves off from reality and so become lost ...

Lotus Feet
02-06-2012, 02:48 PM
This is great. You take what I've written about for the last two years on this forum and in the Dumbo Dream thread.

I have no idea what you are talking Bob. Please be specific.

You post the Dumbo Dream thread on your website and then expect me to be amazed that you know something about me. what do you think that is? Prophecy?

I share life events with people and their connections as ordained to do. Those that know my story with Dumbo can then relate to the relation between the different aspects.

You will have to do a lot better than that Bob, you are dealing with a professional here, that was trained by Jesus Christ himself. So know this, that when you stand against me, you also stand against Jesus who chose me as well.

You mentioned that we all know elephants have the "right of way" where you come from.

Yes, real elephants in Africa have right of way. I am talking about real elephants.

There are also other rules having to do with time. You cannot pretend to be a prophetess by giving a prophecy about something that has already happened and say it will will happen soon. That is pretending to be something you are not. In essence,... another lie.After the fact prophecy does not impress me too much.

I have no idea what you are talking about Bob.

So can you own it?


Can you heal it? Seek within.

I agree with one thing you've said. God did send you to us. Whether or not you benefit from what we are learning here is pretty much irrelevant. It is a good learning experience for all concerned. I, for one am reminded of some things I had forgotten. Just how much of a trap our mind can be in your situation. Let's take a look at the woodcut you were so interested in before.Because you missed the entire point.

"missed the entire point"

Can you heal it? Seek within.

Psalm 106:36
They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them.

Proverbs 7:23
till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life.

Proverbs 18:7
The mouths of fools are their undoing, and their lips are a snare to their very lives.

Proverbs 29:25
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.

loss of Ego

That's a belief from Indian philosophy.

Try again, Bob, because I have received divine teaching from the LORD on EGO in 2002, and what the LORD says corrects you Bob.

In Latin and Greek the word for 'I' is EGO. Without EGO you would not exist Bob. However, religious indoctrination in childhood can co-create an altered ego and that is when the energy of a person can go down a different track. The same can happen if the will of a child is crushed.

Know the difference between that which is upright and that which is altered. However, you can only truly know that if you seek within.


As I have informed you, you have to let go of everything that you believe in to enter the eye of the needle. There is no room for it.

"pimple faced teenagers"
"tab of acid."
"self importance"

Can you heal it?

Seek within and the door will open for you.

"pimple faced teenagers"

Can you own it Bob? Can you take responsibility and heal it within?

The LORD is waiting for you to do so.

It takes great humility and courage to be willing to heal the self Bob..

Get to it..


They said the same about Jesus, I am in good company. As Jesus said to his accusers 'If your father was my Father then you would love me".

"They are speaking of those who overcome."

Well that is what the Church shared with the people and Jesus said that 'The Church has given the people a false sense of security'.

Matthew chapter 24 "the one" who stands firm to the end will be saved. He then tells you that the one that is saved shall share their testimony with the nations and then the end will come.

Jesus Christ was very specific and he gave a very specific criteria for 'the one' that he refers to a lot in different texts.

Jesus Christ was with me this morning and he likes this text.

Jesus said 'I tell you truly, the Book of Nature is a HOLY SCROLL, and if you would have the Sons of Men save themselves and find everlasting life, teach them how once again to read from the living pages of the Earthly Mother. For in everything that is life is the law written. It is written in the grass, in the trees, in the rivers, in the mountains, birds of the sky and fishes of the sea; and most of all in the Son of Man. Only when he returns to the bosom of the Earthly Mother will he find everlasting life and the Stream of Life which leads to his Heavenly Father; only thus may the dark vision of the future not come to pass". The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 4, Teachings of the Elect. It is clear in this passage that again, Jesus was not talking about himself because he already was one with the Father.

Jesus also knew that my name is written in the scriptures, and the prophecies tell you that the LORD planted my name in every land.

I am telling you Bob, the criteria for the one is huge. The LORD planned it that way on purpose.

You are not the woman of the South, if you were, you would seek the wisdom of Solomon. Instead you say you are wiser than he was.

Correct, I am wiser than Solomon.

Solomon reincarnated and both he and I know who he is.

Jesus was the greater than Solomon, not the woman of the South.

Jesus gave 'the one' that overcome, the hidden manna, his wisdom, he made her the Queen of the South due to her integrity. She was chosen for her integrity.

"major problem"
"self importance"

Can you own it? Can you heal it Bob?

Jesus was/is the One and One with the Father and the Paraclete was/is the Spirit.

He told you another paraclete would come and that is why he had to go away.

"But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned." I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you." John 16:7-15

Lotus Feet

Lotus Feet
02-06-2012, 03:30 PM
Try again Bob May, here is the verse and its the meaning of the word.

The word that you provided 'delusion' should be corrected if you refer to the Strongs Lexicon.

The Greek words is 'Plane' and it means 'wandering', 'straying'. Strongs 4106.

The word comes from 'Planos' and it means 'wandering', like 'roving'. Strongs 4108 Like Obama and his roving eye. Obama wandered by go off and promoting Islam. His sexuality is also in question, including the two murders of the two gay men at his Church that knew too much.


Here Americans, check out your president.


The one that the LORD sent me to the USA to stand against.


The Virgin -v- Son of Lawlessness
There is a text called the Apocalypse of Zephaniah and it mentions the Virgin. This text was mentioned by the highly respected Clement of Alexandria who was the teacher of Origen. Origen translated and compiled the books that were included in the second version of the bible. In the letters of St Jerome it also mentions a prediction that she would return when Saturn was in Virgo and this was another timing link for the last days of the end times.

"The Virgin struggles against this imposter and is joined by sixty just ones who show that the Son of Lawlessness is not the Anointed One. The Anointed One eventually sends angels from heaven. The text ends with an apocalyptic vision of the judgment and the end of the earth. The longer Akhmimic text does not mention Sophonias (or Zepheniah) but describes how the Seer, led by the Angel of the Lord, sees the entire earth and learns that the departed righteous dwell in a place of perpetual light." [1]

The man of lawlessness is also mentioned in the New Testament, the Christ described him as one that would stand where he did not belong and in the Dead Sea Scrolls he is the 'Usurper'.

You know the one without the birth certificate.


Onwards and upwards America

Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 03:53 PM
Try again Bob May, here is the verse and its the meaning of the word.

The word that you provided 'delusion' should be corrected if you refer to the Strongs Lexicon.

The Greek words is 'Plane' and it means 'wandering', 'straying'. Strongs 4106.

The word comes from 'Planos' and it means 'wandering', like 'roving'. Strongs 4108 Like Obama and his roving eye. Obama wandered by go off and promoting Islam. His sexuality is also in question, including the two murders of the two gay men at his Church that knew too much.


Biblical scholars, the people who translate the Bible, don't rely on Strong's Concordance. Unlike you, they actually know the language. You have now set yourself over and above the collected scholarship of thousands of people who have contributed to dozens of translations of the Bible. Here are twelve translations translated by experts who say you are wrong. Talk about a strong delusion - it's you Lotus Feet:

New International Version (http://niv.scripturetext.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm) (©1984) (http://biblica.com/)
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

New Living Translation (http://nlt.scripturetext.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm) (©2007) (http://www.newlivingtranslation.com/)
So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies.

English Standard Version (http://esv.scripturetext.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm) (©2001) (http://www.crossway.org/)
Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,

New American Standard Bible (http://nasb.scripturetext.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm) (©1995) (http://www.lockman.org/)
For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false,

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) (http://kingjbible.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm)
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

International Standard Version (http://isv.scripturetext.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm) (©2008) (http://isv.org/)
For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010) (http://aramaic-plain-english.scripturetext.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm)
Because of this, God sent them the activity of delusion that they would believe lies.

GOD'S WORD® Translation (http://gwt.scripturetext.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm) (©1995) (http://www.godsword.org/)
That's why God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe a lie.

King James 2000 Bible (©2003) (http://kj2000.scripturetext.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm)
And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

American King James Version (http://kjv.us/2_thessalonians/2.htm)
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

Webster's Bible Translation (http://websterbible.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm)
And for this cause God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

Young's Literal Translation (http://yltbible.com/2_thessalonians/2.htm)
and because of this shall God send to them a working of delusion, for their believing the lie,

Here Americans, check out your president.


The one that the LORD sent me to the USA to stand against.

What a load of mindless bullshit.

And when Obama is gone and it is proven that he is not the Antichrist, will you admit to being a false prophet? Of course not - delusional people like you never admit when they are wrong.

02-06-2012, 05:19 PM
:sBo_reflection2::tim:Danaste:hangman:Boguth Foot Petalth,:flowers::bricks:

Rilly?:woohoo: We have been waiting 4 U.

Though you dethire fiendshifTths, you have not underthTood the clarity in inter-cothmic relating for thy shadow thupertheeding thy thoul. Under-relating ith bourne of egothentrithity, yet how are you to critique when you fail to even hold a :Investigate: to your own opinionth?
:prof: FirthT, you shall do well to judge everything, and at the root of all thy judgemenTth, judge thyself even afore as aft.

Thimply put, becauthe of thith ludicrouth Erithian foreplay, watch your back...or we all together now might juthT call on All Mitey Bob to thend you packin'? Should you continue leaning foreward here, yet dwelling behind the great expanthe with armth wide open, you shall be met by your own daemonth plunging thy selfths into Thee Abythth. Your failure to percieve the Hekatean mandate hath put you at oddth with e'en yur selfths. It is a thad cathe thenario but thumb bodies have to do thith... and we have a thaying about thuch thith Acropolis: if the food don't getcha' the Barfatorium will: better you than me.

You have brought more amuthement than hath been theen from thith porch for many yearth. You are kix to thay the least. You really are funny, but don't let it go to your hed.

Now about this firthT pothT though. . .SERIOUSLY:

Let's start at the very beginning,
A very good place apart,
When you sing you can just swoon me doe ray,
In kippur it's when teshuv meets hey
All the do dah day.

Boguth Foot Petalth firthT thed, "The book of Revelation tells you that the one that was victorious and overcome was put upon his throne. That same person was made a pillar in the temple of the LORD. It also tells you that they were told the name of the city of his God. In other words the name of the place that the LORD has chosen for the building of his new holy city of enlightenment.

So why are the Christians constantly quoting texts instead of looking for the one?


Boguth Foot Petalth lasthTly thed,I tell you why, they are so attached to Jesus and their texts that they cannot see beyond their noses.
Yur appeal to the 14th path will get you where?

May you live in interesting times,:hysterical:


Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 05:27 PM
:sBo_reflection2::tim:Danaste:hangman:Boguth Foot Petalth,:flowers::bricks:

Rilly?:woohoo: We have been waiting 4 U.

Though you dethire fiendshifTths, you have not underthTood the clarity in inter-cothmic relating for thy shadow thupertheeding thy thoul. Under-relating ith bourne of egothentrithity, yet how are you to critique when you fail to even hold a :Investigate: to your own opinionth?
:prof: FirthT, you shall do well to judge everything, and at the root of all thy judgemenTth, judge thyself even afore as aft.

Thimply put, becauthe of thith ludicrouth Erithian foreplay, watch your back...or we all together now might juthT call on All Mitey Bob to thend you packin'? Should you continue leaning foreward here, yet dwelling behind the great expanthe with armth wide open, you shall be met by your own daemonth plunging thy selfths into Thee Abythth. Your failure to percieve the Hekatean mandate hath put you at oddth with e'en yur selfths. It is a thad cathe thenario but thumb bodies have to do thith... and we have a thaying about thuch thith Acropolis: if the food don't getcha' the Barfatorium will: better you than me.

You have brought more amuthement than hath been theen from thith porch for many yearth. You are kix to thay the least. You really are funny, but don't let it go to your hed.

Now about this firthT pothT though. . .SERIOUSLY:

Let's start at the very beginning,
A very good place apart,
When you sing you can just swoon me doe ray,
In kippur it's when teshuv meets hey
All the do dah day.

Yur appeal to the 14th path will get you where?

May you live in interesting times,:hysterical:

Exsuperceedingly well stated, Sir Timmy Tim!

You inimical style was exactly what this thread required. :thumb:


Bob May
02-06-2012, 05:28 PM
I have no idea what you are talking Bob. Please be specific.

I share life events with people and their connections as ordained to do. Those that know my story with Dumbo can then relate to the relation between the different aspects.

You will have to do a lot better than that Bob, you are dealing with a professional here, that was trained by Jesus Christ himself. So know this, that when you stand against me, you also stand against Jesus who chose me as well.

That's a very comforting thought. That is what the Comforter is supposed to do, right? That and testify of Jesus.
Oh, but I forgot you are specially ordained to talk about yourself. Sometimes in the third person. What do mean by professioonal?

Yes, real elephants in Africa have right of way. I am talking about real elephants.

Yes, I understood that. Did you understand me?

I have no idea what you are talking about Bob.
Alright, Good!!! Now you know how everyone else feels when they are havng a conversation with you. We are making progress.
Now apparently we have to pause for one of your incoming messages.
So can you own it?


Can you heal it? Seek within.

"missed the entire point"

Can you heal it?

Psalm 106:36
They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them.

Proverbs 7:23
till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life.

Proverbs 18:7
The mouths of fools are their undoing, and their lips are a snare to their very lives.

Proverbs 29:25
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.

I guess that you mean that God is aiming at my liver now instead of my heart.

That's a belief from Indian philosophy.
OK then, A man must deny even his own soul to be worthy of me....Or give all that he has to enter the kingdom through the narrow gete. You know, the eye of the needle you like to talk about.

Try again, Bob, because I have received divine teaching from the LORD on EGO in 2002, and what the LORD says contradicts you Bob.

In Latin and Greek the word for 'I' is EGO. Without the EGO you would not exist Bob. However, religious indoctrination and co-create an altered ego and that is when the energy of a person can go down a different track.

Know the difference between that which is upright and that which is altered.

As I have told you have to let of everything that you believe in to enter the eye of the needle. There is not room for it.

It sounds to me like I am in complete agreement with Jesus on this matter. You, however, are not even in agreement with youself. First, you said you jst have to alter a little bit. Then you change your mind in the very next sentence and say you can,t bring anything with you.So, which do you belive is true?

Can you heal it?

Seek within and the door will open for you.

Can you own Bob? Can you take responsibility and heal it within?

The LORD is waiting for you to do so.

Its take great humility and courage to be willing to heal the self Bob..

Get to it..

They said the same about Jesus, I am in good company. As Jesus said to his accusers 'If your father was my Father then you would love me". You are in good company. Even here on this forum. And I do love you. I am poking fun at you to show you how strange some of your ideas are. What if I told you that I was the Queen of the South or the Holy Spirit or Mother Earth or whatever? Would you believe me? We can become one with nature and seek widom just like the Queen did. And we can have the Spirit breathed upon us or fill us. Jesus came to teach us that it is there for whoever desires those things. I' m just trying to get you to «alter» your perspective somewhat. I truly believe that God speaks to many on this forum and elsewhere. That makes them special in God's eyes. When you are special in God's eyes, there is no need to be special in anyone else's eyes. We are all in this together and we all have adjustments to make. No big deal. Lighten up. God loves you. Jesus died to save you. If you were the only one he could have saved by going to the cross he still would have gone to the cross just for you. The same thing goes for any one of us. That is love beyond our understanding.
God bless you Lotus, Bob

Lotus Feet
02-06-2012, 05:29 PM
Biblical scholars, the people who translate the Bible, don't rely on Strong's Concordance. Unlike you, they actually know the language. You have now set yourself over and above the collected scholarship of thousands of people who have contributed to dozens of translations of the Bible. Here are twelve translations translated by experts who say you are wrong. Talk about a strong delusion - it's you Lotus Feet:

What a load of mindless bullshit.

And when Obama is gone and it is proven that he is not the Antichrist, will you admit to being a false prophet? Of course not - delusional people like you never admit when they are wrong.

We have corrected scholars in the past, it would not be the first time. There are Greek words that don't have a direct equivalent word and as we know it is often the same in other languages as well. Hence, why it is very important when looking at language to understand the meaning in culture that it is set. It isn't simply looking at a word it is much more than that due to the philosophy conveyed.

I have had contact with biblical scholars and one of them speaks eight languages. Including Greek, he also teaches Hebrew.

Can you own it Richard? 'Mindless Bullshit? Can you heal? Is that what you call humility Richard? Teshuvah.

I warn you Richard, those that stand against the LORD do not live to tell their story. His Son warned you all about this timeline.

Rev 13 doesn't mention the word 'antichrist' and nor did I on the Virgin post.

The LORD called Obama the 'Pharaoh' and the LORD said 'Obama is a double agent'. He also showed me the front page of a website when I woke up in the morning, there were threads about Obama and then three large numbers appeared 666.
Wisdom was indeed called to do the count on the man and stop him in his tracks. The reason wisdom was called was to put a stop to the rest of Rev 13, and what could come to be Americans if do not heed the words of the LORD. This is very serious Richard, millions of lives are at stake. It isn't over yet Richard. Although what happened at the court in Georgia is certainly a step in the right direction.

The terminology 'anti-christ' is Christian terminology. However, I am not surprised that you use the word Richard because you are exactly that.

Do you not know these words Richard?

James 1:26
Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

Did you Jesus not teach you good communication Richard? How about the universal love that you spoke of on Roses thread?

Dear, dear, I can understand why the LORD sent me here to speak with you.

You have a lot to learn Richard, and you can begin with learning how to communicate in an appropriate way, in the sight of the LORD and his Son. For they see every single word that you write.

You see the prophecies tell you about the importance of good communication and what happens if you do not do so.

Hebrews 6:8
But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.

That then also relates to the Obadiah prophecy about the land of ESAU that is the USA.

If you do not wish your country to burn to the ground. I recommend Teshuvah and your return to the sacred because life is a co-creation and every word you think, write and say impacts upon it. It is all part of the physics of the cosmos.

You see we know there were additions added to the bible, we also know it was changed and verses were added.

Here is another example Richard.

"So when we review all the evidence the solution is plain to see. The historical evidence indicates the word "God" was not there before the fifthe century. The manuscript evidence indicates the word "God" was not in the original text."

So then Richard why do you quote Strongs numbers on your biblewheel website if you yourself do not agree with strongs?

Ponder upon it.

The context of the word is so different Richard. The original Greek word speaks of a 'movement' like moving into a field. Going a particular way. Even the word itself is 'plane' that is also about movement, it is completely different to the context that you are trying to throw at me.

Richard, the Rabbis knew that I would be a 'Leper to the house of study'. I am not an academic.

I feel the meaning of words, I connect with their energy.

Like when Jesus said to the Apostles 'Did you not know that I was not speaking about bread?'.

Jesus was speaking poetically and Greek is a poetic language of love, and that is one of the reasons that he liked it.

Here is another example to do with translations.

"For instance the English word 'comfort', used in John's gospel of the Holy Spirit as comforter, has changed vastly over time. 900 years ago it meant to prod and poke, even chastise, to get someone to do something - now it is far more passive and means a mollycoddlying 'there-there' pat on the back.

Both Luther and Tyndale were able to affect the outlook of the Reformation church by a change of wording when re-translating the Scriptures from their original languages into German and English: community for church, repentance for penance, love for charity and elder for priest. Words can change or define our Judaeo-Christian heritage and faith."


02-06-2012, 05:37 PM
Exsuperceedingly well stated, Sir Timmy Tim!

You inimical style was exactly what this thread required. :thumb:


Thankth RAMROD!

Oh, bro, i chuckled all day after finishing reading this whole thread this morning.
but now the mood just struck to post, and who knows what was what you got.

...and it looks like i am getting better at posting without spell checking too. One mistake i see.
(Let's juist leave it to be here now as it is.)

Shalom shalom to all,


Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 05:40 PM
The Queen of the South was sent to judge this generation for their own good to raise them up. She has more wisdom than Solomon and Paul could not match it.

Hey there Lotus Feet,

After reading more of your comments, I must admit that you are right about one thing - there are some people looking for you. They are from the psych ward and they want to give you a glorious jacket worthy to be worn only by someone of your grand stature which transcends that of both King Solomon and the Apostle Paul:


Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 05:43 PM
Thankth RAMROD!

Oh, bro, i chuckled all day after finishing reading this whole thread this morning.
but now the mood just struck to post, and who knows what was what you got.

...and it looks like i am getting better at posting without spell checking too. One mistake i see.
(Let's juist leave it to be here now as it is.)

Shalom shalom to all,

One mistake? How could I have missed it? :lmbo:

Let it stand in it's flourious spurfection.

Lotus Feet
02-06-2012, 05:59 PM
You will all be brought to account Richard, as others have been also.

If you understood the spiritual law you would know that.

As Jesus said what you give will come back to you 30, 60 or 100 fold.

In this current timeline it is striking at 100 fold and that was shown in the crop circles in 2011.

You see the LORD always defends me against people such as yourself.

Teshuvah Richard while you still have the opportunity to do so.

Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 06:25 PM
We have corrected scholars in the past, it would not be the first time. There are Greek words that don't have a direct equivalent word and as we know it is often the same in other languages as well. Hence, why it is very important when looking at language to understand the meaning in culture that it is set. It isn't simply looking at a word it is much more than that due to the philosophy conveyed.

I have had contact with biblical scholars and one of them speaks eight languages. Including Greek, he also teaches Hebrew.

Who is the "we" that "corrected" scholars? You and your dog?

Merely having "contact" with a scholar does not justify your false understanding of 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

Can you own it Richard? 'Mindless Bullshit? Can you heal? Is that what you call humility Richard? Teshuvah.

It's your mindless bullshit. You need to heal your mind.

And who are you to be talking about humility? You claim to be the Queen of the South with the Wisdom of Solomon!

But you can't see your hypocrisy no matter how plainly it is presented to you in this mirror.

I warn you Richard, those that stand against the LORD do not live to tell their story. His Son warned you all about this timeline.

Oooh .... scary. :sSW_emperor:

Did you Jesus not teach you good communication Richard? How about the universal love that you spoke of on Roses thread?

You've got my love sister. I've been offering you a life-line to help free you from your delusions. But maybe I'm not the right doctor for you. I use a sharp scalpel and you take offense thinking that I am trying to hurt you. But I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm only trying to help you see that you are deluded. Maybe you need someone who coddles you and hugs you and makes you feel loved.

I have presented you with questions that should help you free yourself from your delusions, but you refuse to answer them. Let me try again: Can you understand why your posts are indistinguishable from those of a raving lunatic? If not, then you need to engage me on this question. You need to ask me why I think you are delusional, and then deal with the answer that I give. As it is, your evasion of my questions is just a symptom of your general evasion of reality. But I'm here to help if you will choose to seek reality.

Dear, dear, I can understand why the LORD sent me here to speak with you.

You have a lot to learn Richard, and you can begin with learning how to communicate in an appropriate way, in the sight of the LORD and his Son. For they see every single word that you write.

I think you should apply those words to your self. You are making false claims about the LORD and Jesus.

So then Richard why do you quote Strongs numbers on your biblewheel website if you yourself do not agree with strongs?

Ponder upon it.

Because Strong's numbers are a helpful tool. Unfortunately, I often see them misused by ignorant people like you. Now that's not meant to be offensive - it is merely descriptive of the fact that you are ignorant of Biblical Greek yet you set yourself up over all the scholars who know the language.

The context of the word is so different Richard. The original Greek word speaks of a 'movement' like moving into a field. Going a particular way. Even the word itself is 'plane' that is also about movement, it is completely different to the context that you are trying to throw at me.

I'm not throwing a "context" at you. I quoted that verse in response to your absurd assertion that "delusion doesn't exist in your reality."

This is typical of your responses. You miss the point and go off on your own tangent and start disputing over words when the plain meaning if perfectly clear.

The whole point was that the word "delusion" applies to your claims, but you won't deal with this. And so you want to distract the conversation into a disputation over words? No way. You can't fool me. I know about such diversionary tactics. There is only one issue I'm interesting in discussing with you - your delusional claims about yourself as the object of Biblical prophecies, the Queen of the South with more wisdom than Solomon.

If you really had such wisdom, why have you not been able to answer the question I have repeated over and over again?

Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 06:32 PM
You will all be brought to account Richard, as others have been also.

If you understood the spiritual law you would know that.

As Jesus said what you give will come back to you 30, 60 or 100 fold.

In this current timeline it is striking at 100 fold and that was shown in the crop circles in 2011.

You see the LORD always defends me against people such as yourself.

Uh ... no ... that's not the LORD that is defending your delusions. It is the very nature of your delusions to prevent your conscious mind from seeing their source.

Again, if you had any wisdom, you would know that your posts appear to be delusional. The fact that you can't see this is a function of your delusion.

This is a deep mystery to me. Why can't you understand this point? You do know that the world is filled with delusional people, right? Suppose some of them wrote me posts like yours. How would I distinguish between the lunatics and the true ones (like you, or so you think)? You have never answered this question except to write some total BS about how the "LORD" told you that the woman would be 48 just like you. That's crazy! I mean totally nuts! Why can't you see and understand that?

Teshuvah Richard while you still have the opportunity to do so.
That's exactly right. It is time for you to repent of the evasion and deception that support your delusions.

BTW - why doesn't the Queen of the South get any comments on her blog? You'd think folks would be flocking to hear your wisdom. That's what they did with Solomon! So if you have even more wisdom than Solomon, why can't you get even a single comment on your blog, even after advertising yourself here on my forum?

Lotus Feet
02-06-2012, 07:15 PM
I think you should apply those words to your self. You are making false claims about the LORD and Jesus.

Well Richard. I can assure you that I would win the case in court, as the sheer quantity of witnesses to my integrity are beyond measure.

This did not happen overnight Richard and the LORD sees directly into your heart.

You have revealed yourself Richard for the whole world to see; who you truly are and what you are made of.

Because Strong's numbers are a helpful tool. Unfortunately, I often see them misused by ignorant people like you. Now that's not meant to be offensive - it is merely descriptive of the fact that you are ignorant of Biblical Greek yet you set yourself up over all the scholars who know the language.

The LORD is above whoever he chooses to be so.

I'm not throwing a "context" at you. I quoted that verse in response to your absurd assertion that "delusion doesn't exist in your reality."

It certainly doesn't exist in my reality.

So can you own it as it came from you Richard?

Can you heal it? 'Delusion'.

Can you take responsibility for what you are co-creating for yourself and your nation?

I know about such diversionary tactics.

We certainly do Richard. We have been dealing with people live in America for the last five years.

Fortunately, the day came for some of them when they have the humility to apologize what they had said and done in the matter that you act.

That is why your water simply falls off of the back of the graceful swan.

You can throw whatever you like at me, nothing will stick.

There is only one issue I'm interesting in discussing with you - your delusional claims about yourself as the object of Biblical prophecies, the Queen of the South with more wisdom than Solomon.

You have not discussed a single text with me with an open heart and mind Richard. You have not been open to discuss the judgement that is part of this timeline. Like when Queensland was flooded, and the 5 million trees burned down on Mount Carmel Jewish New Year after the sign of Jonah arrived.

If you really had such wisdom, why have you not been able to answer the question I have repeated over and over again?

It has absolutely nothing to with the intention of this thread or title thereof.

It is exactly as you describe it Richard and they are your tactics not mine.

I must admit you Americans have made quite an art of it. However, what many of you don't realize is that it comes right back down upon your own heads. Its all part of the spiritual law of the cosmos.

You really do not know who you are dealing with richard. However, in time you will know because the LORD does intend to vindicate his Queen.

02-06-2012, 09:01 PM
So much for staying away for 2 months. That was great Timmy. Glad I peeked in.

This is getting downright hilarious. I have another Star Trek episode in mind. Kirk could never see the "all wise" being that referred to himself as "We". I will find it. In the meantime, enjoy. You too, Lotus.


02-06-2012, 10:06 PM
Timmy, Rick... :clap2: Nice videos and so apropos!! Is that the same actor in the Star Trek clip that plays the 'Wizard of Oz'? They look alike, but I'm thinking the Star Trek episode must have been made long after the Wiz??? Nonetheless, brilliant and entertaining.

Timmy, you always make me laugh--thank you! (BTW...did you get my email???!!)

Much love to you all!


(...and if any of Lotus Feet's "followers" from her blog happen to check in here...hope you are able to come out from under her spell, too after reading this...I'm sure you'll find some encouragement and potential detoxification on this site!)

02-06-2012, 10:24 PM
Timmy, Rick... :clap2: Nice videos and so apropos!! Is that the same actor in the Star Trek clip that plays the 'Wizard of Oz'? They look alike, but I'm thinking the Star Trek episode must have been made long after the Wiz??? Nonetheless, brilliant and entertaining.

Timmy, you always make me laugh--thank you! (BTW...did you get my email???!!)

Much love to you all!


(...and if any of Lotus Feet's "followers" from her blog happen to check in here...hope you are able to come out from under her spell, too after reading this...I'm sure you'll find some encouragement and potential detoxification on this site!)

I forgot my comment.

Thanks for the laughs guys. We have needed some comic relief and Lotus brought it.


Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 10:50 PM
Well Richard. I can assure you that I would win the case in court, as the sheer quantity of witnesses to my integrity are beyond measure.

Of all your delusions - that one tops them all.

You are still totally ignorant of the fact that you have not written a single word that would give a rational person any reason whatsoever to believe you, yet you persist in your assertion that you would "win in court." How pathetic.

You have revealed yourself Richard for the whole world to see; who you truly are and what you are made of.

That's right! I've shown the world that I'm not fool who believes the unfounded claims of delusional internet freaks. And I also have shown them that I give delusional people all the opportunity in the world to explain why they should be believed, and yet they remain delusional all the same.

I quoted that verse in response to your absurd assertion that "delusion doesn't exist in your reality."
It certainly doesn't exist in my reality.

It IS your "reality."

So can you own it as it came from you Richard?

You bet I can "own it" - it is, after all, the truth.

Can you heal it? 'Delusion'.

No, I can't heal your delusion. Wish I could!

I know about such diversionary tactics.
We certainly do Richard. We have been dealing with people live in America for the last five years.

And yet you persist in your delusion despite all the evidence given? Fascinating.

Fortunately, the day came for some of them when they have the humility to apologize what they had said and done in the matter that you act.

Oh yes, it's so very important that everyone apologize to the hyper-sensitive "Queen of the South" who is so very wise!

That is why your water simply falls off of the back of the graceful swan.

That "water" being "reality" of course.

You can throw whatever you like at me, nothing will stick.

Not in your deluded mind, that's for sure.

There is only one issue I'm interesting in discussing with you - your delusional claims about yourself as the object of Biblical prophecies, the Queen of the South with more wisdom than Solomon.
You have not discussed a single text with me with an open heart and mind Richard. You have not been open to discuss the judgement that is part of this timeline. Like when Queensland was flooded, and the 5 million trees burned down on Mount Carmel Jewish New Year after the sign of Jonah arrived.

That's not true. My heart is wide open. And my eyes are open too, so I see your delusions. You have failed to answer the question I have asked over and over again. I have received many messages from people with delusions like yours. People write and claim to be Christ, Elijah, or one of the Two Witnesses. You have written nothing that would convince a rational person that you are the Queen of the South with wisdom greater than Solomon. The fact that you don't realize this even after I've told it to you many times only proves how deep is your delusion. If you had any wisdom at all you would engage me on this question. The fact that you don't is simply more evidence that you are deluded.

If you really had such wisdom, why have you not been able to answer the question I have repeated over and over again?
It has absolutely nothing to with the intention of this thread or title thereof.

It is exactly as you describe it Richard and they are your tactics not mine.

I must admit you Americans have made quite an art of it. However, what many of you don't realize is that it comes right back down upon your own heads. Its all part of the spiritual law of the cosmos.

In other words, you still cannot see the plain fact that your posts are indistinguishable from the ravings of a lunatic. And so you imagine that my refusal to accept your delusions is "my tactic." Brilliant! That delusion should keep the rest of your delusions in tact for a long time ....

You really do not know who you are dealing with richard. However, in time you will know because the LORD does intend to vindicate his Queen.
I have a very good sense of who I'm dealing with. You have done everything in your power to convince me and every reader of this thread that you are delusional.

Congrats! You put on quite a show! :smiley_applause:

Richard Amiel McGough
02-06-2012, 10:54 PM
So much for staying away for 2 months. That was great Timmy. Glad I peeked in.

This is getting downright hilarious. I have another Star Trek episode in mind. Kirk could never see the "all wise" being that referred to himself as "We". I will find it. In the meantime, enjoy. You too, Lotus.

Glad you hung around. If my liberal policy that allows delusional people to post drives away my sane friends, I'll have to tighten things down a bit. Do you think I should ban her?

02-07-2012, 07:13 AM
Glad you hung around. If my liberal policy that allows delusional people to post drives away my sane friends, I'll have to tighten things down a bit. Do you think I should ban her?

No, now that everyone is no longer treating the Queenie seriously, I see no reason why she would want to stay and continue providing comic relief. She takes herself too seriously to even entertain the notion that anyone would not have the utmost respect for her. Her address may not be UK after all. I'm thinking she lives at 462 1st Avenue New York, NY 10016-9198 and somehow got hold of a computer.


Bob May
02-07-2012, 09:57 AM
Hi all,

There is a saying in the occult that goes something like this. "It is so easy to open the door, but so hard to close it."
When spiritual awareness begins to open before a person is ready for it, they become aware of all kinds of things that they were not aware of before. The universe speaks to us in many ways and if we are fortunate we have the common sense left to see that we are lost and that it is impossible to find our way out.

The only cure is to shut down. Get back to Earth and reaccess.

She seems past that in that she missed her chance apparently many years ago.
It is sad. Scripture can be a big help in getting your feet back on the ground in situations like this but it seems she has already reinterpreted all of scripture to reinforce her warped and overinflated view of her own part in all of this.

It is a viscious circle that she has wrapped around herself.

Mt 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
Mt 6:23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!


Richard Amiel McGough
02-07-2012, 10:17 AM
Hi all,

There is a saying in the occult that goes something like this. "It is so easy to open the door, but so hard to close it."
When spiritual awareness begins to open before a person is ready for it, they become aware of all kinds of things that they were not aware of before. The universe speaks to us in many ways and if we are fortunate we have the common sense left to see that we are lost and that it is impossible to find our way out.

The only cure is to shut down. Get back to Earth and reaccess.

She seems past that in that she missed her chance apparently many years ago.
It is sad. Scripture can be a big help in getting your feet back on the ground in situations like this but it seems she has already reinterpreted all of scripture to reinforce her warped and overinflated view of her own part in all of this.

It is a viscious circle that she has wrapped around herself.

Mt 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
Mt 6:23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Very well stated Bob. :thumb:

Bob May
02-07-2012, 03:11 PM
Timmy, Rick... :clap2: Nice videos and so apropos!! Is that the same actor in the Star Trek clip that plays the 'Wizard of Oz'? They look alike, but I'm thinking the Star Trek episode must have been made long after the Wiz??? Nonetheless, brilliant and entertaining.

Timmy, you always make me laugh--thank you! (BTW...did you get my email???!!)

Much love to you all!


(...and if any of Lotus Feet's "followers" from her blog happen to check in here...hope you are able to come out from under her spell, too after reading this...I'm sure you'll find some encouragement and potential detoxification on this site!)

Timmy is a genious. Lotus was identifying with the 14th Path on the Tree of life, the Empress, when what she should have been doing was staying on the yellow brick road. I remember as a young boy it scared me every time I watched the movie even though I knew it by heart. All that I could think was how stupid Dorothy was. She had just one rule to follow. Stay on the damn road, and she couldn't do it. Moral of the story is watch out for the flying monkeys. Simple as that. BTW the Wizard of Oz was made in 1939 Star Trek around 67-68. I had forgotten how «cheezy»the special effects were. Bob

02-07-2012, 03:19 PM
Timmy is a genious. Lotus was identifying with the 14th Path on the Tree of life, the Empress, when what she should have been doing was staying on the yellow brick road. I remember as a young boy it scared me every time I watched the movie even though I knew it by heart. All that I could think was how stupid Dorothy was. She had just one rule to follow. Stay on the damn road, and she couldn't do it. Moral of the story is watch out for the flying monkeys. Simple as that. BTW the Wizard of Oz was made in 1939 Star Trek around 67-68. I had forgotten how «cheezy»the special effects were. Bob

I just wanted to say that I really feel sorry for Lotus. She is after all a precious soul. I was not trying to deride her, but at a certain point it was not good to speak seriously with her anymore as it just "fueled her fire".


Bob May
02-07-2012, 04:16 PM
I just wanted to say that I really feel sorry for Lotus. She is after all a precious soul. I was not trying to deride her, but at a certain point it was not good to speak seriously with her anymore as it just "fueled her fire".

Rick We all feel that way, Rick. But we also all have to go through the «Battle of the Mirrors» or «Know Thyself» as Timmy pointed out. Reason, bluntness and comparing Scripture are not making a dent. Maybe humor will. In the grand scheme of things we are all a little nuts compared with the goalpost we have set for ourselves. And we all need to re-evaluate ourselves often. She has neglected that or been neglected in that respect. She's got some work to do just to get to «Even.» It's hard to know what to do, but my guess is that she will leave of her own accord if she hasn't already done so. Hopefully, some things we said will stick with her and take root. Bob

02-07-2012, 04:28 PM



02-07-2012, 05:17 PM
In the grand scheme of things we are all a little nuts compared with the goalpost we have set for ourselves. And we all need to re-evaluate ourselves often.

Oh Bob,,,,You are so right about that.

God have mercy on us all and lead us home.

I just thank God for His mercy and love as demonstrated in Jesus.

Thanks. Isn't it nice to know we don't have to perform in front of each other? We all need Him.

Made my day, Bob.

Lotus Feet
02-07-2012, 06:16 PM
Timmy is a genious. Lotus was identifying with the 14th Path on the Tree of life, the Empress, when what she should have been doing was staying on the yellow brick road. I remember as a young boy it scared me every time I watched the movie even though I knew it by heart. All that I could think was how stupid Dorothy was. She had just one rule to follow. Stay on the damn road, and she couldn't do it. Moral of the story is watch out for the flying monkeys. Simple as that. BTW the Wizard of Oz was made in 1939 Star Trek around 67-68. I had forgotten how «cheezy»the special effects were. Bob

Bob the one that was called, then chosen, was sent all the way OZ, she and her Son lived there for a year. It was while she was in Australia that Jesus Christ came before in all of his glory. He gave the most beautiful message that was later published on her return to England. When he came and sat with her, all she could do was weep due to the sheer power of his love for her. As he was leaving, she got up and the weight of her tears made her glasses fall onto the floor. As she bent down to pick them up, he turned around towards her and he said 'You will be able to see'.

I was blessed at that time to be in Australia with the most amazing spiritual people that embraced all of my divine experiences and they also shared there's as well. It was while I was in Australia that the holy mother also spoke to me about the mission of compassion with the children.

Unlike you Bob, this humble heart that I was gifted with, stayed true, I did not seek from the Tree of Knowledge that the book of Genesis warned you about. The Rabbi's also knew that I would be what they called 'Leper to the house of study' . That was very true, I was removed from school at the age of 15 by my mother and sent to work. My first job of work was as a messenger for a Jewish law firm. My mother took me out of school, ,I had been off school a lot with tonsils and had to have them out and as such I did get good marks in the CSE's. My headmaster was not happy that mum removed me from school and nor was I. However, now I am 58 and know the divine plan, I can see why the LORD and his Son wished for me to stay away from academia, its sausage machine and knowledge.

The LORD and his Son wished for me to remain natural and organic.

I lived the Tree of Life experience and that life experience combined with the humility to truly follow the Son to where he led me' to the highway of holiness. The way of holiness of the healers. You see, the true followers of Jesus Christ are the healers. The healers are his family of healers that do good in his name.

Not healers like you find in the American Churches.

True healers that work with energy of the people, animals, water, energy of the planet, and the energy of the divine.

Prophet Isaiah also knew about the way of holiness and understood ascension.

This one also taught ascension naturally from the benefit of her experience of it prior to the LORD sending her to Israel . He planted her in Jezreel exactly as Hosea predicted.

Those that truly know the way of holiness also know me in their hearts.

This was a lovely song for the Queen


As the LORD said to his Queen 'Rock stars sang about you'.

First she was called, then she was chosen, then she was summoned.

Love beyond measure

Lotus Feet

Bob May
02-07-2012, 07:47 PM
Bob the one that was called, then chosen, was sent all the way OZ, she and her Son lived there for a year. It was while she was in Australia that Jesus Christ came before in all of his glory. He gave the most beautiful message that was later published on her return to England. When he came and sat with her, all she could do was weep due to the sheer power of his love for her. As he was leaving, she got up and the weight of her tears made her glasses fall onto the floor. As she bent down to pick them up, he turned around towards her and he said 'You will be able to see'.

I was blessed at that time to be in Australia with the most amazing spiritual people that embraced all of my divine experiences and they also shared there's as well. It was while I was in Australia that the holy mother also spoke to me about the mission of compassion with the children.

Unlike you Bob, this humble heart that I was gifted with, stayed true, I did not seek from the Tree of Knowledge that the book of Genesis warned you about. The Rabbi's also knew that I would be what they called 'Leper to the house of study' . That was very true, I was removed from school at the age of 15 by my mother and sent to work. My first job of work was as a messenger for a Jewish law firm. My mother took me out of school, ,I had been off school a lot with tonsils and had to have them out and as such I did get good marks in the CSE's. My headmaster was not happy that mum removed me from school and nor was I. However, now I am 58 and know the divine plan, I can see why the LORD and his Son wished for me to stay away from academia, its sausage machine and knowledge.

The LORD and his Son wished for me to remain natural and organic.

I lived the Tree of Life experience and that life experience combined with the humility to truly follow the Son to where he led me' to the highway of holiness. The way of holiness of the healers. You see, the true followers of Jesus Christ are the healers. The healers are his family of healers that do good in his name.

Not healers like you find in the American Churches.

True healers that work with energy of the people, animals, water, energy of the planet, and the energy of the divine.

Prophet Isaiah also knew about the way of holiness and understood ascension.

This one also taught ascension naturally from the benefit of her experience of it prior to the LORD sending her to Israel . He planted her in Jezreel exactly as Hosea predicted.

Those that truly know the way of holiness also know me in their hearts.

This was a lovely song for the Queen


As the LORD said to his Queen 'Rock stars sang about you'.

First she was called, then she was chosen, then she was summoned.

Love beyond measure

Lotus Feet

Hi Lotus, Glad to see you did not leave without saying goodbye. I alsospent many years with a man who was a true teacher and Christian mystic. You would have lasted about three days in one of his classes. Richard is a pussycat in comparison. No one is doubting that you may have had some spiritual experiences. We all have. Everyone who has responded to your posts on this thread have had experiences. It is the nature and interpretation of those experiences tht go against what we have learned froom our own experiences. Put on you thinking cap and imagine for just one moment that I told you that I am everything you have searched for so now you can stop looking. Would ou believe me? Or would you stop beiieving everything you believed? Of course you wouldn't. As for myself, I have found what I had been looking for. That is what Jesus has promised me. Now, it is all a matter of growing in that knowledge. I need no other mediator or teacher, though I learn a lot from the people here, and am greatful for their fellowship and various points of view. That is as equal members of the body of Christ. The nature and interpretation that you put to your expeiences gives me the impression that you wish to become a second head on the body of Christ. Or to put it another way, you are trying to start your own religion. I don't think you will find any takers on this forum. A great many of us here have left churches for that very reason. Jesus has called me and chosen me and apprehended me. I live my life as best I can knowing that amny times I am being led by the Spirit. Not all of the time, but some times. It is enough for me right now and what it is, if anything, more that I should be doing with my life, he will let me know at that time. For this moment in time he seems to have put in my heart to share these thoughts with you. I hope it helps. God bless, Bob

Lotus Feet
02-07-2012, 07:55 PM
Hi all,

There is a saying in the occult that goes something like this. "It is so easy to open the door, but so hard to close it."
When spiritual awareness begins to open before a person is ready for it, they become aware of all kinds of things that they were not aware of before.

Indeed you are correct. That is why Jesus led many people to this spiritual teacher to help them stay on track. He brought people to me due to a lifetime of experience. He placed people in good hands. In fact when I was touring in the Galilee of the Gentiles, on the Mind, Body, Spirit, people that were exhibiting would only send their clients to me. They said that I was the only one that they trusted with their clients.

I was sometimes called to put right what other spiritual people had done and of course I did it without charge due to integrity. And showing client that people are not all the same.

Hi all,
The universe speaks to us in many ways and if we are fortunate we have the common sense left to see that we are lost and that it is impossible to find our way out.

Healers have healed themselves Bob know the meaning of 'lost' it relates to soul retrieval. As you speak of it, it means that you have a fragment of yourself to collect Bob. The root of the word Shalom, means to 'be whole'.

With healing comes wholeness and with wholeness comes holiness.

"vicious circle"

Can you heal that Bob? Seek within. Knock and the door will open.

Mt 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
Mt 6:23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!


That is an excellent passage and it is to do with beauty being in the eye of the beholder. The eyes of light see the beauty of what these hands type.

St Clement of Alexandria also said 'Only the pure and see purity'.

You see people who are pure have cleansed their plates of consciousness and they cleaned their cup inside and out. The more that people remove their perceptions of reality, the clearer their view becomes.

The light also triggers the darkness of others and that is why some of you have triggered on this thread with 'accusations' just like the Jewish priests did when his light arrived. That is why he also told them to clean their plate and cups.

Jesus knew that those that are holy make no 'accusation' and that is why he told the Jewish priests that 'If you Father was my Father, then you would love me.

So yes the light is in the eye can you see the beauty of what I am sharing with you Bob?

Plato also understood it very well and that is why he gave the analogy of the cave.

"Do you not see that in that region alone where he sees beauty with the faculty of seeing it, will he be able to bring forth nor mere reflected images of goodness but true goodness, because he will be in contact not with reflection but with the truth? And having brought forth and nurtured true goodness he will have the privilege of being beloved by God, and becoming, if ever man can, immortal himself' Plato

"Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes...." Luke 12:37


Jesus said ' He who finds the inner meaning of these words will not taste death'1. 'The Kingdom is in your centre and is about you, when you come to know yourselves, then you will be known. If you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you who are the poverty.'3 'Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over all.'2

Jesus goes on to say 'If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.' 'His disciples asked ‘Show us the Place where you are, because it is necessary for us to seek after it. He said unto them: He who has the ear let them hear: There is light at the centre of a man of Light, and he illumines the whole world. If he does not shine, there is darkness'. 24.

'I tell my mysteries to those that are worthy of my mysteries' 62 'He who finds himself, of him the ( rest of the) world is not worthy'111.

I came to completion of truth Bob did you?

The Highway to holiness is mighty indeed. It is the way of the true prophets.

Onwards and upwards

Lotus Feet

02-07-2012, 08:42 PM
The nature and interpretation that you put to your expeiences gives me the impression that you wish to become a second head on the body of Christ.

Are you referring to these two heads, Bob?


Lotus Feet
02-07-2012, 08:59 PM
The nature and interpretation that you put to your expeiences gives me the impression that you wish to become a second head on the body of Christ.

That is a perception Bob, and "Perception is an illusion that has no basis in reality" from Sacred Words

Perceptions of reality are removed when people have the humility and courage to heal them and in so doing they are moved from the plates of consciousness.

Or to put it another way, you are trying to start your own religion.

No Bob, I stand as the capstone of Spiritual Independence, the spiritual independence that the builders rejected. You see they were never meant to build Churches and there shall be no places of worship in New Jerusalem. Jesus told you that they would burn in the flames. He knew that would happen when the flame of Joseph came. That is why when the Paraclete flew into the USA the Philadelphia Church burned to the ground. It was a major sign to the USA that daughter ZION had arrived on American soil. The LORD did it as testimony for his Queen.

I don't think you will find any takers on this forum. A great many of us here have left churches for that very reason.

Why is that Americans come out with that and people from other countries don't?

Seek within.

As the LORD said to Richard, 'Step out of your fear'.

Why can you not simply accept the light of love that the LORD sent here to share with you?

Jesus has called me and chosen me and apprehended me. I live my life as best I can knowing that amny times I am being led by the Spirit. Not all of the time, but some times. It is enough for me right now and what it is, if anything, more that I should be doing with my life, he will let me know at that time. For this moment in time he seems to have put in my heart to share these thoughts with you. I hope it helps. God bless, Bob

Good, now when you are in communion with Jesus ask him to show you way home his heavenly Father.

Ask him about Lotus Feet, he will tell you if your heart is truly open to hear the truth.

Of course many of the people have had divine experiences Bob, in the Rev 12 timeline I was defending the young Angels that were having divine experiences. I was defending the angels against the other angels that were standing against them.
When the young angels first start having wonderful divine experiences and they are in their joy of it it does seem to attract those that stand against them. Hence, why I was sent to defend them in that timeline.

In my experience the more divine experience people have, the more proof they receive in many different realities, the stronger and more courageous they become. They learn to trust with all of their hearts and souls. Bob I have been blessed to work with literally thousands of people in recent decades.

My role in this timeline is simply to share truth. The 'skilled writer' that was predicted in the prophecies also has to finish a book in the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Teachings that have never been understood because his followers were told not to share his pearls. Only a person that is a true healer and mystic can understand his true teachings. Jesus also predicted that I would do that when I came, give glory to his teachings.

I also have to tell people who I am, because who I am defeats those that stand against you. How we can do this without leading them to me is something that the LORD will decide. My life is on the line Bob, because who I am defeats what Islam say about their reality, and we have to let the world know the truth Bob. That is why the LORD made sure that the criteria was huge. That is why in the prophecies it speaks of the herald, and the prophecy about Islam, it states that the LORD says the cup from his right hand is coming around to them. We ran with that commentary at the appointed time and that was in 2009.

See if you can move beyond self Bob and move into what Jesus calls 'ergon', a cause greater than the self as I have had to do. Its imperative that you can see the bigger picture. Although I am aware that at this point in time Rev 14 states that only 144,000 can hear the new song.

Being who I am is the hardest thing that the LORD and his Son have ever asked of me. Its not easy Bob to live with what I know, and I cannot mourn for humanity anymore. I lived a life of luxury before I surrendered completely to the LORD. I sold everything that I owned to do the will of God. Everything that I had worked for was given for the will of the LORD.

So just try to open your heart to the divine plan for the benefit of the children of the world. It is their spiritual inheritance and their freedom to be who they wish to be. The LORD kept his promise and we must honor it the best way we can.

Please try to understand the will of the LORD and why it is important in this timeline.

Love beyond measure


Richard Amiel McGough
02-07-2012, 10:38 PM
That is a perception Bob, and "Perception is an illusion that has no basis in reality" from Sacred Words

Those are not "Sacred Words" - they are moronic words. They are the words of an ignorant buffoon who doesn't even know the definition of common words. Here's the correct definition:

Noun: per·cep·tion

the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/insight); intuition; discernment: an artist of rare perception.
the result or product of perceiving (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/perceive), as distinguished from the act of perceiving (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/perceive); percept (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/percept).
Psychology . a single unified awareness derived from sensory processes while a stimulus is present.
Law . the taking into possession (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/possession) of rents, crops, profits, etc.

Oh my - those ignorant makers of dictionaries forgot to include her "inspired" definition. It must be an attack from Satan! :doh:

If something thought to be a perception does not correspond to reality it is a misperception.

Example: Lotus Feet thinks she has perceived God telling her that she is the "Queen of the South with more wisdom than Solomon." That's a misperception. (And that's an understatement!)

Perceptions of reality are removed when people have the humility and courage to heal them and in so doing they are moved from the plates of consciousness.

It's pretty obvious your perception of reality was removed long ago Lotus Feet! :hysterical:

No Bob, I stand as the capstone of Spiritual Independence, the spiritual independence that the builders rejected. You see they were never meant to build Churches and there shall be no places of worship in New Jerusalem. Jesus told you that they would burn in the flames. He knew that would happen when the flame of Joseph came. That is why when the Paraclete flew into the USA the Philadelphia Church burned to the ground. It was a major sign to the USA that daughter ZION had arrived on American soil. The LORD did it as testimony for his Queen.

Oh my! She claims to be the Paraclete and the stone the builders rejected! She takes the titles of Christ and the Holy Spirit and applies them to herself. I've never seen a more deranged individual.

Why can you not simply accept the light of love that the LORD sent here to share with you?

Oh ... I don't know ... maybe because you are BATSHIT INSANE?

Bob May
02-08-2012, 03:23 AM
Are you referring to these two heads, Bob?


I like the guy on the right. I was thinking of having my hair done like his. The bun on the side.
What do you think?,, Will it make my butt look big?

Bob May
02-08-2012, 03:52 AM
That is a perception Bob, and "Perception is an illusion that has no basis in reality" from Sacred Words

Perceptions of reality are removed when people have the humility and courage to heal them and in so doing they are moved from the plates of consciousness.

Again you missed my point. My post was one of perspective. It is very simple. I invited you to look at it from my perspective. If you were capable of doing that you would see that I am not in the market for a spirit helper or a spiritual teacher. And you are obviously not in the market for advice.

Let me repeat what I said here; ""Put on you thinking cap and imagine for just one moment that I told you that I am everything you have searched for so now you can stop looking. Would ou believe me? Or would you stop beiieving everything you believed? Of course you wouldn't. As for myself, I have found what I had been looking for. That is what Jesus has promised me. Now, it is all a matter of growing in that knowledge. I need no other mediator or teacher, ...""

Until you can see things from another perspective, from the outside, I don't see how you could be capable of either taking advice or experiencing compassion.

Here, we discuss spiritual things on somewhat equal terms. You might find that approach would result in a warmer reception.

Just my opinion,

Bob May
02-08-2012, 04:13 AM
"Batshit Insane"

Can you heal that Richard??

02-08-2012, 08:29 AM
I like the guy on the right. I was thinking of having my hair done like his. The bun on the side.
What do you think?,, Will it make my butt look big?

"Big Butt"?

Can I heal that?

I can heal many things, for I am afterall Twinkle Toes and have been given power to heal but just so you know that I can heal the big butt, I will just forgive you for allowing that to happen to you.

Be forgiven my son. Go and eat no more.

Twinkle Toes

Richard Amiel McGough
02-08-2012, 08:38 AM
"Batshit Insane"

Can you heal that Richard??
Ah ... I see you've become a disciple of the great Queen of the South! :hysterical:

I wish I could heal her delusions but it's beyond my power.

You know the old saying. She has to want to be healed before anyone can do anything to help her.

02-08-2012, 08:42 AM
If she would only have her chronosymblastic infindibulator adjusted her lotsa-kada-fahda-seeya would start working again.:thumb:

It's always helped me.

It can be healed.

Twinkle Toes

Bob May
02-08-2012, 10:20 AM
Ah ... I see you've become a disciple of the great Queen of the South! :hysterical:

It wasn't my fault, it was Timmy's fault. :sEm_ImSorry:While I was distracted with his Halle Berry video the monkeys flew in my window and then the two heads confused me, the arrow in my heart and liver sapped my energy just enough for her evil eye to work it's magic on me.
Then when I found out webster's dictionary was wrong I folded like a cheap suit.:sSW_emperor:
She was just too powerful for me.
I'd keep an eye on Rick too. Those words he used are not in the dictionary either!!!

02-08-2012, 11:02 AM


Bob, Rick, Timmy, Richard....you guys are hilarious! I appreciate humor and wit, and it is sure needed on this thread!!