View Full Version : An Evolutionary Explanation of the Bible Wheel
Richard Amiel McGough
11-27-2011, 09:41 PM
For most of the years since I discovered the Bible Wheel in 1995 I felt it was pretty much "self-evident" that God had designed it. The patterns seemed so obvious and profound. I could not imagine how they could have happened by chance, and it seemed impossible that some secret group of humans had done it since the Jews would have had to anticipate the later Christian NT when they put together the OT. So it seemed like an air-tight iron-clad case. I filled my website with the evidence. I wrote a 412 page book. I was dumbfounded that most folks, including Bible-believing Christians, could not see what I saw.
My conviction was strengthened by that fact that no one came close to presenting anything like a significant challenge to my claims despite endless hours on very hostile forums hosted by Christians, Jews, and Skeptics. I believed that the Bible Wheel was truly perfect in the sense explained in the Bible Wheel Challenge (
THE BIBLE WHEEL CHALLENGE asserts that the Christian canon is truly perfect in the twofold sense that 1) no rearrangement of its books would improve upon the patterns discovered on the Bible Wheel, and 2) any rearrangement would cause an obvious degradation of existing patterns. The challenge is for the opponent to suggest a rearrangement and present arguments for why such a change would produce patterns equal to or superior to those presently seen in the Bible Wheel. This challenge simultaneously proves the invincibility of the Bible Wheel even as it demonstrates the vacuity of the skeptics canard ( that "patterns mean nothing because they can be found in anything." It is an extremely powerful challenge because it can not be refuted without interacting with the data, and the data is the touchstone that proves the Bible Wheel.
Unfortunately, I never could find even one person out of the seven billion on this planet who would respond to this challenge. So like most things, if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.
I think I've finally found a way to explain the Bible Wheel without any appeal to God, angels, or any other metaphysical woo-woo. I think the Bible Wheel evolved through a scribal selection process as the text was edited and rearranged by the countless scribes over the centuries before the printing press.
This idea came to me two days ago when Rose and I were on our three mile morning walk. She mentioned how the Bible Wheel was not as perfect as I thought it was. She explained that though it might be "optimal" given the 66 books, it was no where near as good as it could have been if I could have edited those books myself to make them fit the pattern even better. And that's the key to the error in my Bible Wheel Challenge. Yes, the structure of the Christian Canon may be "optimal" given the 66 books, but it is nowhere near what we would expect if it were designed by an infinitely intelligent God who was free to write the books any way he wanted to.
And then I realized that this is exactly what we see in the evolution of species. They "look" designed because they are made of many parts that work together in amazing ways. People ask "how could that tiger just happen by chance?" Their error, of course, is that it didn't happen by chance. It happened through a process of natural selection acting upon variations in the gene pool. And the lack of "perfection" becomes obvious when we look closely at the animals that were supposedly so well designed. We see thousand of "design flaws" everywhere we look. This is because evolution has no "foresight" and so might go one way and then another and so arrives at a good, but not optimal structure. This is exactly what I see in the Bible Wheel. There is enough evidence to show that it did not "happen by chance" but it's not nearly good enough to prove that it was "intelligently designed." So where's the midpoint of these two excluded extremes? Evolution.
Michael Shermer accurately describes humans as "pattern-seeking story-telling animals" that are "quite adept at telling stories about patterns, whether they exist or not." Now put these pattern-seekers in front of a "Holy Text" that they meditate upon day and night for fifteen hundred years (before the printing press) and watch how the document evolved over time. I'm not talking so much about the text itself, but rather the arrangement of the text - the order and content of the Canon - that resulted in the Bible Wheel. There were hundreds of variations for people to choose from. It took centuries for the final form to emerge under the action of the selective pressure of the scribes looking for, and imposing, patterns.
A brief look at the variations of the Christian canon during the first five centuries of the current era shows how many "genetic variations" were available for the scribes to select from. Here is a table given in James Moffatt's Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament, (3rd ed. T&T Clark Ltd, 1981) where Moffatt he presented the variations in hte arrangements of groups of books. The abbreviations "Evv, Acts, Paul, Cath, Apoc." stand for "Evanglia (Gospels), Acts, Pauline Epistles, Catholic Epistles (James, Peter, John, Jude) and Apocalypse (Revelation). Column B shows the pattern that was finally "selected" before the order was locked in place by the printing press. It is what we see in all modern Bibles.
Moffett's Table of the various orders of early NT Manuscripts (source ( +the+new+testament&psp=1&sig=-XG3BHAt7j0dC1WepK9kyHpe56E))
Epiph.: Jerome: א: Codex Fuldensis, etc.
Council of Carthage: Amphilochius: Philastrius: Rufinus: Syriac Canon (om. Cath. and Apoc.), etc.
Chryso- stom.
Apost. Constit. ( ii.57).
Codex Alexandrinus: Athanasius: Cyril: Leontius (6th cent.): Cassiodorus: Nicephorus (om. Apoc.), etc.
Council of Laodicea: Cyril of Jerusalem: John of Damascus, etc.
Augustine: Innocent 1.: Isidore of Spain (7th cent.), etc.
Now this table is represents only the most common arrangements. A much larger and more detailed list of 26 variations is found in The Canon Debate, edited by McDonald and Sanders, only one of which is identical in every way to the modern canon. An interesting curiosity, which may show the selection process in action, is the coupling of the book of Acts with Revelation either at the end of the canon or immediately after the Gospels. Was this a scribal intuition that these books "should" go together? If so, they would be pleased to see their intuition satisfied with the alignment of Acts and Revelation on Spoke 22. Likewise, the Song of Solomon was the final book on the canon list by Rufinus (404 C.E.), perhaps as an intuition of the love story being a consummation of the canon. If so, he too would be satisfied to see it's alignment with Acts and Revelation on Spoke 22. It is a well-documented fact ( that many medieval Christian leaders wrote joint commentaries on the Song and the Apocalypse.
My hypothesis is also confirmed by this discussion of the arrangement of books found in A General Introduction to the Bible by Norman Geisler and William Nix. After discussing the various patterns of the canon in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English Bibles, they said this:
Because the present structure of the English Bible has been subject to several historical variations, it would be too much to assume that it is God-given. The order as we have it is not, however, purely arbitrary. In fact, the order shows evidence of being purposefully directed, at least insofar as it falls into meaningful categories, because it presents the historical unfolding of the drama of redemptive revelation.
This fits my thesis well. The pattern is obvious and too well designed to be chance, but there is too much evidence of "historical variations" (or shall we say deliberate manipulation?) to say that it is "God-given."
So that is my thesis. I think it is possible that the order of the canon, and hence the pattern of the Bible Wheel, was slowly selected from a wide variety of hundreds of possibilities over a period of fifteen hundred years to fit the intuitions and desires of the pattern-finding and pattern-creating scribes. This hypothesis explains how we got the patterns that could not have happened by chance, and why those patterns are inferior to what we would expect if the Bible were deliberately designed by an infinitely intelligent and wise God.
RC Christian
11-27-2011, 11:43 PM
What you just stated is what's been milling around in my mind trying to find words to be expressed! That resonates beautifully...and it came the week of the 21st anniversary of the long road. Good job with presenting that so well. :thumb: I've got the book sitting here on my desk right now and I was just pondering these thoughts earlier, when I pulled it off the shelf to look at the 1611 KJV Title page. The process would be much like an author who keeps looking for the flow of the story to find it's tie-ins back and forth with different parts of the all masterpieces are created.
Richard Amiel McGough
11-27-2011, 11:49 PM
What you just stated is what's been milling around in my mind trying to find words to be expressed! That resonates beautifully...and it came the week of the 21st anniversary of the long road. Good job with presenting that so well. :thumb: I've got the book sitting here on my desk right now and I was just pondering these thoughts earlier, when I pulled it off the shelf to look at the 1611 KJV Title page. The process would be much like an author who keeps looking for the flow of the story to find it's tie-ins back and forth with different parts of the all masterpieces are created.
Thanks for the good words my friend. Maybe one day we will be able to clink something more solid than digital beer steins.
I have to say that this was a real breakthrough for me.
RC Christian
11-28-2011, 12:00 AM
Thanks for the good words my friend. Maybe one day we will be able to clink something more solid than digital beer steins.
I have to say that this was a real breakthrough for me.
...and it all started when you edited-out 528..."Key"...from your post, just before I told you about the number being in the movie "Inception"...strange how things flow. Breakthroughs and paradigm shifts do tend to come during those highly synchronous, meaningful times, don't they...
Richard Amiel McGough
11-28-2011, 12:07 AM
...and it all started when you edited-out 528..."Key"...from your post, just before I told you about the number being in the movie "Inception"...strange how things flow. Breakthroughs and paradigm shifts do tend to come during those highly synchronous, meaningful times, don't they...
Yeah, that synchronicity was wild!
And that reminds me - I wanted to say "Thanks" for helping me break open my imaginary barrier. If it weren't for our discussions, I very much doubt I would have been inspired to post the Dumbo dream. I've carried that around with me for 21 years. It involved things I wasn't comfortable talking about. Now it's all out in the open. I feel a little naked, but that's a lot better than suffocating in an old musty closet. It's great to open the door and get out into the world. Thanks again!
RC Christian
11-28-2011, 12:24 AM
Yeah, that synchronicity was wild!
And that reminds me - I wanted to say "Thanks" for helping me break open my imaginary barrier. If it weren't for our discussions, I very much doubt I would have been inspired to post the Dumbo dream. I've carried that around with me for 21 years. It involved things I wasn't comfortable talking about. Now it's all out in the open. I feel a little naked, but that's a lot better than suffocating in an old musty closet. It's great to open the door and get out into the world. Thanks again!
:yo: Thank you! I told you, that was the best (and funnest) flow I've had in a long time. Man, I love that "meaning" to life. To me, the Dumbo dream is "more" impressive than had you been 'searching' for it with the left hemisphere. It testifies of that 'transcendent something' that we get to tap into every now and then...the same something that all the great geniuses were able to tap into.
Richard Amiel McGough
11-28-2011, 12:30 AM
:yo: Thank you! I told you, that was the best (and funnest) flow I've had in a long time. Man, I love that "meaning" to life. To me, the Dumbo dream is "more" impressive than had you been 'searching' for it with the left hemisphere. It testifies of that 'transcendent something' that we get to tap into every now and then...the same something that all the great geniuses were able to tap into.
Cool. Now we just gotta learn how to tap into it a little more frequently.
But not tonight, it's bed time.
Good night!
RC Christian
11-28-2011, 12:35 AM
Cool. Now we just gotta learn how to tap into it a little more frequently.
But not tonight, it's bed time.
Good night!
Yep, about that time.
11-28-2011, 12:09 PM
Hi Richard and Rose....Could you give some good examples on how you would improve on the pattern of the wheel?
Cool. Now we just gotta learn how to tap into it a little more frequently.
I believe, as stated before, that this was a good example of "revelation" -- it couldn't be figured out, it was "revealed" to you by Someone outside yourself in a common way the Spirit speaks: through dreams. And you can learn to tap into it more frequently :winking0071:
I still believe the Wheel confirms Divine Design, and just because theologians and academics in the religious world rejected it means squat. It seems it was the discouragement from "them" that causedd you to begin to doubt everything, and to begin to seek purely intellectual "answers." Something to ponder more...?
Richard Amiel McGough
11-28-2011, 12:51 PM
Hi Richard and Rose....Could you give some good examples on how you would improve on the pattern of the wheel?
I'd add an Alphabetic KeyLink between every book on every Spoke which also linked directly to the corresponding Alphabetic Verses. This would be off the charts amazing. We have some examples of these kinds of links and I have always found them very convincing but they do not exist for every book. So that would be my first big improvement.
Richard Amiel McGough
11-28-2011, 01:01 PM
I believe, as stated before, that this was a good example of "revelation" -- it couldn't be figured out, it was "revealed" to you by Someone outside yourself in a common way the Spirit speaks: through dreams. And you can learn to tap into it more frequently :winking0071:
I still believe the Wheel confirms Divine Design, and just because theologians and academics in the religious world rejected it means squat. It seems it was the discouragement from "them" that causedd you to begin to doubt everything, and to begin to seek purely intellectual "answers." Something to ponder more...?
I readily admit that the near universal rejection of my work could have had an influence - I am, after all, a human with feelings. Even Elijah wanted to But then again, do you really think I'm so shallow and stupid to reject the blazing truth of Almighty God that revealed in the Bible Wheel merely because some emotionally and intellectually dysfunctional pseudo-intellectuals and pseudo-Christians didn't dance to my song? I ain't that stupid, sister. I believe what I believe because of the totality of evidence, intuition, feelings, logic, dreams, and everything else that makes me human.
My belief in the Bible changed for many reasons, as outlined in my post Why I Quit Christianity ( If you think that any of those reasons are invalid, I would invite you to take a moment to explain why in that thread.
As for the Bible Wheel, it may well be a sign of "divine design" - but now I have, for the first time, a viable theory to explain it without any supernatural woo-woo. It's ironic that I've had to to this myself. Not one person on the internet ever presented a serious challenge to anything I had written about the Bible Wheel.
11-28-2011, 01:09 PM
I'd add an Alphabetic KeyLink between every book on every Spoke which also linked directly to the corresponding Alphabetic Verses. This would be off the charts amazing. We have some examples of these kinds of links and I have always found them very convincing but they do not exist for every book. So that would be my first big improvement.
Ok..thanks. I don't really understand yet what a keylink that's my day's reading:-) Thanks for responding.
Richard Amiel McGough
11-28-2011, 01:54 PM
Ok..thanks. I don't really understand yet what a keylink that's my day's reading:-) Thanks for responding.
I recommend you look at this page where I give the best examples: Alphabetic KeyLinks (
Richard Amiel McGough
11-28-2011, 02:34 PM
Here is the summation of the evidence I gathered after fifteen years of research on the Bible Wheel. My challenge now is to ask if it is reasonable to think that all these connections are either "mere coincidences" or that they evolved through a process of scribal selection. Humans are pattern-seeking story-telling animals. We are driven to find patterns, especially in "Holy Books" (as is evidenced by claims of such patterns arising in all cultures). We know the scribes were driven by conscious and unconscious desires to find coherence, consistency, and patterns because they often wrote about such things. Now we have no evidence that they consiously were trying to devise a "Bible Wheel" but there is much evidence that humans have a strong inclination to symbols placed in cirlces (astrology, cipher rings, etc.) as a "key" to all knowledge. So it may be that they were unconsciously working towards such a design which we see manifested throughout the ancient mystic literature. Or it even could have been a private project by some unknown scribe whose pattern "caught on" because of its beauty that others could only intuitively recognized. I don't know ~ that's what I want to find out.
Looking at the table, we see that most Spokes are full with links listed for every book, though there is one that is empty (Spoke 7) and a few that have only one or two entries. But this is a table only of the Alphabetic Links, that is, links that are based on Alphabetic KeyWords (most of which are given in the Alphabetic Verses).
Here is the introduction to the article Table of Alphabetic Links and KeyLinks (
The Bible contains the template of its large-scale structure within itself in the Alphabetic Verses (, such as Psalm 119, the last 22 verses of Proverbs, and the first four chapters of Lamentations. These passages are referenced with the prefix AV to remind us they are Alphabetic Verses.
The table below contains over 60 articles explaining the Alphabetic Links and KeyLinks between the books on each Spoke with their corresponding Hebrew letters and associated sets of Alphabetic Verses. Most stunning are the Alphabetic KeyLinks ( which are unique links between the Alphabetic Verses and the content of its corresponding Spoke. For example, the Resh clause of Psalm 111:10 says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." This points directly and uniquely to the twentieth book, Proverbs, which contains the only other occurrence of the phrase "beginning of wisdom." The Resh KeyWord - reshit (beginning) - is based on the name of the twentieth letter, and the theme of Proverbs is stated explicitly in the reference to wisdom. Thus we have a unique and highly specific link from a Resh Alphabetic Verse to the first book on the corresponding Spoke. At the time of this writing, the table contains a dozen Alphabetic KeyLinks. These are primary witnesses of the Divine design of the Bible in the form of the Wheel.
The information in the table is organized as follows. The hyperlinks are followed by the primary Alphabetic KeyWords that are the basis of the discussion in the linked article. When there are too many to list in the small table, I just list the representative KeyWords followed by "etc." to indicate there are more. These KeyWords are marked black bold when the distribution of the KeyWord (or its equivalent in translation) is maximized in the corresponding book. For example, the KeyWord ayin (eye), which also is the name of the 16th letter, is greatly maximized amongst the Minor Prophets in the Book of Zechariah on Spoke 16. Thus ayin is marked black bold in that entry.
The Alphabetic KeyWords are followed by references to where they are found in the Alpabetic Verses. When these references form Alphabetic KeyLinks, such as Ps 110:10 ("the beginning of wisdom") discussed above, they are marked red font. When there are too many references to list in the small table, I just list a few representative examples followed by "etc.". Some entries have no verse references because not all KeyWords are represented in the Alphabetic Verses. For example, ropheh (physician) is important on Spoke 20 in relation to Doctor Luke (, but God did not use it in the Alphabetic Verses. This is to be expected since the entire Biblical language was designed on the symbolic meanings of the letters and we have only a small number of verses to represent each letter, so much of the meaning is derived from the structure of the Hebrew language itself and is not represented explicitly in the Alphabetic Verses.
It is important to note that this table displays only the Alphabetic Links and KeyLinks. I did not want to crowd the table with many hundreds of Links and KeyLinks between the books on each Spoke, since that would have obscured the simplicity and elegence of the alphabetic design. Finally, if an article applied directly to more than one book on the Spoke, I usually placed it in the cell that was least populated. Please keep in mind that this page is a work in progress. I will be continually updating it as I upload more articles from the Bible Wheel book and make new discoveries.
Table of Alphabetic Links and KeyLinks
Book 1 - Genesis
Book 23 - Isaiah
Book 45 - Romans
I Will Bless Thee ( (avarakah, Ps 34:1, Ps 145:1)
God the Father ( (Elohim, Av)
Father Abraham ( (avarakah, aggadalah, av, Avraham)
I Will Exalt Thee ( (aromimkah, Elohi, attah, odeh, emet, emunah Ps 145:1, Ps 9:1, 111:1, 119:4,7)
Everlasting God ( (Elohi Olam)
God declares: I AM GOD ( (Ani El, Ani Hu, Elohim, Lam 3:1)
Cathedral of the Christian Faith ( (Aleph, aluph, Avraham, av, Elohim, emunah, etc. )
Book 2 - Exodus
Book 24 - Jeremiah
Book 46 - 1 Corinthians
A Son over God's House ( (Bet, ben, banah, Lam 4:2, 3:5)
Glory IN the Lord ( (Bet prefix, batach, Ps 34:2, 25:2; Pro 31:11)
The Weeping Prophet ( (bakah, bagad, Lam 1:2)
Is Christ Divided? ( (badal, beyn, binah)
Book 3 - Leviticus
Book 25 - Lamentations
Book 47 - 2 Corinthians
Divine Retribution ( (gamul, galut, galah, Lam 1:3; )
Abundant Giver ( (gomel, gamal, Ps 119:17, Pro 31:12)
Book 4 - Numbers
Book 26 - Ezekiel
Book 48 - Galatians
Door to the Way of God ( (delet, derek, davaq, Lam 1:4; Ps 25:4; Ps 119:25,27,28,19) Following God in the Wilderness ( (derek)
Ezekiel's Call ( (davaq, Lam 4:4)
Four Weak and Begarly Elements ( (dal, dalal, Dalet)
Book 5 - Deuteronomy
Book 27 - Daniel
Book 49 - Ephesians
Honour & Majesty ( (hadar, hod Ps 145:5, 111:3a, 112:3a)
Walking with God ( (halak)
Book 6 - Joshua
Book 28 - Hosea
Book 50 - Philippians
The Link Book ( (vav, Lam 1:6, 2:6, 4:6, 145:6, 119:41,42,43...)
Joined to Idols ( (vav = connect, Lam 1:6, 2:6, 4:6, 145:6, etc.)
God in the likeness of Man ( (vav = 6 = number of man)
Book 7 - Judges
Book 29 - Joel
Book 51 - Colossians
Book 8 - Ruth
Book 30 - Amos
Book 52 - 1 Thess.
The Undying Bond ( (cheyl, chamoth, cham, chuppah)
The Lord standing on a Wall ( (chomah, Lam 2:8)
Fire on the Walls ( (chomah)
Book 9 - 1 Samuel
Book 31 - Obadiah
Book 53 - 2 Thess.
Fall of Goodly King Saul ( (tov, Ps 25:8; 119:65,66,68,71; 145:9; Lam 4:9, etc.) Taste of Honey ( (ta'am Ps 34:8), Teaching the Good Way ( (tov, Ps 25:8)
The Goodness of God ( (tov, Ps 25:8;119:65,68,71; 145:9, etc.)
Lying Wonders ( (tophal sheqer, teet, tava, Ps 119:69)
Book 10 - 2 Samuel
Book 32 - Jonah
Book 54 - 1 Timothy
Hand of the King ( (yod, yadah, Yehudah, Pro 31:19; Lam 1:10, 4:10; Ps 119:73, 145:10)
David King of Judah ( (yod, yadah, Yehudah)
Preaching Fear of the Lord ( (Yonah, yareh, yeshuvah, yada, Ps 34:9; 37:18; 119:74,75; 145:10)
Holy Hands ( (yod, Lam 1:10; 4:10; Ps 119:73; Pro 31:19)
Book 11 - 1 Kings
Book 33 - Micah
Book 55 - 2 Timothy
Who is like Solomon? ( (Kaph prefix, kamoka, Ps 119:84,88) Throne of Glory ( (kaph, kavod, kissey, Ps 145:11; Pro 31:20)
Who is like the Lord? ( (Kaph prefix, kamoka, Ps 119:84,88)
The Power of His Spirit ( (ko'ach, Ps 111:6a)
Crown of Righteousness ( (kol, kalah, keter, Lam 2:11, 4:11, Ps 119:81,86)
Book 12 - 2 Kings
Book 34 - Nahum
Book 56 - Titus
Go & Enquire ( (lekhu, Ps 34:11)
Come & Hear ( (lekhu, Ps 34:11)
Teaching the Fear of the Lord ( (lekhu, lamad, Ps 34:11)
Teach and Exhort! ( (lamad, Lamed prefix, Ps 34:11)
Book 13 - 1 Chronicles
Book 35 - Habakkuk
Book 57 - Philemon
From the Waters of Judah ( (Mem prefix, mayim, mimei, me'eh mimmatteh, mishpachah, Lam 1:13, 3:38; Ps 37:23, 119:99, etc)
As the Waters cover the Sea ( (mayim, m'yam, mabul)
A Flood of Judgment ( (Mem prefix, mayim, mar, mahar, Lam 1:13, 3:38 etc.)
For Love's Sake ( (me'eh)
Book 14 - 2 Chronicles
Book 36 - Zephaniah
Book 58 - Hebrews
Freewill Offerings ( (nidboth, Ps 119:108)
The Candle of the Lord ( (ner, nephesh, Ps 119:105,109; 25:13)
Prophet of Josiah's Reformation ( (na'ar, natithi, Ps 37:25; 119:112)
Pollution of God's House ( (nuwa, nigo'alah, naga, navi, Lam 2:14, Lam 4:14)
Jesus Christ: Heir of All Things ( (nachal, neen, ne'eman, Ps 111:7b; 119:111; 145:13b)
A Priest Forever after the Order of Melchizedek ( (nishbati, Ps 119:106)
Book 15 - Ezra
Book 37 - Haggai
Book 59 - James
Symbol of Help and Support ( (samak, sa'ad, sabal, Ps 145:14; 111:8a; 112:8a; 119:116,117)
Ezra the Helper ( (samak, etc.)
Support thy Breathren! ( (samak, sa'ad, sabal, Ps 145:14; 111:8a; 112:8a; 119:116,117)
Book 16 - Nehemiah
Book 38 - Zechariah
Book 60 - 1 Peter
Open Thine Eyes to Thy Servant's Prayer ( (ayin, eved, Ps 34:15; 25:15; 119:123, etc.)
One Stone, Seven Eyes ( (ayin, Ps 34:15; 25:15; 119:123,124, 125; 145:15; Lam 3:49,51; etc.)
Eyes of God ( (ayin, Ps 34:15)
The Shepherd's Eye ( (ayin, Ps 34:15 25:15; 119:123; 145:15)
Book 17 - Esther
Book 39 - Malachi
Book 61 - 2 Peter
Hidden Face of God ( (pey, panim, purim, Ps 25:16; 34:16; 119:135; Lam 4:16; etc)
My Messenger ( (pey, panim, Lam 4:16, Ps 34:16; 119:135)
Promise of His Coming ( (pey, panim, petach, patzah, Ps 25:16; 34:16; 119:135; Lam 4:16; etc)
The Transfiguration ( (panim, Ps 34:16; 119:135; Lam 4:16)
Book 18 - Job
Book 40 - Matthew
Book 62 - 1 John
Righteous Job ( (tzedeq, tzadiq, Ps 119:137,142;Lam 1:18; etc.)
Job Hunted without Cause ( (tzedeq, tzadiq, tzud, tza'ad, Lam 3:52, Lam 4:18)
To Fulfill All Righteousness ( (tzedaqah, tzadiq Ps 119:137) The Great Commission ( (tzey, tzavah, Ps 111:9b, 119:138)
Jesus Christ the Righteous ( (tzedeq, tzadiq, tzavah, Lam 1:18; Ps, 111:9b, 119:137, 138, 142, 144; 145:17; etc.)
Book 19 - Psalms
Book 41 - Mark
Book 63 - 2 John
The Cry of my Voice ( (qara, qol Ps 119:145,146,149; Lam 1:19, 3:55, etc.)
Talitha Qumi ( (qumi, Lam 2:19),
The Gospel of Action ( (qal, Lam 4:19)
The Elect Lady ( (qatan, qahal, qol, qavah)
Book 20 - Proverbs
Book 42 - Luke
Book 64 - 3 John
Beginning of Wisdom ( (reshit hokmah, Ps 111:10)
Far from the Wicked ( (rachoq mersha'im Ps 119:155)
Wealth & Poverty ( (reysh)
The Lord Looked ( (Lam 1:20, 2:20, 3:59, Ps 119:158; 25:18)
Tender Mercies of the Great Physician ( (Ps 119:156, ropheh), Friend of God ( (reyah)
Good and Evil ( (rasha, ra, ra'ah Ps 37:35; 112:10a; 119:155, etc.) Prayer for Health and Prosperity ( (rapha, reyah)
Book 21 - Ecclesiastes
Book 43 - John
Book 65 - Jude
Under the Sun ( (shemesh)
The Book of Shin ( (Shin prefix)
Keepeth His Bones ( (shamar, shavar Ps 34:20, 25:20, 145:20)
Sent in the Father's Name ( (Ps 145:20; 119:167; Lam 3:61, etc.)
Kept in Christ ( (shamar, Ps 145:20; 34:20; 119:167)
Jude asks a Question ( (sha'al, shamar Ps 34:20; 145:20; etc.)
Book 22 - Song of Songs
Book 44 - Acts
Book 66 - Revelation
Praise ( (tahillah, Ps 111:10c, 145:21) Resurrection ( (t'chiyah, Ps 119:175) Judgment of the Great Harlot ( (Lam 3:64,65,66)
11-29-2011, 09:18 AM
Hi Richard...Please have patience with me here . As you know, I can only approach things visually, so my questions are going to seem really stupid at first (and likely longer ...heh). (what happened to that little green guy with the teeth. I liked him! :p ) In your chart above, spoke 7 has no keylinks, is that correct?
Also...if you were to take the diameter of the wheel....where would it cross?
Richard Amiel McGough
11-29-2011, 09:47 AM
Hi Richard...Please have patience with me here . As you know, I can only approach things visually, so my questions are going to seem really stupid at first (and likely longer ...heh). (what happened to that little green guy with the teeth. I liked him! :p ) In your chart above, spoke 7 has no keylinks, is that correct?
Also...if you were to take the diameter of the wheel....where would it cross?
Good morning Kathryn, :tea:
Yeah, I need to fix the smilies. They changed when I upgraded the site and I've been busy with other stuff. I miss my raspberry guy.
And you are correct, I never found any Alphabetic Keylinks on Spoke 7.
When going around the Wheel, the Spoke opposite of Spoke n is Spoke 11 + n (if n < 12, of course). So Spoke 18 is opposite Spoke 7.
In my estimation Spoke 7 was always the "weakest" of the Spokes in terms of the connections between the books.
11-29-2011, 11:25 AM
Good morning Kathryn, :tea:
Yeah, I need to fix the smilies. They changed when I upgraded the site and I've been busy with other stuff. I miss my raspberry guy.
And you are correct, I never found any Alphabetic Keylinks on Spoke 7.
When going around the Wheel, the Spoke opposite of Spoke n is Spoke 11 + n (if n < 12, of course). So Spoke 18 is opposite Spoke 7.
In my estimation Spoke 7 was always the "weakest" of the Spokes in terms of the connections between the books.
Hi Richard....have no idea what you saying above. Sorry! I'm sure you've told me where the diameter of a circle of 22 would cross....but I don't speak that language! What is spoke n?:confused::confused: naughty , nibble, nodule? (ps..don't try to explain the "n". Been there, done that. Doesn't compute.) Just tell me where the diameter crosses, dam it:p:p:p
Richard Amiel McGough
11-29-2011, 05:21 PM
Hi Richard....have no idea what you saying above. Sorry! I'm sure you've told me where the diameter of a circle of 22 would cross....but I don't speak that language! What is spoke n?:confused::confused: naughty , nibble, nodule? (ps..don't try to explain the "n". Been there, done that. Doesn't compute.) Just tell me where the diameter crosses, dam it:p:p:p
Hey there Kathryn,
I'm glad you asked. If you have a question, I can guarrentee that ten other readers of this forum do too.
The diameter crosses the Spoke that is half way around the wheel. So you must add 11. Thus,
Spoke 1 is opposite Spoke 12
Spoke 2 is opposite Spoke 13
Spoke 3 is opposite Spoke 14
Now if you are interested, here is what I tried to say in mathematical symbols:
Let "n" be any number from 1 to 22. When I write "Spoke n" I am talking about Spoke number n, like Spoke 1, or Spoke 2, or Spoke 3, etc. I write "n" as a symbol for whatever Spoke we might be talking about. It's a "variable" that can have a "value" between 1 and 22 because there are 22 Spokes.
Hope that helps!
11-29-2011, 05:35 PM
Hey there Kathryn,
I'm glad you asked. If you have a question, I can guarrentee that ten other readers of this forum do too.
The diameter crosses the Spoke that is half way around the wheel. So you must add 11. Thus,
Spoke 1 is opposite Spoke 12
Spoke 2 is opposite Spoke 13
Spoke 3 is opposite Spoke 14
Now if you are interested, here is what I tried to say in mathematical symbols:
Let "n" be any number from 1 to 22. When I write "Spoke n" I am talking about Spoke number n, like Spoke 1, or Spoke 2, or Spoke 3, etc. I write "n" as a symbol for whatever Spoke we might be talking about. It's a "variable" that can have a "value" between 1 and 22 because there are 22 Spokes.
Hope that helps!
Thanks Richard....I was thinking of the wheel as in the et Kol diagram, with the Alef(1 ) Tav(22) at the top. So the diameter then would cross between the middle of the 6th and 17th? It (diameter) would also be 7, if the circumference is 22, yes? (sorry...I know this is really obvious to you:-/)
Richard Amiel McGough
11-29-2011, 05:53 PM
Thanks Richard....I was thinking of the wheel as in the et Kol diagram, with the Alef(1 ) Tav(22) at the top. So the diameter then would cross between the middle of the 6th and 17th? It (diameter) would also be 7, if the circumference is 22, yes? (sorry...I know this is really obvious to you:-/)
Aha - that explains why you asked about the Spoke that "crosses" another Spoke. I thought you were talking about the Spoke "across from" a given Spoke.
As it turns out, the Spokes never "cross" at 90 degrees because 22 is not divisible by four. :p
But there always is a "crossing" if you start with the space between two spokes, like Aleph Tav, in which case the cross happens the the 6th diagonal (Vav-Pey).
And if we did the same thing with the 7th diagonal (Zayin-Tzaddi) then the cross would happen between the pair of the 1st and 2nd diagonals.
It's probably too confusing ... sorry! If we were in person I could draw you a picture ...
11-29-2011, 06:02 PM
Aha - that explains why you asked about the Spoke that "crosses" another Spoke. I thought you were talking about the Spoke "across from" a given Spoke.
As it turns out, the Spokes never "cross" at 90 degrees because 22 is not divisible by four. :p
But there always is a "crossing" if you start with the space between two spokes, like Aleph Tav, in which case the cross happens the the 6th diagonal (Vav-Pey).
And if we did the same thing with the 7th diagonal (Zayin-Tzaddi) then the cross would happen between the pair of the 1st and 2nd diagonals.
It's probably too confusing ... sorry! If we were in person I could draw you a picture ...
Yikes! Ok...I think that's what I meant though. It crosses between the middle of the vav(6th) and pey (17th) ? (thanks for being so patient. I know you're busy) And....the diameter itself would be 7, if the circumference is 22?
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