View Full Version : Poll: What is the Bible?

Richard Amiel McGough
11-26-2011, 01:48 PM
Pretty much everyone has an opinion about what the Bible really is. And since this is the Bible Wheel forum where we talk about the Bible every day, I think it would be very helpful if we had an idea of how people viewed Scripture.

It would be great also if you took a few minutes to expand upon your answer.

11-26-2011, 02:08 PM
Wait a minute, is this poll accurate? Can it be made in such a way that there will not be repeated voters and no multiple choice. Each voter should only be entitled to one vote on;y and only one best choice answer. If this is not possible then the voting is not fair and can be manipulated. RAM, please restart the polls after such criterias of fairness are ensured otherwise the poll is biased and a waste of time.

God's Blessings to all.:pray:

Richard Amiel McGough
11-26-2011, 02:15 PM
Wait a minute, is this poll accurate? Can it be made in such a way that there will not be repeated voters and no multiple choice. Each voter should only be entitled to one vote on;y and only one best choice answer. If this is not possible then the voting is not fair and can be manipulated.

God's Blessings to all.:pray:
Each person can only vote once, but they can select as many options as they like. You can see who voted by clicking on the number of votes for each category.

Richard Amiel McGough
11-26-2011, 05:45 PM
I really would like to know what people think ...

06-25-2012, 06:52 PM
I really would like to know what people think ...


Seeing as i am not allowed to vote :confused: ,ill tell ya.

It is a human record of experiences with GOD, and a good and honest one at that.

God establishes a people ( Hebrews) for the purpose of revealing himself and his plan for mankind. The Bible is therefore a collection of writings of those he chose from this nation, to reveal what he has and will do.
The main thrust of this plan was to restore mankind to an edenic experience, where death and pain and sickness and woe are overcome and no longer an issue. :)

sounds rather nice.:prophet:

06-25-2012, 07:48 PM
Here we vote of it as other, being Logos and rhema packed into one, recorded by men with a whole lotta' parabolic imagery to make things understandable from a perspective not our own.


Richard Amiel McGough
06-25-2012, 08:06 PM

Seeing as i am not allowed to vote :confused: ,ill tell ya.

It is a human record of experiences with GOD, and a good and honest one at that.

God establishes a people ( Hebrews) for the purpose of revealing himself and his plan for mankind. The Bible is therefore a collection of writings of those he chose from this nation, to reveal what he has and will do.
The main thrust of this plan was to restore mankind to an edenic experience, where death and pain and sickness and woe are overcome and no longer an issue. :)

sounds rather nice.:prophet:
Hey there weeder, :yo:

Welcome to our forum!


I don't know why you couldn't vote. Maybe it had something to to with the fact you hadn't posted yet and your account was still on "probation" (to protect against spammers). Please try again and let me know if it works now.

Your view of the Bible seems very rational at first glance but it raises some very difficult issues. Does the Bible have any authority at all? It is filled with apparently fallacious mythology which is exactly what we would expect if it were just a "human record of experiences with God." So how do we sort out the truth from the falsehood? And how does my personal diary of my experiences with "God" differ from the Bible?

Your suggestion that the "main thrust of his plan was to restore mankind to an edenic experience" is based on the mythology of the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve. Do you think those stories are true? Do you think the first people came into existence only 6000 years ago?

All the best,


Richard Amiel McGough
06-25-2012, 08:08 PM
Here we vote of it as other, being Logos and rhema packed into one, recorded by men with a whole lotta' parabolic imagery to make things understandable from a perspective not our own.

I think I know what you mean, but that old logos vs. rhema teaching came from the ignorant word of faith teachers who don't have a clue about anything in the Bible. The words logos and rhema are functionally synonymous in the New Testament.

06-25-2012, 08:50 PM
The Bible accurately defines the condition of man's heart. Jeremiah 17:9 & 10, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it? I the Lord search the heart and try the reigns, to give to every man according to his works and the fruit of his ways.

The Bible also supplies the remedy and the solution to man's dilemma, the Righteouness of Christ.

The Bible promises a new creation and the hope of eternal life.

The Bible foretells with great accuracy and detail events before they occur.

The Bible maintains a consistent theme from Genesis to Revelation.

The Bible reveals the character and nature of God and ascribes all of creation as His handiwork.

The Bible is the Word of God and the Truth of God and will survive the entire course of man's history.

Let all His saints Praise His Holy Name Forever and Ever!!!


06-25-2012, 08:52 PM
I think I know what you mean, but that old logos vs. rhema teaching came from the ignorant word of faith teachers who don't have a clue about anything in the Bible. The words logos and rhema are functionally synonymous in the New Testament.
Agreed; thus, "packed into one."


06-25-2012, 09:23 PM
Hey there weeder, :yo:

Welcome to our forum!


I don't know why you couldn't vote. Maybe it had something to to with the fact you hadn't posted yet and your account was still on "probation" (to protect against spammers). Please try again and let me know if it works now.

All the best,


Thankx for the welcome Richard.

Your view of the Bible seems very rational at first glance but it raises some very difficult issues. Does the Bible have any authority at all? It is filled with apparently fallacious mythology which is exactly what we would expect if it were just a "human record of experiences with God." So how do we sort out the truth from the falsehood? And how does my personal diary of my experiences with "God" differ from the Bible?

Your dairy and their revelation would reflect the truth of what is experienced, unless one has no integrity.
I would argue that God chose those who would faithfully document what really transpired,and not exaggerate it. Most of those who were chosen to deliver Gods revelation, didnt really want the job. They knew it could work out very badly for them, and who would listen anyway. Yet God desired to warn/inform the people and off they went.

Your suggestion that the "main thrust of his plan was to restore mankind to an edenic experience" is based on the mythology of the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve. Do you think those stories are true? Do you think the first people came into existence only 6000 years ago?

I think the storys true. Man had a beginning where he didnt have to wonder if there was a GOD. He walked and talked with him,then more or less walked away....and died. The rest of the bible is about how God would restore what has been lost.
Somehow he had to legitamately free mankind from death and offer the fruit of the tree of life once more.........anyone hungry?:D

06-26-2012, 09:08 AM
Thankx for the welcome Richard.

I would argue that God chose those who would faithfully document what really transpired,and not exaggerate it. Most of those who were chosen to deliver Gods revelation, didnt really want the job. They knew it could work out very badly for them, and who would listen anyway. Yet God desired to warn/inform the people and off they went.

I think the storys true. Man had a beginning where he didnt have to wonder if there was a GOD. He walked and talked with him,then more or less walked away....and died. The rest of the bible is about how God would restore what has been lost.
Somehow he had to legitamately free mankind from death and offer the fruit of the tree of life once more.........anyone hungry?:D

Welcome Weeder!

Thanks for sharing one of the most brief, and yet comprehensive summaries of the Scripture! Well stated!


06-26-2012, 10:08 AM
I think I know what you mean, but that old logos vs. rhema teaching came from the ignorant word of faith teachers who don't have a clue about anything in the Bible. The words logos and rhema are functionally synonymous in the New Testament.
The Logos is root word for logic, and rhema is root word for utterance, and it helps to use the logos prior to the rhema -- like thinking about it before it comes out of your mouth -- also like poetry, or planning ahead for what you're going to say. And "whatsoever is not of faith, is Sin!" Welcome, sinner!:p

06-26-2012, 10:39 AM
The Two Covenants figure here. The 1st Covenant (Old Covenant for the Jews) was the SEEING covenant --- they SAW the iron float and the walls come down, so they knew God was no figment of their imagination, but now the New Covenant is the ‘Hearing’ and faith comes by hearing and hearing. The first two sons of Leah (Reuben and Simeon) illustrate – by what Mama said when they were born, and then Simeon is hostage waiting for Benjamin, like WE are waiting for return of Jesus.:thumb: