View Full Version : Figures of Speech

01-03-2012, 07:06 PM
Figures of speech in the Bible.
Have you noticed?

1. "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil". Gen3:5 KJV -- Up to then, I suppose, they'd been walking around with eyes closed, like newborn puppy dogs... right?

2. "And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the LORD, the LORD of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from above; and they shall stand upon an heap". Josh3:13 -- "Getting your feet wet" is maybe necessary for beginning a new project?

3. "What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? Ezek 18:2. Isn't 'sour grapes' what we say to those who've tried but failed?

Got any favorites from the Bible?

01-03-2012, 10:23 PM
Figures of speech in the Bible.
Have you noticed?

1. "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil". Gen3:5 KJV -- Up to then, I suppose, they'd been walking around with eyes closed, like newborn puppy dogs... right?

Eyes closed - Usually means they "are ignorant". And that's not always a bad thing, eh? They had no guile, were innocent. They would now be as the fallen angels (gods - small "g") knowing evil by experiencing it and knowing Satan by receiving his spirit.

3. "What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? Ezek 18:2. Isn't 'sour grapes' what we say to those who've tried but failed?

No, "sour grapes" is said about one that has tried and failed but has bitterness and criticism towards others concerning their failure. There is nothing wrong with trying and failing.

Blessings to you,

01-04-2012, 08:24 AM
Eyes closed - Usually means they "are ignorant". And that's not always a bad thing, eh? They had no guile, were innocent. They would now be as the fallen angels (gods - small "g") knowing evil by experiencing it and knowing Satan by receiving his spirit.

No, "sour grapes" is said about one that has tried and failed but has bitterness and criticism towards others concerning their failure. There is nothing wrong with trying and failing.

Roger that. Just keeping it brief. Here's more: Without a leg to stand on.. John 19:33 12.
If the shoe fits... Eph 6:15
Fox inthe henhouse.. Lk 13:32 14. Money where your mouth is... Mt 17:27
15. Get your feet wet.. Josh 3:5
16. Train of thought.. Isa 6:1
17. Raising the roof.. Mk 2:4
18. Beating about the bush.. Ex 3:3
19. Logic that "holds water".. Ps 22:14
20. Seeing "eye to eye" Isa 52:8
21. Bone of contention.. Ex 12:46
22. Dog to Vomit - 2Pet2:22, Pr26:11
23. Fat's in the fire! Ex 29:13
24. Burning your bridges.. 1K19:21
25. Made the cut... Rom 2:29
26. Tough row to hoe.. Acts 9:5
27. Fly in the ointment.. Ecc 10:1
28. Made a "scapegoat" Lev 16:10
29. Mountains from molehills.. Mat 21:21
30. Stewing in own juices.. Deut 14:21
31. Handwriting on the wall.. Dan 5:5
32. Swallow camel, gag at gnat! Mt23:24
33. The "Spitting" Image of His Father ..
John 9:6
34. Made your own bed.. John 5:8


01-04-2012, 09:40 AM
That's very cool, dux.

1. Horse of a different color. Rev/Zech 6

2. By the skin of your teeth. Job19:20

3. A drop in the bucket. Isa40:15

4. Feet of clay.. Dan 2

5. Etched in stone. Ex31:18

6. Life begins at 40. (Matthew is book

7. Suffer fools gladly.. 2Cor 11:19

8. Sour grapes... Ezek 18:2

9. Caught "red-handed" Mt24:27

10. Still water runs deep.. Ps23:2

11. Without a leg to stand on.. John 19:33

12. If the shoe fits... Eph 6:15

13. Fox in the henhouse.. Lk 13:32

14. Money where your mouth is... Mt 17:27

15. Get your feet wet.. Josh 3:5

16. Train of thought.. Isa 6:1

17. Raising the roof.. Mk 2:4

18. Beating about the bush.. Ex 3:3

19. Logic that "holds water".. Ps 22:14

20. Seeing "eye to eye" Isa 52:8

21. Bone of contention.. Ex 12:46

22. Dog to Vomit - 2Pet2:22, Pr26:11

23. Fat's in the fire! Ex 29:13

24. Burning your bridges.. 1K19:21

25. Made the cut... Rom 2:29

26. Tough row to hoe.. Acts 9:5

27. Fly in the ointment.. Ecc 10:1

28. Made a "scapegoat" Lev 16:10

29. Mountains from molehills.. Mat 21:21

30. Stewing in own juices.. Deut 14:21

31. Handwriting on the wall.. Dan 5:5

32. Swallow camel, gag at gnat! Mt23:24

33. The "Spitting" Image of His Father ..John 9:6

34. Made your own bed.. John 5:8

01-04-2012, 10:21 AM
:yo: Yeah! Tks Rick. Wanted to do that myself, but didn't know how.
Add to tNhe list: Is He Ribbing Us? 1Cor 1:25/Neh8:12

Richard Amiel McGough
01-04-2012, 10:47 AM
And here's a good one:

Can a leopard change his spots? Jer 13:23

Bob May
01-04-2012, 12:49 PM
Here's a good one. «When in Rome do as the Romans do.» Paul said he was all things tp all men.

Richard Amiel McGough
01-04-2012, 01:25 PM
Here's a good one. «When in Rome do as the Romans do.» Paul said he was all things tp all men.
It is for reasons such as this that the Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye said that the Bible contains the "Great Code" of Western civilization. It's symbols and language saturate our world.

Brother Les
01-05-2012, 08:19 AM
Matt. 12:25
house divided against itself shall not stand

Romans 2:27
which is by nature (it is my nature)

Romans 7:14
I am carnal

Mark 12:25
they shall rise from the dead

I am the root

the end of the world

Job 4:8
sow wickedness, reap the same (reap what you sow)

Deut 4:24
is a consuming fire

Exd 16:3
by the hand of God

Prov 29:15
spare the rod spoil the child

James 3:8
But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

There is no place to stop, every where you look in the Bible is a good example of a Figure of Speech.

01-05-2012, 05:32 PM
Bullinger lists over 200 fig. of speech in his large book by that name...

Allegory - Symbolic story
Malapropism - foolish
Ambiguity - multiple meaning
Metaphor - analogy
Anachronism - wrong time
Metonymy - name change
Anamorphosis - new form/paraphrase
Obscenity - profane
Anthropo-morphism - man's form
Parable - hidden (moral) story
Condescension - talk-down
Paradox - opposed to reason
Ellipsis - omission/unsaid
Satire - sarcasm/innuendo
Euphemism - polite/kind
Symbol - representative
Hyperbole - exaggeration
Synecdoche - part vs. whole
Hysteresis - withheld data
Vulgarism - vernacular

01-06-2012, 09:22 AM
:yo: When Job (19:20) tells about 'escaping by the skin of his teeth', it isn't hard to translate that as a narrow escape, and to see that hyperbole and malapropism are both components of the figure.

More difficult is his 'continuing parable' in 29:6, "When I washed my steps with butter, and the rock poured me out rivers of oil". It would be a slippery and smelly mistake to think real butter for washing the steps of the front porch; but when we learn of the "steps of a righteous man", who takes steps to remedy a situation; and the contrast between mother's milk and father's milk, then the true light begins to shine. Amen?

As we churn the spiritual milk by mulling it over in our mind, it turns to butter, and brings our steps into harmony with God. Not everyone's, naturally; some people just get sour milk.. hmm? :thumb: