View Full Version : The Inner Wheel
Serenity Grace
11-09-2007, 04:53 PM
Hello Richard and Family in Christ,
When I was looking at the bible wheel noticed that the inner wheel has in its wheel, the celtic cross, but also is God's compass. The picture that also contains in the inner wheel of the bible wheel can be read by the picture but also what it means. The new age people, are just discovering the mysteries of the Celtic Cross and one person went and saw that this is what the ancients have used not only in buildings but also landscapes and navigational tools. There is still much they don't know and there still is much that they have not seen, yet God's people may recognise and understand about the need of the Lord's plumbline, and also will about what this man discovered, and wanted to patent that discovery as his, which belongs to God, and All God's people. There is still error, and still there is a misconception, that all Christians are spiritually ignorant and immature and we don't know what the cross is or what we have in our midst. There is also still much we don't know as well, but Lord Jesus Christ, is willing to share with us, and make use of and learn from Him and also as we become willing to share with others...and there is much we do know because of Lord Jesus Christ, and His saving Grace amen.
Here is an article and what one person discovered about the celtic cross, which does tie into your picture in the inner wheel.
When people see your inner wheel and the sign of the celtic cross they will be drawn to this, as He draws all people to Him, in the ensign that was revealed in Isaiah 11 and we have over our sky...
the five gospels tie in with the five fold of God, His ministeries, His five chosen brides and also the directions of the Compass on His Cross, what He endured on the cross, and His piercings, but also in the Holy Temple...North, South, East, West and South East. Which also tie in with the five stones that David use to slay goiathe, with just one stone. It is the inner wheel, the inner workings, the inner Kingdom, flowing forth through His Windmill, whirlwind, with the Compass in His Body, in His Holy Temple that gives us His direction.
But this is only a part of the inner wheel of that inner wheel, that people can not see with the eye, but is there,the inner wheel of His Kingdom.
May His peace be with you....
Advancing Christ's Kingdom
Mother Serenity Grace
Homeheart Ministeries
His eternal love is in our home and our home is in His eternal love...John 14:20-21
11-10-2007, 05:28 AM
Hello, Mother Serenity. I am new to this website, having just gotten around to exploring it after bookmarking it almost a year ago!
I read the article about the Celtic cross, and what amazes me is that people are so impressed with the intelligence of "man"! :lol: Also, when reading the article, the phrase "as in heaven so on earth" just jumped out at me. It made me wonder if part of the "lost knowledge" that God included was a "map" of the earth to be read in the stars?!? I know that navigation by star position is a common bit of knowledge, but what I wonder is if our ancestors "discovered" new locations by reading the position of land in the stars. Sounds crazy.......but then I can't put anything out of the realm of possibility when God's creation is involved!
Anyway, thanks for the link.
11-10-2007, 02:16 PM
I read the article about the Celtic cross, and what amazes me is that people are so impressed with the intelligence of "man"! :lol: Also, when reading the article, the phrase "as in heaven so on earth" just jumped out at me. It made me wonder if part of the "lost knowledge" that God included was a "map" of the earth to be read in the stars?!? I know that navigation by star position is a common bit of knowledge, but what I wonder is if our ancestors "discovered" new locations by reading the position of land in the stars. Sounds crazy.......but then I can't put anything out of the realm of possibility when God's creation is involved!
Anyway, thanks for the link.
Hi 'Jeweledpastor',
I once wrote something about 'Memory Universe', and also how the Universe itself has the characteristics of a 'Genetic' construct similar to our own, and rife with its own D.N.A. as Ours(considering both 'Universe' and ourselves, are each 'Sono-Luminescent' in character).
'Scale' may throw most people off, but I've written things about how our Cells' gestation, and metabolism, can be carried up to 'Solar System', Galaxy, and Universe itself.
*This may violate how we traditionally think of things, but I believe the Universe is the Body of 'G-d', as it is also 'Spirit' too(all is 'Spirit' anyway).
We are indoctrinated to think in a very constrained way, and I strongly feel this serves to our detriment.
I also believe that because we don't normally think of the Universe as being as a 'Living Organism'(though our scientists will 'look for other life in space':confused2::confused:), that we really are not able to fully appreciate why 'Life' and 'Universe', are truly 'Spiritual Machines'(per se), and what we do 'here', really does matter.
I have told people this past year that things like comets and asteroids are 'Immune Responses'(that the Universe is inherently 'Immuno-Logical'- Zero Gravity issues pretty much point this out,, if even they don't express it as I do), and even this 'Precession' cycle coming in 2012, can be avoided of its more severe consequences.
That all said, as we 'Self Examine' ourselves and our actions, so too does the Universe continuously 'self examine' itself, and see's whether or not 'all within itself' is acting within the 'Self Interest' of the Greater Body Organism.
If not, 'immune response' occurs.
There is a good book called 'Botany of Desire', which speaks about the Plant World vs. Humans, and who really 'serves who'/adapts to who, etc.
It examins the Potato, Tulip, Apple, and Marijuana(a chapter that should be read by everyone).
As is my habit, I take things to its logical extension, and then we have our Plant World vs. Earth Cell; Earth Cell vs. Planetary System, Planetary System vs. on and on and on.
What we have are continuous arrangements of 'Observation' taking place, all for the purposes of the 'support' of the 'Greater Good' of this 'Universal Garden of Eden' that is 'G-d's Creation.
*I imagine a good Kabbalist could give some authenticity to what I just said.
I may not be able to prove a single theory of mine, but I will add that the 'Aether Wave Theory' of Gravitational Motion, has prompted an equally strong opinion of mine, and that is that the Universe maintains characteristics of our own 'Endocrine System'. Hormone means 'motion' in Greek, and as we know, 'Motion' is an 'Organizing Mechanism'(Neuro-Plasticity, etc).
The two most important systems within our bodies are our Immune System and Endocrine System, with both, all is Organized.
'Gravity' Feels and Observes(Regulates too). Our Endocrine System pretty much does the same thing.
That said, both interact in such a way that 'Order' is maintained.
*Gravity is still the 'Incomplete' part of a Unified Field Theory, but we do know that Gravitational Motion is what Organizes the Topography of the Universe according to a somewhat 'Symmetrical' type order of Feed-Back.
There is a strong Bio-Holographic quality to all this, and how our 'Temporal' position in 'Space-Time' is oriented to our perceptions.
I imagine someone with a background in Neuroscience, Immuno-Histo-Chemistry, and Cosmology(maybe AstroPhysics), could weigh in here on this.:thumb:
Serenity Grace
11-10-2007, 03:21 PM
Hello Jewell Pastor, Gravity and the Body of Christ,
Peace be with and within you.
Glad that you are here and also felt inspired to answer the post. The sound is important as is the sound not just resonates with us but all of creation. This sound has been out of wack since the fall of man, that not only effected people, but also animals, plants, matter, space, the universe,the days, timing, seasons, year the calendar, relationships, homes, stars including our place and the word and communication. These posts replies may look like they are different and the connection may not be first appartent, however Lord Jesus Christ is our great reconciler, and He is also the intelligence that is in us, but also flows forth through creation that allows us to not only know about His creation, bu also the truth, mysteries, how He operates without having to go to Earth's University and or have earth's credentials in order to not only write about these things, give witness and also flow forth understanding. Because He gives His wisdom to babes, His babes in Christ.
And yes Jewelled Pastor, I saw this man in that article that thought he was wise, and everyone else that thought he was wise, when truth is it still them worshipping creation over Lord Jesus Christ, which is a big no no,and still them taking the cross as their own,which the new age has been doing, taking the truth and mixing it with error. U are also on target, with the sound playing an important part, however also see where this show misses the mark. This relates to part of His equation of His light, sound and movement coming together in the flow of Him, along with His speed, it is His exploding atoms, like blowing up a huge balloon and kabang, it bursts then you have revival, renewal, regeneration in His life. It is the Speed of His light, with the Speed of His Sound, in the Speed of His movement that flows forh consistantly without interruption. This is how whole towns can be touched and nations, the world by the few.
Also someone once spoke to me about the big bang theory, and they said about the rocks coming together, and so we asked them, who created the rocks, and they couldn't answer.
As for the universe this universe like this earth is passing away, it is temporal and one day we will have our new heaven and earth that is not corrupted. There is also beyond this universe, that is also in the bible,but that I have witnessed through no only vision but Him moving me in the Spirit and it was one of our wowy moments. Love His travelling
And there is travel through the stars, and there is a mapping to the stars, He knows everyone by name, and here is His way through the stars, which is the way through His righeousness in this year of redempiton, that way is Christ and when we are in Him and trust Him completely and He gives us this gift we can go and not get lost, because He never loses His way, Christ is our map. The stars are not only His righteous saints that shine as beautiful lights, but also the amazing revelations and visions that He has for us, illuminating in the midst of a darkened world, a darkened sky, that takes the darkness away. He is the light that shines in the darkness.
But before the sound comes into being, before anything is spoken, before any movement takes place, Lord Jesus Christ breathes in and blows out His Breath of Life, and it is a beautiful calming sound, that brings forth His Peace.
He also has shared with me about the next letter.
The bet or beyt is the letter that follows, the sound that comes from the breath it is also a deep sound. It is the following letter of the Silent one, The Silent Witness, the Silent Servant, quiet follows, listening children, coming into the house, into the heart of Christ, where Christ is important above all and within all. Christ is the living Soul of God, Christ the Holy and anointed life, that is in Heaven's witness, that is the deep water of God, where the breath, the life in the earth, moves over the deep water, the deep soul. The breath of life entering into the heart of life that goes down into the depths of the Soul...the ABC's of the Hebrew language, is the means for becoming born again.
All of creation contains water, as does Lord Jesus Christ has a beautiful warm breath His mist, which makes the sound life giving because He has breathed life into it. This is what makes resonation not only in this earth, but resonation in His Spirit deep in our souls, it is the height of Him resonating with the depths of Him...and gavitity is improtant in this earth...gravity leads to repentance, redemption and the way into His Kingdom and keeps us from spiritual pride, vanity and greed, and keeps us humble and anchors our souls, keeps us anchored in His Grace through Faith.
Also a while a go, Lord Jesus Christ showed me the errors in people, and to go to Him for our learning. He teaches us about a lot of things and is great because we do homelearning and my son has been also surrendering to His learning. What is beautiful is he has been known to have learning disorders in this earth, but in Christ He learns about geography, geology, along with Chemisty, astronomy etc.. with Spiritual Warfare, along with Kingdom Stragies and Apostolic logistics, and learning and knowing the word of God and we are both finished the battle and entered into His peaceful warrior...which is the Quiet Servant, our Heavenly Teacher Christ, the Holy Comforter. In Christ He reconciles learning and takes all the fragments and then places them on His centre. Instead of having many pieces that are all lying there, He takes those pieces and turns them into His beautiful Sonflower.
Gravity I also don't see us as spiritual machines, He never created us to be machines, but to have all our senses exercies, and also using them. It is important to sense and truly is a gift, that leads to strength in the gift of spiritual discernment.
He gives us His eye to see, Ear to Hear, A Mouth that Speaks, and heart that loves, cares and understands.
May His peace be with you both,
Advancing Christ's Kingdom,
Mother Serenity Grace
Homeheart Ministeries
His eternal life is in our home and our home is in His eternal life...John 14:20-1
11-12-2007, 10:54 PM
Hello Jewell Pastor, Gravity and the Body of Christ,
Peace be with and within you.
Glad that you are here and also felt inspired to answer the post.
The sound is important as is the sound not just resonates with us but all of creation. This sound has been out of wack since the fall of man, that not only effected people, but also animals, plants, matter, space, the universe,the days, timing, seasons, year the calendar, relationships, homes, stars including our place and the word and communication.
Gravity I also don't see us as spiritual machines, He never created us to be machines, but to have all our senses exercies, and also using them. It is important to sense and truly is a gift, that leads to strength in the gift of spiritual discernment.
He gives us His eye to see, Ear to Hear, A Mouth that Speaks, and heart that loves, cares and understands.
May His peace be with you both,
Advancing Christ's Kingdom,
Mother Serenity Grace
Homeheart Ministeries
His eternal life is in our home and our home is in His eternal life...John 14:20-1
Hello 'Serenity Grace',
Peace be with you also.
'Spiritual Machines' is probably not the best 'catch-phrase', but I've heard similar references.
I guess one would have to appreciate the simplicity of how only 'One Thing' reflects the 'Spirituality' of man and how we treat one another and our environment(and its effect over Time),, and that is our 'CO2' levels- again, presently the highest in 650,000 years now.
Since about 1900, we've gone from '280' to '383', and this is a reflection of our Industrial Oil Paradigm(leading us presently toward a final confrontation in the M.E., and a Biological-Eco-System meltdown......"soon").
We are 'biological organisms', and our spirituality effects its life span(with
'CO2' levels the absolute key indicator of how this 'organism' is doing).
Our Oceans are beginning to die, polar cap melting, key-stone species disappearing faster then ever.
Sound: Is this related to D.N.A./Genetics? This has been written about in texts that now reveal the hidden meaning within the Bible, and 'RAM's 'Wheel' has opened a door of understanding for myself that helps piece together something I was researching before being severely distracted this past year.
I keep wondering about this concept in Judaism called 'Tikkun Olam', I strongly feel its directing us to 'Repair the Past' as relates to something spoken about in the 'Bible Code' book(I think the second edition).
'G-d' Bless you, and Peace,
Serenity Grace
11-13-2007, 01:58 AM
Hello Jeff,
Ur sensing and picking up what Lord Jesus Christ is doing this year, it is mass repentance, leading to redemption in this year of His perfecting that will have future consequences. As people mess things and muck things, up He is doing the doing, but also surrendering His remenant to Help Him. There is His remnant within the remnant, and that is who and what He starts with, because they will do as He asks. Just like in the days of Noah, where He saved 8 souls to start all over again. He also interrupts throughts and lives and turn them to Him and where He is leading them.
As for the damage to our planet, what people forget, that His trees combat the emmissions,and what is needed is not corrupted trees, but His righteous trees, that will surrender to Him and help Him. It is time for Christ's Kingdom, many are expecting the physical return of Him, but before that comes, it is time for the Holy Ghost, Christ and His Kingdom, our Kingdom of Heaven, flows forth out of His people, that truly there will be no one that will not end up surrenderng to Him, because all will bow down and kneel at the name of Lord Jesus Christ. The battle at present is spiritual and that is what is being fought and it does effect the physical. Before the end comes, we are going to be having 1,000 years of peace, wow, 1,000 years of peace, and it will be the time of Christ with all His saints, bringing forth His governing body, that no government, nor person will be able to resist at all, because satan and his evil workers will be out of the way, yay. And people will be able to finally listen and hear yay because we all get the rest we are truly needing.
Doesn't matter what damage has been done, we have the perfecting blood of our heavenly lamb, that will cover this earth and also flow forth through the heavens, but also His Glory that also heats things up. We also have His breath, that blows all purities away, and when people will finally turn to Him, for all their answers to their problems, instead of applying bandaid solutions that only brings about more problems, then we will see Him doing the amazing and everyone including the Jewish community will finally accept He is God.
May His peace be with you and sustain you through your time of trials of which He will do mightly through you,
Surrender is an amazing experience, especially when you get mass surrender, wow, down through the flow of His loving life.
there is His beauty in the simplicity of His one, in the beauty of His love, for all His children. teh beauty of Our Father's love.
Advancing Christ's Kingdom
Mother Serenity Grace
homeheart Ministeries
His eternal love is in our home and our home is in His eternal love...John 14:20-1
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