View Full Version : Just how crazy is Texe Marrs?
Richard Amiel McGough
11-20-2011, 09:24 PM
Text Marrs is a raving anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist and KJVOnly advocate. He sells the long-discredited "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" on his website ( with this screed:
This Cunning Blueprint Lays Out a Secret Plan that Resulted in Over 300,000,000 Deaths and Unspeakable Horror Over the Past Century. And now, Satan's Chosen People Intend to Use it to Once again Set the World on Fire
Satan's Chosen People??? Now there's a great "teacher of God's Word," eh? :rolleyes:
Every now and then some unsuspecting Christian will cite Texe Marrs as if he had some credibility. So I decided it was time to start a thread documenting his outrageous insantity to help others avoid mistaking him for a reliable source of anything but fertilizer. I don't have time to scratch even the surface, but here's a brief list of some of his ravings from the wiki article:
The Oklahoma City bombing ( was planned and carried out by the American government.[3] (
Timothy McVeigh ( was framed.[4] (
Hillary Rodham Clinton ( is a "doctrinaire Marxist" who has recruited "other America-hating subversives for key administration posts".[5] (
"Newt Gingrich is a closet Marxist and member of the occultic secret society known as the Bohemian Grove."[6] (
"Bill Clinton is an establishment hack, a member of the traitorous Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, and Council of Foreign Relations. He and Hillary are deep into Egyptian occultism and Masonic magic." [6] (
"Robert Dole is a 33rd degree Mason and a fake conservative. He's anti-Jesus Christ." [6] (
Insistence that Bill Martin's plans for a Christian naturist resort is evidence that Satan is subverting Christianity.[7] (
Described as the "conspiracy theorist to end all conspiracy theorists" for his book Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati, which purports to expose a secret conspiracy between politicians and other famous people through modern history.[8] (
Accused Hillary Rodham Clinton of having "Orwellian" political ambitions. [9] (
In his book, The Usual Suspects: Answering Anti-Catholic Fundamentalists, Karl Keating debunks Marrs's claim that the Pope plans to head a one-world order, which is described by a reviewer as one of the more bizarre anti-catholic conspiracy theories.[10] (
His statement (with Karen Read) that "the exclusion of women from combat inevitably makes them second- class citizens in the military."[11] (
If you have nothing better to do, type Google Texe Marrs crazy or whatever and share what you find here.
11-20-2011, 09:47 PM
Text Marrs is a raving anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist and KJVOnly advocate. He sells the long-discredited "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" on his website ( with this screed:
This Cunning Blueprint Lays Out a Secret Plan that Resulted in Over 300,000,000 Deaths and Unspeakable Horror Over the Past Century. And now, Satan's Chosen People Intend to Use it to Once again Set the World on Fire
Satan's Chosen People??? Now there's a great "teacher of God's Word," eh? :rolleyes:
Every now and then some unsuspecting Christian will cite Texe Marrs as if he had some credibility. So I decided it was time to start a thread documenting his outrageous insantity to help others avoid mistaking him for a reliable source of anything but fertilizer. I don't have time to scratch even the surface, but here's a brief list of some of his ravings from the wiki article:
The Oklahoma City bombing ( was planned and carried out by the American government.[3] (
Timothy McVeigh ( was framed.[4] (
Hillary Rodham Clinton ( is a "doctrinaire Marxist" who has recruited "other America-hating subversives for key administration posts".[5] (
"Newt Gingrich is a closet Marxist and member of the occultic secret society known as the Bohemian Grove."[6] (
"Bill Clinton is an establishment hack, a member of the traitorous Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, and Council of Foreign Relations. He and Hillary are deep into Egyptian occultism and Masonic magic." [6] (
"Robert Dole is a 33rd degree Mason and a fake conservative. He's anti-Jesus Christ." [6] (
Insistence that Bill Martin's plans for a Christian naturist resort is evidence that Satan is subverting Christianity.[7] (
Described as the "conspiracy theorist to end all conspiracy theorists" for his book Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati, which purports to expose a secret conspiracy between politicians and other famous people through modern history.[8] (
Accused Hillary Rodham Clinton of having "Orwellian" political ambitions. [9] (
In his book, The Usual Suspects: Answering Anti-Catholic Fundamentalists, Karl Keating debunks Marrs's claim that the Pope plans to head a one-world order, which is described by a reviewer as one of the more bizarre anti-catholic conspiracy theories.[10] (
His statement (with Karen Read) that "the exclusion of women from combat inevitably makes them second- class citizens in the military."[11] (
If you have nothing better to do, type Google Texe Marrs crazy or whatever and share what you find here.
Wow Richard!! I guess I was that unsuspecting Christian. He sounds extremely paranoid. Obviously, to the uninitiated, it would be terribly difficult to figure out which lies he is mixing with truth. People always present a little truth in which to float their lies, eh? That's how people are fooled (mixture). The key seems to be, always figuring out what the "mixture" is. In his case, it could be mostly lies. Who knows? I don't have the time.
Seems like a waste of someone's precious, limited time on earth to try to figure out what he is presenting as facts or not.
P.S. Do you know of anyone or any website that has a balanced and truthful presentation of "mystery religions"?
Richard Amiel McGough
11-20-2011, 10:09 PM
Wow Richard!! I guess I was that unsuspecting Christian. He sounds extremely paranoid. Obviously, to the uninitiated, it would be terribly difficult to figure out which lies he is mixing with truth. People always present a little truth in which to float their lies, eh? That's how people are fooled (mixture). The key seems to be, always figuring out what the "mixture" is. In his case, it could be mostly lies. Who knows? I don't have the time.
Seems like a waste of someone's precious, limited time on earth to try to figure out what he is presenting as facts or not.
P.S. Do you know of anyone or any website that has a balanced and truthful presentation of "mystery religions"?
You are correct, it would be a waste of time to sort the edibles from the excrement they are buried beneath! Even if we succeeded, it wouldn't be very appetizing, would it? :nono:
I see you connected back to your understanding of "mixture" in relation to deception vs. truth. Texe Marrs is a good example of how that works. He talks God, Truth and Bible all day long, but look what he mixes it with! This might be a good "case in point" that you could post in that thread you started long ago. You could post something there and wake up that older thread and connect it with the current discussion. I love it when all the threads begin to come together. It gives me a feeling that there is an underlying unity in all our discussions. s
As for a good website about "mystery religions' - I don't know. I'll look into it. But I do know that there is a very interesting book by S. Angus called The Mystery Religions written back in the early part of the 20th century. It's a classic. It explains the first century Middle Eastern religious milieu in which Christianity arose. I highly recommend it if you want to be informed on these questions.
Great chatting,
PS: And stay away from Hislop and his Two Babylons. He's almost as bad as Marrs.
Richard Amiel McGough
11-20-2011, 10:40 PM
Here's another quote from the page ( where Texe Marrs sells the discredited "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" -
This was their 'Bible,' their operating manual. Its prescriptions had emerged from centuries of meticulous research and experimentation. Its conclusions had been tested by the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, by Marx and Hegel. Never had a manual of discourse so perfectly meshed with the labyrinth rules and laws set forth in the rabbis’ Talmud. The Protocols were Pure Babylon, authored by human devils inspired by Beelzebub, Azazel, and all the other demons from the bottomless pit of the Jews abyss of Abaddon.
What a guy!
And while googling Texe Marrs Protocols, an old post from our forum came up on the first page. I'm always encouraged by the fact that we do pretty well in Google page ranks. So anyway, here's that article from December 2007: Texe Marrs, The Protocols, Etc. (
11-20-2011, 11:03 PM
Here's another quote from the page ( where Texe Marrs sells the discredited "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" -
This was their 'Bible,' their operating manual. Its prescriptions had emerged from centuries of meticulous research and experimentation. Its conclusions had been tested by the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, by Marx and Hegel. Never had a manual of discourse so perfectly meshed with the labyrinth rules and laws set forth in the rabbis’ Talmud. The Protocols were Pure Babylon, authored by human devils inspired by Beelzebub, Azazel, and all the other demons from the bottomless pit of the Jews abyss of Abaddon.
What a guy!
And while googling Texe Marrs Protocols, an old post from our forum came up on the first page. I'm always encouraged by the fact that we do pretty well in Google page ranks. So anyway, here's that article from December 2007: Texe Marrs, The Protocols, Etc. (
Thanks, I'll look at that.
"do pretty well in Google page ranks"? What do you mean, "pretty well", my observation is that you do great!!
Just tonight, after starting a thread, I did a Google search and my thread came up FIRST!! Do you happen to personally know Sergey Brin or Larry Page? :hysterical:
Richard Amiel McGough
11-20-2011, 11:09 PM
Thanks, I'll look at that.
"do pretty well in Google page ranks"? What do you mean, "pretty well", my observation is that you do great!!
Just tonight, after starting a thread, I did a Google search and my thread came up FIRST!! Do you happen to personally know Sergey Brin or Larry Page? :hysterical:
It blew my mind a couple years ago when I noticed that Google would index pages within an hour or so after they got posted here. And it was funny because I'd be trying to research something and the first links would point back to my own pages!
So yeah, I've noticed we are doing great in that regard. I like to think it's because Google has some techonology to meaure the intellectual worth of the stuff that is posted on the internet, and we are a notch above the rest, thanks to folks like you and the rest of our friends here who write seriously thoughtful posts. :winking0071:
11-20-2011, 11:28 PM
It blew my mind a couple years ago when I noticed that Google would index pages within an hour or so after they got posted here. And it was funny because I'd be trying to research something and the first links would point back to my own pages!
So yeah, I've noticed we are doing great in that regard. I like to think it's because Google has some techonology to meaure the intellectual worth of the stuff that is posted on the internet, and we are a notch above the rest, thanks to folks like you and the rest of our friends here who write seriously thoughtful posts. :winking0071:
Thanks for the affirmation, Richard. There is a shortage of that on planet earth.
Reminds me of the 22 "one anothers" in the NT. I feel like you just "one-anothered" me. :D
RC Christian
11-20-2011, 11:48 PM
Wow Richard!! I guess I was that unsuspecting Christian. He sounds extremely paranoid. Obviously, to the uninitiated, it would be terribly difficult to figure out which lies he is mixing with truth. People always present a little truth in which to float their lies, eh? That's how people are fooled (mixture). The key seems to be, always figuring out what the "mixture" is. In his case, it could be mostly lies. Who knows? I don't have the time.
Seems like a waste of someone's precious, limited time on earth to try to figure out what he is presenting as facts or not.
P.S. Do you know of anyone or any website that has a balanced and truthful presentation of "mystery religions"?
Hey heb13-13,
What type of info are you looking for about the "mystery religions"? To be quite honest with you, it's difficult to find anything reliable in the mainstream. Most adepts honor their oaths of secrecy (as a matter of fact, they refer to them as 'blood oaths'), so most of the stuff you find floating around is bogus. Angus's book is pretty from a historical perspective and a comparative look at Christianity, but you won't learn any of the 'wisdom' ('s difficult to avoid the word 'secret' when discussing 'secret societies', you know?) that is at the core of the societies/mystery religions. The world knows most all that a Master Mason knows...even the 'passwords' are somewhat public knowledge on the net, if you look in the right places. But beyond that the public info starts to quickly dry up, and I can tell you this much, the initiates are then led down a long and unwinding path, where they are told, "Do you remember when we told you that this symbolizes ...(so and so)... well, actually it symbolizes... (new and different so and so)... and then again...again...until certain ones who have been deemed worthy, finally are revealed what the true meaning of the various dramas, symbols, names, passwords, etc. actually are. An acquaintance of mine expressed it well once, while we were discussing the long maze of degree systems, he said you can't take someone from paradigm A to paradigm Z in one step, that's why the societies are structured as they are. Otherwise, he said, you'd wind up with some severe cases of cognitive dissonance and no proper training to handle it.
A couple of good source are:
R. Swinburne Clymer's books. They're beautifully written books and go into some interesting detail about what Rosicrucianism is and what the tenants of the Brotherhood are. I have a nice collection of his books...absolutely beautiful and priceless.
I've attached a PDF file of William Stirling's The Canon. This is one of the most 'disclosing' works available that is in the public domain. I have a beautiful black, hardback 1974 addition, and wouldn't take $5K for it...maybe $10K.
Paul Foster Case of BOTA wrote the most disclosing works in modern times. These are the types of works that don't carry ISBN numbers, etc. They are very hard to come by, but occasionally one will show up on eBay...and the price goes up fast and the books sell quick. He was disliked by a number of important people in the societies because he put on paper, what they say was suppose to remain 'mouth to ear'.
Anyway, hope that helps you or some others out.
11-21-2011, 12:01 AM
Hey heb13-13,
What type of info are you looking for about the "mystery religions"? To be quite honest with you, it's difficult to find anything reliable in the mainstream. Most adepts honor their oaths of secrecy (as a matter of fact, they refer to them as 'blood oaths'), so most of the stuff you find floating around is bogus. Angus's book is pretty from a historical perspective and a comparative look at Christianity, but you won't learn any of the 'wisdom' ('s difficult to avoid the word 'secret' when discussing 'secret societies', you know?) that is at the core of the societies/mystery religions. The world knows most all that a Master Mason knows...even the 'passwords' are somewhat public knowledge on the net, if you look in the right places. But beyond that the public info starts to quickly dry up, and I can tell you this much, the initiates are then led down a long and unwinding path, where they are told, "Do you remember when we told you that this symbolizes ...(so and so)... well, actually it symbolizes... (new and different so and so)... and then again...again...until certain ones who have been deemed worthy, finally are revealed what the true meaning of the various dramas, symbols, names, passwords, etc. actually are. An acquaintance of mine expressed it well once, while we were discussing the long maze of degree systems, he said you can't take someone from paradigm A to paradigm Z in one step, that's why the societies are structured as they are. Otherwise, he said, you'd wind up with some severe cases of cognitive dissonance and no proper training to handle it.
A couple of good source are:
R. Swinburne Clymer's books. They're beautifully written books and go into some interesting detail about what Rosicrucianism is and what the tenants of the Brotherhood are. I have a nice collection of his books...absolutely beautiful and priceless.
I've attached a PDF file of William Stirling's The Canon. This is one of the most 'disclosing' works available that is in the public domain. I have a beautiful black, hardback 1974 addition, and wouldn't take $5K for it...maybe $10K.
Paul Foster Case of BOTA wrote the most disclosing works in modern times. These are the types of works that don't carry ISBN numbers, etc. They are very hard to come by, but occasionally one will show up on eBay...and the price goes up fast and the books sell quick. He was disliked by a number of important people in the societies because he put on paper, what they say was suppose to remain 'mouth to ear'.
Anyway, hope that helps you or some others out.
Hi RC,
It was just a passing curiosity and what you and Richard supplied is plenty, I'm sure (if I ever get around to reading it).
This is the only secret place I am concerned about, however it is a fascinating discussion. God has His "special" places and it seems His adversary has his "special" places, too.
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" (Psa 91:1)
Thanks all the same,
RC Christian
11-21-2011, 12:06 AM
Hi RC,
It was just a passing curiosity and what you and Richard supplied is plenty, I'm sure (if I ever get around to reading it).
This is the only secret place I am concerned about, however it is a fascinating discussion. God has His "special" places and it seems His adversary has his "special" places, too.
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" (Psa 91:1)
Thanks all the same,
Sorry...I must have misunderstood what you bad.
11-21-2011, 12:22 AM
Sorry...I must have misunderstood what you bad.
No, that was my bad, RC.
I will look into Angus (what Richard mentioned) and what you uploaded, also. As a courtesy to you for taking the time to reply and upload, I will check it out. I'm quite sure it will be interesting.
Thanks again,
RC Christian
11-21-2011, 12:42 AM
No, that was my bad, RC.
I will look into Angus (what Richard mentioned) and what you uploaded, also. As a courtesy to you for taking the time to reply and upload, I will check it out. I'm quite sure it will be interesting.
Thanks again,
Case's works and Clymer may be a little too esoteric for you, but if you like gematria, take a look at Sterling's piece. BTW, your avatar makes me tired watching it...I feel like I need a Gatorade, LOL!
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